Policy Proposal Presentation (Ass. 3) (1*)


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  • Record a slide presentation with Script for the presentation, supported by 8–12-slides, for one of the stakeholder groups identified in your Assessment 2 Policy Proposal, which addresses current performance shortfalls, the reasons why new policy and practice guidelines are needed to eliminate those shortfalls, and how the group’s work will benefit from the changes.
    It is important that health care leaders be able to clearly articulate policy positions and recommendations and garner buy-in and support from stakeholder groups for policy and practice changes in their organizations. Unfortunately, effective communication is often lacking. Consequently, it is important for health care leaders, when leading change, to ensure that clear and open communication is ongoing and informative.
  • An important aspect of change leadership is the ability to address diverse groups of stakeholders and create buy-in and support for your ideas and proposals for change. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate and hone these skills.
  • Assessment Instructions
  • Record a slide presentation, with audio voiceover, for one of the stakeholder groups you identified in your Assessment 2 Policy Proposal. Inform the group of current performance shortfalls, introduce the proposed policy, explain why the policy is needed, and present policy-driven practice guidelines to resolve the performance issue. You must also obtain buy-in from the group by explaining the positive effects of the policy and practice guidelines on their work.
    Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft presentation to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.
    The presentation requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for presentation format and length and for supporting evidence.

    Summarize your proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.

    Identify applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law that prescribes relevant performance benchmarks that your policy proposal addresses.
    Keep your audience in mind when creating this summary.

    Interpret, for stakeholders, the relevant benchmark metrics that illustrate the need for the proposed policy and practice guidelines.

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    Make sure this is a brief review of the evaluation you completed in your Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation.
    Make sure you are interpreting the dashboard metrics in a way that is understandable and meaningful to the stakeholders to whom you are presenting.

    Explain how your proposed policy and practice guidelines will affect how the stakeholder group does its work.

    How might your proposal alter certain tasks or how the stakeholder group performs them?
    How might your proposal affect the stakeholder group’s workload?
    How might your proposal alter the responsibilities of the stakeholder group?
    How might your proposal improve working conditions for the stakeholder group?

    Explain how your proposed policy and practice guidelines will improve quality and outcomes for the stakeholder group.

    How are your proposed changes going to improve the quality of the stakeholder group’s work?
    How will these improvements enable the stakeholder group to be more successful?
    What evidence supports your conclusions or presents alternative perspectives?

    Present strategies for collaborating with the stakeholder group to implement your proposed policy and practice guidelines.

    What role will the stakeholder group play in implementing your proposal?
    Why is the stakeholder group and their collaboration important for successful implementation?

    Deliver a persuasive, coherent, and effective audiovisual presentation.

    Address the anticipated needs and concerns of your audience.
    Stay focused on key policy provisions and the impact of practice guidelines on the group.
    Adhere to presentation best practices.
    Proofread your presentation slides to minimize errors that could distract the audience and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your proposed policy and practice guidelines.

    Example Assessment: You may use the Assessment 3 Example [PDF] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.
    Presentation Format and Length
    You may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.
    If using PowerPoint to create your presentation slides, you may use the SoNHS Professional Presentation Guidelines [PPTX] as a template.
    Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:
    Title slide.

    Presentation title.
    Your name.
    Course number and title.

    References (at the end of your presentation). Apply current APA formatting to all citations and references.
    Your slide deck should consist of 8–12 slides, not including a title and references slide.
    Note: If you have technical difficulties in recording your audio, you may, in place of the audio, provide a complete script of what you intended to say in the notes section of each slide. If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact DisabilityServices@Capella.edu to request accommodations.
    Supporting Evidence
    Cite 3–5 sources of scholarly, professional, or policy evidence to support your analysis and recommendations.
    Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your presentation to your ePortfolio.
    Competencies Measured
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
    Competency 1: Analyze relevant health care laws, policies, and regulations; their application; and their effects on organizations, interprofessional teams, and professional practice.

    Explain how a proposed policy and practice guidelines will affect how a stakeholder group does its work.

