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What’s an Aggregator & Why Do You Need One to Get On iTunes & Beyond?

And Aggregation companies dealing in Music will be analyzed in the following article:

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Want To Know Who The Best Digital Distribution Company Is?

Want to Know the Best Digital Music Distribution Company?

INSTRUCTIONS: “My research is on meals online app”

  1. Review the aggregators. After researching several aggregators, pick the aggregator that you feel will best work for online distribution of the product (film, app, or game) that you have chosen for your course project this month. For instance, if your product is a Mobile Application, utilize this assignment to do a comparison of Apple’s App Store vs Android’s Play Store  vs Amazon’s App Store and subsequently why you chose one or two or all three. Or if it’s a video game, research Steam as well as other competing game aggregators to discover if Steam is the best choice or if a better alternative has been discovered. “Im researching meals online app”
  2. Research. Thoroughly research the  business model, policies, procedures, and the pros and cons of each aggregator against one another one other company for comparison in your discussion. Think critically when analyzing the information.  Why would this aggregator be the best choice over others for helping with online distribution for your product? Make sure to mention how you compared and analyzed one aggregator or aggregation company against another and include a reference for all of the places you found your research on these aggregators or aggregation companies.
  3. Break down your analysis through comparison. Choose an Aggregator or Aggregation Company that you believe would be the best option for the client. Once completed, write your analysis of why you chose this Aggregator or Aggregation Company over others.
    The comparative analysis of your selected aggregator or aggregation company will be written with comparison against at least one other aggregator or aggregation company using each of the following questions as your basis for analysis. Make sure to weave the answers in a narrative format using APA guidelines. Point deductions will be incurred for bullet point formatting. Write your submission as if the reader has never seen the questions :
    – Are there specific criteria the content creator must meet before the aggregator or aggregation company chooses to work with them or distribute a product?
    – What rights will they require? What rights can you keep for self-distribution?
    – What are the services the aggregator or aggregation company offers an independent content creator?
    – Are there any fees for setting up an account with them?
    – Who sets the price on your product?
    – What is the revenue split between the aggregator or aggregation company and the content creator?
    – What are the reasons why you found this aggregator or aggregation company helpful or interesting to make you want to work with them over the others?
    Make sure to mention how you compared and analyzed one aggregator or aggregation company against another for each of these questions and include a reference for all of the places you found research on these aggregators or aggregation companies.
    Much of your research can be obtained by visiting the website for the aggregator or aggregation company. Try looking at the bottom of the website under Company Info or in the FAQs. You may also want to call the company and ask them directly, or register with the company to get access to more information about the services they provide.  Also try a Google search to see what comes up about them.

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