Personal Care Plan

Instruction: Students will design a self-care plan to maintain a kind and positive lifestyle. Minimum a 3 page typed and double-spaced in conventional 12pt font. MLA-style format.

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This is a Yoga/Pilate class. Below are some examples you can use for your approach in completing the Personal Care Plan assignment: 

-Tracking water intake with “WaterLlama” App etc.

-Tracking calories burned daily through “Activity”, “Fitbit”etc. 

-Tracking your sleep with a wearable device. I personally use the “Pillow” App.

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-Tracking how many miles/steps you walk. I use my Apple Watch or an app on my phone. 

-Tracking your diet. What are you eating? How many calories are you having daily?  I use “MyFitness Pal”.

-How often and how long do you meditate? I utilize the “Calm” App

-Tracking how long you exercise daily? Yoga/Pilates, running, walking, sports etc. 

-How often do you stretch? Is your flexibility improving? 

-What Yoga poses do you regularly practice if any? 

-What Pilates exercises do you think you can incorporate to your daily routine?

This is for you to think about the “Personal Care Plan” assignment and have data gathered to reflect on and notice the changes and improvements you are experiencing. 

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