Personal Finance Project

Personal Finance Project

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You will develop an individual ‘life’ financial plan using the excel spreadsheet template provided in the Project D2L folder. You are to fill in (and add rows and columns as needed) the information for both your personal income statement and your personal balance sheet. You will need to add the respective formulas in the spreadsheet, so that the income statement and balance sheet are accurate and “tie” together. For example, your school loans (if you have them or expect them) would go into your liabilities and then you’d have lines in recurring expenses on your income statement as you pay off the loan. Input your expected salaries, costs, deductions, investments, etc. and summarize your assumptions in a clear manner so the logic can be easily understood. You will decide what your expected salary increases will be, when you will buy a house, what the house will cost, how much money you will plan to save in your retirement account vs. your regular savings account and when you will make major purchases. Research median salary data for your expected career and median home prices and/or rent prices in the area you plan to live. You will need to provide an amortization table for any loans that you incur (such as home mortgage and or car payments. You could do this in a separate worksheet in your spreadsheet).

You will also need to determine your income tax rate for each year. This can be found using the current US federal income tax brackets. You will need to research how these work and apply the correct formula in your spreadsheet. For simplicity, state income tax can be ignored.

You are expected to enter the appropriate formulas into the spreadsheet (linking your income statement and balance sheet appropriately) so that you will have a picture of your budget, your growing net worth, and your retirement portfolio. Also, some line items are missing on the spreadsheet and you will need to add them to make your spreadsheet complete and accurate.

Develop a plan that will generate an adequate amount of money to retire at age 55 (if you are currently in your early twenties. If you are older, then you may provide an appropriate retirement age). Complete the analysis out to age 95 to ensure that you will have adequate resources to provide for your entire life. Research what average rate of return can reasonably be expected in your 401k and other investments. Assume that you receive NO social security benefits in later years (therefore, your investments have to provide all your required income in your retirement years). Again…. clearly show your assumptions and explain your logic in the spreadsheet.

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For salary increases, you can grow them at some rate higher than inflation, but you may want to limit the salary increases to matching inflation after 45 or 50 years old to be conservative. You need to grow your expenses over time with both inflation and life style. For example, your travel budget should dramatically increase as you get out of school and begin your career/life. Health care should probably grow at 2X inflation at least for the next 10 years.

Also, we will ignore SS and Medicare and state taxes for this spreadsheet to simplify it. However, there are rows in red that we won’t use for the project that have these items. They are there if you want to add them to the spreadsheet after the class for your own personal use.

The spreadsheet has a LOT of comments. They have been put there to answer the majority of the questions that we (my TA and me) get during office hours. Please look to the spreadsheet for answers before you come to me or the TA with questions.


1) You’ll need to change row 2 to have the correct years.

2) You’ll need to change row 3 to align with the age for the person you are representing in the spreadsheet. I’d recommend starting the date/age with the first year you are out of college and begin working.

3) Row 9, 10, and 11 of the personal income statement would only occur later in life when you are taking money out of your retirement accounts. These distributions will be taxed as ordinary income.

4) Exemptions have been eliminated in the tax legislation for 2018, however, there are still child credits. Research the appropriate tax rates, credits (google 2019 IRS tax tables, click on Forbes URL, it has a good summary of tax rates).

5) You either take a standard deduction or an itemized deduction in a respective year, not both.

6) If you take the standard deduction you can’t deduct the interest on your house. You can only deduct interest on a home loan and property taxes if you itemize your deductions.

NOTE: We have had issues with students using Google Docs. It is a great collaborative tool, however, when you go to upload to D2L to hand in the assignment, often the formula’s of the spreadsheet are lost. Since we require to see the formulas to grade the project properly this is not acceptable. You may want to use the Microsoft free online version of excel. The benefit is that it seems to download acceptably and the formulas are intact, however, it renders very slowly when working collaboratively among group members. I recommend that you just have the spreadsheet on your local computer work on it and use some revision control and email from member to member to make the necessary edits. This is collaboratively a bigger hassle, but you will get the spreadsheet to download accurately.