    Competency 2: Lead the development and implementation of ethical and culturally sensitive policies that improve health outcomes for individuals, organizations, and populations.

    Summarize a proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.
    Explain how a proposed policy and practice guidelines will improve quality and outcomes for a stakeholder group.

    Competency 3: Evaluate relevant indicators of performance, such as benchmarks, research, and best practices, to inform health care laws and policies for patients, organizations, and populations.

    Interpret, for stakeholders, the relevant benchmark metrics that illustrate the need for a proposed policy and practice guidelines.

    Competency 4: Develop strategies to work collaboratively with policy makers, stakeholders, and colleagues to address environmental (governmental and regulatory) forces.

    Present strategies for collaborating with a stakeholder group to implement a proposed policy and practice guidelines.
    Deliver a persuasive, coherent, and effective audiovisual presentation.







Presentation Notes
Hello, and welcome to today’s presentation on the policy proposal for managing medication errors. This presentation has been designed to give you, the stakeholders, all the relevant information about the need for an institutional policy that will reduce medication errors at Mercy Medical Center. We will also discuss the scope of the proposal, strategies to resolve medication errors, and stakeholder involvement in the implementation of these strategies.


■ Policy on Managing Medication Errors

  • Need for a Policy
  • ■ Scope of the Policy

    ■ Strategies to Resolve Medication Errors

    ■ Role of the Hospital Staff

  • Positive Impact on Working Conditions
  • ■ Issues in the Application of Strategies

    ■ Alternative Perspectives on Mitigating
    Medication Errors

    ■ Stakeholder Participation

    Presentation Notes
    We will begin by understanding the features of the policy on managing medication errors. We will examine the need for a policy and determine its scope. The policy will revolve around two strategies to resolve medication errors. We will identify the role of members of the hospital staff who will implement the strategies. We will examine the potential positive impact of the strategies on the working conditions of the staff. We will also delve into possible barriers that could arise during the application of the strategies. Next, we will discuss alternative perspectives for resolving medication errors. Finally, we will look at the stakeholder involvement in implementing these strategies.

    Policy on

    ■ Analyzing medication error trends and
    addressing shortfalls regularly

    ■ Establishing automated dispensing
    cabinets to manage medication

    ■ Training hospital staff and pharmacists on
    medication error prevention

    ■ Educating patients on potential areas of
    medication error

    Presentation Notes
    The policy guidelines presented here comply with state and federal laws. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services mandates the implementation of evidence-based initiatives to improve the quality of health care by analyzing the condition of patient safety and managing medication errors (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2017). Mercy Medical Center intends to regularly conduct a thorough analysis of medication error trends as a quality measure and to identify gaps in existing medical processes. To comply with the Code of Maryland Regulations, the hospital will conduct training sessions to educate and train health care professionals such as doctors, nurses, and hospital support staff to manage and minimize medication errors. An internal staff committee will be formed to regularly review patient safety standards. The hospital will also encourage timely and accurate reporting of medication errors, which would help in trend analysis of these errors (Code of Maryland Regulations, n.d.). As per the new policy, the hospital will install automated dispensing cabinets to efficiently manage medication and to reduce dispensing-related medication errors (Darwesh, Machudo, & John, 2017).

    Need for a

    ■ Increase in medication errors from 2015 to
    2016 by 50%

    ■ Medication errors can increase the cost of
    health care

    ■ Medication errors can cause significant
    harm to patients

    ■ Managing medication errors is essential for
    quality improvement

    Presentation Notes
    Medication errors can endanger patient safety and public health. Medication errors can cause significant harm to patients and endanger their lives. From 2015 to 2016, Mercy Medical Center has seen a 50% increase in medication errors in its medical and surgery units. Medication error incidents need additional care interventions and resources, which could lead to an increase in expense for medical practitioners and a decrease in the efficiency of health care services. Medication error incidents could also negatively affect the hospital’s reputation. Managing medication errors ensures patient safety and reduces potential risks to a patient’s life, thereby reflecting high-quality patient care (Kavanagh, 2017).

