Policy Analysis Part II

Completion of this course requires students to complete a Policy Analysis Paper in three (3) parts, as instructed below:

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Select a policy addressing a social issue or problem in American society; and complete the analysis on your selected policy using the Critical Theory Model for Policy Analysis presented in Segal, Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs, chapter 4, Box 4.3, page 100. 

Your analysis paper must adhere to APA writing style. A minimum of five (5) scholarly (refereed) journals, texts, books, government documents, and online government resources must be used to support your work for each part of the paper. Each part of the policy analysis should have a minimum of seven (7) pages excluding cover page and reference page.

Policy Analysis Part II: 

Cover the following major elements under appropriate headings and subheadings: 

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Public Reaction

Policies, Public Laws, or Administrative Rules

Implementation of Social Welfare Programs

Actual Impact

POLICY : Violence Against Women Act 


***Put into your own words!!!!



***reference page 


APA style 

SW 510 Policy Model Paper (Paper 2)

Student’s Name: _______________________________ Semester: ______________________


Points Earned


APA Formatting
· Title Page
· Running Head
· Page Number
· Title, Author, University
· Alphabetical listing of references
· Hanging indent format

_____/ 5

Public Reaction:
· Public’s response to social problem
· Public’s response to social policy
· Emphasis in Rural Communities

_____ / 10
_____ / 10
_____ / 5

Social Welfare Policy:
· Identify specific policies, laws or administrative rules addressing social problem
· Social Control Theory perspective of policy
· Pros and cons of policies
· Policy impact on social problem impact

_____ / 10
_____ / 10
_____ / 5
_____ / 5

Social Welfare Programs: Implementations
· Identification of specific social welfare programs (names)
· Discuss eligibility of programs, services
· Costs and effectiveness of specific programs (government spending)

_____ /10
_____ / 5
_____ / 5

Actual Impact:
· Summary of policy impact in addressing social problem
· Actual changes due to implementation of policy

_____ / 5
_____ / 5

· Spelling
· Verb Tensing
· Capitalization
· Punctuation
· Sentencing
· Use of Personal Pronouns
· Use of Contractions
· Other: (page length, scholarly references)

____ / 10 points

Late Penalties:

Instructor: _________________________________ Grade: ________________/ 100 Date: ________________

SW 510 Policy Model Paper (Paper 2)

Student’s Name: _______________________________ Semester: ______________________


Points Earned


APA Formatting
· Title Page
· Running Head
· Page Number
· Title, Author, University
· Alphabetical listing of references
· Hanging indent format

_____/ 5

Public Reaction:
· Public’s response to social problem
· Public’s response to social policy
· Emphasis in Rural Communities

_____ / 10
_____ / 10
_____ / 5

Social Welfare Policy:
· Identify specific policies, laws or administrative rules addressing social problem
· Social Control Theory perspective of policy
· Pros and cons of policies
· Policy impact on social problem impact

_____ / 10
_____ / 10
_____ / 5
_____ / 5

Social Welfare Programs: Implementations
· Identification of specific social welfare programs (names)
· Discuss eligibility of programs, services
· Costs and effectiveness of specific programs (government spending)

_____ /10
_____ / 5
_____ / 5

Actual Impact:
· Summary of policy impact in addressing social problem
· Actual changes due to implementation of policy

_____ / 5
_____ / 5

· Spelling
· Verb Tensing
· Capitalization
· Punctuation
· Sentencing
· Use of Personal Pronouns
· Use of Contractions
· Other: (page length, scholarly references)

____ / 10 points

Late Penalties:

Instructor: _________________________________ Grade: ________________/ 100 Date: ________________

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