Pathaphysiology of septic arthritis and clinical manifestation and relate to case study

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Molecular Sciences


Neutrophils: Beneficial and Harmful Cells in
Septic Arthritis

Daiane Boff 1,2, Helena Crijns 1,2, Mauro M. Teixeira 1, Flavio A. Amaral 1, † ID and
Paul Proost 2,*, † ID

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1 Imunofarmacologia, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, Brazil; (D.B.); (H.C.); (M.M.T.); (F.A.A.)

2 Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
Rega Institute for Medical Research, KU Leuven, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

* Correspondence:; Tel.: +32-16-322-471
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Received: 31 December 2017; Accepted: 1 February 2018; Published: 5 February 2018

Abstract: Septic arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease that is induced by pathogens such as
Staphylococcus aureus. Infection of the joint triggers an acute inflammatory response directed by
inflammatory mediators including microbial danger signals and cytokines and is accompanied
by an influx of leukocytes. The recruitment of these inflammatory cells depends on gradients of
chemoattractants including formylated peptides from the infectious agent or dying cells, host-derived
leukotrienes, complement proteins and chemokines. Neutrophils are of major importance and play a
dual role in the pathogenesis of septic arthritis. On the one hand, these leukocytes are indispensable
in the first-line defense to kill invading pathogens in the early stage of disease. However, on the
other hand, neutrophils act as mediators of tissue destruction. Since the elimination of inflammatory
neutrophils from the site of inflammation is a prerequisite for resolution of the acute inflammatory
response, the prolonged stay of these leukocytes at the inflammatory site can lead to irreversible
damage to the infected joint, which is known as an important complication in septic arthritis patients.
Thus, timely reduction of the recruitment of inflammatory neutrophils to infected joints may be an
efficient therapy to reduce tissue damage in septic arthritis.

Keywords: neutrophil; septic arthritis; chemoattractant; Staphylococcus aureus; tissue
damage; infection

1. Introduction

Septic arthritis can be defined as an inflammatory disease of the joints, induced by an
infectious agent [1,2]. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa may invade joints and cause injury.
However, Gram-positive bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), are the most prevalent
microorganisms causing septic arthritis [3]. In addition, S. aureus is responsible for the most severe
cases of septic arthritis. Any synovial joint can be involved; however, most frequently one large
joint such as the knee or hip is affected [1,4]. Invasion of bacteria into the synovial space can occur
predominantly by two routes: either through hematogenous spread (most common) or by direct
invasion [5] as shown in Figure 1A. The synovium is extremely vascularized and contains no limiting
basement membrane, facilitating the access to the synovial space. Thus, bacteria may spread directly
from adjacent osteomyelitis or from a local soft tissue infection and could reach the joint during
diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, penetrating trauma, or prosthetic surgery, or, less commonly,
by animal bites [2,6,7].

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468; doi:10.3390/ijms19020468

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 2 of 28

Septic arthritis patients typically present with a single swollen, warm and painful joint with a
decreased range of motion. Fever is present in only 30–40% of cases [8]. Normally a single synovial
joint is affected such as the knee, hip, ankle or elbow. The hip is the more frequently affected joint in
children. Atypical joint infection, including the sternoclavicular, costochondral and sacroiliac joints,
may be common in intravenous drug users [9]. Polyarticular septic arthritis is not common and usually
accompanied by a number of risk factors. The articular damage is an important feature and a challenge
in this disease, since about 25–50% of patients have irreversible articular damage with total loss of
joint function [1,10].

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 27

children. Atypical joint infection, including the sternoclavicular, costochondral and sacroiliac joints,
may be common in intravenous drug users [9]. Polyarticular septic arthritis is not common and
usually accompanied by a number of risk factors. The articular damage is an important feature and
a challenge in this disease, since about 25–50% of patients have irreversible articular damage with
total loss of joint function [1,10].

Figure 1. Routes of bacterial infection and risk factors for septic arthritis development. (A) Bacteria
can access the joint through 5 routes: (1) by hematogenous spread; (2) from an adjacent infected tissue;
(3) through infected bones; (4) as a consequence of trauma or (5) during diagnostic procedures. (B)
Additionally, some risk factors are related to septic arthritis such as presence of other rheumatic or
immunosuppressive diseases, prosthetic surgery and higher age.

Once microorganisms have gained entry into the joint, the low fluid shear conditions in the joint
space allow adherence and infection. The attachment of S. aureus to the joint extracellular matrix or
to implanted medical devices, such as prosthetic joints, is mediated by microbial surface component
recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs). After colonizing the joint, the bacteria can
rapidly proliferate and trigger an acute inflammatory response [11]. The synovium responds with a
proliferative lining-cell hyperplasia and there is an influx of inflammatory cells [12]. Phagocytes,
including neutrophils and macrophages, chemotactically migrate to the infected joint, directed by
gradients of bacterial products displaying chemotactic activity and mediators of the immune
response [13]. Neutrophils play a major role in the first-line defense against invading pathogens,
including bacteria, and these leukocytes are the first to migrate to the site of infection. Activated
macrophages are recruited to the joint slightly later and they are followed by T lymphocytes [1,14–16]. In
this manuscript, we will review current knowledge on septic arthritis with an emphasis on the role
of neutrophils. We will discuss neutrophil activation and recruitment, not only resulting in their
beneficial role in the elimination of microbial infection, but also regularly causing tissue damage and
permanent joint dysfunction.


  • Septic Arthritis
  • Septic arthritis is an uncommon pathology of which the yearly incidence is estimated to be 3 to
    12 cases per 100,000 people in industrialized countries [17–20]. Septic arthritis can affect people at
    any age, but elderly people and very young children are more frequently affected [21,22].
    Approximately half of the patients are younger than three years and one-third are under the age of
    two. The incidence is low in children younger than three months. Furthermore, males are slightly
    more susceptible than females [2,23]. The incidence of septic arthritis appears to decrease in children

    Figure 1. Routes of bacterial infection and risk factors for septic arthritis development. (A) Bacteria
    can access the joint through 5 routes: (1) by hematogenous spread; (2) from an adjacent infected
    tissue; (3) through infected bones; (4) as a consequence of trauma or (5) during diagnostic procedures.
    (B) Additionally, some risk factors are related to septic arthritis such as presence of other rheumatic or
    immunosuppressive diseases, prosthetic surgery and higher age.

    Once microorganisms have gained entry into the joint, the low fluid shear conditions in the joint
    space allow adherence and infection. The attachment of S. aureus to the joint extracellular matrix or
    to implanted medical devices, such as prosthetic joints, is mediated by microbial surface component
    recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs). After colonizing the joint, the bacteria can
    rapidly proliferate and trigger an acute inflammatory response [11]. The synovium responds with a
    proliferative lining-cell hyperplasia and there is an influx of inflammatory cells [12]. Phagocytes,
    including neutrophils and macrophages, chemotactically migrate to the infected joint, directed
    by gradients of bacterial products displaying chemotactic activity and mediators of the immune
    response [13]. Neutrophils play a major role in the first-line defense against invading pathogens,
    including bacteria, and these leukocytes are the first to migrate to the site of infection. Activated
    macrophages are recruited to the joint slightly later and they are followed by T lymphocytes [1,14–16].
    In this manuscript, we will review current knowledge on septic arthritis with an emphasis on the
    role of neutrophils. We will discuss neutrophil activation and recruitment, not only resulting in their
    beneficial role in the elimination of microbial infection, but also regularly causing tissue damage and
    permanent joint dysfunction.

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 3 of 28

    2. Septic Arthritis

    Septic arthritis is an uncommon pathology of which the yearly incidence is estimated to be 3 to 12
    cases per 100,000 people in industrialized countries [17–20]. Septic arthritis can affect people at any
    age, but elderly people and very young children are more frequently affected [21,22]. Approximately
    half of the patients are younger than three years and one-third are under the age of two. The incidence
    is low in children younger than three months. Furthermore, males are slightly more susceptible
    than females [2,23]. The incidence of septic arthritis appears to decrease in children in the United
    States [23]. However, several factors including an ageing population, a growing resistance to antibiotics,
    an increase in infections related to orthopedic procedures and an enhanced use of immune modulating
    agents, contribute to an increase of septic arthritis in the general population [7,24–26]. Furthermore,
    the presence of previous joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis, crystal
    arthropathies and other forms of inflammatory arthritis is a predisposing factor for the development
    of infectious arthritis (Figure 1B). In particular, the incidence of septic arthritis is approximately
    10-fold higher in patients with RA, in comparison to the general population [27,28]. The incidence of
    septic arthritis increases not only in previous arthritic patients, but also in people who suffer from
    other chronic and immunosuppressive diseases, such as diabetes, leukemia, cirrhosis, granulomatous
    diseases, cancer, hypogammaglobulinemia, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients
    and intravenous drug users [29–31]. Hemodialysis has been reported as an important risk factor
    for septic arthritis [32]. Also, penetrating trauma, including animal bites and local therapeutic
    intra-articular corticosteroid injections may cause septic arthritis in atypical joints [11,33,34]. Recent
    joint surgery is also associated with an increased risk of infection [35,36]. In addition, several cases of
    joint infections have been reported in patients that received immunosuppressive therapy and/or
    glucocorticoids [37]. In this context, the use of classic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
    (DMARDs) in RA patients can be an additional risk factor that facilitates the development of infectious
    arthritis [38,39]. Although data from observational registers have suggested an increased incidence of
    joint infections in patients receiving anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy, the incidence does not
    seem to be different from the incidence in patients treated with classical DMARDs [40].

    Septic arthritis is associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Moreover, it is a
    rheumatologic emergency, since irreversible joint destruction and consequently loss of function of the
    joint can occur rapidly [24,25,41]. Septic arthritis has a mortality ranging from approximately 10%
    to, depending on the report, more than 50% in case of polyarticular disease [3,7,41]. Persisting joint
    damage occurs in more than 30% of the patients [41]. Early diagnosis and immediate and effective
    treatment are essential to prevent severe outcomes such as irreversible joint destruction or death [2,23].
    Furthermore, the general state of the patient and the number, type and resistance pattern of the causing
    agent are also of significance to the outcome [42].

    The most common causative agent associated with septic arthritis is S. aureus, which accounts
    for about 50% of cases [43]. Recently, an increase in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) infections
    has been reported in several health-care systems, particularly in the elderly and intravenous drug
    abuser populations as well as in patients who underwent orthopedic procedures [44]. MRSA has
    been associated with 18% and 41% of septic arthritis cases in studies in São Paulo, Brazil and Tainan,
    Taiwan, respectively [44,45]. Other bacteria such as group B streptococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae,
    Neisseria gonorhoeae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus genus and Klebsiella species can
    be associated with septic arthritis, but are less frequent [46]. Common causative agents in children
    include S. aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia and Kingella kingae [47]. The infectious capacity of S. aureus
    in different tissues is provided by the presence of several virulence factors [48].

    S. aureus has a capsule composed of polysaccharides, which acts as a physical barrier that
    protects the bacteria from phagocytosis by immune cells [49]. Peptidoglycan (PGN) is the major
    component of the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria. Bacterial PGN was detected in synovial
    tissue of patients with septic arthritis [50] and studies demonstrated that intra-articular injection
    of PGN in mice can cause arthritis [51]. S. aureus is a bone pathogen because it possesses several

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 4 of 28

    cell-surface adhesion molecules that facilitate its binding to the bone matrix [52]. Binding involves
    a family of adhesins that interact with extracellular matrix components and these adhesins have
    been termed MSCRAMMs [53]. Specific MSCRAMMs are needed for the colonization of specific
    tissues. Particular MSCRAMMs include fibronectin-binding proteins, fibrinogen-binding proteins,
    elastin-binding and collagen-binding adhesion molecules. Once the bacteria adhere to and colonize
    bone matrix, they elaborate several virulence factors such as proteases, which can break down matrix
    components [54]. Further experimental studies demonstrated that collagen adhesin is an important
    virulence determinant in S. aureus-induced arthritis [55].

    S. aureus secretes a large number of enzymes and toxins, many of which have been implicated as
    potential virulence factors. Alpha and gamma toxins are lytic to red blood cells and various leukocytes,
    but not to neutrophils [56]. The combination of these two toxins has been experimentally demonstrated
    to be important for the development of septic arthritis [57]. Another toxin is Panton–Valentine
    leukocidin (PVL, consisting of the LukS and LukF proteins) that can lyse leukocytes, especially
    human neutrophils, and is related to fulminant cases of septic arthritis [58]. Enterotoxins, such
    as the superantigen toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) can cause shock by stimulating the
    release of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, TNF and other cytokines [59]. Experimentally, the presence of
    TSST-1 favors the development of septic arthritis [60]. Another important virulence factor is bacterial
    deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) with non-methylated CpG motifs, which is considerably less frequent in
    vertebrate DNA [61]. The CpG DNA can bind to Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) in immune cells, leading
    to the production of cytokines such as IL-1β, TNF, IL-6 and IL-12 [62,63]. Some studies showed that
    intra-articular injection of S. aureus CpG DNA can induce arthritis in mice [64,65].

