personal diversity

Dimensions of Diversity Reflection 

Gaining an understanding of the many dimensions of diversity is important for those learning and working in public health. Making a personal connection to the dimensions of diversity can help us gain a deeper understanding of how diversity impacts our own lives. 

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Dimensions of Diversity Wheel Review:

Review the Dimensions of Diversity Wheel included in your Module 1 Readings in depth and reflect upon your own core dimensions of diversity (i.e. the first ring including dimensions such as race, age, economic background, etc.). These are the dimensions of diversity that are most central to our lives and our experiences. Many of these dimensions are unchangeable.

Identify One Core Dimension of Diversity:

Identify one core dimension of your own personal diversity. Write a reflection about how that core dimension has impacted your life in a positive way. Provide one to two examples of how this core dimension has influenced your life experiences. 

Identify a Second Core Dimension of Diversity:

Identify a second core dimension of your own personal diversity. Write a reflection about how that core dimension has impacted your life in a negative way. Provide one to two examples of how this core dimension has influenced your life experiences. 

Answer each question completely with two to three paragraphs. Be sure to carefully review the grading rubric included below. Complete the template included here: 

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KINE 4358 Assignment 1.1 Template

Identify one core dimension of your own personal diversity from the Diversity Wheel in Module 1 Readings. Write a reflection about how that core dimension has impacted your life in a positive way. Provide one to two examples of how this core dimension has influenced your life experiences. 

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Identify a second core dimension of your own personal diversity from the Diversity Wheel in Module 1 Readings. Write a reflection about how that core dimension has impacted your life in a negative way. Provide one to two examples of how this core dimension has influenced your life experiences. 

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