Policy Analysis Memorandum

Overview: Building on the discussion of criminal justice policy-makers in Module Six, for this assignment due in Module Seven, you will write a brief, 1-page memorandum to your supervisor regarding the need to make changes to a departmental policy in your criminal justice agency. You will also describe how these changes will affect the different actors involved in the policy-making process. This memorandum will help inform policy recommendations that you will be making in your Milestone Three assignment and in your final project, because you will be outlining changes to a departmental policy based on the public policy issue you have previously identified.

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Consider the following scenario: Your supervisor needs to be convinced of the need to make changes to a departmental policy in your agency and how these changes will affect the different actors involved in the policy-making process.

Prompt: Use the Memorandum Template to complete the assignment. In your brief, 1-page memorandum, address the following critical elements as they are reflected in the Sample Policy Memorandum. These critical elements appear as headings in that document as follows:

  1. Issue Presented: In a brief one-sentence question, summarize the importance of making changes to your selected departmental policy in your criminal justice agency and how these changes will affect the different actors involved in the policy-making process.
  2. Short Answer: Provide a short answer that summarizes the conclusion of the memorandum.
  3. Statement of Facts: Describe how implementing these departmental policy changes will result in more effective policy-making.
  4. Discussion: Briefly discuss at least one recent example of a departmental policy (from law enforcement, the courts, or corrections) that has effectively
    been revised to take into consideration the various policy actors involved.
  5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion based on the research you have done and the details you have gathered.
  6. Recommendations:

    a)  Explain how the changes you are recommending to your departmental policy will affect other policy actors, including those in the other branches of the criminal justice system.
    b)  Identify resistance to the recommended changes from other policy actors who may find the changes lead to potential conflicts with their own policies or agendas.
    c)  In making your recommendations, include elements to your policy that, although not ideal for your department, will avoid conflicts with other policy actors and make a smoother delivery of criminal justice services in relation to the issue.

Guidelines for Submission: This policy analysis memorandum assignment should follow these formatting guidelines: minimum 1 page in length (excluding title and reference pages), single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Please use the Memorandum Template to complete this activity.

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Issue Presented

Short Answer

Statement of Facts





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