    3. Diagnosis and Treatment of Septic Arthritis

    Gram staining and cultures of synovial fluid should be investigated in any case of suspected septic
    arthritis. Antibiotic therapy is started ideally after synovial fluid samples have been obtained [64].
    Gram stains of synovial fluid are helpful when positive, but they are not always sensitive enough
    for the diagnosis of septic arthritis [65]. Patients should be treated empirically for septic arthritis
    when synovial fluid leukocyte counts exceed 50,000 cells/mm3, although gout and pseudogout also
    commonly present with leukocyte counts of this magnitude [66]. Thus, the analysis of the presence
    of urate crystals in synovial fluid by polarized light microscopy is very important for the exclusion
    of a gouty attack [67–69]. Furthermore, the analysis of the delta neutrophil index (DNI) could be
    a valuable tool to distinguish septic arthritis and gout. DNI is a value that corresponds to the
    fraction of circulating immature granulocytes, reflecting a burden of infection. In this context, a study
    demonstrated that septic arthritic patients presented with a significantly higher DNI as compared
    to acute gouty attack patients, suggesting DNI as complementary predicting tool for septic arthritis
    diagnosis [70]. However, the serum procalcitonin level also appears to be a promising marker for
    septic arthritis [71]. On the other hand, mono-arthritis can also be misdiagnosed with cases of SAPHO
    (Synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperostosis-osteitis) syndrome, characterized by a combination of skin
    and osteoarticular manifestations [72]. Although S. aureus and other pathogens have been isolated
    from affected tissues [73], radiology features, such as radiography and MRI mainly in sternoclavicular
    joints are necessary for SAPHO syndrome diagnosis, especially in the absence of dermatological
    clinical manifestations [72]. Blood cultures should be obtained in all patients with suspected septic
    arthritis. However, the cultures must be obtained before starting antibiotic treatment to optimize
    the possibility of isolating the causative bacteria [74]. DNA-based techniques, hybridization probes,
    polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques and detection of typical bacterial compounds by
    mass spectrometry provide quick results [75]. The detection of microorganisms by PCR has shown
    more accurate results [76]. However, the risk of contamination, the presence of background DNA,
    the lack of a gold standard and the fact that PCR techniques detect DNA instead of living pathogens
    make the interpretation of these tests difficult [77].

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 5 of 28

    Imaging can be used as complementary diagnosis since a computed tomography (CT) scan
    may not depict abnormalities during the early stages of infection. However, CT is a better imaging
    technique for visualization of local edema, bone erosions, osteitic foci and sclerosis [77]. Magnetic
    resonance imaging (MRI) provides better resolution for the detection of joint effusion and for
    differentiation between bone and soft-tissue infections. MRI findings in patients with septic arthritis
    include joint effusion, cartilage and bone destruction, soft-tissue abscesses, bone edema and cortical
    interruption [78].

    Septic arthritis is so rapidly destructive that broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually warranted until
    culture data are available or bacteria have been identified by mass spectrometry. Given the increasing
    importance of MRSA as a cause of septic arthritis, initial antibiotic regimens should generally include an
    antibiotic active against MRSA, such as vancomycin [79]. Cefazolin is a reasonable alternative in areas
    with a low prevalence of MRSA. If serious vancomycin allergy is present, empiric therapy utilizing
    linezolid or daptomycin must be considered [80]. Septic arthritis associated with animal bites should
    be treated with agents such as ampicillin-sulbactam, which are active against oral microbiota [81].

    In general, septic arthritis in adults should be treated for at least 3 weeks, which may include a
    period of step-down oral therapy [25]. In children with uncomplicated septic arthritis, as few as 10 days
    of antibiotic therapy may be sufficient [82]. Septic arthritis can be managed with antibiotics combined
    with joint drainage by arthroscopy, arthrocentesis, or arthrotomy [83–85]. Joint drainage decompresses
    the joint, improves blood flow, and removes bacteria, toxins, and proteases [84]. Arthrocentesis should
    be repeated daily until effusions resolve and cultures are negative. Aggressive rehabilitation is essential
    to prevent joint contractures and muscle atrophy [2].

    4. Immune Response against S. aureus

    4.1. Introduction

    Pathogens are controlled by innate and adaptive immune responses and the recognition of
    microorganisms is the first step in host defense [86]. In the joint, resident cells, such as synoviocytes,
    can recognize S. aureus through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). In that way, those cells produce
    inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, chemokines, complement proteins and lipids that will
    attract neutrophils and macrophages [87]. The complement system plays an important role in host
    defense against infection. Products of complement activation affect many functions of neutrophils in
    host defense. The complement system can opsonize microorganisms, thereby stimulating phagocytosis.
    Phagocytosis of S. aureus by neutrophils is of major importance for the outcome in the early stage
    of septic arthritis. Moreover, chemotaxis of neutrophils to the site of inflammation is facilitated by
    complement factors such as C5a. Complement depletion, by using cobra venom factor, in a murine
    model of hematogenously induced S. aureus septic arthritis caused an aggravation of septicemia
    and arthritis [88]. The prevalence and severity of septic arthritis and septicemia-induced mortality
    were augmented upon complement depletion. Manifestations of the disease, such as synovitis
    and destruction of cartilage and/or bone, occurred earlier and were more common and severe
    in the decomplemented mice compared to the control group. Altogether, complement depletion
    disturbed phagocytosis by impairing opsonization of bacteria, and interfered with the extravasation
    and migration of neutrophils, leading to a deterioration of the disease [88]. During the onset of the
    inflammatory process, neutrophils are the main cells recruited to the site of infection and they play
    a fundamental role in both the phagocytosis and killing of the microorganism [85]. The importance
    of neutrophils in controlling S. aureus in the joint was demonstrated in a study in which neutrophils
    were depleted. This caused the impairment of bacterial control [15]. Other immune cells such as
    macrophages [6], natural killer (NK) cells [6] and B lymphocytes [89] are described to have a role in
    experimental models of septic arthritis. Dendritic cells in S. aureus-induced arthritis are fundamental
    for the activation of the adaptive immune response. The depletion of dendritic cells during S. aureus
    infection in the lungs showed an increase in bacterial load and mortality [90]. During S. aureus infection,

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 6 of 28

    dendritic cells can induce a Th1 response probably through IL-12 production. Experimentally, the lack
    of systemic IL-12 increased the bacterial load in the joint during S. aureus-induced septic arthritis [91].
    Dendritic cells can also stimulate Th17 activation, an important source of IL-17. The cytokine IL-17
    has been shown to be important for bacterial clearance and to prevent tissue damage in experimental
    S. aureus-induced arthritis [92].

    4.2. Neutrophils

    Neutrophils are continuously generated in the bone marrow from myeloid precursors. Humans
    and mice differ in their numbers of circulating neutrophils. In humans, 50–70% of circulating leukocytes
    are neutrophils, whereas this number drops to only 10–25% in mice [93]. In the circulation, mature
    neutrophils have a segmented nucleus and their cytoplasm is enriched with granules and secretory
    vesicles. After the first moments following infection, neutrophils can be recruited from blood vessels to
    the site of infection, a process that involves a close interaction between neutrophils and endothelial cells
    and is mediated by different chemotactic agents that activate the cells and guide their migration [94].
    Chemotactic factors for neutrophils include bacterial peptides [95], products of complement activation
    (such as C5a) [96], extracellular matrix degradation products (laminin digests) [97], arachidonic
    acid metabolites (leukotriene B4/LTB4) [98], other lipid mediators such as platelet activating factors
    (PAF) [99] and chemokines [100].

    Neutrophils are recruited in a cascade of events that involves the following commonly recognized
    steps that precede the transmigration: tethering, rolling, adhesion, and crawling on the endothelial cell
    surface [101,102]. Neutrophil recruitment is initiated by changes on endothelial cells during the early
    steps of inflammation. Endothelial cells can be activated directly by pathogens through PRR activation,
    causing an increase of the expression and exposure of adhesion molecules on their surface. Once
    on the endothelial surface, P selectin and E selectin bind to their glycosylated ligands on leukocytes,
    leading to the tethering (capturing) of free-flowing neutrophils to the surface of the endothelium and
    subsequent rolling of neutrophils along the vessel in the direction of the blood flow [103]. Rolling
    requires rapid formation and breakage of adhesive bonds. The rolling of neutrophils facilitates
    their contact with chemokine-decorated endothelium to induce activation. Full activation may be
    a two-step process initiated by specific priming by pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF and
    IL-1β, or by contact with activated endothelial cells followed by an exposure to pathogen-associated
    molecular patterns (PAMPs), chemoattractants or growth factors [104,105]. The adhesion step of
    the recruitment cascade prepares neutrophils for transmigration, but migration does not necessarily
    occur at the initial site of their arrest on the endothelium. Some of the adherent neutrophils reveal so
    called crawling behavior as they elongate and continue to send out pseudopods, apparently actively
    scanning and probing the surroundings while remaining firmly attached to a single location within
    the microvasculature [106]. During the transmigration process, neutrophils cross the endothelium
    in a process dependent on integrins. The migration across the endothelial cell layer occurs either
    paracellularly (between endothelial cells) or transcellularly (through an endothelial cell without mixing
    the cytoplasmic content of both cells). Next, neutrophils migrate towards the infectious/inflammatory
    focus in the tissue [107].

    4.3. Neutrophil Functions during Infections

    In order to kill microorganisms, neutrophils can phagocyte, secrete the content of their granules,
    produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antimicrobial peptides, and release neutrophil extracellular
    traps (NETs) as demonstrated in Figure 2A [108]. S. aureus may produce several virulence factors
    that neutralize neutrophil-dependent killing. These include the pore-forming toxin Panton-Valentine
    leukocidin, antioxidants staphyloxanthin, catalase and superoxide dismutase and the surface factor
    promoting resistance to oxidative killing (SOK) to neutralize the action of ROS [58,109–111] (Figure 2B).
    Neutrophil defensin-dependent killing of bacteria is inhibited by the binding of neutrophil defensins
    to staphylokinase [112]. In addition, the neutrophil-derived antibacterial peptide and neutrophil

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 7 of 28

    attractant LL37 may be degraded by the S. aureus metalloproteinase aureolysin [113,114]. Finally, NETs
    may be degraded by a S. aureus nuclease, resulting in diminished antibacterial efficiency of NETs [115].

    Once at the site of infection, the neutrophils bind and ingest invading microorganisms
    by phagocytosis, a critical first step in the removal of bacteria during infection. Neutrophils
    recognize numerous surface-bound and freely secreted bacterial products such as PGN, lipoproteins,
    lipopolysaccharide, CpG-containing DNA, and flagellin [116]. Such conserved bacterial PAMPs are
    recognized directly by PRRs expressed on the extracellular membrane or on organelles in the cytosol
    of the neutrophil [117]. The process of neutrophil phagocytosis triggers synthesis of a number of
    immunomodulatory factors that will recruit additional neutrophils, modulates subsequent neutrophil
    responses, and coordinates early responses of other cell types such as monocytes, macrophages,
    dendritic cells and lymphocytes, thereby providing an important link between innate and acquired
    immune responses [118].Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 27

    Figure 2. Killing of S. aureus by neutrophils and immune evasion. (A) Neutrophils phagocytose S.
    aureus and kill the bacteria by the production of ROS, liberation of lytic enzymes from granules and
    production of NETs. (B) S. aureus may possess virulence factors including enzymes that kill
    neutrophils or allow the bacteria to evade killing by neutrophils. ROS: reactive oxygen species; NET:
    neutrophil extracellular traps; SOK: surface factor promoting resistance to oxidative killing; SOD:
    superoxide dismutase.

    Phagocytosis is accompanied by the generation of microbicidal ROS (oxygen-dependent) and
    fusion of cytoplasmic granules with microbe-containing phagosomes (degranulation). Degranulation
    enriches the phagosome lumen with antimicrobial peptides and proteases (oxygen-independent
    process), which in combination with ROS create an environment non-conducive to survival of the
    ingested microbe [119]. In the most classical sense, neutrophil activation is intimately linked with the
    production of superoxide and other secondarily derived ROS, an oxygen-dependent process known
    as the oxidative or respiratory burst. High levels of superoxide are generated upon full assembly of
    the multi-subunit nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-dependent oxidase in
    both the plasma- and phagosomal membranes [120,121].

    Neutrophils present three fundamental types of granules: primary or azurophilic, secondary or
    specific and tertiary or gelatinase-containing granules [122,123]. Primary granules are the largest and
    are formed first during neutrophil maturation. They are named after their ability to take up the basic
    dye azure A and contain myeloperoxidase (MPO), defensins, lysozyme, bactericidal/permeability-
    increasing protein (BPI), and a number of serine proteases such as neutrophil elastase, proteinase 3
    and cathepsin G [124]. Granules of the second class are smaller, do not contain MPO and are
    characterized by the presence of the glycoprotein lactoferrin and antimicrobial compounds including
    neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, human cationic antimicrobial protein-18 and lysozyme
    [125]. The gelatinase granules are also MPO-negative, are smaller than specific granules and contain
    few antimicrobials, but they serve as a storage location for a number of metalloproteases, such as
    gelatinase and leukolysin [123]. Neutrophils also present secretory vesicles that serve as a reservoir
    for a number of important membrane-bound molecules active during neutrophil migration. As a
    neutrophil proceeds through the activation process, granules are mobilized and fuse with either the
    plasma membrane or the phagosome, releasing their content into the respective environments [126].