.5 but must take minimum withdrawl at least at



withdrawls from retirement accounts; This will only have a value during retirement; Can take penalty free withdralws at 59.5 but must take minimum withdrawl at least at 70.5

Assume you do not receive social security or medicare for this project, but for your own purposes later on feel free to include these lines

MUST fill in all cells of this color

ried filing jointly)

1K Contributions


just for total deduction;Only used for total deductions calculations; Repeat this respective value in residuals; Be mindful of contribution limits

tax changes, Assume $2000 credit per child if income is less than $400K / yr.



% of annual gross income

for Retirement


up to a certain %, not apart of total residual income

negligable, cap at 50%

ly salary


Roth IRA

Fill out assumptions tab Subject Line from Personal Finance Statement Comment
Read through all comments on the assumptions and personal finance statement tabs Salary Starting salary after graduation; Need to account for raises
Link assumptions and all amortization tables to the personal finance sheet where appropriate Spouse Salary Include spouse salary if filing jointly
Read the PDF also on D2L. It has a lot of hints for completing this successfully. Company Bonus optional if you’ll have it

0 1 withdrawls from retirement accounts; This will only have a value during retirement; Can take penalty free withdralws at

5 70
All comments from personal finance statement are re-copied here for easier reference. READ THROUGH ALL INSTRUCTION. Traditional

Retirement funds from other investments withdrwal from retirment account;Will want to use this if you retire before age 59.5; This is only retirement funds, if you wish to have extra investment funds accounts for additional income priror to retirement, you need to add rows here in income as well as in residual and currrent asset sections
DO NOT alter cells in this color Social Security Assume you do not receive social security or medicare for this project, but for your own purposes later on feel free to include these lines
MUST fill in all cells of this color Medicare

Income Total of all sources of income
Exemptions ( 1 per dependent, enter $)
Red cells are not used for this project but are there for reference if you choose to use this later.
Standard Deduction (Single taxpayer)
Standard Deduction (

Itemized Deductions
40 just for total deduction;Only used for total deductions calculations; Repeat this respective value in residuals; Be mindful of contribution limits
Traditional IRA
Total Deductions Total deductions, make sure you are only claiming either standard or itemized deductions, but not both
Taxable Net Income What is taxable of gross income after deductions
Tax Expense Change tax brackets as taxable net income changes
Child Tax Credit Look up

After Tax Income What’s left of gross income after tax expense; (Gross income – tax expense)
Roth IRA retirement fund withdrawl
Total After Tax Net Income Include inflation where necessary, needs to reflect increase in dependents (kids, spouse); Add lines as necessary
Food Formula here only used to illustrate inflation, use your own values
Health Care To be conservative grow twice inflation. You will still have medical expenses even if covered by company policy; Do not assume medicade or medicare
Travel Usually understated. You will not travel like a college student the rest of your life
Vehicle Gas, maintenance, etc. If you chose to include your actual car purchases here, link to auto amortiztaion worksheet or note the entire purchase made in cash
Mortgage take down payment directly out of asset account (make a comment to indicate where) and link annual payments to house mortgate amortization worksheet
Student Loan

Payment link to student loan amortization worksheet
Total Expenses Total of all expenses above
Residual Income What income is left after taxes and annual expenses; (after tax net income – total expenses)
Funds to savings & checking account Place an IF statement here to aid in capping your savings account at

Other Investments make this the result of all other input to asset account subtracted from the residual income
Funds to IRA Annual contribution limits between IRA and Roth are

Funds to

401K Annual contribution limit is 18,000
Funds to Roth IRA Only qualify to deposit while in certain tax brackets
Company Match; not included in residual income Match to the

Current Assets These are cumulative accounts input from the income statement above
Savings & Checking account Interest year
Other Investments for Retirement
Select an appropriate rate of return for all retirement accounts.
Total Current Assets Total of the current asset accounts this year
Fixed Assets Do not depreciate or appreciate assets through time (with the expection of personal property) value will be dealt with at time of sale (such as trading in for a new car); If you are reading this and all other instructions, make a comment on your savings at age 95 stating where the money goes after you die
House This is the total value of the house. This value will remain constant until you sell it. You will need to show the down payment coming from either savings & checking or other investments.
Personal Property
Total Fixed Assets This grows as you accumulate stuff, not with inflation or interest
Total Assets current and fixed assets
Current Liabilities (can be zero for this project)
Total Current Liabilities
Long Term Liabilities respective year cell to the ending year balance of the amortization sheet;Link to the transposed end of year balances in respective amortization worksheet
Student Loan Debt
Auto Debt
First year loan value is equal to the house value minus the down payment
Total Long Term Liabilities
Total Liabilities current + long term liabilities
Net Worth Assets – Liabilities
Sign your name to the right if you have red all the comments/instructions listed above.





