Please read the question in comment section.
Question 1: Data base security–Discussion Board –500 words
Discuss in 500 words or more the relationship between NIST and FISMA. This should not be a two part paper explaining what NIST and FISMA are separately. This question asks about the relationship between them.
This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign. Need plagiarism report mandatory.
Write an essay with APA format. Write an essay format not in bulleted, numbered or another list format.
Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered
Facebook the Line of Business is Advertisements
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Final Case Study Outline: Facebook the Line of Business is Advertisements
· The abstract will give a summary of the main components that have been discussed in the paper
· It will also outline the main objective of the study and provide an opinion and a hypothesis.
· The first part of the introduction will be to introduce Facebook and give a summary of its background, such as the founders and year started and its penetration to the market, becoming the social media giant it is.
· The main objective of Facebook will be looked into and how it evolved to serve more than one purpose and how it benefits its users.
· Define advertising and give a background on why and when Facebook’s main line of business could have switched to advertising from a social network.
· Compare Facebook’s line of business to other similar social networks and contrast the advertisements in them.
· Section 1- Facebook the line of business and Advertisements(Strategy Analysis)
· Facebooks advertisement policy is looked into
· The necessary procedure for posting an advertisement on Facebook. Its ease of advertising for any person and the reach they expect.
· A look into how Facebook promotes advertisements. This is the premium rates that ads pay. How fast ads are posted and how long advertisements. The ease of advertising. Are the advertisements vetted, or are they readily accepted? Does Facebook reach out to people to promote their ads?
· Section 2- Line of Business as advertising statistics(Demand Analysis)
· The number of the line of business users is researched to know the primary use. Those who use it for advertising is taken to account and other users of the business management function of Facebook other than advertising.
· Statistical numbers are showing the growth of the use of Facebook for advertisements. A history from when Facebook introduced ads to now where ads are more dominant than its initial purpose.
· Section 3- Merits and Demerits, SWOT analysis(Socio-Legal analysis)
· The merits and demerits of the use of Facebook mainly for advertisements are analyzed. The merits and demerits are examined the benefits to Facebook and the users of the ads.
· Threats of advertising as a line of business is broken down. Advertising on platforms usually has a lot of controversies. This will look at the legal background and foreground of Facebook advertising.
· Cybersecurity threats from Facebook’s line of business as advertising to the users, advertisers, and the platform itself.
· Social implications of Facebook advertising, Corporate Social Responsibility, and public relations.
· Section 4-Suggestions and solutions
· Any possible solutions to the problems faced by Facebook as a result of using advertisements as the main line of business.
· Suggestions that could make the line of business, advertisements, work efficiently, and effectively for Facebook are listed and explained.
· The conclusion will give a summary of the findings of the case study and whether it affirms the hypothesis. It will show whether the purpose of the study has been achieved
· All class lectures and findings will be applied to create a link and show a correlation between the results and the lecture teachings
· An opinion is given on Facebook the line of business is advertisements i.e., provide an insight into whether the line of business as advertising is relevant and if it is beneficial and if any developments should be done on it.
Donald, M. (2018). Facebook Ads Domination
Rodriguez, S. (2019). Some advertisers are quitting Facebook, chiding the company’s ‘despicable business model’. Retrieved from
Weintraub, M., & John Wiley & Sons. (2011). Killer Facebook® Aads: Master cutting-edge Facebook advertising techniques. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Zarrella, D., & Zarrella, A. (2011). The Facebook marketing book. Beijing: O’Reilly.
MG5615: Organizational Economics
Final Case Study Instructions
Choose a company to research. The company can be either a publicly-traded company or privately-owned, perhaps a company you are familiar with (but not your current employer). The key elements in choosing a good company for your case study are:
1) Is the company relatively easy to research? Is there plenty of available information on the inner-workings of the firm?
2) Is it a company you’re interested in and/or do you like their product or service? (This will make it more fun.)
3) Is the company newsworthy? (Perhaps they’ve had a stunning failure, legal issue or maybe they recently created a killer product everyone wants.)
Once you have picked a company, post your company to the final case study paper assignment – week 4. No two students can pick the same company and approval will be given on a first come-first assigned basis.
Note that for a large, multi-line or multi-product company, you may want to choose a single business line within the firm for your analysis. For example, if you choose Apple, you might want to concentrate on their iPhone business only or if you choose Google/Alphabet, you might want to concentrate on just their driverless car project. Students will find it much easier to focus their business analysis on one business line within a large diversified company.
Your final case study paper should be 6-8 pages and will consist of 4 sections (each about 1.5-2.0 pages).
The first section should be an overview of the company. What does the company do? What product or service does it offer? Where is it located? Who are its main competitors and what is the market structure (e.g. pure competition, monopoly, oligopoly, etc.)? How is it regulated? This first section should provide a background or base-line understanding of the company in support of the rest of the paper.
For the remaining sections, pick any three from the following:
· A demand analysis illustrating the most applicable terms, concepts, or ideas in Chapter 3.
· A production and cost analysis illustrating the most applicable terms, concepts, or ideas in Chapters 7-8.
· A pricing analysis illustrating the most applicable terms, concepts, or ideas in Chapter 14.
· A “What they got wrong” analysis detailing a strategy mistake using the course concepts.
· A “What they got right” analysis detailing a strategy win using the course concepts.
· Any other analysis that illustrates the terms, concepts, or ideas in the course (must be approved by the instructor in advance).
If you are having trouble addressing or finding enough information for any of the sections above, you can augment your analysis by articulating what you think the company should do. For example, if you can’t find any information on your company’s pricing strategy, explain how you would price the product or service and why. This is Organizational (managerial) Economics; make some decisions on behalf of your company and support them using concepts and ideas from the class!
The goal of this paper is to illustrate that you understand the concepts covered in this course and that you can apply them to a real company.
Remember to document or source borrowed research using the standard APA citation style. Extensive quoting is not necessary (and not additive to your grade). Reference the source, but, to the extent possible, explain the concept or strategy in your own words. For example, if you find a great article on your company’s pricing strategy, explain the article and concepts in your own words and source it. Do not cut and paste long passages of text.
The paper should be 6-8 pages (or more) double-spaced, size 12 font Times New Roman, Calibri, or Cambria. The final paper is due on Sunday of Week 15.