    Scope of
    the Policy

    The policy applies to:

    Nursing and medical staff

    Emergency and allied care practitioners

    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff

    Patients and family members

    Board members

    Presentation Notes
    It is necessary to identify the group of stakeholders in order to analyze and understand their expectations and interests. The policy is applicable to medical and nursing staff, emergency care staff, and pharmacists and pharmacy staff (Kavanagh, 2017; Ferencz, 2014) because they prescribe, administer, and dispense medication. It caters to patients and their family members by conducting training programs to increase their awareness of medication errors. The policy is also applicable to the board members of the hospital. Their involvement in financial decisions and role allocation is important when promoting safe and quality health care (Parand, Dopson, Renz, & Vincent, 2014).

    to Resolve
    Errors (1)

    Medication error analysis

    ■ Uses failure mode and effects analysis

    ■ Evaluates potential vulnerabilities in
    medical processes

    ■ Identifies actions that could reduce
    potential errors

    ■ Mitigates the risk and impact of repeated

    Presentation Notes
    Medication errors can pose serious risks to patient safety; however, learning from these errors can help improve care interventions and reduce recurrences. Each error reported is an opportunity for practitioners to develop countermeasures or to avoid the repetition of errors as well as mitigate the impact of errors. Under the failure mode and effects analysis technique defined by Weant, Bailey, and Baker (2014), a multidisciplinary committee commissioned by Mercy Medical Center can review medication delivery and administration processes vulnerable to errors, the steps in each process, possible failures, reasons for failures, and possible impact (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, n.d.). This committee can observe shortfalls and organize errors as per the urgency. Accordingly, the committee can recommend actions to reduce the possible errors in the medication process. The analysis will end with an evaluation of the prescribed actions for improvement (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, n.d.).

    to Resolve
    Errors (2)

    Automated dispensing cabinets

    ■ Store, dispense, and electronically track

    ■ Assist the medical center in profiling

    ■ Reduce the time taken to retrieve

    ■ Track inventory on a real-time basis

    Presentation Notes
    Nursing staff, who are usually preoccupied with heavy workloads, will benefit greatly from the automated dispensing cabinets. Automated dispensing cabinets facilitate the safe delivery of care and reduce retrieval times for medication (Rochais, Atkinson, Guilbeault, & Bussières, 2014).

    Role of the

    ■ Identify the right workflow

    ■ Maintain optimum inventory

    ■ Establish procedures for accurate
    withdrawal of medication

    ■ Establish guidelines for reporting errors

    ■ Conduct training

    Presentation Notes
    The staff of Mercy Medical Center will play an important role in the implementation of the new policy. The Chief of Medicine, along with the board members, will have to identify the right workflow and establish a reporting hierarchy. This will help staff members identify the contact persons to whom they must report an error. The nursing staff will be responsible for a double-check mechanism to restock medication. This will ensure efficient inventory management, especially when hospitalists use the automated dispensing cabinets. The Chief of Medicine, along with other department heads, will be responsible for establishing an accurate withdrawal procedure to mitigate erroneous administration of drugs. A quality committee comprising key administrative personnel, nursing staff, and doctors will establish the guidelines and protocols for reporting errors. These guidelines will also help increase staff awareness of the different degrees of medication errors and their consequences.

    Impact on

    ■ Improvement in the safety of medication

    ■ Mitigation of future errors

    ■ Optimum stock of medication

    ■ Reduced reliance on verbal orders

    Presentation Notes
    The new policy on the management of medication error will, in a pervasive manner, improve the safety of the medication system. The use of automated dispensing cabinets will reduce the scope of mismanagement in the prescription and administration of drugs. Analysis of medication errors will help identify the bottlenecks in the medication administration and dispensing procedures, which will help avoid errors in future (Weant et al, 2014). Automated dispensing cabinets help in managing the inventory of drugs efficiently and will ensure that there is always an optimum stock of medicines for corresponding patient profiles (Rochais, et al, 2014). A standardized operating procedure will reduce the need for staff to rely on verbal orders.