Other Investments 1


Traditional IRA 1
401k 1
Roth IRA 1


Fill out all yellow boxes
Interest Reference Inflation (non-negligible)
Salary rate of raise (outpace inflation)
NOTE: This assumption area will be used by yourself to help you coordinate timing for filling out the personal income statement and balance sheet. It will be used by the grader to help understand your persona.
Who are you? Notes Additional info
Location (can be multiple)
Marriage? (enter y or n)
If yes, spouse profession & year married
Kids? (enter y or n)
If yes to kids, what years?
Do you have student loans? (enter y or n)
What year do you buy a house?
What year(s) do you buy a car? (One must be done with a loan and amortization)
Any large/fun purchases? When/What?
What retirement accounts will you use?
When do you retire?
Any additional notes:

Personal Income Statement

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91

Personal Income Statement

Exemptions ( 1 per dependent, enter $)
Standard Deduction (Single taxpayer)
Standard Deduction (Married filing jointly)
Itemized Deductions

Total After Tax Net Income


Admin: Admin:
Show life after retirement including taxes and continuous expenses. Do not have to retire at 55, but you will stop taking in a salary and will start distributing from other retirement accounts. You will no longer pull company match and will not contribute to 401k or traditional IRA once you reach age of 70.5, but do not need to continue to contribute.
Check to make sure that if you had kids as dependents you are removing them from expenses and tax dedcutions as necessary.



Katie Kelly: Admin:
Example of an IF statement. This type of statement ensures that if 0 is going into check/savings account that the unused percentage is still going into an asset account.

$ – 0

$ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0

Name Year Year
Admin: Admin:
Show life after retirement including taxes and continuous expenses. Do not have to retire at 55, but you will stop taking in a salary and will start distributing from other retirement accounts. You will no longer pull company match and will not contribute to 401k or traditional IRA once you reach age of 70.5, but do not need to continue to contribute.
Check to make sure that if you had kids as dependents you are removing them from expenses and tax dedcutions as necessary.
3/18/20 2020 2021 20