    Neutrophils produce peptides and proteins that directly or indirectly kill microbes. There are
    three main types of antimicrobials: cationic peptides and proteins that bind to microbial membranes,
    enzymes, and proteins that deprive microorganisms of essential nutrients [127]. Many of these
    peptides disrupt the membrane integrity, whereas some antimicrobials are thought to disrupt
    essential microbial functions, such as DNA replication, transcription or production of energy [128].
    In addition, some of these neutrophil-derived antimicrobial peptides also attract additional
    leukocytes to the inflammatory site [113,129]. Recently, it was demonstrated that neutrophils can
    produce neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that contain decondensed chromatin, bound histones,

    Figure 2. Killing of S. aureus by neutrophils and immune evasion. (A) Neutrophils phagocytose
    S. aureus and kill the bacteria by the production of ROS, liberation of lytic enzymes from granules
    and production of NETs. (B) S. aureus may possess virulence factors including enzymes that kill
    neutrophils or allow the bacteria to evade killing by neutrophils. ROS: reactive oxygen species; NET:
    neutrophil extracellular traps; SOK: surface factor promoting resistance to oxidative killing; SOD:
    superoxide dismutase.

    Phagocytosis is accompanied by the generation of microbicidal ROS (oxygen-dependent) and
    fusion of cytoplasmic granules with microbe-containing phagosomes (degranulation). Degranulation
    enriches the phagosome lumen with antimicrobial peptides and proteases (oxygen-independent
    process), which in combination with ROS create an environment non-conducive to survival of the
    ingested microbe [119]. In the most classical sense, neutrophil activation is intimately linked with the
    production of superoxide and other secondarily derived ROS, an oxygen-dependent process known as
    the oxidative or respiratory burst. High levels of superoxide are generated upon full assembly of the
    multi-subunit nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-dependent oxidase in both the
    plasma- and phagosomal membranes [120,121].

    Neutrophils present three fundamental types of granules: primary or azurophilic, secondary
    or specific and tertiary or gelatinase-containing granules [122,123]. Primary granules are the
    largest and are formed first during neutrophil maturation. They are named after their ability
    to take up the basic dye azure A and contain myeloperoxidase (MPO), defensins, lysozyme,
    bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI), and a number of serine proteases such as neutrophil
    elastase, proteinase 3 and cathepsin G [124]. Granules of the second class are smaller, do not

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 8 of 28

    contain MPO and are characterized by the presence of the glycoprotein lactoferrin and antimicrobial
    compounds including neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, human cationic antimicrobial
    protein-18 and lysozyme [125]. The gelatinase granules are also MPO-negative, are smaller than
    specific granules and contain few antimicrobials, but they serve as a storage location for a number
    of metalloproteases, such as gelatinase and leukolysin [123]. Neutrophils also present secretory
    vesicles that serve as a reservoir for a number of important membrane-bound molecules active during
    neutrophil migration. As a neutrophil proceeds through the activation process, granules are mobilized
    and fuse with either the plasma membrane or the phagosome, releasing their content into the respective
    environments [126].

    Neutrophils produce peptides and proteins that directly or indirectly kill microbes. There are
    three main types of antimicrobials: cationic peptides and proteins that bind to microbial membranes,
    enzymes, and proteins that deprive microorganisms of essential nutrients [127]. Many of these peptides
    disrupt the membrane integrity, whereas some antimicrobials are thought to disrupt essential microbial
    functions, such as DNA replication, transcription or production of energy [128]. In addition, some of
    these neutrophil-derived antimicrobial peptides also attract additional leukocytes to the inflammatory
    site [113,129]. Recently, it was demonstrated that neutrophils can produce neutrophil extracellular
    traps (NETs) that contain decondensed chromatin, bound histones, azurophilic granule proteins and
    cytosolic proteins. They have a demonstrated capacity to bind to and kill a variety of pathogens
    including S. aureus [130]. Extrusion of such structures by neutrophils is predicted to limit microbial
    spread and dissemination, while enhancing effective local concentrations of extruded microbicidal
    agents, thereby promoting synergistic killing of attached microorganisms [131].

    Several mechanisms used by neutrophils to eliminate pathogens can also cause host tissue
    damage [132]. In that way, recruitment of inflammatory neutrophils needs to be tightly controlled
    and such neutrophils must be removed before they have serious, detrimental effects on inflamed
    tissues. Once neutrophils have executed their antimicrobial function, they die via a built-in cell-death
    program. However, not only does apoptosis reduce the number of neutrophils present, it also produces
    signals that abrogate further neutrophil recruitment [133]. In addition, evidence is accumulating for
    the existence of anti-inflammatory neutrophils that produce IL-10 [103]. Indeed, different neutrophil
    populations were collected from MRSA-resistant versus MRSA-sensitive mice [134]. It is not clear
    whether these are generated as different populations or evolve separately as a consequence of
    stimulation with microorganisms, different growth factors or cytokines.

    4.4. The Chemokine System in Neutrophil Recruitment

    Chemokines are small proteins with molecular masses of ~7–12 kDa that belong to the family of
    chemotactic cytokines. Chemokines are the only group of cytokines that bind to G protein-coupled
    receptors (GPCRs) [135]. Chemokines were named based on their chemoattractant property, described
    first in 1987 when CXCL8 was shown to be involved in chemotaxis of neutrophils in vitro [136,137].
    Additionally, chemokines were described to be involved in other processes such as embryogenesis,
    homeostasis, angiogenesis and inflammation [138,139]. Chemokines can be divided into 4 subfamilies
    based on the position of the two cysteine residues in their N-terminal amino acid sequence: (1) CC
    chemokines have two adjacent cysteines; (2) CXC chemokines present with one amino acid between the
    two cysteines; (3) the CX3C chemokine has 3 amino acids between the cysteines, and; (4) C chemokines
    lack one of the two N-terminal cysteines [140]. The ELR+ CXC chemokines that have a specific amino
    acid sequence of glutamic acid-leucine-arginine (ELR) immediately before the first cysteine of the
    CXC motif, are associated with neutrophil recruitment and include CXCL1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Those
    without an ELR motif rather recruit T and B lymphocytes, monocytes or hematopoietic precursor
    cells [141–147].

    Chemokines can bind to two types of receptors: GPCRs and atypical chemokine receptors
    (ACKRs) that do not signal through G proteins and lack chemotactic activity. GPCRs are classified
    as CCR, CXCR, CX3CR and XCR according to the cysteine motif in their ligands [148,149]. The

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 9 of 28

    interactions of human and murine chemokines with GPCRs reported to be expressed on neutrophils
    are shown in Table 1. CXCR1 and CXCR2 are the abundantly expressed receptors on circulating
    neutrophils. However, under inflammatory condition, neutrophils in tissues have been reported
    to express multiple other CXC and CC chemokine receptors including CXCR3, CCR1, CCR2 and
    CCR3 [150,151]. CXCR4 expression on neutrophils enhances upon aging of neutrophils and has
    been suggested to be linked to resolution of inflammation [152,153]. As can be seen, one chemokine
    (e.g., CXCL8) can bind to several receptors and one receptor (e.g., CXCR2) may transduce signals for
    different ligands. The chemokine interactions that at the first moment were considered as “redundant”
    gave rise to the term “promiscuity” of the chemokine system. However, much attention is given now
    to the “bias of the chemokine system”, including ligand bias, receptor bias and tissue bias, which tend
    to explain and allow us to understand how those chemokines bind to their receptors and promote
    different responses in different situations [154]. For instance the chemokines CXCL4 and


    are typical platelet products [155]. In contrast, CCL3, CCL3L1 and CCL4 are primarily produced in
    leukocytes [156]. Other chemokines such as the major human neutrophil attractant CXCL8 or IL-8 may
    be induced in almost any cell type [157].

    GPCRs have seven transmembrane helices with three extra and three intracellular loops,
    an extracellular N-terminus and intracellular C-terminus. Chemokines bind to the extracellular
    domain and to a pocket in the transmembrane area and the signal is transmitted to the intracellular
    compartment. Cells are activated by the direct coupling to G proteins or β arrestins [154,158,159].
    The intracellular signaling in the chemokine receptors is related to second messengers such as calcium,
    cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and GTPases (Ras and Rac). The GPCRs can also signal
    through β arrestins, a pathway that can regulate the receptor signal through the desensitization
    process [159,160]. β arrestins can block the binding to the phosphorylated G proteins and they
    are responsible for internalization of receptors to endosomes and degradation. Desensitization
    may be critical for maintaining the capacity of the cell to sense a chemoattractant gradient [161].
    Multiple ACKRs, which fail to signal through the G proteins, have been reported to signal through β
    arrestins [154,162,163].

    Table 1. Chemokine receptors expressed on neutrophils and their human and murine ligands 1.

    Receptor Human Ligand(s) Murine Ligand(s)



    CXCL7, CXCL8


    CXCL4, CXCL4L1, CXCL9, CXCL10,

    CXCL4, CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11


    CCL3, CCL3L1, CCL4L1, CCL5, CCL7,
    CCL8, CCL14, CCL15, CCL16, CCL23

    CCL3, CCL5, CCL6, CCL7, CCL9

    CCR2 CCL2, CCL7, CCL8, CCL13, CCL16 CCL2, CCL7, CCL12

    CCL3L1, CCL5, CCL7, CCL8, CCL11,

    CCL13, CCL15, CCL24, CCL26, CCL28
    CCL5, CCL7, CCL9, CCL11,

    CCL14, CCL24, CCL26, CCL28

    CCL3, CCL3L1, CCL4, CCL4L1, CCL5,

    CCL8, CCL11, CCL14, CCL16
    CCL3, CCL4, CCL5

    ACKR2 Inflammatory CC chemokines Inflammatory CC chemokines
    1 CXCR1 and CXCR2 are highly expressed on circulating neutrophils, CXCR4 is enhanced on “aging” neutrophils
    and other chemokine receptors may be upregulated on neutrophils in inflamed tissues.

    In total, 20 chemokine receptors are described and they are all expressed on leukocytes. Based on
    their functions, they can be divided into constitutive and inducible or homeostatic and inflammatory

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 10 of 28

    receptors. Initially, inflammatory chemokines and their receptors were only studied in the context of
    inflammation, but some receptors were identified as co-receptors for HIV entrance into the cell and
    others are associated with tumor metastasis [164–168]. Regarding homeostasis, the chemokine system
    is involved in embryogenesis, leukocyte trafficking to lymphoid organs, tissue/organ development and
    angiogenesis. For instance, much attention has been given to the contribution of the CXCR4 receptor
    to embryogenesis, hematopoiesis, and leukocyte trafficking from bone marrow. The importance of
    CXCR4 in this condition is critical for survival, since the deletion of CXCR4 or its ligand CXCL12
    in mice is embryonically lethal [169,170]. Already at its discovery it was recognized that CXCR4 is
    expressed on neutrophils [171]. CXCR4 upregulated on “aging” neutrophils was shown to induce
    reverse migration of senescent neutrophils from the circulation to bone marrow [172]. CXCR1 and
    CXCR2 were the first members of the chemokine receptor family to be cloned, sharing a high degree
    of homology with formyl peptide receptors (FPRs) [173,174]. Inflammatory neutrophils express high
    levels of CXCR1 and CXCR2 on their surface once activated and the receptors and their ligands have
    an important role in neutrophil recruitment [175].

    The atypical chemokine receptors (ACKRs) are related to classical chemokine receptors and also
    have seven transmembrane domains but they are not able to activate G proteins [176–179]. These
    receptors are expressed on leukocytes and non-hematopoietic cells. ACKRs signal through the β
    arrestin pathway, but they also work as scavenger receptors, since they can internalize the bound
    chemokines without chemotactic actions. Neutrophils express ACKR2 (or D6), a receptor for most
    inflammatory CC chemokines [180,181]. ACKR2 is supposed to restrict migration of CCR1 expressing
    neutrophils to its ligands including the highly potent CC chemokine CCL3 [177]. CCRL2, a receptor
    with high homology with chemokine receptors and with chemerin as identified ligand, on the other
    hand was shown to heterodimerize with CXCR2 and to promote neutrophil migration in mice [178,182].

    4.5. Regulation of Chemokine-Dependent Neutrophil Recruitment

    Chemokine activity can be regulated at multiple levels, including gene duplication, gene
    transcription and translation. Upon stimulation with PAMPs several connective tissue cells will
    produce the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. IL-1β induces the production of chemokines, CXCL8
    being the most potent neutrophil attracting chemokine in human. In addition, neutrophils that are
    recruited to the inflammatory joint may enhance the response through the secretion of additional active
    IL-1β further enhancing the production of CXCR1/CXCR2 ligands and neutrophil accumulation [183].
    Some pre-formed chemokines are stored in endothelial cells, inside secretory granules including
    Weibel-Palade bodies, and are quickly released upon cell insult [184]. Once produced, chemokine
    activity can be regulated by binding to glycosaminoglycans on endothelial cell layers of lymph and
    blood vessels, by binding to and expression of GPCRs and ACKRs on cells, or by receptor-mediated
    synergy and antagonism among chemokines [184–186]. Recently, microRNAs, regulating the
    chemokine and chemokine receptor mRNA levels, were discovered as a novel mechanism for
    fine-tuning chemokine and chemokine receptor expression [187,188]. Finally, chemokines and their
    receptors become post-translationally modified. Chemokines can be modified post-translationally
    through: (1) proteolytic cleavage by enzymes such as metalloproteinases, CD26 and enzymes from
    pathogens [189–192]; (2) citrullination, that is the formation of citrulline by the deimination of
    arginine by peptidylarginine deiminases (PAD) [193–195]; (3) N-glycosylation on asparagine within
    an Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr motif, or O-glycosylation on serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr) residues [196];
    and (4) nitration, where peroxynitrite, produced during oxidative stress, can selectively oxidize
    and nitrate several residues, including the oxidation of histidine and the nitration of tyrosine and
    tryptophan [197–199]. Reduced or enhanced receptor affinity and chemokine activity have been
    reported, depending on the chemokine and on the type of posttranslational modification [189]. Most
    posttranslational modifications of inflammatory chemokines are dependent on proteolytic cleavage,
    mainly affecting the N-terminal region of the protein with highly specific proteases.

