pick organisation/individual by your self (0ne page)

From part one of the content development project, focus only on the goals, context, and mechanics analytical breakdown. For your convenience, I have copy and pasted these sections below.

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  • What is the goal/mission/cause of the organization/individual?

    What are the goals of the content? Drive conversations? Create community? Etc.
    How do the content goals relate to the overall organizational goals?
    How is success defined by the organization? Does success mean gaining followers? Having fun managing an account? Promoting a cause? Etc.


  • Describe the organization’s/individual’s context:

    What internal or external relationships affect their content and content strategy?
    What type of financial support do they have? Do they have the backing of a large company or a single person business?
    What type of employees do they have? How do they define their relationship with their employees?
    Do they have partnerships with corporations or other businesses?
    What is their industry? How are they situated within that industry?


What modes are they using on their platforms?

  • How often is content created?

    For social media, do an analysis of at least a month’s worth of posts: how often is content posted across platforms?
    What is the significance of this?

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  • When is content created and shared?
  • What is the media of the content? (video, images, text, etc)
  • What are all the elements of the content? What type of genre is being used? Are they sharing a narrative or promoting a product? A single post might include multiple media and elements.
  • Why have they chosen the media of their content?
  • What are they trying to accomplish through the strategy of their content that’s shown in this section?

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