    Issues in

    ■ Irregular or inaccurate documentation

    ■ Incorrect restocking of automated
    dispensing cabinets

    ■ Inefficient functioning of dispensing

    ■ Complexities in point-of-care drug order

    Presentation Notes
    A few precautions need to be taken in order to successfully implement the strategies. Medication errors must be documented regularly to perform effective analysis. Additionally, verbal reporting of errors must be discouraged because such reporting can result in incorrect documentation or underreporting of errors; dissuading such reporting increases the scope for improvement of patient safety (Elden & Ismail, 2016). A conducive environment is essential for the implementation of these strategies. Dependence on a one-size-fits-all dispenser may lead to the system operating below expectations. Point-of-care drug entries made by prescribers can become complicated because of interface-based complexities. A prescriber must choose from a large variety of drugs, brands, and dosages for drug profiling, which is a tedious task (Ferencz, 2014).

    on Mitigating

    ■ Using robotic systems for medication

    ■ Linking supply ordering with medication
    distribution system

    Presentation Notes
    A novel alternative to mitigating medication errors is to use robotic systems for medication distribution. This is a high-end, fully automated medication distribution system, unlike the smaller automated dispensing cabinets proposed for Mercy Medical Center. A robotic system is incompatible with Mercy Medical Center as it is prohibitive in terms of the cost. There is also a lack of definitive evidence indicating that dispensing errors and inventory management issues can be resolved effectively using this technology (Rodriguez-Gonzalez et al., 2019). Smaller care centers link the ordering of supplies with a medication distribution system in order to ensure a continuous supply of medication (Rovers & Mages, 2017). This would also help prevent overstocking. However, implementing the technique would require a complete overhaul of the current supply ordering system, which, given the large size of the center, is not recommended. Therefore, this technique is not feasible for Mercy Medical Center.


    ■ Key administrative personnel will form a
    quality committee

    ■ Nursing staff will identify processes in
    which most medication errors occur

    ■ Pharmacists should ensure strict
    compliance of stocking and dispensing

    ■ Board members will ensure transparency
    and efficiency

    ■ Patients and family members will provide
    feedback for improvement

    Presentation Notes
    The key administrative personnel establish role accountability, articulate the organization’s quality improvement norms, and regularly strengthen a culture of safety among the staff. A quality committee comprised of key administrative personnel can ensure an exchange of expertise between members of the committee and nursing staff and better monitoring of strategy implementation. This committee will ensure that the medical, nursing, emergency care, and pharmacy staff adhere to federal and state quality and safety benchmarks (Parand, Dopson, Renz, & Vincent, 2014). The multidisciplinary committee should also involve the main nursing staff as they have firsthand experience in dealing with medication administration problems. They will be able to recognize the shortfalls that lead to errors. Additionally, pharmacists can cross-check with prescribers for discrepancies in medication orders while receiving prescriptions (The Health Foundation, 2012; Ferencz, 2014).

    References (1)
    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2017). Guide to patient and family engagement in hospital quality and
    safety. Retrieved from https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/systems/hospital/engagingfamilies/index.html

    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Guidance for performing failure mode and effects analysis with
    performance improvement projects. Retrieved from https://cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-

    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2017). Patient safety standards. Retrieved from

    Code of Maryland Regulations. (n.d.). Hospital patient safety program. Retrieved from

    Darwesh, B. M., Machudo, S. Y., & John, S. (2017). The experience of using an automated dispensing system to improve
    medication safety and management at King Abdul aziz University Hospital. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community
    Medicine 3(3), 114–119. http://dx.doi.org/10.5530/jppcm.2017.3.26

    Elden, N. M. K., & Ismail, A. (2016). The importance of medication errors reporting in improving the quality of clinical care
    services. Global Journal of Health Science, 8(8), 243–251. https://dx.doi.org/10.5539/gjhs.v8n8p243

    Ferencz, N. (2014). Safety of automated dispensing systems. U.S. Pharmacist. Retrieved from

    Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). Failure modes and effects analysis. Retrieved from

  • References (2)
  • Kavanagh, C. (2017). Medication governance: Preventing errors and promoting patient safety. British Journal of Nursing,
    26(3), 159–165. http://dx.doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2017.26.3.159