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 11 of 28

    In addition to specific GPCRs, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play an important role in the
    regulation of neutrophil migration. GAGs are linear carbohydrate structures, consisting of a repeating
    disaccharide unit, that comprises a hexuronic acid linked to an N-acetyl-hexosamine that can
    be sulfated at different positions [200–202]. GAGs are negatively charged and can be divided
    into six groups: heparan sulfate, heparin, chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, keratan sulfate
    and hyaluronic acid. These sugar units can bind or attach to protein cores of proteoglycans or
    can be found associated with the extracellular matrix. GAGs are heterogeneous in length and
    composition and they can bind to a huge number of proteins. GAGs have fundamental roles in
    cell signaling and development, angiogenesis, tumor progression, embryogenesis, wound healing,
    and have anti-coagulant properties [203,204]. Interestingly, GAGs can interact directly with pathogens.
    Particularly related to this study, hyaluronic acid favors to increase lubrication in synovial joints.
    The loss of hyaluronic acid in osteoarthritic patients is associated with an increase of pain and
    stiffness [205].

    Each tissue produces specific GAG repertoires and cells can alter their GAG expression in response
    to specific stimuli or in pathologic states. GAGs are important in cell recruitment during homeostatic
    and inflammatory processes by their direct interaction with chemokines [202,206]. The binding of
    chemokines to GAGs can generate an immobilized chemokine gradient that directs cell migration, as
    shown in Figure 3. Cell surface immobilization of chemokines enables them to act locally rather than as
    paracrine molecules, and likely prevents inappropriate activation and desensitization of receptors on
    cells outside the region of interest for a given physiological situation [207]. Moreover, GAG expression
    on the leukocyte also influences the chemokine interaction with GPCRs on the same cell [208,209].

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 27

    chemokines are described to be BBXB and BBBXXB motifs, where B represents a basic amino acid
    [210]. It has been shown that some chemokines act as monomers, whereas many chemokines can
    oligomerize and form diverse quaternary structures including dimers, tetramers and polymers,
    increasing the number of epitopes that bind to GAGs [211,212]. Oligomerization increases the affinity
    of chemokines for GAGs through an avidity effect and this interaction also stabilizes the chemokine
    oligomers. Moreover, oligomerization may have a dramatic effect on GAG affinity and specificity

    Figure 3. Neutrophil recruitment by chemokines and leukotriene B4. Neutrophils are recruited to the
    tissue through chemoattractants such as chemokines and LTB4. Chemokines bind to GAGs, which
    are expressed on endothelial cells and tissue. The retention of chemokines on GAGs generates a
    chemokine gradient that favors the binding of chemokines to their GPCR. LTB4 binds to specific
    GPCRs on the neutrophil to induce firm adhesion of the cell to the endothelium. GAGs:
    glycosaminoglycans, LTB4: leukotriene B4, GPCR: G protein-coupled receptor.

    4.6. The 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway: Mechanisms of Neutrophil Recruitment and Inflammation

    At the onset of inflammation, classic lipid mediators are produced, including LTB4, which
    activate and amplify the cardinal signs of inflammation [215]. 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) is a main
    enzyme involved in the production of these lipid mediators. This enzyme is expressed in leukocytes
    such as neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, B cells and T cells [216]. During the inflammatory
    process, another class of arachidonic acid (AA)-derived lipids, prostaglandins E2 and D2, induce the
    switch of leukotriene synthesis to pro-resolving lipid production, including lipoxin A4 (LXA4)
    [189,217,218]. The generation of anti-inflammatory resolvins assists in the control of the inflammatory
    process [219]. The synthesis of LXA4 is also dependent on 5-LO. LXA4 has an important role in the
    resolution of inflammation by decreasing neutrophil migration. On the other hand, LXA4 increases
    the recruitment of macrophages. Additionally, LXA4 increases the phagocytosis of apoptotic
    neutrophils by macrophages, a process named efferocytosis, to avoid tissue damage [220].

    4.6.1. Leukotriene B4

    LTB4 is a very potent chemoattractant for neutrophils. LTB4 is produced from AA in a pathway
    dependent on lipoxygenases (LO) [98]. AA is a 20-carbon fatty acid that is present in all cells and it is
    the main eicosanoid precursor. Some stimuli such as N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine
    (fMLF), CXCL8, microorganisms, phagocytic particles and damage or injury can activate
    phospholipases and release AA from the cell membrane [221]. In the cytosol AA can be metabolized
    into leukotrienes and lipoxins via a pathway dependent on LO. The main LO enzymes are 5-LO, that

    Figure 3. Neutrophil recruitment by chemokines and leukotriene B4. Neutrophils are recruited to the
    tissue through chemoattractants such as chemokines and LTB4. Chemokines bind to GAGs, which are
    expressed on endothelial cells and tissue. The retention of chemokines on GAGs generates a chemokine
    gradient that favors the binding of chemokines to their GPCR. LTB4 binds to specific GPCRs on the
    neutrophil to induce firm adhesion of the cell to the endothelium. GAGs: glycosaminoglycans, LTB4:
    leukotriene B4, GPCR: G protein-coupled receptor.

    Almost all chemokines are basic proteins, often with a pI of 10 or higher, with many Arg, Lys
    and His residues and GAGs bind to proteins with positive charges. The epitopes for GAG binding on
    chemokines are described to be BBXB and BBBXXB motifs, where B represents a basic amino acid [210].
    It has been shown that some chemokines act as monomers, whereas many chemokines can oligomerize
    and form diverse quaternary structures including dimers, tetramers and polymers, increasing the

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 12 of 28

    number of epitopes that bind to GAGs [211,212]. Oligomerization increases the affinity of chemokines
    for GAGs through an avidity effect and this interaction also stabilizes the chemokine oligomers.
    Moreover, oligomerization may have a dramatic effect on GAG affinity and specificity [213,214].

    4.6. The 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway: Mechanisms of Neutrophil Recruitment and Inflammation

    At the onset of inflammation, classic lipid mediators are produced, including LTB4, which activate
    and amplify the cardinal signs of inflammation [215]. 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) is a main enzyme involved
    in the production of these lipid mediators. This enzyme is expressed in leukocytes such as neutrophils,
    macrophages, dendritic cells, B cells and T cells [216]. During the inflammatory process, another class
    of arachidonic acid (AA)-derived lipids, prostaglandins E2 and D2, induce the switch of leukotriene
    synthesis to pro-resolving lipid production, including lipoxin A4 (LXA4) [189,217,218]. The generation
    of anti-inflammatory resolvins assists in the control of the inflammatory process [219]. The synthesis
    of LXA4 is also dependent on 5-LO. LXA4 has an important role in the resolution of inflammation by
    decreasing neutrophil migration. On the other hand, LXA4 increases the recruitment of macrophages.
    Additionally, LXA4 increases the phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils by macrophages, a process
    named efferocytosis, to avoid tissue damage [220].

    4.6.1. Leukotriene B4

    LTB4 is a very potent chemoattractant for neutrophils. LTB4 is produced from AA in a pathway
    dependent on lipoxygenases (LO) [98]. AA is a 20-carbon fatty acid that is present in all cells and it is
    the main eicosanoid precursor. Some stimuli such as N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLF),
    CXCL8, microorganisms, phagocytic particles and damage or injury can activate phospholipases and
    release AA from the cell membrane [221]. In the cytosol AA can be metabolized into leukotrienes
    and lipoxins via a pathway dependent on LO. The main LO enzymes are 5-LO, that is expressed
    in leukocytes, and 12/15-LO, expressed in reticulocytes, eosinophils, immature dendritic cells
    (DCs), epithelial and airway cells, pancreatic islets and resident peritoneal macrophages [222].
    The first step in leukotriene biosynthesis is the conversion of AA into a hydroperoxide, named
    5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HPETE), by the insertion of an oxygen at position 5. In this step
    the activation of 5-LO is dependent on the 5-LO activating protein (FLAP). 5-HPETE can be reduced to
    5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) or can be converted in a 5,6-epoxide containing a conjugated
    triene structure, named leukotriene A4 (LTA4) by removal of a water molecule [223]. LTA4 is instable
    and can be converted into LTB4 by insertion of a hydroxyl group at carbon 12 by the enzyme LTA4
    hydrolase. Another possibility is the conversion in leukotriene C4 (LTC4) by addition of a glutathionyl
    group at carbon 6 by γ-glutamyl-S-transferase [224]. LTB4 is produced and released within minutes by
    neutrophils, macrophages, and mast cells and is an important element of the immediate inflammatory
    response [225].

    Leukotrienes bind to extracellular GPCRs, which are members of the rhodopsin-like receptors
    family and related to chemokine receptors. LTB4 is known to bind to two LTB4 receptors, BLT1 and
    BLT2 [226]. BLT1 is a 43 kDa GPCR expressed in inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils, alveolar
    macrophages, eosinophils, differentiated T cells, dendritic cells and osteoclasts, and has a high affinity
    for LTB4. The BLT2 receptor has low affinity for LTB4 and is expressed more ubiquitously [227]. BLT1
    is widely related to chemotaxis. The axis LTB4/BLT1 is needed for neutrophil recruitment in arthritis
    and for the recruitment of neutrophils to lymph nodes during bacterial infection. On the other hand,
    the axis LTB4/BLT2 is involved in the generation of reactive oxygen species and can enhance wound
    healing [225,228,229].

    4.6.2. Lipoxin A4

    Lipoxins can be generated by three main pathways. In the first one, AA is released from the
    cell membrane and one oxygen is inserted at carbon 15 by 15-LO in eosinophils, monocytes or
    epithelial cells, resulting in the intermediate 15S-HPETE. 15S-HPETE can be taken up by neutrophils or

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 13 of 28

    monocytes and converted in the 5,6-epoxytetraene by 5-LO and then is hydrolyzed by LXA4 or lipoxin
    B4 (LXB4) hydrolases in LXA4 and LXB4 [230,231]. The second route involves the interaction between
    leukocytes and platelets. The 5-LO present in leukocytes, such as neutrophils, converts AA into LTA4
    as described before. The LTA4 is released and taken up by adherent platelets. These express 12-LO
    that converts LTA4 in LXA4 and LXB4 [232]. The third route occurs after the exogenous administration
    of aspirin. In this case, aspirin triggers the formation of the 15R-epimer of lipoxins, 15-epi-LXA4 and
    15-epi-LXB4. These epimers carry a carbon 15 alcohol group in the R configuration. They arise from
    aspirin-acetylated by cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and share the actions of LXA4 [233].

    LXA4 binds to the GPCR receptor ALX/FPR2. ALX is expressed on leukocytes, astrocytoma
    cells, epithelial cells, hepatocytes, microvascular endothelial cells and neuroblastoma cells. Unlike
    classic GPCRs for chemoattractants that mobilize intracellular Ca2+ to evoke chemotaxis, lipoxins
    instead induce changes in the phosphorylation of proteins of the cytoskeleton, resulting in β arrestin
    activation [234,235]. LXA4 presents pro-resolving actions such as decreased neutrophil infiltration,
    increased recruitment of mononuclear cells and an increase in the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils by
    macrophages. LXA4 has also effects on the return of vascular permeability to normal levels [236].

    Both lipids LTB4 and LXA4 have been described to be involved in articular diseases. LTB4 and
    5-LO mRNA was found in synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis [237,238]. LTB4 is
    also associated with pathogenesis in the collagen-induced arthritis model, the K/BxN serum transfer
    arthritis model [239–241] and the experimental model of gout [242]. LXA4 was also detected in
    synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis [243]. Nonetheless, in zymosan-induced arthritis,
    LXA4 was related to attenuation of the disease [244]. During infection, LTB4 and LXA4 are related
    to clearance of pathogens and improvement of the disease. Some studies show that LTB4 has a
    role in the control of lung Paracoccidioidomycosis and is important for phagocytosis and killing
    of Borrelia burgdorferi [245,246]. In lung infection by Cryptococcus neoformans and sepsis, LXA4 is
    associated with the control of infection and an increase in survival [247,248]. However, in pneumosepsis
    induced by Klebsiella pneumoniae, the LXA4 in the early stage of the disease is associated with systemic
    infection-induced mortality and can improve survival at a late stage of the disease [249].

