please respond to my two peers no word count

Guided Response In your reply posts to two classmates, ask your classmates questions about the trends or issues they chose and answer questions from classmates about your issue. Identify implications or aspects of classmates’ issues they did not consider and, in each of your reply posts, include at least one additional source you found to learn more about the issue your classmate chose.By: perezI chose this issue, because it has a little of cultural/equity issues, legal/ethical issues, social issues, and educational issues. I feel that this is important to education, because for cultural/equity issues, I think that for special needs children can’t always access the computer, iPad, or whatever type of technology material is being used. For legal/ethical issues, I feel that for those individuals who plagiarize, safety issues, or even hack is really bad and does not make anything better, I feel that those who do these things cannot be trust and it is not safe for others, such as those who have social media, such as facebook, instagram, twitter, etc. It can be very dangerous for many individuals who use online social networking. Sometimes when people send viruses, this can be a major problem, most especially for those who are not so familiar with these issues. I also can see that sometimes funding is a problem in some schools, some schools do not have enough computers for each student in a class, so that holds back on having to complete assignments or research. Sometimes the teacher and student are not on the same page about using technology or even understanding how to browse certain pages.By:MelissaI chose the “digital divide” as the issue in educational technology that I will discuss. The article If we were really serious about educational technology states that we should “find out the exact percentage of our schools’ families that don’t have broadband internet access at home rather than treating the amorphous digital divide as a reason not to assign any homework that involves use of the internet” (McLeod, 2010). The Digital Divide refers to the difference between students who have access to high-quality technology and those who do not have access. students from poorer homes are less likely to have access to technology outside school. This puts those students at a disadvantage to their more well off counterparts because they get much less practice using technology. Students who suffer in this digital divide are less prepared to enter the work force or higher levels of education. Technology plays such a huge role in our world today and all students need to be prepared to use this technology. There are many ways that schools are helping to bridge the digital divide gap. Schools can offer wi-fi hotspots on their campuses that allow students to use the internet while in that location. There are even schools who are making their buses wi-fi hotspots so that students can work on homework and projects during their ride home. Teachers should be aware of those students who may not have access to the internet at home so that they can address the problem as best as possible to prevent those students from falling behind and also to keep from having to avoid technology use in the educational experience. Resources: Kang, Cecilia. “Bridging A Digital Divide That Leaves School Children Behind.” New York Times, 22 Feb. 2016. Web.  .McLaughlin, Clare. “The Homework Gap: The ‘Cruelest Part of the Digital Divide’.” NEA Today. NeaToday, 03 Feb. 2017. Web.  .O’Hara, Susan, and Robert Pritchard. “What Is the Digital Divide’s Impact on Learning.” Pearson Education Inc., 05 May 2014. Web. 12 Apr.2017. .McLeod, S. (2010, November 22). If we were really serious about educational technology [Web log post]. Retrieved from

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