22 20

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24 20

25 20

26 20

27 20

28 20

29 20

30 20

31 20

32 20

33 20

34 20

35 20

36 20

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39 2040 20

41 20

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79 20

80 20

81 20

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83 20

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87 20

88 20

89 20

90 20

Age 21
Admin: Admin:
Input your age here
Admin: Starting salary after graduation
Need to account for raises
Spouse Salary
Admin: Admin:
Include spouse salary if filing jointly
Company Bonus
Admin: Admin:
optional if you’ll have it
401K Distribution
Admin: Admin: withdrawls from retirement accounts
This will only have a value during retirement
Can take penalty free withdralws at 59.5 but must take minimum withdrawl at least at 70.5
Traditional IRA Distribution
Admin: Admin:withdrawls from retirement accounts
This will only have a value during retirement
Can take penalty free withdralws at 59.5 but must take minimum withdrawl at least at 70.5
Retirement funds from other investments
Admin: Admin:withdrwal from retirment account
Will want to use this if you retire before age 59.5
This is only retirement funds, if you wish to have extra investment funds accounts for additional income priror to retirement, you need to add rows here in income as well as in residual and currrent asset sections
Social Security
Admin: Admin:
Assume you do not receive social security or medicare for this project, but for your own purposes later on feel free to include these lines
Gross Income
Admin: Admin:
Total of all sources of income
401K Contributions
Admin: Admin:just for total deduction
Only used for total deductions calculations
Repeat this respective value in residuals
Be mindful of contribution limits
Traditional IRA Contributions
Admin: Admin: just for total deduction
Only used for total deductions calculations
Repeat this respective value in residuals
Be mindful of contribution limits
Total Deductions
Admin: Admin:
Total deductions, make sure you are only claiming either standard or itemized deductions, but not both
Taxable Net Income
Admin: What is taxable of gross income after deductions
Tax Expense
Admin: Admin:
Change tax brackets as taxable net income changes
Child Tax Credit
Zignego, Bruce: Zignego, Bruce:
Lood up 2018 tax changes, Assume $2000 credit per child if income is less than $400K / yr.
After Tax Income
Admin: Admin:
What’s left of gross income after tax expense
(Gross income – tax expense)
Roth IRA Distributions (do not move this above taxes)
Admin: Admin:
retirement fund withdrawl
Admin: Admin:
Include inflation where necessary, needs to reflect increase in dependents (kids, spouse)
Add lines as necesary
Admin: Admin:
Formula here only used to illustrate inflation, use your own values
$2,000 $2,000
Admin: Admin:
Use this equation to map inflation over time. Substitute proper values for each expense and chose your own rate of inflation.
Health Care
Admin: Admin:
To be conservative grow twice inflation. You will still have medical expenses even if covered by company policy
Do not assume medicade or medicare
Admin: Admin:
Use this equation to map inflation over time. Substitute proper values for each expense and chose your own rate of inflation.
Admin: Admin:
Usually understated. You will not travel like a college student the rest of your life
Admin: Admin:
Gas, maintenance, etc. If you chose to include your actual car purchases here, link to auto amortiztaion worksheet or note the entire purchase made in cash
Admin: Admin:
take down payment directly out of asset account (make a comment to indicate where) and link annual payments to house mortgate amortization worksheet
Student Loan Payments
Admin: Admin:
link to student loan amortization worksheet
Total Expenses
Admin: Admin:
Total of all expenses above
Residual Income
Admin: Admin:
What income is left after taxes and annual expenses
(after tax net income – total expenses)
Admin: Admin:
Spend all the residual income by distributing into asset accounts
Funds to savings & checking account
Admin: Admin:
Place an IF statement here to aid in capping your savings account at 50% of annual gross income
Other Investments for Retirement
Admin: make this the result of all other input to asset account subtracted from the residual income
$ – 0
Funds to IRA
Admin: Admin:
Annual contribution limits between IRA and Roth are 5500
Funds to 401K
Admin: Admin:
Annual contribution limit is 18,000
Funds to Roth IRA
Admin: Admin:
Only qualitfy to deposit while in certain tax brackets
Company Match; not included in residual income
Admin: Admin:
Match to the 401k up to a certain %, not apart of total residual income
Have you spent all your money? (This should be equal to 0 every year)

Personal Balance Sheet

Name Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Admin: Admin:
Show life after retirement including taxes and continuous expenses. Do not have to retire at 55, but you will stop taking in a salary and will start distributing from other retirement accounts. You will no longer pull company match and will not contribute to 401k or traditional IRA once you reach age of 70.5, but do not need to continue to contribute.
Check to make sure that if you had kids as dependents you are removing them from expenses and tax dedcutions as necessary. Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
3/18/20 2020 2021






Age 21
Admin: Admin:
Input your age here 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92



Other Investments for Retirement

401K $0

Roth IRA



Current Liabilities (can be zero for this project)