    5. Dual Functions of Neutrophils during Septic Arthritis

    Based on the aforementioned mechanisms of the pathology of septic arthritis, this disease is
    associated with severe articular damage and pain. During the immune response against S. aureus
    infection, neutrophils are the main cells recruited to the joint. As previously mentioned, neutrophils
    contain potent antimicrobial molecules that are important in the control of infection, including joint
    infections. The depletion of neutrophils prior to the systemic injection of S. aureus in mice impaired
    the bacterial control and increased mortality. Furthermore, the absence of neutrophils increased the
    circulating levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the frequency of arthritis after three days of
    infection, suggesting that a systemic inflammatory response against a high titer of S. aureus could also
    cause arthritis independent of the toxic effects of neutrophils [15]. Similarly, the increased concentration
    of neutrophils in the joint due to a photodynamic therapy applied locally improves the clearance of
    MRSA and decreases tissue damage [250]. These examples highlight the importance of neutrophils to
    control S. aureus-induced arthritis. However, neutrophils are associated with articular damage and
    pain development [251,252]. Lögters et al. identified increased NETosis in synovial fluid of septic
    arthritis patients, mainly patients infected with S. aureus, compared to noninfectious or osteoarthritic
    joints. Importantly, there was a positive correlation with levels of IL-6 and IL-1 in the joints [253].

    The blockade of neutrophil migration and activity could be an interesting strategy to avoid
    excessive articular damage and pain during S. aureus-induced septic arthritis in mice [254,255].
    Formylated peptides are potent neutrophil chemoattractants. In mice, the intravenous injection
    of S. aureus carrying a mutation that prevents the synthesis of formylated peptides decreases the
    accumulation of neutrophils in the joint when compared to wild type S. aureus injection. In mice
    injected with mutated bacteria, the incidence of arthritis was lower, associated with decreased synovitis

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 14 of 28

    and cartilage damage as compared to injection with wild type S. aureus. However, the bacterial
    load analyzed in the joints is comparable between the two bacteria at seven days after injection,
    suggesting that the neutrophils guided by formylated peptides are important for joint inflammation
    and damage [13].

    The specific blockage of neutrophil recruitment in order to avoid or reduce tissue damage was
    also successful using CXCR1/2 inhibitors in some animal models of inflammatory articular diseases
    such as antigen-induced arthritis, collagen-induced arthritis, autoantibody-mediated arthritis and
    gout [254–258]. Since neutrophils have a crucial role during the infection, the blockade of these cells
    in septic arthritis can be protective or detrimental. CXCR2-binding chemokines are present in the
    joint of Brucella mellitensis-infected mice, guiding the recruitment of neutrophils. Neutrophil counts
    correlated with joint inflammation and damage. Indeed, CXCR2-deficient mice displayed delayed
    incidence, reduced clinical scores, and decreased swelling as compared to WT mice, although there is
    no difference on bacterial load between both groups [259]. We previously demonstrated in a septic
    arthritis model induced by the intra-articular injection of S. aureus that the treatment with an antagonist
    of CXCR1/2 starting from the beginning of the infection was able to decrease neutrophil recruitment,
    articular damage and hypernociception. Nonetheless, the bacterial load increased, showing that
    neutrophils are important for bacterial control [24]. In addition, we also evaluated if the blockage of
    neutrophils at a later time point of the infection could be effective. The treatment starting 3 days after
    the infection, partially reduced hypernociception, prevented the increase in bacterial load, but failed in
    inhibiting articular damage. Besides the blockage of neutrophil migration, the decrease of neutrophil
    activation could also be useful to control joint inflammation and damage in septic arthritis. Activated
    neutrophils produce hypochlorous acid (HOCl) by a reaction of myeloperoxidase with hydrogen
    peroxide. The accumulation of HOCl is toxic and its blockage could be beneficial to avoid excessive
    tissue damage. Taurine is an amino acid found abundantly in the cytosol of neutrophils and acts as
    scavenger of HOCl. Interestingly, the injection of taurine chloramine (a product of taurine and HOCl)
    in the joint at the same time of S. aureus significantly reduced the histopathological score, especially
    cartilage and bone destruction [260]. Thus, the benefits of targeting neutrophil activation or migration
    during septic arthritis still need to be better clarified, considering effects of different bacterial strains
    and disease progression. Therefore, it is clear that the neutrophils recruited to the joint in the initial
    phase of the infection play a role in the control of infection, but can cause articular damage. Thus the
    blockage of neutrophils as a potential therapy for septic arthritis needs to be carefully evaluated in
    order to create a balance between control of infection (with or without co-treatment with antibiotics)
    and induction of articular damage.

    6. Conclusions

    In most cases, the host has the ability to induce a protective inflammatory response resulting in
    elimination of the invading pathogen and subsequent resolution of infection. However, if the infection
    cannot be controlled and persists, strong activation of the immune response can cause destruction of
    the joint [11]. Accordingly, most of the detrimental effects of infection result from the exaggerated
    immune response of the host rather than from direct cytotoxicity of bacteria [6].

    The role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of septic arthritis is dual. On the one hand, they are
    indispensable in the early phase of disease for effective defense against bacteria and consequently
    for host survival. On the other hand, these leukocytes act as mediators of tissue-destructive
    events. The massive infiltration of neutrophils into the infected joint can contribute to cartilage
    and bone destruction by the release of free radicals and bacteria- and tissue-degrading enzymes,
    including products of the NADPH oxidase complex and proteolytic enzymes targeting collagen
    and/or proteoglycans. Permanent destruction of cartilage and subchondral bone loss can occur
    within three days after infection [11,13,15]. Elimination of neutrophils from the site of inflammation
    is a prerequisite for resolution of the acute inflammatory response. This implicates that prolonged

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 15 of 28

    presence of neutrophils at the site of inflammation can lead to persistence of the inflammatory response,
    associated with complications such as tissue damage [261,262].

    Other factors playing a role in joint damage include: high levels of cytokines, which enhance
    the release of MMPs (such as MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-9) and other enzymes degrading collagen,
    and bacterial toxins and enzymes [11]. Furthermore, the inflammatory process following infection
    alters the synovium as well as the composition and cellular content of the synovial fluid. These
    changes in the synovial fluid might affect the articular cartilage, since synovial fluid is indispensable
    for lubrication and nutrition of the articular cartilage. Moreover, synovial fluid dynamics can be
    disrupted by the infectious process, leading to a fluid effusion in the joint. Subsequently, intra-articular
    pressure increases, preventing the supply of blood and nutrients to the joint, thereby resulting in
    destruction of the synovium and cartilage [2,11].

    Early and effective treatment may enable resolution of the inflammatory process. In case of
    unsuccessful or no treatment, articular cartilage may be lost entirely, resulting in fibrous or bony joint
    ankylosis. When inhibition of neutrophil infiltration is considered as a treatment option, co-treatment
    with antibiotics will probably be essential to combine diminished tissue destruction with efficient
    clearance of the microorganisms.

    Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological
    Development (CNPq), the “Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa de Minas Gerais” (FAPEMIG—APQ 03072-15),
    INCT in dengue and host pathogen interactions, the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen, grants
    G.0D66.13, G.0764.14 and G.0808.18), the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian
    Science Policy Office (I.A.P. Project 7/40), and C1 funding (C16/17/010) of the KU Leuven. Helena Crijns holds
    an FWO-SB PhD scholarship from FWO-Vlaanderen.

    Author Contributions: Daiane Boff and Helena Crijns wrote the initial text of the manuscript and Mauro M.
    Teixeira, Flavio A. Amaral and Paul Proost further modified the paper.

    Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
    of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the
    decision to publish the results.


    AA Arachidonic acid
    ACKR Atypical chemokine receptor
    DC Dendritic cell
    FPR Formyl peptide receptor
    GAG glycosaminoglycan
    GPCR G protein-coupled receptor
    HETE hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid
    HPETE hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid
    IL- Interleukin-
    LTA4 Leukotriene A4
    LTB4 Leukotriene B4
    LTC4 Leukotriene C4
    LO Lipoxygenase
    LXA4 Lipoxin A4
    MPO myeloperoxidase
    MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
    MSCRAMM microbial surface component recognizing adhesive matrix molecules
    NETs neutrophil extracellular traps
    PAMP pathogen-associated molecular pattern
    PGN peptidoglycan
    PRR pattern recognition receptor

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 468 16 of 28

    RA rheumatoid arthritis
    ROS reactive oxygen species
    S. aureus Staphylococcus aureus
    TLR Toll-like receptor
    TNF tumor necrosis factor

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    • Introduction
    • Septic Arthritis

    • Diagnosis and Treatment of Septic Arthritis
    • Immune Response against S. aureus
    • Introduction
      Neutrophil Functions during Infections
      The Chemokine System in Neutrophil Recruitment
      Regulation of Chemokine-Dependent Neutrophil Recruitment
      The 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway: Mechanisms of Neutrophil Recruitment and Inflammation
      Leukotriene B4
      Lipoxin A4

    • Dual Functions of Neutrophils during Septic Arthritis
    • Conclusions
    • References



    K e y t e r m s
    ankylosing spondylitis, 538
    arthritis, 53


    avulsion, 519
    bowing fractures, 516
    bursitis, 520
    closed fracture, 558
    clubfoot, 55


    comminuted fracture, 515
    complete fracture, 515
    contractures, 549
    delayed union, 518
    developmental dysplasia of the hip,

    dislocation, 519
    disuse atrophy, 550
    Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, 554
    endogenous osteomyelitis, 546
    epicondylitis, 520
    exogenous osteomyelitis, 546
    fatigue fracture, 516
    fibromyalgia, 550
    fracture, 515
    gout, 539
    gouty arthritis, 539
    greenstick fracture, 516
    incomplete fracture, 515
    inflammatory joint disease (arthritis),

    insufficiency fractures, 516
    juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, 537
    kyphosis, 527
    Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 53


    linear fracture, 515
    malunion, 518
    muscle strain, 521
    myoglobinuria, 52


    non-union, 518
    oblique fracture, 515
    open fracture, 558
    Osgood-Schlatter disease, 532
    osteoarthritis, 542
    osteochondroses, 531
    osteomyelitis, 546
    osteoporosis, 524
    Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans),

    pathological fracture, 516
    post-exercise muscle soreness, 521
    rheumatoid arthritis, 533
    scoliosis, 532
    septic arthritis, 549
    spiral fracture, 516
    sprains, 519
    strain, 519
    stress fractures, 516
    subluxation, 519
    tendonitis, 520
    tophi, 539
    torus fracture, 516
    transchondral fracture, 516
    transverse fracture, 516

    Introduction, 515
    Musculoskeletal injuries, 515
    Skeletal trauma, 515
    Support structures, 519
    Disorders of bone and joints, 524
    Metabolic bone disease, 524
    Disorders of joints, 533
    Infectious bone disease, 546
    Disorders of skeletal muscle, 549
    Contractures, 549

    Stress-induced muscle tension, 549
    Disuse atrophy, 550
    Fibromyalgia, 550
    Integrative conditions related to the

    musculoskeletal system, 552
    Lower back pain, 552
    Bone pain, 553
    Myasthenia gravis, 553

    C h a p t e r o u t l i n e

    Alterations of musculoskeletal
    function across the life span
    Derek Nash and Paul McLiesh

    C H A P T E R


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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 515

    referred to as compound) if the skin is broken and closed
    (formerly called simple) if it is not. A fracture in which a
    bone breaks into two or more fragments is termed a
    comminuted fracture. Fractures are also classified according
    to the direction of the fracture line: a linear fracture runs
    parallel to the long axis of the bone; an oblique fracture

    The musculoskeletal system is subject to a large number
    of disorders that affect people of all ages. Congenital
    conditions affect the newborn; the major cause of dysfunction
    through to adulthood is trauma; and in the elderly the
    effects of reducing bone density or accumulated wear and
    tear on the skeleton cause fractures and failure of joints.

    Musculoskeletal injuries have a major impact on patients,
    families and the community because of the increased support
    necessary to counteract the physical and psychological effects
    of reduced capability, pain and decreased quality of life.
    There are also financial and economic impacts, from direct
    costs of diagnosis and treatments to costs related to the
    loss of employment and decreased productivity.

    Musculoskeletal injuries
    Musculoskeletal trauma is referred to as the ‘neglected
    disease’. Musculoskeletal injuries can occur due to a
    multitude of environments and situations, such as the
    workplace, home, motor vehicles and falls. Collectively,
    these injuries create a large burden to the healthcare system.
    For instance, in Australia, injury accounts for almost
    500 000 hospitalisations annually1 with an estimated
    4 million musculoskeletal injury encounters per year in
    general practice.2 Furthermore, trauma, often resulting
    in musculoskeletal injuries, is the leading cause of death
    in people aged 1 to 34 years for all socioeconomic levels.
    The different types of injuries are discussed in detail below.