    Parand, A., Dopson, S., Renz, A., & Vincent, C. (2014). The role of hospital managers in quality and patient safety: A
    systematic review. BMJ Open, 4(9). http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005055

    Rochais, É., Atkinson, S., Guilbeault, M., & Bussières, J.-F. (2014). Nursing perception of the impact of automated
    dispensing cabinets on patient safety and ergonomics in a teaching health care center. Journal of Pharmacy Practice,
    27(2), 150–157. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0897190013507082

    Rodriguez-Gonzalez, C. G., Herranz-Alonso, A., Escudero-Vilaplana, V., Ais-Larisgoitia, M. A., Iglesias-Peinado, I., & Sanjurjo-
    Saez, M. (2019). Robotic dispensing improves patient safety, inventory management, and staff satisfaction in an
    outpatient hospital pharmacy. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 25(1), 28-35. Retrieved from

    Rovers, J. P., & Mages, M. D. (2017). A model for a drug distribution system in remote Australia as a social determinant of
    health using event structure analysis . BMC Health Services Research, 17(1), 677. Retrieved from

    The Health Foundation. (2012). Evidence scan: Reducing prescribing errors. Retrieved from

    Weant, K. A., Bailey, A. M., & Baker, S. N. (2014). Strategies for reducing medication errors in the emergency department.
    Open Access Emergency Medicine, 6, 45–55. https://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OAEM.S64174

    • Policy Proposal Presentation��Learner’s Name��Capella University��Health Care Law and Policy��Policy Proposal Presentation��January, 2020
    • Presentation Outline�
    • Policy on Managing Medication Errors�
    • Need for a Policy

    • Scope of the Policy�
    • Strategies to Resolve Medication Errors (1)�
    • Strategies to Resolve Medication Errors (2)�
    • Role of the Staff
    • Positive Impact on Working Conditions

    • Issues in Application of Strategies�
    • Alternative Perspectives on Mitigating Medication Errors
    • Stakeholder Participation �
    • References (1)�
    • References (2)

    Professional Presentation


    Name (Presenter)

    Capella University

    School of Nursing and Health Sciences


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary

    This presentation is designed as a model to help you develop professional-quality PowerPoint presentations, and will take you through the parts of a typical presentation. On your title slide, in addition to the title, please be sure to include the date, your name, Capella University, and the course name. The title should reflect your topic and not the assignment name.

    Microsoft PowerPoint
    Disseminates information
    Can add visuals such as illustrations or graphs
    Can add film clips, sound, and animation


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    Presentation development is an important skill for your Capella program and will enhance your communication and presentation skills in your daily practice settings. Professional presentations enable you to share information and visual representations with your audience, whether in a course, a meeting, or as part of an educational opportunity.
    There are some rules for presenters that will help you create powerful and professional presentations. At Capella, it is also important that you develop the skill of adding audio to your presentation. The guidelines presented here are designed to help you set up a slide deck. You can also add links to film clips, animations, and graphics to the presentation.
    Remember that references should be included for your sources and should follow APA guidelines. Your reference list will appear at the end of the presentation. On the slide itself, provide a citation with authors and year of publication, as you would in an APA paper. It may be in smaller type. Make certain your references are scholarly, fewer than 5 years old, and peer reviewed. You do not have to provide the citation on the slide and in the speaker’s notes; one or the other is usually sufficient.

    Getting Started
    Create a topic outline based on grading rubric
    Do not use complete sentences for headings
    Choose a slide design
    Consider contrast of text and background
    Create a slide or two as needed
    Address each criterion in the rubric


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    When creating a presentation for an assignment, be sure to read through and understand the instructions for your presentation as well as the grading criteria.
    Try to limit your title to a single line, and remember to use a short descriptive phrase rather than a sentence.
    The grading rubric serves as a good guide for your slides. Try to create one or two slides for each criterion of the rubric.
    Be sure you look at the time frame for the presentation and the number of slides you should include in the presentation. When using the grading rubric as an outline, look at the topics for ideas.
    While your Capella audience will view your presentation from a computer screen, you do need to think about what your slides would look like on a big screen in a classroom, boardroom, or from a stage.
    Be sure to choose a background that is visually pleasing with a contrasting color for the text. Consider that some viewers may be color-blind, and rely on light-to-dark contrast for legibility. Use a solid color or choose a design from your software—or make one yourself. Be careful to avoid overly complex backgrounds; the message is what matters. Refer to the MS Office link on the Resources slide to learn how to ensure that your presentations are accessible.


