Persuasion Essay

Writing Assignment #5: Persuasion Essay

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“What specific strategies do you employ to do well in your classes? Do you ask the professor what is needed for an A and make sure you attend every class, as Giovanni suggests in her essay? Do you take meticulous notes, study every day, just cram the night before exams, or have a lucky shirt for test days? Write an essay in which you present your argument for how to succeed in college in a way that others could emulate.”


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Writing Assignment Requirements 

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1. 750-1000 words

2. MLA format

3. Thesis statement (claim)

4. Concrete, specific details

5. Interesting title

6. No contractions

7. No second person pronouns

8. Fully developed introduction

9. Fully developed body paragraphs

10. Fully developed conclusion

11. You should use at least three points (evidence) to support your claim.

12. You should acknowledge at least one opposing argument.

13. You should perform formal research for this assignment. An essay without outside source material will automatically receive a failing grade. Please use at least three outside sources in your essay (one of the sources can be the essay from the course textbook).

14. Use MLA documentation style (in-text citations and works cited page). An essay without complete documentation will automatically receive a failing grade.

Planning the Persuasion Essay – Fill this out before you start the essay.

· I have chosen to take a position on the following issue:

· The purpose of my argument will be to _____express and defend my own assertion, _____ qualify or oppose another author’s point of view, _____ convince my audience to change its mind or behavior.

· My audience is 

· I will base my argument on _____ personal reputation and experience, _____ logic and reason, _____ or emotions of the audience.

· Here is my tentative claim (thesis): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

· Three major reasons why I hold this opinion are:

1. )

2. )

3. )

· I think the following would agree with me: 

· These people or groups would agree with me because 

· I believe the following would disagree with me: 

· These people or groups would disagree with me because

Persuasion Checklist 


· My thesis clearly presents the subject and my position. _____ yes _____no

· My thesis gives a clear indication that my purpose is to _____ express my own opinion, _____ qualify or oppose another point of view, _____ convince my audience to change its mind or behavior.

· My thesis indicates that I will base my argument on _____ my own reputation and experience, _____ logic and reason, _____ emotions of my reader.


Adhikari 1

Tika Adhikari

Professor Hadley


November 16th ,2020

Working smart in college to achieve big Comment by Adam Hadley: Capitalize all of the important words in the title. Also, try to think of a more creative title for your argument.

Every student wants to succeed in college. The problem is that very few students know what they need to do to achieve that success. Most if not all the students believe that an intelligent student has a high chance of succeeding in college while the less intelligent student has lower chances of success or higher chances of failure in college. The question here is: how does one measure the level of intelligence of a student? Success in college is something that everybody can achieve regardless of their level of intelligence (Blasiman et al, 784). This is because the skills required to succeed in college are skills that we can all learn and master. Success in college requires more than just being intelligent. The way we manage our time and the things we do out of class are equally important determiners of our success in college. Therefore, with proper study habits, hard work, and good time management, we all have an equal chance of succeeding in college. Comment by Adam Hadley: Avoid beginning your essay with generalizations. Comment by Adam Hadley: Tighten the wording. Comment by Adam Hadley: A complete sentence should precede a colon. Comment by Adam Hadley: Pronoun agreement error. Comment by Adam Hadley: Change the comma to a period. See p. 133 in Hacker’s style manual. Comment by Adam Hadley: Wordy Comment by Adam Hadley: Good. Here is your claim.

Proper study habits Comment by Adam Hadley: Don’t use subtitles in your essay.

Attending class as required is very important for the success of any college student. Often, students make up lame excuses for not attending a class like faking illness. It is important as a student to understand that classwork in college is covered faster which means that missing class makes one fall behind (Blasiman et al, 785). There is usually a certain percentage of class sessions that students have to attend to pass. Missing class reduces one’s chances of meeting this percentage. Attending classes also gives students the chance to seek clarification for things that they do not understand. It allows one the chance to meet the instructors and connect with them in ways that can be beneficial to the student. Comment by Adam Hadley: Class attendance is important . . . Comment by Adam Hadley: Vague Comment by Adam Hadley: Slip out of abstractions. Use narration and description to illustrate this point.

It is important for students to have a study routine outside class. Learning does not stop in the classroom and having a study routine is an effective way of helping one to understand better the things that they learned in class (Blasiman et al, 789). Libraries and learning centers can be convenient places to do out-of-class studies because there are fewer distractions. It is important to pay full attention to studies outside class because it enables one to accomplish more within less time. Taking short breaks while studying helps one to prevent the brain from being exhausted. Comment by Adam Hadley: Pronoun agreement error

It is important for every student to complete their assignments because that is where a greater percentage of the grades come from (Blasiman et al, 790). Students should do their assignments carefully; reading the instructions to ensure that they understand them well. Procrastination should be avoided so that students can meet deadlines and avoid penalties. According to Giovanni, it is important for students to communicate any challenges they have in completing their assignments with their instructors so that they can get help. This includes challenges in understanding the concept as well as meeting the deadline (Giovanni, 19). Ample time should be dedicated to assignments to ensure that students achieve quality work that is free of plagiarism. Comment by Adam Hadley: Pronoun agreement error. Comment by Adam Hadley: Sentence fragment Comment by Adam Hadley: Upon first mention of an author, you should identify the full name. Also, you should provide some context for this information. Why use this author? Comment by Adam Hadley: Document the page number in Subject & Strategy.

Good time management Comment by Adam Hadley: Don’t use subtitles.