    Skeletal trauma
    A fracture is a break in a bone. A bone fractures when
    force is applied that exceeds its tensile or compressive
    strength. The incidence of fractures varies for individual
    bones according to age and gender, with the highest
    incidence of fractures occurring in young males (between
    the ages of 15 and 24) and the elderly (65 years and
    older). Fractures of healthy bones, particularly the tibia,
    clavicle and distal (lower) humerus, tend to occur in young
    people as a result of trauma. Fractures of the hands and
    feet are often caused by accidents in the workplace. The
    incidence of fractures of the proximal (upper) femur,
    proximal humerus, vertebrae, wrist and pelvis is highest
    in older adults and is often associated with osteoporosis.
    Hip and other fragility fractures, the most serious outcome
    of osteoporosis, are occurring much more frequently
    as the populations of Australia and New Zealand are



    Fractures can be classified as complete or incomplete and
    open or closed (see Fig. 21.1). In a complete fracture the
    bone is broken all the way through, whereas in an incomplete
    fracture the bone is damaged but still in one piece. Complete
    and incomplete fractures also can be called open (formerly

    FIGURE 21.1

    Examples of types of bone fractures.
    A Oblique: fracture at oblique angle across both cortices. Cause:
    direct or indirect energy, with angulation and some compression.
    B Occult: fracture that is hidden or not readily discernible. Cause:
    minor force or energy. C Open: skin broken over fracture; possible
    soft-tissue trauma. Cause: moderate-to-severe energy that is
    continuous and exceeds tissue tolerances. D Pathological:
    transverse, oblique or spiral fracture of bone weakened by tumour
    pressure or presence. Cause: minor energy or force, which may
    be direct or indirect. E Comminuted: fracture with two or more
    pieces or segments. Cause: direct or indirect moderate-to-severe
    force. F Spiral: fracture that curves around cortices and may
    become displaced by twist. Cause: direct or indirect twisting
    energy or force with distal part held or unable to move. G
    Transverse: horizontal break through bone. Cause: direct or
    indirect energy towards bone. H Greenstick: break in only one
    cortex of bone. Cause: minor direct or indirect energy. I Impacted:
    fracture with one end wedged into opposite end of inside
    fractured fragment. Cause: compressive axial energy or force
    directly to distal fragment.

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    516 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    disease, osteomalacia, rickets, hyperparathyroidism and
    radiation therapy all cause bone to lose its normal ability
    to deform and recover — that is, the stress of normal
    weight-bearing or activity fractures the bone. Many of these
    conditions are referred to later in this chapter.

    A transchondral fracture consists of break-up and
    separation of a portion of the articular cartilage that covers
    the end of a bone at a joint as a result of trauma (joint
    structures are discussed in Chapter 20). Single or multiple
    sites may be fractured and the fragments may consist of

    occurs at an oblique angle to the shaft of the bone; a spiral
    fracture encircles the bone; and a transverse fracture occurs
    straight across the bone.

    Incomplete fractures tend to occur in the more flexible,
    growing bones of children. The three main types of
    incomplete fracture are greenstick, torus and bowing
    fractures. A greenstick fracture disrupts the outer surface
    of the bone (cortex), leaving the inner surface intact. The
    name is derived from the similar appearance of the damage
    sustained by a young tree branch (a green stick) when it
    is bent sharply. Greenstick fractures typically occur in the
    proximal metaphysis or diaphysis of the tibia, radius and
    ulna. In a torus fracture, the cortex buckles but does not
    break. Bowing fractures usually occur when longitudinal
    force is applied to bone. This type of fracture is common
    in children and usually involves the paired radius–ulna or
    fibula–tibia. A complete diaphyseal fracture occurs in one
    of the bones of the pair, which disperses the stress sufficiently
    to prevent a complete fracture of the second bone, which
    bows rather than breaks. A bowing fracture resists correction
    (reduction) because the force necessary to reduce it must
    be equal to the force that bowed it. Treatment of bowing
    fractures is also difficult because the bowed bone interferes
    with reduction of the fractured bone. Types of fractures
    are summarised in Table 21.1.

    Fractures may be further classified by cause as
    pathological, stress or transchondral fractures. A pathological
    fracture is a break at the site of a preexisting abnormality,
    usually by force that would not fracture a normal bone.
    Any disease process that weakens a bone (especially the
    cortex) predisposes the bone to pathological fracture.
    Pathological fractures are commonly associated with
    tumours, osteoporosis, infections and metabolic bone

    Stress fractures occur in normal or abnormal bone that
    experiences repeated stress, such as occurs during athletics.
    The stress is less than the stress that usually causes a fracture.
    Two types of stress fractures are recognised: fatigue fracture
    and insufficiency fracture. A fatigue fracture is caused by
    abnormal stress or torque applied to a bone with normal
    ability to deform and recover. Fatigue fractures usually occur
    in individuals who engage in a new or different activity
    that is both strenuous and repetitive (e.g. joggers, skaters,
    dancers, military recruits). Because gains in muscle strength
    occur more rapidly than gains in bone strength, the newly
    developed muscles place exaggerated stress on the bones
    that are not yet ready for the additional stress. The imbalance
    between muscle and bone development causes microfractures
    to develop in the cortex. If the activity is controlled and
    increased gradually, new bone formation catches up to the
    increased demands and microfractures do not occur.
    Runners employ the 10% rule to help avoid this problem,
    restricting their increase in distance (or time) to 10% per

    Insufficiency fractures are stress fractures that occur
    in bones lacking the normal ability to deform and recover;
    a fracture can occur as a result of normal weight-bearing
    or activity. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, Paget’s

    TABLE 21.1 Types of fractures


    Typical complete fractures
    Closed Non-communicating wound between

    bone and skin

    Open Communicating wound between bone
    and skin

    Comminuted Multiple bone fragments

    Linear Fracture line parallel to long axis of bone

    Oblique Fracture line at an angle to long axis of

    Spiral Fracture line encircling bone (as a spiral

    Transverse Fracture line perpendicular to long axis
    of bone

    Impacted Fracture fragments pushed into each

    Pathological Fracture at a point where bone has been
    weakened by disease (e.g. by tumours or

    Avulsion A fragment of bone connected to a
    ligament or tendon breaks off from the
    main bone

    Compression Fracture wedged or squeezed together
    on one side of bone

    Displaced Fracture with one, both or all fragments
    out of normal alignment

    Extracapsular Fragment close to the joint but remains
    outside the joint capsule

    Intracapsular Fragment within the joint capsule

    Typical incomplete fractures
    Greenstick Break in one cortex of bone with

    splintering of inner bone surface;
    commonly occurs in children and the

    Torus Buckling of cortex

    Bowing Bending of bone

    Stress Microfracture

    Transchondral Separation of cartilaginous joint surface
    (articular cartilage) from main shaft of

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    Within 48 hours after the injury, new blood vessels grow
    (in a process called angiogenesis) from surrounding soft
    tissue and the marrow cavity into the fracture area and
    blood flow to the entire bone increases. Phagocytic cells
    begin cleaning up the debris (there are many dead blood
    cells in the haematoma). Fibroblasts (collagen-forming cells)
    and osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) migrate into the
    damaged area (see Fig. 21.2). The fibroblasts lay down
    collagen to form a fibrocartilaginous callus and the
    osteoblasts produce matrix, which they mineralise to form
    spongy bone. The osteoblasts migrate inwards to mineralise
    the whole callus, forming a bony callus. The bone is
    effectively ‘splinted’ at this stage, which takes from 3 to 10
    weeks to achieve but is still not as strong as pre-fracture.
    As the repair process continues, remodelling occurs (for
    months), during which unnecessary callus is resorbed and
    trabeculae are formed along lines of stress (see Fig. 21.3).
    The final structure is a response to the mechanical stress
    experienced by the bone (Wolff ’s law, see Chapter 20).

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    The signs and symptoms of a fracture include pain, unnatural
    alignment (deformity), swelling, muscle spasm, tenderness,
    impaired sensation and decreased mobility or limb function.
    The position of the bone segments is determined by the
    pull of attached muscles, gravity and the direction and size
    of the force that caused the fracture.

    Immediately after a bone is fractured, there is usually
    numbness in the fracture site because of trauma to the
    nerve or nerves at the site. The numbness may last up to







    FIGURE 21.2

    Bone healing (schematic representation).
    A Bleeding at broken ends of the bone with subsequent
    haematoma formation. B Organisation of haematoma into fibrous
    network. C Invasion of osteoblasts, lengthening of collagen
    strands and deposition of calcium. D Callus formation; new bone
    is built up as osteoclasts destroy dead bone. E Remodelling is
    accomplished as excess callus is reabsorbed and trabecular bone
    is laid down.

    FIGURE 21.3

    Exuberant callus formation following fracture.
    The excessive growth of callus is seen as the rough appearance
    rather than the smooth bone.

    cartilage alone or cartilage and bone. Typical sites of
    transchondral fracture are the distal femur, ankle, kneecap,
    elbow and wrist. Transchondral fractures are most prevalent
    in adolescents.

    When a bone is fractured, the periosteum and blood vessels
    in the cortex, marrow and surrounding soft tissues are
    disrupted. Bleeding occurs from the damaged ends of the
    bone and from the neighbouring soft tissue. The volume
    of blood lost can be significant. For example, a simple
    fracture of the humerus can account for 200–300 mL of
    blood loss, a simple fracture of the femur loses 500–1000 mL
    of blood and a unilateral fracture of the pelvis can bleed
    1000–1500 mL. A clot (haematoma) forms within the
    medullary canal, between the fractured ends of the bone
    and beneath the periosteum (see Fig. 21.2). Because blood
    flow to the injured area is disrupted (there is no oxygen
    supply) bone tissue immediately adjacent to the fracture
    dies. This dead tissue (along with any debris in the fracture
    area) stimulates an intense inflammatory response
    characterised by vasodilation, increased permeability
    allowing exudation of plasma, and infiltration by
    inflammatory leucocytes, growth factors and mast cells that
    simultaneously decalcify the fractured bone ends.

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    518 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    of weight used for skeletal traction can be much higher
    than skin traction and will be determined in response to
    the location and severity of the fracture.

    Open reduction is a surgical procedure that exposes
    the fracture site; the fragments are brought into alignment
    under direct visualisation. Some form of prosthesis, screw,
    plate, nail or wire is used to maintain the reduction (internal
    fixation), the soft tissues and skin are then closed. External
    fixation, a system of surgically placed pins and stabilising
    bars, is another method of maintaining fracture alignment.
    This method may be used when there is a need for fast
    surgical intervention (emergency situation) or there is
    significant risk of infection from contamination of the
    area. Bone grafts, using donor bone from the individual
    (autograft), cadaver (allograft) or bone substitutes
    (ceramic composites, bioactive cement), can fill voids in
    the bone.

    Regardless of whether reduction (realignment) is
    necessary, splints and plaster casts are used to immobilise
    and hold the bones in their correct anatomical position to
    allow for bone healing. Improper reduction or immobilisation
    of a fractured bone may result in non-union, delayed union
    or malunion:
    • Non-union is failure of the bone ends to grow together.

    The gap between the broken ends of the bone fills with
    dense fibrous and fibrocartilaginous tissue instead of
    new bone.

    • Delayed union is union that does not occur until
    approximately 8–9 months after a fracture.

    • Malunion is the healing of a bone in an incorrect
    anatomic position.

    20 minutes, during which time the injured person may use
    the fractured bone or bones while moving from the area.
    It is also possible to reduce (realign) the fracture during
    this time without any anaesthetic. However, once the
    numbness disappears, the subsequent pain is quite severe
    and incapacitating until relieved with medication and
    treatment of the fractured bones. The pain is related to
    muscle spasms at the fracture site, overriding of the fracture
    segments or damage to adjacent soft tissues.

    Pathological fractures usually cause changes in the angle
    of a limb or its apparent point of articulation (the point
    about which it bends compared to the body), painless
    swelling or generalised bone pain. Stress fractures are
    generally painful during and after activity. The pain is usually
    relieved by rest. Stress fractures also cause local tenderness
    and soft-tissue swelling. Transchondral fractures may be
    entirely asymptomatic or may be painful during movement.
    Range of motion in the joint is limited and movement may
    produce audible clicking sounds (crepitus).

    Treatment of a displaced fracture involves two key
    approaches: (1) reduction: realigning the bone fragments
    close to their normal anatomic position; and (2)
    immobilisation: holding the fragments in place so that bone
    union can occur. Adequate immobilisation is often all that
    is required for healing of fractures that are not misaligned,
    such as by the application of a cast or splint.

    If the bones are misaligned, realignment of the bone
    segments needs to be commenced — several methods are
    available to reduce a fracture: closed reduction, traction
    and open reduction. Most fractures can be reduced by closed
    reduction, in which the bone is manually moved or
    manipulated into place without opening the skin, and can
    be maintained well with immobilisation by the use of a
    cast or splint.