    General Guidelines
    5–7 Rule
    Limit words to 5–7 per line
    Limit lines to 5–7 per slide
    Headline type should be 24–28 points
    Bullet or body type should be 14–18 points for readability
    Avoid decorative type: use Arial or Times


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    Blank background (“white space”) keeps the information clear, easy to read, and memorable. The 5–7 rule is a helpful guideline. Use short phrases and you won’t find yourself reading your slides to the audience. Use speaker’s notes for details.
    Some experts recommend using only sans-serif typefaces such as Arial or Helvetica to avoid the “jaggy” look that may be visible in the “feet” of serif typefaces such as Times New Roman. With the availability of high-resolution monitors, this is less of a concern than in the past. Make sure to follow the requirements in your assignment.
    When submitting presentations for class, remember to include a transcript. Kaltura provides captioning in about 24 hours that you can use to create your transcript or you may write your own. Be sure to find out your faculty member’s preferred transcript format.


    Extras: Typographic Elements
    Word Art
    Fancy lettering for titles: best for flyers or posters


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    Any graphical elements you use should be in service of the message. Avoid inappropriate decorative typefaces, unprofessional color choices, or too much of anything. This is not to discourage you from using text as a design element, but to caution you to use it wisely. The next slide provides a good example.
    Also, be consistent in your use of end punctuation. Use periods throughout or not at all. Because most bullets should be short phrases, periods are probably not needed.

    Extras: Graphic Support Elements
    Smart Art
    More interesting than a table
    A good way
    Add text in or out
    of the grid

    To present points with flair
    Don’t overdo it!


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    While you want to be engaging, resist the urge to add too much to your slides. Use graphics to demonstrate, clarify, or emphasize your points. Tables and charts can provide helpful information—but only if their content is easily and quickly read.

    Extras: Illustrations
    Avoid low-resolution or copyrighted art and photos


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    Graphics can add a cue for visual learners, but again, too many can distract the audience. Try to use a consistent visual approach throughout your presentation for the charts and images you use as well as for the slides themselves. Make sure images are crisp and not overly detailed; the viewer should understand what is going on immediately.
    You can use photos, illustrations, or clip art. If you use graphics from the Internet, Microsoft Office, or a stock image service, be sure to adhere to applicable copyright laws in addition to any terms of use. Obtain permission to use copyrighted art, which may include adding references on the slide. The Resources slide at the end of the presentation includes a link to instructions for citing images in APA style.
    Remember to insert versus pasting any images into your file to maintain resolution. Copying and pasting will result in a blurry image.

    Speaker’s Notes


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    Use speaker’s notes (as we have here) to provide detail and a transcript as needed.
    Your faculty will be looking for your speaker’s notes when grading assignments—especially if you cannot be heard for some reason. If there is no audio in the presentation, speaker’s notes are vital to communicating your points.

    Recorded Presentations: Kaltura

    Using Kaltura Campus resource


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    There are various options available for you to record a presentation. Kaltura and Adobe Connect are discussed here because they are available through Capella and are supported by Capella IT.
    Kaltura, which is available in all courserooms, can be used in several ways: you can share the screen with or without a webcam, record yourself presenting on the webcam, or record only the slides with or without voice-over. Kaltura automatically generates captioning in about 24 hours; note that you must still include speaker’s notes.
    On the Resources slide at the end of the presentation are links to two useful Campus resources for Kaltura: Using Kaltura, which provides detailed instructions (as shown in this screen shot), and a video tutorial, Kaltura Basics.