We all have an equal number of hours from which we can get the best out. Planning time is therefore very important because it will determine whether a student fails or succeeds in college. For every one hour spent in class, a student should ensure that they create two hours to study every week. This means that one should dedicate twice as much time to study as they do in class. This however will depend on the complexity of the materials being studied. This time management technique allows a student to determine how much time they need to study (Wolters et al, 381). Comment by Adam Hadley: The placement of the in-text citation applies only to the last sentence in this paragraph. Have you used information from this source in other sentences?

Staying ahead of classwork always is a very important way of managing time. Since the instructor communicates the course content and the reading materials in advance, it is important that students read ahead (Wolters et al, 384). This will make the content familiar and easy to understand when it is time to learn it in class. Students should prevent themselves from getting behind by dedicating time to catch up or stay ahead. Getting behind is a big factor in failure and students should ensure that they avoid it at all costs. Students should set days for completing tasks and work hard to meet them.

Having priorities and making schedules helps students to manage their time effectively. There are a lot of other things besides schoolwork that students cannot ignore. Some students may be working and there are also aspects of our social lives which need attention. While trying to make all these things to fit in, it is important that students prioritize. Making a schedule can be very helpful in ensuring that as a student, one does the most essential things first. It is important not to overdo the scheduling so that the planning can be realistic and easy to meet. Students need to learn to say no to things that are not important and which may waste their golden time (Wolters et al, 387). Comment by Adam Hadley: The placement of the in-text citation applies only to the last sentence in this paragraph. Have you used information from this source in other sentences?

Hard work Comment by Adam Hadley: Don’t use subtitles.

The importance of setting goals as a college student cannot be understated. Both educational as well as other goals are important for students. Goals give the student a clear purpose of what they are doing in college. It also gives them a sense of direction (Schwinger & Otterpohl, 122). Goals will always help to remind the student why they are in college and what they aim to achieve. They enable students to focus and not to trip. A student with no goals will settle for anything and will not even realize it when they fail because they are not aware of what they want. However, a student who has set goals will constantly make improvements until they achieve their set goals.

It is important for students to learn how to conduct self-tests. This will enhance the effectiveness of the self-teaching studies that the student does out of class. Students should go through their work and identify questions that could be tested in the examination. They should then attempt to answer those questions and do a self-grading exercise. Self-testing is an important tool to identify the gaps in knowledge that the student has. Through self-testing, the student will note their strong and weak areas. They will note areas that need improvement and work on them. Self-testing provides students with a sense of direction and focus. It ensures that the student does not just read books randomly but reads with the aim of meeting certain objectives (Schwinger & Otterpohl, 125). Comment by Adam Hadley: The placement of the in-text citation applies only to the last sentence in this paragraph. Have you used information from this source in other sentences?

Opposing argument Comment by Adam Hadley: Remove this subtitle.

Most students may argue that intelligence is the main determinant of whether one fails or succeeds in college. This is not true. While intelligence is important to succeed in many aspects of life it does not guarantee one success in college (Blasiman et al, 784). This is because as we have seen, there is more to succeeding in college than just reading books. There are other factors that determine the grade that one gets. For example, one may be intelligent enough to get a perfect score during tests but if they do not attend class, their grades will be reduced. Also, if one cannot manage their time well, they will end up submitting late assignments which will lead to grade reduction. Succeeding in college is more about planning rather than intelligence. Comment by Adam Hadley: Comment by Adam Hadley: Organization? This point seems out of place. What do you think of moving this point to a paragraph closer to the introduction? Also, you should probably develop the explanation of this counterargument a little more.

Conclusion Comment by Adam Hadley: Remove this subtitle.

Every student wants to succeed in college but very few, if any, know what to do to achieve that. With proper study habits, hard work, and good time management, each student has an equal chance of succeeding in college. Having proper study habits means that a student attends classes as required and sets the time to study outside class. It also requires students to complete their assignments on time. Managing one’s time properly means that the student does the most essential things first and prevents getting behind by staying ahead of the classwork. A student who works hard ensures that they set goals and work towards achieving them and that they conduct self-tests to identify their knowledge gaps. While intelligence is important for success, succeeding in college is about skills that anybody can master regardless of their level of intelligence.

Works Cited

Blasiman, Rachael N., John Dunlosky, and Katherine A. Rawson. “The what, how much, and when of study strategies: comparing intended versus actual study behaviour.” Memory 25.6 (2017): 784-792. Retrieved from

Comment by Adam Hadley: Review page 145 in Hacker’s style manual. Comment by Adam Hadley: Capitalize all of the important words in the title. Comment by Adam Hadley: Incorrect. Review page 162 in Hacker’s style manual.

Giovanni, Nikki. “Campus racism 101.” Academe 21 (1994): 19-20. Retrieved from x

Comment by Adam Hadley: Document the essay as it is reprinted in Subject & Strategy. Comment by Adam Hadley: Capitalize

Schwinger, Malte, and Nantje Otterpohl. “Which one works best? Considering the relative importance of motivational regulation strategies.” Learning and individual differences 53 (2017): 122-132. Retrieved from

Comment by Adam Hadley: Review page 162 in Hacker’s style manual.

Wolters, Christopher A., Sungjun Won, and Maryam Hussain. “Examining the relations of time management and procrastination within a model of self-regulated learning.” Metacognition and learning 12.3 (2017): 381-399. Retrieved from

Comment by Adam Hadley: Review page 162 in Hacker’s style manual.

Tika Adhikari Campus Racism 101 10 /10 !









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Text Comment

You have written a good rough draft.
However, I would like to see you
alter your use of “Kim.” Instead of
referring to Kim throughout the
essay, you should reserve the
specific example to support a
specific piece of evidence. When
you are explaining your proposal for
success, you can direct it to
“students.” Let me know if you have
any questions.

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