    Traction may be used to accomplish or maintain
    reduction. When bone fragments are displaced (misaligned),
    weights are used to apply firm, steady traction (pull) and
    countertraction (pull in the other direction on the other
    side of the break) to the long axis of the bone. Traction
    stretches and fatigues muscles that have pulled the bone
    fragments out of place, allowing the distal fragment to align
    with the proximal fragment. Traction can be applied to the
    skin (skin traction), directly to the involved bone or distal
    to the involved bone (skeletal traction). Skin traction is
    used to a limit of 5 kg (may vary depending on the quality
    of the person’s skin however) of pulling force to realign the
    fragments or when the traction will be used for brief times
    only, such as before surgery or, for children with femoral
    fractures, for 3–7 days before applying a cast. A traction
    boot is applied to the skin, closed with self-adhering straps
    and then weights are attached to the foot area of the traction
    boot. In skeletal traction, a pin or wire is drilled through
    the bone below the fracture site and a traction bow, rope
    and weights are attached to the pin or wire to apply tension
    and to provide the pulling force to overcome the muscle
    spasm and help realign the fracture fragments. The amount

    R E S E A R C H I N F C U S
    Vitamin D and fracture risk
    The beneficial effects of vitamin D on fracture risk are
    attributed to two explanations: (1) the prevention of bone
    loss in the elderly; and (2) the increase in muscle strength
    and balance mediated through vitamin D receptors in muscle

    In addition, vitamin D has been correlated with a significant
    reduction (22%) in the risk of falling in older people. Pooled
    analyses reveal that higher doses of 700–800 IU/day are
    better for reducing fractures than 400 IU/day. Previously, the
    recommendation for vitamin D in middle-aged and older
    adults was 400–600 IU/day. With new data and the uncertainty
    of intake recommendations, higher doses may be more
    effective (up to 2000 IU/day). However, because calcium was
    administered in combination with vitamin D in all but one
    of the higher-dose vitamin D trials, the independent effects
    of vitamin D alone could not be determined. Although the
    evidence is building, further research is still needed into
    whether and in what dose calcium adds value to fracture
    prevention with vitamin D.

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    there is a risk of an avulsion fracture. An avulsion fracture
    is where a part of a bone, attached to a ligament or tendon,
    is pulled off the rest of the bone.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    Signs and symptoms of dislocations or subluxations include
    pain, swelling, limitation of motion and joint deformity.
    Pain may be caused by the presence of inflammatory
    chemicals (such as bradykinin; see Chapter 13) and exudate
    in the joint or associated tendon and ligament injury. Joint
    deformity is usually caused by muscle contractions that
    exert pull on the dislocated or subluxated joint. Limitation
    of the range of motion of the joint or limb results from
    swelling in the joint (with associated pain) or the
    displacement of bones.

    Evaluation of dislocations and subluxations is based on
    clinical manifestations and x-ray imaging. Treatment consists
    of reduction and immobilisation for 2–6 weeks and exercises
    to maintain normal range of motion in the joint. Ensuring
    that there is no lasting neurological damage to the nerves
    in that area is also important, so ongoing neurovascular
    assessment is vital. Depending on which joint is injured,
    healing is usually complete within months to sometimes
    years, although some joints may be at risk of further
    dislocations again in the future (particularly from a reduced
    force than was originally required).

    Support structures
    Sprains and strains of tendons and ligaments
    Tendon and ligament injuries can accompany fractures and
    dislocations. A tendon is a fibrous connective tissue that
    attaches skeletal muscle to bone. A ligament is a band of
    fibrous connective tissue that connects bones where they
    meet in a joint. Tendons and ligaments support the bones
    and joints and either allow or limit motion. Tendons and
    ligaments can be torn, ruptured or completely separated
    from bone at their points of attachment.

    A tear in a tendon is commonly known as a strain.
    Major trauma can tear or rupture a tendon at any site in
    the body. Most commonly injured are the tendons of the
    hands and feet, knee (patellar), upper arm (biceps and
    triceps), thigh (quadriceps), ankle and heel (Achilles).

    Ligament tears are commonly known as sprains.
    Ligament tears and ruptures can occur at any joint but are
    most common in the wrist, ankle, elbow and knee joints.
    A complete separation of a tendon or ligament from its
    bony attachment site is known as an avulsion and is
    commonly seen in young athletes, especially sprinters,
    hurdlers and runners.

    Strains and sprains are classified as first degree (least
    severe), second degree and third degree (most severe).

    When a tendon or ligament is torn, an inflammatory exudate
    (a fluid that has been filtered from the blood, containing
    inflammatory chemicals) develops between the torn ends.

    Dislocation and subluxation
    Dislocation and subluxation are usually caused by trauma.
    Dislocation is the temporary displacement of one or more
    bones in a joint in which the opposing bone surfaces lose
    contact entirely. If the contact between the opposing bone
    surfaces is only partially lost, the injury is called a

    Dislocation and subluxation are most common in persons
    younger than 20 years of age, as their bones are strong and
    resist fracture but the force disrupts the joint. However,
    they may be the result of congenital or acquired disorders
    that cause: (1) muscular imbalance, as occurs with congenital
    dislocation of the hip or neurological disorders; (2) failure
    of the articulating surfaces of the bones to match, as occurs
    with rheumatoid arthritis (see later in the chapter); or (3)
    joint instability.

    The joints most often dislocated or subluxated are the
    joints of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, hip and patella.
    The shoulder joint most often injured is the glenohumeral
    joint. Traumatic dislocation of the elbow joint is common
    in the immature skeleton. In adults, an elbow dislocation
    is usually associated with a fracture of the ulna or head of
    the radius. Traumatic dislocation of the wrist usually involves
    the distal ulna and carpal bones. Any one of the eight carpal
    bones can be dislocated after an injury. Dislocation in the
    hand usually involves the metacarpophalangeal and
    interphalangeal joints.

    Considerable trauma is needed to dislocate the hip
    unless there has been a previous injury or surgery to
    this joint. Anterior hip dislocation is rare; it is caused by
    forced abduction, for example, when an individual lands
    on their feet after falling from an elevated height. Posterior
    dislocation of the hip can occur as a result of a car accident
    in which the flexed knee strikes the dashboard, causing
    the head of the femur to be pushed posteriorly from the
    hip joint.

    The knee is an unstable weight-bearing joint that depends
    heavily on the soft-tissue structures around it for support.
    It is exposed to many different types of motion (flexion,
    extension, rotation), and the dislocation can be anterior,
    posterior, lateral, medial or rotary. It is usually the result
    of an injury that occurs during motor vehicle accidents or
    sports activities. In addition, the meniscus within the knee
    joint may become damaged, usually by trauma.
    Dislocations and subluxations can be accompanied by
    fracture because stress is placed on areas of bone not usually
    subjected to stress. In addition, as the bone separates from
    the joint, it may bruise or tear adjacent nerves, blood vessels,
    ligaments, supporting structures and soft tissue. Dislocations
    of the shoulder may damage the shoulder capsule and the
    axillary nerve. Damage to axillary nerves can cause
    anaesthesia to a small area of the upper arm and paralysis
    of the deltoid muscle. Dislocations may also disrupt
    circulation, leading to ischaemia (low blood supply) and
    possibly permanent disability of the affected extremity’s
    tissues. As joints disrupt during dislocation or subluxation

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    520 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    ‘tennis elbow’ (although most affected people are not tennis
    players), is likely caused by irritation of the extensor carpi
    radialis brevis tendon and the resulting degradation. Medial
    epicondylitis, referred to as ‘golfer’s elbow’, is inflammation
    of the medial humeral epicondyle (see Fig. 21.4). Epicondylitis
    is also related to work activities that involve cyclic flexion
    and extension of the elbow or cyclic pronation, supination,
    extension and flexion of the wrist that generate loads to
    the elbow and forearm region.4 A longitudinal study indicates
    that three sets of risk factors affect the incidence of
    epicondylitis. They include biochemical constraints and
    psychosocial and personal factors (including social support
    at work).5

    Bursae are small sacs lined with synovial membrane
    and filled with synovial fluid that act to provide a
    slippery, cushioning surface to reduce friction for tissues
    of the body. They are typically located between tendons,
    muscles and bones near major joints in the body. Acute
    bursitis occurs primarily in the middle years and is caused
    by trauma. Chronic bursitis can result from repeated

    Later, granulation tissue containing macrophages (to remove
    the damaged tissue), fibroblasts (to make collagen) and
    capillary buds (growing new blood vessels — angiogenesis)
    grow inwards from the surrounding soft tissue and cartilage
    to begin the repair process. Within 4–5 days after the injury,
    collagen formation begins. At first, collagen formation is
    random and disorganised. As the collagen fibres become
    associated with preexisting tendon fibres, they become
    organised to run along the lines of stress. Eventually the
    new and surrounding tissues fuse into a single mass. As
    reorganisation takes place, the healing tendon or ligament
    separates from the surrounding soft tissue. Usually a healing
    tendon or ligament lacks sufficient strength to withstand
    strong pull for at least 4–5 weeks after the injury (a ruptured
    Achilles tendon may take 6 months to heal). If strong
    muscle pull does occur during this time, the tendon or
    ligament ends may separate again, causing the tendon or
    ligament to heal in a lengthened shape with an excessive
    amount of scar tissue that renders the tendon or ligament

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    Tendon and ligament injuries are painful and are usually
    accompanied by soft-tissue swelling, changes in tendon or
    ligament contour and dislocation or subluxation of bones.
    The pain is generally sharp and localised and tenderness
    persists over the distribution of the tendon or ligament.
    Following a ruptured Achilles tendon, patients often report
    a sensation of being kicked in the heel by someone else
    despite this not occurring. Depending on the tendon or
    ligament involved, such injuries may result in decreased
    mobility, instability and weakness of the affected joints,
    even with prompt treatment.

    Evaluation is based on clinical manifestations, stress
    radiography, arthroscopy (using an endoscope to view the
    interior of the tissue) or arthrography (an x-ray examination
    in which a contrast medium is used to better visualise the
    damage). When possible, treatment consists of suturing
    the tendon or ligament ends closely together. If this is
    not possible because of the extent of damage, tendon or
    ligament grafting may be necessary. Long-term rehabilitation
    exercises help ensure regaining of nearly normal functions,
    but recovery may be complicated by posttraumatic

    Tendonitis, epicondylitis and bursitis
    Trauma can cause painful inflammation of tendons
    (tendonitis) and bursae (bursitis). Other causes of damage
    to tendons include reduced tissue perfusion, mechanical
    irritation, crystal deposits, postural misalignment and
    hypermobility in a joint. Achilles tendonitis is inflammation
    of the Achilles tendon, one that is often inflamed.

    Epicondylitis is inflammation of a tendon where it
    attaches to a bone at its origin. Epicondylar areas of the
    humerus, radius or ulna and around the knee are most
    often inflamed. Lateral epicondylitis, commonly called

    Gastrocnemius muscle
    (Lateral head)
    (Medial head)

    Soleus muscle

    Achilles tendon



    Lateral epicondyle
    Annular ligament

    Olecranon bursa
    Medial epicondyle
    Coronoid process



    FIGURE 21.4

    Tendonitis and epicondylitis.
    A Medial or lateral epicondyles of humerus, site of epicondylitis.
    B Achilles tendon, site of commonly occurring tendonitis.

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    The evaluation of tendonitis, epicondylitis and bursitis is
    based on clinical manifestations, physical examination,
    arthroscopy, arthrography and possibly MRI. Treatment
    includes immobilisation of the joint with a sling, splint or
    cast; systemic analgesics; ice or heat applications; or local
    injection of an anaesthetic and a corticosteroid to reduce
    inflammation. Physical therapy to prevent loss of function
    begins after acute inflammation subsides.

    Muscle strains
    Mild injury such as muscle strain is usually seen after
    traumatic or sports injuries. Muscle strain is a general term
    for local muscle damage. It is often the result of sudden,
    forced motion causing the muscle to become stretched
    beyond normal capacity. Strains often involve the tendon
    as well. Muscles are ruptured more often than tendons in
    young people; the opposite is true in the older population.
    Muscle strain may be chronic when the muscle is repeatedly
    stretched beyond its usual capacity. Haemorrhage into the
    surrounding tissue and signs of inflammation may also be
    present. Regardless of the cause of trauma, skeletal muscle
    cells are usually able to regenerate. Regeneration may take
    up to 6 weeks and the affected muscle should be protected
    during that time. Degrees of acute muscle strain, together
    with their manifestations and treatment, are summarised
    in Table 21.2.

    Post-exercise muscle soreness
    Also known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
    post-exercise muscle soreness relates to soreness of the
    muscles most usually after unaccustomed eccentric
    contraction. The degree of soreness is related to the duration
    and intensity of exercise, with the degree of pain being
    more related to the intensity. Fewer motor units are activated

    trauma. Septic bursitis is caused by wound infection or
    bacterial infection of the skin overlying the bursae. Bursitis
    commonly occurs in the shoulder, hip, knee and elbow (see
    Fig. 21.5).

    In addition to tearing of the tendon, evidence also exists
    of tissue degeneration and disorganised collagen formation.6
    Initial inflammatory changes cause swelling of the area,
    limiting movements and causing pain. Microtears cause
    bleeding, oedema and pain in the involved tendon or
    tendons. At times, after repeated inflammations, calcium
    may be deposited in the tendon. The calcium is usually
    spontaneously reabsorbed by the body.

    Usually bursitis is an inflammation that is reactive to
    overuse or excessive pressure. The inflamed bursal sac
    becomes engorged and the inflammation can spread to
    adjacent tissues. The inflammation may decrease with rest,
    ice and aspiration of the fluid. (Inflammation is discussed
    in Chapter 13.)