    Recorded Presentations: Adobe Connect
    Adobe Connect Quick Start Tutorial


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    Adobe Connect is another option. While it’s most often used for hosting and attending online meetings, it can also be used to record presentations. There are several Campus tutorials available on Adobe Connect depending on your needs; links to Using Adobe Connect [PDF] and the Adobe Connect Quick Start Tutorial video are on the Resources slide at the end of this presentation.

    Finishing the Presentation
    Proofread again
    Run spell check
    Read it aloud
    Ask someone to read it to you


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    Polish your work. Correct any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors and remove any extra spaces in the slides and the speaker’s notes. A professional-quality presentation will help you feel more confident as a presenter, and will encourage your audience to have confidence in your message too.


    Tell audience what you will tell them
    Present the content
    Review briefly what you have covered


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    These bullets represent the parts of a basic presentation. Include a wrap-up slide like this one. Ask the audience if they have any questions and/or provide a summary.


    Using Adobe Connect

    Adobe Connect Quick Start Tutorial

    Using Kaltura

    Kaltura Basics

    Microsoft Office Software

    Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX]

    How Do I Cite an Image in a PowerPoint Presentation? (APA Style)

    PowerPoint Presentations Capella Library Guide

    Microsoft Office: Create or Remove a Hanging Indent in PowerPoint

    Microsoft Office: Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Accessible


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    You are encouraged to take advantage of the various resources Capella has assembled for learners. This slide contains links to the resources mentioned in the presentation as well as some additional helpful links.

    Thank You!


    © 2018 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY – Confidential and Proprietary
    We hope this presentation is a helpful resource as you prepare professional and scholarly presentations.

    Policy Proposal Presentation

    Student’s Name

    Institutional Affiliation

    Healthcare Law and Policy

    Policy On Electronic Medical Records On Managing Medication Records
    Determining whether the hospital follows the established procedures
    Rating the performance of the healthcare facility
    Determining patients’ safety and risk to the general public health risk

    The policy regulates and guides the management of medication records with aim of improving the overall organizational performance. Medical records establish whether the hospital is following the procedures in conducting all treating activities. Well-managed medication records help the auditors to effectively rate the performance of the hospital in terms of patients’ safety compliance (Matloob et al., 2020). Similarly, health-based local, state and national authorities can determine to assess patients’ safety and the general public health care at risk using the medication records.

    Need For A Policy/ Benchmark Metrics
    Need for a policy:
    Increase patient safety
    Increase track and recording efficiency
    Enhance active patient-based prospective surveillance
    Strengthen off-plan surveillance to track events for its internal purposes
    Benchmark metrics:
    Number of current daily errors compared to previous errors before implementation
    Detecting near misses events
    Time taken to document patient records

    The management of medication records ensures easy retrieval, storage, and tracking of patients’ data and information. As a result, the chances of healthcare providers making errors are minimal; thus, the safety of patients gets improved. With the implementation of this policy, the incidents of medication errors will automatically decrease as effectiveness and efficiency in recording and tracking records increase. Overall, eased follow up due to increased surveillance when tracking medication records will result from enforcement of this policy (Patel, Gupta, & Vaughn, 2018).

    Scope Of The Policy
    The policy applies to:
    Data entry clerk
    Staff at point-of-service collections
    Nurses at emergency department

    The policy applies to members of staff at data entry and collection points such as the PI, nurses, physicians, clinical officers, and the pharmacist. Concerned staff is responsible for ensuring that all the relevant data and information is collected and entered as the treatment process continues. This process of collecting and recording accurate data at these critical points of healthcare service delivery will ensure the management of medication records is easily attained.

    Strategies To Resolve The Issue Of The Management Of Medication Records
    Staff Education
    Staff members be conversant with the emerging technologies on record management
    Training to ensure that members can update patient information
    Real-time recording of information and data at every medical event immediately it occurs

    Staff education is a critical strategy for resolving the issues of managing medication records. Every staff member should be conversant with new technologies on record management and information collection. Relevant training assists the easing of the burden of ensuring that a member can update patient information at every medical event immediately (Matloob et al., 2020). New employees should undergo an induction course that should train them on the importance of collecting, recording information, managing medication records and be made aware of the possible consequences for not following the correct procedure.