Total Current Liabilities

Student Loan Debt
Auto Debt


Total Long Term Liabilities

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2051 2052 2053 2054 2056 2057 2058 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091
Personal Finance Sheet
Current Assets
Admin: Admin:
These are cumulative accounts input from the income statement above
Savings & Checking account
Admin: Admin:
Iterest negligable, cap at 50% yearly salary
Admin: Admin:
This kind of equation accoutns ffor current assets in the account plus this years deposit. This is cumulative.
Traditional IRA
Admin: Admin:
Select an appropriate rate of return for all retirement accounts.
Admin: Admin:
This equation accounts for growth of the asset from last year plus the deposit from the current year and also accounts for when retirement funds are used in gross income. Use your own interest rates
Total Current Assets
Admin: Admin:
Total of the current asset accounts this year
Fixed Assets
Admin: Admin:
Do not depreciate or appreciate assets throughtime (with the expection of personal property) value will be dealt with at time of sale (such as trading in for a new car)
If you are reading this and all other instructions, make a comment on your savings at age 95 stating where the money goes after you die
Personal Property
Admin: Admin:
This grows as you accumulate stuff, not with inflation or interest
Total Fixed Assets
Admin: Admin:
Sum of fixed assets for the current year
Total Assets
Admin: Admin:
current and fixed assets
Long Term Liabilities
Admin: Admin:
respective year cell to the ending year balance of the amortization sheet.
Link to the transposed end of year balances in respective amortization worksheet
Total Liabilities
Admin: Admin:
current + long term liabilities
Admin: Admin:
Input your age here
Net Worth
Admin: Admin:
Assets – Liabilities
Admin: Admin:
These are cumulative accounts input from the income statement above
Admin: Admin:
Iterest negligable, cap at 50% yearly salary
Admin: Admin:
This kind of equation accoutns ffor current assets in the account plus this years deposit. This is cumulative.
Admin: Admin:
Select an appropriate rate of return for all retirement accounts.
Admin: Admin:
This equation accounts for growth of the asset from last year plus the deposit from the current year and also accounts for when retirement funds are used in gross income. Use your own interest rates
Admin: Admin:
Total of the current asset accounts this year
Admin: Admin:
Do not depreciate or appreciate assets throughtime (with the expection of personal property) value will be dealt with at time of sale (such as trading in for a new car)
If you are reading this and all other instructions, make a comment on your savings at age 95 stating where the money goes after you die
Admin: Admin:
This grows as you accumulate stuff, not with inflation or interest
Admin: Admin:
Sum of fixed assets for the current year
Admin: Admin:
current and fixed assets
Admin: Admin:
respective year cell to the ending year balance of the amortization sheet.
Link to the transposed end of year balances in respective amortization worksheet

Mortgage Amortization

Mortgage Amortization

ly payments

Year Month



Year Beginning Balance Payment Principal Interest Cumulative Principal Cumulative Interest Ending Balance

Jan 1.00 Jan

Feb 2.00 Feb

Mar 3.00 Mar

Apr 4.00 Apr

May 5.00 May

Jun 6.00 Jun

Jul 7.00 Jul

Aug 8.00 Aug

Sep 9.00 Sep



Nov 11.00 Nov

Dec 12.00 Dec



0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 Months 0.00
0.00 0.00


0.00 0.00


0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00


0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00

Inputs Key Figures
Loan principal amount Annual loan payments
Annual interest rate Month
Loan period in years Interest in first calendar year
Base year of loan Interest over term of loan
Base month of loan Sum of all payments
Payments in First 12

Beginning Balance Payment Principal Cumulative Principal Cumulative Interest Ending Balance
Yearly Schedule of Balances and Payments
Transposed End of Year Balance (use this to link to long term debt)

0.00 10.00

Base Year
Last Year
Mos in Last Yr

Car Amortization

Car Amortization

Inputs Key Figures

Loan principal amount

Annual loan payments

Annual interest rate

Loan period in years 5 Interest in first calendar year

Base year of loan 2019 Interest over term of loan

Base month of loan Sum of all payments

Year Month Beginning Balance Payment

Interest Cumulative Principal Cumulative Interest Ending Balance

2019 Jan $100,000.00 $1,887.12

$1,470.45 $416.67

Feb $98,529.55 $1,887.12

Mar $97,052.97 $1,887.12

Apr $95,570.24 $1,887.12

May $94,081.33 $1,887.12


Jun $92,586.22 $1,887.12

Jul $91,084.88 $1,887.12

Aug $89,577.28 $1,887.12

Sep $88,063.40 $1,887.12

Oct $86,543.21 $1,887.12

Nov $85,016.69 $1,887.12

Dec $83,483.81 $1,887.12


Yearly Schedule of Balances and Payments Transposed End of Year Balance (use this to link to long term debt)
Year Beginning Balance Payment Principal Interest Cumulative Principal Cumulative Interest Ending Balance year


