Persuasive Speech Assignment Overview ( Need outline and information for the speech)

Goal: To influence the ideas, beliefs, values or behavior of the audience

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-You should choose a challenging topic rather than something that we might already believe or do. 

For your topic, you can:

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-persuade us to do something that is beneficial for us.


*create, change or eliminate any type of policy (a law or rule).  It can be a personal policy, college policy, driving law, city ordinance, state policy or law (CA), federal policy or law (USA), or an international policy or law (UN).

*You will need a minimum of three credible sources to cite out loud during your speech at different times (also include these within your outline).

-Submit an outline that conforms to the outline format for the assignment. Your main points in the body of the speech should be in the effect, cause, solution format. 

*The speech should be 6-9 minutes.

Steps for completion

  1. Select a topic
  2. Research the topic and find credible sources to cite in the speech
  3. Narrow your topic (if needed)
  4. Outline
  5. Rehearse with a timer
  6. Deliver to your audience

11/6/2020Persuasive Speech Outline and Example: Communications Studies 1 Sec 023 (23228) Fall 2020 1/3

Persuasive Speech Outline and
Persuasive Speech Outline Format


1. Attention Grabber (question, quotation, song lyrics, imagine a scenario, action, joke (needs to
relate to topic), story, etc.

2. Thesis Statement: Describes what your are persuading us about (1 sentence).
3. Significance: Why is your topic important for the audience to learn about, how will they benefit?
4. Preview Main Points (say main point titles: effects of the problem, causes of the problem and

the solution)


Main Point 1: The Effects of the Problem (In order to convince an audience that something must
be done, you must first convince them a problem exists. In this section of the speech you must
provide evidence and examples of the problem to create a feeling of dissatisfaction for the audience.)


-subpoint (cite source)


Main Point 2: The Causes of the Problem (Here you explore the root causes of the problem. Give
the audience reasons the problem exists (current policy, historical information, etc.) and why nothing
is being done about it)

-subpoint (cite source)

11/6/2020 Persuasive Speech Outline and Example: Communications Studies 1 Sec 023 (23228) Fall 2020 2/3

Main Point 3: The Solution to the Problem: Your policy (This solves the problem). Only one
policy change is needed for this speech.

-subpoint (support your solution, explain how it’s logical,)

-subpoint (explain how we will benefit from this solution)

-subpoint (cite source)


1. Review Main Points (say main point titles: effects of the problem, causes of the problem and the

2. Visualization Step: Describe what will happen in the future if the problem is not solved
3. Action Step: Tell the audience what they can do about it
4. Closer (refer back to opening line, imagine a scenario, ask a question, use a quotation, etc.)

Persuasive Speech Outline Example:


1. Attention Grabber: How many of you? Scenarios
2. Thesis Statement: You all should get a Minor Degree in Communication Studies before

graduating college.
3. Significance: benefits, work, relationships, family, friends, confidence
4. Preview Main Points (say main point titles: effects of the problem, causes of the problem and

the solution)


Main Point 1: The Effects of the Problem
-a lot is trial and error, lack of knowledge and strategy

-smart people with difficulty relating to others

-conflicts occur and people don’t know how best respond and resolve

-people don’t realize potential for impact in their communication in daily lives (Dan O’Hair, A
Speaker’s Guidebook)

11/6/2020 Persuasive Speech Outline and Example: Communications Studies 1 Sec 023 (23228) Fall 2020 3/3

Main Point 2: The Causes of the Problem

-students have busy lives, rush to get through college fast (often without minor degree) Steven
Pasille, faculty, csus,

-students don’t realize knowledge of communication skills helps in all walks of life (Ron Adler, Comm.
At Work)

-students don’t realize how beneficial a minor degree can be (more competitive for jobs)

Main Point 3: The Solution to the Problem: You all should get a Minor Degree in
Communication Studies before graduating college.

-take extra time for minor degree, small amount of time and $ for a big lifetime payout

-helps get the job, on the job, career advancement, in relationships, family, life

-will bring people closer for better shared experiences

-more confident in who you are and what you want to accomplish

1. Review Main Points (say main point titles: effects of the problem, causes of the problem and the

2. Visualization Step: imagine you are in a situation where….
3. Action Step: start planning for it today, look over requirements where you will transfer to, take ge

COMM classes
4. Closer: George Shaw (writer) once said, “The problem with communication is often the illusion

that it has been accomplished effectively”.

11/6/2020Principles of Persuasion: Communications Studies 1 Sec 023 (23228) Fall 2020 1/2

Principles of Persuasion
1. Persuasion- Any attempt to influence (change or reinforce) ideas, beliefs, values or behavior.

2. —Ethics of Persuasion: Choice is up to the audience members to make for themselves and that
we should respect their right to do so.

3. —Most persuasion does not work immediately. It takes time for people to absorb the persuasive
message and then see examples in their lives that may influence the shift in their way of thinking
about an idea, belief, value or behavior.

—4. Minor changes are often more accepted than major changes.

5. Artistotle’s Classical Theory on Persuasive Appeals:

Aristotle believed that in order for a speaker to be effective, they should have all three of these
elements in their speech:

1. Ethos: ethical appeal (credibility)

2. Pathos: emotional appeal (language, emotional tone, emotion evoking examples, stories of
emotional events)

—3. Logos: logical appeals (citing facts or statistics, using historical and literal analogies,
constructing logical arguments, organization and reasoning)

6. Argument: A stated position, with support and reasoning for an idea or issue.

7. An argument should contain the following three elements:

1. Claim- what you are trying to prove

—2. Evidence- examples from experience, information gathered from credible sources (testimony,
facts, statistics, examples)

3. Warrant- your justification (reasoning) linking your evidence to support your original claim

11/6/2020 Principles of Persuasion: Communications Studies 1 Sec 023 (23228) Fall 2020 2/2

8. Fallacy: a false statement or invalid line of reasoning

Some common fallacies:

Bandwagoning (ad populum): more popular is better or right

—Either-Or (false dichotomy): only two choices when many more exist

—Ad hominem: the argument focuses on a personal attack on the character of the opponent rather
than the issue at hand

—Red herring: shifts argument from where it began into an argument on a different topic

—Slippery slope: if A happens it will lead to Z (without explanation)

—Appeal to tradition: if it’s been done historically it is best or right

Watch the following videos that give an overview of many common fallacies:

Fallacies Video (


Fallacies Video 2



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