    Surveillance techniques
    Adopting a well-trained Infection Preventionist (IP) for tracking and recording
    Pharmacy, laboratory, and imaging data screening
    Using data sources such as patient charts that include history and physical examination notes

    The IP finds infection data from the time of patient’s admission throughout the hospital stay. Crucial data sources screened for information are pharmacy, laboratory, imaging/radiography, discharge/admission/transfer, pathology database. Patient charts that involve history and physical examination notes, temperature charts, and physician/nurse notes are vital sources of information (Elden & Ismail, 2016).

    Medical events reporting
    Complying with NHSN surveillance protocol
    Using manual follow up
    Using standardized surveillance modules such as multidrug-resistant organisms

    The facility should be committed to following the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) surveillance protocol in its totality for each particular event, as indicated in the NHSN monthly reporting plan. The facility should also ensure off-plan surveillance to track events for its internal purposes. The facility should make a manual follow up to ensure that data that cannot be captured through clinical Document architecture is recorded (Patel, Gupta, & Vaughn, 2018). The NHSN long term care facility component provides long term care facilities with standardized surveillance methods. The modules include multidrug-resistant organisms and lab identified Clostridioides difficile events, urinary tract infection, and prevention process measures.

    How Policy Affects Care Providers’ Working
    Stakeholder group work within the framework of the policy
    Total compliance to set guidelines
    Advocates of patient safety in action
    Replacement of less qualified nurses to run EMRs system
    Nurses avoid negligence to minimize the cost of prescription drugs, copays, deductibles and covered service due to medication errors
    Increased attention to admission and discharge processes at all departments

    The stakeholder group will always work under the influence of policies and guidelines since they will have developed a culture of working under specified guidelines. As a result, they will find it difficult to work in a setting where policies are not clear or are not well-defined to guide the working processes (Matloob et al., 2020). The outcome becomes advocating for the provision of patient safety by focusing on complying with set laws and policies. Nurses without skills will get replaced by those trained on operating EMR system at emergency department. The policy will establish a safe space for nurses to admit to their competency gaps and embrace the learning with an open mind to adjust to EMRs system.

    How Policy Improves Quality And Outcomes For Healthcare Providers
    Through the policy, nurses will:
    Meet daily timelines
    Save time that would be used to direct patients
    Use EMRs to improve patient contact
    Avoid near misses events in record keeping

    After the policy implementation on EMRs training, nurses will meet daily timelines because they can save time used to direct patients. The effective operation of EMRs will improve patient contact, thereby leading to improved quality and outcome. Further, nurses will avoid near-miss events that would lead to poor quality and outcome in delivering healthcare services (Patel et al., 2018). According to Menachemi and Collum (2011), EMR training leads to decreased daily errors and enhanced time management. This policy provides ways in which nursing staff can improve record management and find alternative ways of documentation.

    Strategies For Collaborating With A Stakeholder Group To Implement The Policy
    Forming interdisciplinary public health committee to oversee the implementation
    Forming a quality assurance committee to incorporate all the stakeholders to establish role accountability
    Closely working with nursing staff

    Interdisciplinary committee made up of nurses, pharmacists, local and national health administrators, and lab technicians, should regularly review the quality of the collected and recorded data before any analysis is done. The committee should give an informed opinion on the trajectory that the health facility is taking in ensuring patient safety and reducing the mortality and morbidity rates.

    Elden, N. M., & Ismail, A. (2016). The importance of medication errors reporting in improving the quality of clinical care services. Global Journal of Health Science, 243–251.
    Matloob, I., Khan, S., & Hussain, F. (2020). Medical Health Benefit Management System for Real-Time Notification of Fraud Using Historical Medical Records. Applied Sciences, 10(15), 5144.
    Patel, P. K., Gupta, A., & Vaughn, V. M. (2018). Review of Strategies to Reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) and Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) in Adult ICUs. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 105-116.

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