Peer response week 7 class 6050

Week 7 peer responses

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Sarah Enyard

RE: Discussion – Week 7


In an effort to protect public health, the Unites States Government must issue and enact health care related policies and laws that provide guidelines to stakeholders (, 2020). As we all know the world has been affected by the novel coronavirus, also known as Covid 19. This pandemic has affected our daily lives and created a need for social distancing and avoiding close contacts with others. The virus spreads through droplet transmission and seems to be extremely contagious. Symptoms of Covid 19 range from no symptoms to severe symptoms leading patients to be placed on vents and even resulting in death (CDC, 2020)

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As a result of Covid 19 reducing unnecessary exposure has been a priority in efforts to prevent spread. Representative, Cynthia Axne introduced a bill to the House as a response. H.R. 6634, Emergency COVID Telehealth Response Act, requires that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to allow providers to use Telehealth platforms during emergency public health events to provide services that do not fully require direct patient contact. Some of these providers include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and social workers. Granted, not all of their services can be provided by Telehealth, but the idea is to limit in person visits to only services that require direct patient contact (, 2020).

Evidence exists that limiting exposure and social distancing helps reduce the spread of Covid 19. Health care providers come in direct contact with patients on a daily basis, many who are ill. By continuing physical contact with patients that is not required, we are increasing the risk of exposure. I believe that Telehealth is a great way to limit unnecessary exposure and still provide care. While this hinders the ability to complete full assessments and hands on techniques, it does allow for instruction and communication. For example, a physical therapist can provide demonstration, visual evaluation, instruction and feedback on strengthening exercises. By passing this Bill and implementing Telehealth as a health care policy, it gives providers an opportunity to help in reducing occurrences of exposure.


CDC. (2020). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19). Retrieved from (2020). H.R. 6634-Emergency COVID Telehealth Response Act. Retrieved from

q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22covid+telehealth%22%5D%7D&s=3&r=1 (2020). Law and Health Policy. Retrieved from


Whitney Johnson

RE: Discussion – Week 7


The Senate introduced the family Support Services for Addiction Act of 2020. The purpose of this bill is to provide services that will support patients with substance abuse disorder and their families. The bill will include peer support groups for the abusers. Also, intervention methods that will include the family. The family will also receive support during the process. It also extends out to those in foster care and their families (Gillibrand, 2020). When one is dealing with an abuse disorder, the family is disturbed. Therefore, providing services will help them as well. The family would need resources that will help them understand what the person is going through. The family will learn signs and symptoms to look for and when to seek help for the abuser. Also, the coping mechanisms will help, especially if children are involved. The goal is to bring the abuser back to optimal health and have a healthy community (Bortolon et al., 2016). Involving family members in recovery addiction is essential for their family members. It will help them see that they are not alone (Bradshaw et al., 2015).

Most patients that I have interacted with that have a substance disorder reported feeling lonely if they have no support from family. However, those who do have support usually precede the road to recovery at a faster rate.


Bortolon, C. B., Signor, L., Moreira, T. D., Figueiró, L. R., Benchaya, M. C., Machado, C. A., . . . Barros, H. M. (2016). Family functioning and health issues associated with codependency in families of drug users. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 21(1), 101-107. doi:10.1590/1413-81232015211.20662014

Bradshaw, S., Shumway, S. T., Wang, E. W., Harris, K. S., Smith, D. B., & Austin-Robillard, H. (2015). Hope, Readiness, and Coping in Family Recovery From Addiction. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 10(4), 313-336. doi:10.1080/1556035x.2015.1099125

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