2020 $81,944.54 $22,645.44






2022 $43,014.82 $22,645.44

2023 $22,043.87 $22,645.44 $22,043.87

$100,000.00 $13,227.20


1.00 Jan 1.00 Jan
2.00 Feb 2.00 Feb
3.00 Mar 3.00 Mar
4.00 Apr 4.00 Apr
5.00 May 5.00 May
6.00 Jun 6.00 Jun
7.00 Jul 7.00 Jul
8.00 Aug 8.00 Aug
9.00 Sep 9.00 Sep
10.00 Oct 10.00 Oct
11.00 Nov 11.00 Nov
12.00 Dec 12.00 Dec


36.00 24.00


0.00 Months 60.00

60.00 0.00 Base Year 2019
60.00 0.00 Years 5.00
60.00 0.00 Last Year 2023
60.00 0.00 Mos in Last Yr 12.00
60.00 0.00

60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
60.00 0.00

$100,000.00 $22,645.44
5.000% Monthly payments $1,887.12
Payments in First 12 Months Principal
$1,470.45 $416.67 $98,529.55
$1,476.58 $410.54 $2,947.03 $827.21 $97,052.97
$1,482.73 $404.39 $4,429.76 $1,231.60 $95,570.24
$1,488.91 $398.21 $5,918.67 $1,629.81 $94,081.33
$1,495.11 $392.01 $7,413.78 $

2,021 $92,586.22
$1,501.34 $385.78 $8,915.12 $2,407.60 $91,084.88
$1,507.60 $379.52 $10,422.72 $2,787.12 $89,577.28
$1,513.88 $373.24 $11,936.60 $3,160.36 $88,063.40
$1,520.19 $366.93 $13,456.79 $3,527.29 $86,543.21
$1,526.52 $360.60 $14,983.31 $3,887.89 $85,016.69
$1,532.88 $354.24 $16,516.19 $4,242.13 $83,483.81
$1,539.27 $347.85 $18,055.46 $81,944.54
tc={709D8048-B310-452D-BD56-0C87D7DB1819}: [Threaded comment]
Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more:
Do not change formulas in these cells unless loan period is longer than 7 years. May need to extend the table if loan period is longer than 7 years.
2,022 2,023
$18,979.46 $3,665.98 $37,034.92 $8,255.96 $

62,965 43,015 22,044
$62,965.08 $19,950.26 $2,695.18 $56,985.18 $10,951.14 $43,014.82
$20,970.95 $1,674.49 $77,956.13 $12,625.63 $22,043.87
$601.57 $0.00

Student Loan Amortization

Student Loan Amortization

Inputs Key Figures
Loan principal amount Annual loan payments
Annual interest rate Monthly payments
Loan period in years Interest in first calendar year
Base year of loan Interest over term of loan
Base month of loan Sum of all payments

Payments in First 12 Months
Year Month Beginning Balance Payment Principal Interest Cumulative Principal Cumulative Interest Ending Balance
0 Jan

Sep Transposed End of Year Balance (use this to link to long term debt)
Oct year



Yearly Schedule of Balances and Payments

Year Beginning Balance Payment Principal Interest Cumulative Principal Cumulative Interest Ending Balance
1.00 Jan 1.00 Jan
2.00 Feb 2.00 Feb
3.00 Mar 3.00 Mar
4.00 Apr 4.00 Apr
5.00 May 5.00 May
6.00 Jun 6.00 Jun
7.00 Jul 7.00 Jul
8.00 Aug 8.00 Aug
9.00 Sep 9.00 Sep
10.00 Oct 10.00 Oct
11.00 Nov 11.00 Nov
12.00 Dec 12.00 Dec

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 Months 0.00
0.00 0.00 Base Year 0
0.00 0.00 Years 0.00
0.00 0.00 Last Year
0.00 0.00 Mos in Last Yr 12.00

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tc={DACC34CB-DD5B-4336-BBEA-770E28D82438}: [Threaded comment]
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Do not change formulas in this cell unless your loan period is longer than 11 years. May need to extend table if loan period is longer than 11 years.


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