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    Clinical manifestations are usually localised to one side of
    the joint. Generally there is local tenderness and more pain
    with active motion than with passive motion. With
    tendonitis, the pain is localised over the involved tendon.
    Pain and sometimes weakness limit joint movement. The
    onset of pain may be gradual or sudden in bursitis and
    pain may limit active movement in the joint. Shoulder
    bursitis impairs arm abduction. Bursitis in the knee produces
    pain when climbing stairs, and crossing the legs is painful
    in bursitis of the hip. Lying on the side of the inflamed
    bursa is also very painful. Signs of infectious bursitis may
    include the presence of a puncture site, warmth and
    erythema (red appearance of the skin due to dilation
    of capillaries), prior corticosteroid injection, severe
    inflammation or an adjacent source of infection, such as
    an infected total joint replacement.

    FIGURE 21.5

    Olecranon bursitis.
    A case of olecranon bursitis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.
    A rheumatoid nodule is also shown.

    TABLE 21.2 Muscle strain


    First degree
    (example: bench
    press in untrained


    Ice should be applied
    5 or 6 times in the
    first 24–48 hours;
    gradual resumption
    of full weight-bearing
    after initial rest for up
    to 2 weeks; exercises
    individualised to
    specific injury

    Second degree
    (example: any
    muscle strain with
    bruising and pain)

    Muscle intact
    with some
    tearing of fibres,

    Treatment similar to
    that for first-degree

    Third degree
    traumatic injury)

    Caused by
    tearing of fascia

    Surgery to
    ruptured edges;
    immobilisation and
    for 6 weeks

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    522 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    swelling) that raises the pressure within the fascia can result
    in a compartment syndrome, as the pressure increases within
    the enclosed space of the muscle compartment. An increase
    in compartment volume may be caused by haematoma
    associated with a fracture or trauma and associated
    inflammation causing oedema. Even the weight of a limp
    extremity can generate enough pressure to reduce venous
    return. With continuing arterial supply the volume of the
    compartment increases. Whatever the cause, as the pressure
    within the compartment rises, the circulation becomes
    further compromised. Muscle necrosis occurs within 4–8
    hours after releasing myoglobin. The myoglobin is toxic
    to the tubular cells of the kidneys. The pathogenesis of
    compartment syndrome and crush syndrome is outlined
    in Fig. 21.7.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    When myoglobin is released from the muscle cells into the
    circulation, it can cause a visible, dark reddish brown
    pigmentation of the urine.7 Only 200 grams of muscle need
    be damaged to cause visible changes in the urine. The
    damaged cells also release intracellular enzymes, potassium
    and phosphate into the serum. One of the enzymes, creatine
    kinase (involved in creating phosphocreatine, a rapidly
    available energy source in skeletal muscle and the brain),
    may reach 2000 times normal levels (normal levels are
    5–25 U/mL for women and 5–35 U/mL for men). The risk
    of renal failure correlates directly with the amount of serum
    creatine kinase, potassium and phosphorus levels in the
    blood. The most significant clinical manifestation of acute
    compartment syndrome is unresolved and disproportionate
    pain associated with changes to the neurovascular status
    of the involved limb.

    to produce the same force during eccentric exercise
    compared to concentric exercise. Thus higher forces are
    experienced by the muscle fibres and their surrounding
    connective tissue structures. There is evidence of free
    erythrocytes and mitochondria in the extracellular spaces
    suggesting cellular damage. Neutrophils increase and
    phagocytes are present in the muscle fibres after 1–3 days
    post exercise. In animal models, regeneration of muscle
    injured in this way is complete within 2 weeks. In humans,
    although it is a common condition, the morbidity (soreness
    and reduced muscle performance) is temporary.

    Myoglobinuria — the presence of myoglobin in the urine
    — can be a life-threatening complication of severe muscle
    trauma or secondary to a rare, genetically linked condition
    known as malignant hyperthermia. Myoglobinuria is so
    named because the principal manifestation of the condition
    is an excess of myoglobin (an oxygen-carrying intracellular
    muscle protein) in the urine. Muscle damage, with disruption
    of the sarcolemma (cell membrane of the muscle fibre),
    releases the myoglobin from the cells, which then enters
    the bloodstream. This death of some skeletal muscle cells
    is known as rhabdomyolysis. However, large amounts of
    myoglobin released into the blood becomes nephrotoxic
    (toxic to nephrons) and may cause acute renal failure (see
    Chapter 30).

    The most severe form is often called crush syndrome.
    Less severe local forms are called compartment syndromes.
    Crush syndrome first gained notoriety in the reports of
    injuries seen after the London air raids in World War II.
    More recently, it has been reported in individuals found
    unresponsive and immobile for long periods, usually after
    a drug overdose as the compression of the muscle for an
    extended time restricts the blood circulation in the area, and
    leads to rhabdomyolysis, which then causes myoglobinuria.
    Myoglobinuria also can be seen after viral infections,
    administration of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as
    statins, certain anaesthetic agents, cocaine, amphetamines,
    heroin, alcoholism with subsequent muscle tremors, tetanus,
    heat stroke, electrolyte disturbances and fractures. Excessive
    muscular activity also has been implicated in reports of
    myoglobinuria in athletes (such as long-distance runners
    and skiers) and military recruits. Status epilepticus,
    electroconvulsive therapy and high-voltage electrical
    shock are also associated with severe and sometimes fatal

    The primary requirement to develop myoglobinuria is
    damage to muscle fibres allowing the release of myoglobin.
    This damage may occur directly, as in the case of trauma,
    or as a result of any event that injures the sarcolemma.
    In the case of compartment syndromes the usual cause is
    ischaemia. The muscles of the limbs are organised within
    their non-elastic fascias. Many of the blood vessels (and
    nerves) are located deep to the fascia (see Fig. 21.6). Thus
    any event (like a fracture, direct trauma with bleeding and

    Deep posterior





    Anterior tibial
    neurovascular bundle

    Posterior tibial
    neurovascular bundle









    FIGURE 21.6

    The muscle compartments of the lower leg.
    The muscle compartments consist mainly of the (1) superficial, (2)
    deep posterior, (3) lateral and (4) anterior compartments.

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    F O C U S O N L E A R N I N G

    1 Describe the process of fracture repair.

    2 Compare and contrast the repair processes involved with
    strains and sprains.

    The manifestation of myoglobinuria for those with the
    genetic condition of malignant hyperthermia occurs during
    anaesthesia. Clinicians need to carefully assess the
    background of these individuals to diagnose potential
    malignant hyperthermia — a family history of anaesthetic
    problems and previous untoward anaesthetic experiences
    (muscle cramping, unexplained fevers, dark urine) are
    criteria that require further clarification before administration
    of a volatile halogen anaesthetic, such as isoflurane, or the
    muscle relaxant succinylcholine.

    Priorities in treatment of myoglobinuria include
    identifying and treating the underlying disorder and
    preventing life-threatening renal failure. Malignant
    hyperthermia and myoglobinuria can be treated by infusing
    dantrolene sodium. Diluting the pigment using intravenous
    fluids and administration of mannitol, sodium bicarbonate
    and frusemide to ‘flush’ the kidneys have been advocated
    to prevent renal failure. Secondary problems include
    electrolyte imbalance, volume depletion, acidosis,
    hyperuricaemia, hyperkalaemia and calcium imbalance.
    These imbalances need specific treatment. Short-term
    dialysis may also be necessary.

    Compartment syndromes may require emergency
    treatment when blood flow to the affected extremity is
    compromised because of increased compartmental pressure,
    leading to ischaemia and oedema.8 When clinical evaluation
    is inconclusive, the rising compartment pressure can be
    directly measured by inserting a wick catheter, needle or
    slit catheter into the muscle. Pressures greater than 30 mmHg
    (normal = 0–8 mmHg) impair capillary flow.9 When
    conservative treatment fails to relieve the pressure, a
    fasciotomy may be necessary.9 In this procedure the fascia
    is incised parallel to the muscle to reduce the
    intracompartmental pressure. Because of the risk of infection
    and the added complication of wound closure, this procedure
    is one of last resort. Compartments often affected are the
    anterior tibial and deep posterior tibial compartments in
    the leg and the gluteal compartments in the buttocks.





    T M

    Limb compression


    leading to

    resulting in

    resulting in



    further promoting

    blood vessels


    contributing to

    contributing toleading to


    leading to

    releasing myoglobin


    Local pressure

    Local tamponade

    Muscle/capillary necrosis


    Rising compartment pressure

    Compartment tamponadeMuscle ischaemia Neural injury Compartment syndrome

    Initial events

    Muscle infarction


    ECF shift

    Renal failure

    Crush syndrome

    Cardiac arrhythmia


    FIGURE 21.7

    The pathogenesis of compartment syndrome and crush syndrome caused by prolonged muscle compression.
    ECF = extracellular fluid.

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    524 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    2015 fact sheet 9% of the population over 50 years of age
    was identified as having osteoporosis.11 Osteoporosis, or
    porous bone, is a disease in which bone tissue is normally
    mineralised but the mass (density) of bone is decreased
    and the structural integrity of trabecular (spongy) bone is
    impaired. Cortical (compact) bone becomes more porous
    and thinner, making bone weaker and prone to fractures
    (see Figs 21.8 and 21.9). The World Health Organization
    (WHO) has defined postmenopausal osteoporosis based
    on bone density.12 Individual bone density is compared
    with the mean bone mineral density of a young-adult
    reference population; in other words, the degree of loss of
    bone mineral density (osteoporosis) is compared to the
    optimal level of that of a young adult. Fig. 21.10 shows the
    progression from normal bone mineral density to severe
    osteoporosis. The disease can be: (1) generalised, involving

    FIGURE 21.8

    Vertebral body.
    Osteoporotic vertebral body (right) shortened by compression
    fractures compared with a normal vertebral body. Note that the
    osteoporotic vertebra has a characteristic loss of horizontal
    trabeculae and thickened vertical trabeculae.



    (cortical bone)

    (trabecular bone)

    FIGURE 21.9

    Osteoporosis in cortical and trabecular bone.
    While both compact and trabecular (spongy) bone vulnerable to osteoporosis, the effects on the trabecular bone can appear to be worse
    to the loss of the trabecules or beams of bone tissue.

    Normal bone mineral density

    Low bone density (osteopenia)


    Severe osteoporosis

    FIGURE 21.10

    The progression from normal bone mineral density through
    various stages to severe osteoporosis.
    With each stage, there is further loss of bone mineral density.

    Disorders of bone and joints
    Metabolic bone disease
    Metabolic bone disease is a generalised term that accounts
    for a range of disorders characterised by abnormal bone
    structure that is caused by an altered metabolism, which
    may be the result of genetics, diet or hormones. These
    disorders often cause disability that becomes worse with
    ageing. In Australia, approximately 30% of the population
    had arthritis, and other musculoskeletal disorders affect
    6.9 million people.10

    As the populations of Australia and New Zealand age, the
    incidence of osteoporosis will increase. In an Australian

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    Osteoporosis is a complex, multifactorial chronic disease
    that often progresses silently for decades until fractures
    occur. It is the most common disease that affects bone. It
    is not necessarily a consequence of the ageing process
    because some elderly people retain strong, relatively dense
    bones.24 A progressive loss of bone mass may continue until
    the skeleton is no longer strong enough to support itself.
    Eventually, bones can fracture spontaneously. As bone
    becomes more fragile, falls or bumps that would not have
    caused fracture previously now do cause a fracture.
    Osteoporosis appears to be most severe in the spine, wrists
    and hip (see Fig. 21.11).

    Postmenopausal osteoporosis is bone loss that occurs in
    middle-aged and older women. It can occur because of
    oestrogen deficiency as well as oestrogen-independent
    age-related mechanisms (e.g. secondary causes such as
    hyperparathyroidism and decreased mechanical stimulation)
    (see Fig. 21.12). Oestrogen deficiency can also increase with
    stress, excessive exercise (particularly weight-bearing
    activities) and low body weight. Postmenopausal changes
    include a substantial increase in bone removal. There is an
    imbalance between the activities of the osteoclasts (bone

    R E S E A R C H I N F C U S
    Osteoporosis in men
    With the emphasis on osteoporosis in women, the cellular
    and molecular aspects of male idiopathic osteoporosis
    (idiopathic meaning cause unknown) are poorly understood.
    The major difference in bone physiology between males
    and females is in the level of gonadal hormones. Although
    hypogonadism is related to bone loss in men, and androgen
    levels decline with age in men, it is not at all clear that reduced
    androgen levels are related to bone loss in older men.
    Testosterone is possibly anabolic at the bone level, and
    testosterone increases muscle mass, which indirectly results
    in higher bone density. In peripheral tissue, testosterone is
    converted to oestrogen, which prevents excessive bone
    resorption. Oestrogen is necessary to bone in men as well
    as in women. Men who have a deficiency of the enzyme
    that converts testosterone to oestrogen develop osteoporosis
    and are excessively tall because of the failure to fuse growth
    plates. Thus, oestrogen plays a vital role in the maintenance
    of bone in men as well as women.

    Guidelines produced in the United States in 2016 show that
    the risk of fractures is increased in both men and women
    taking glucocorticoid medications that is usually controlled
    by use of antiresorptive therapy. The use of antiresorptive
    therapy is recommended at a bone mineral density (T-score)
    of less than -2.5 or a history of hip or spine fracture. Long
    term use of this therapy increases the risk of atypical femur
    fractures that can be reduced in women, or men taking
    glucocorticoid therapy, who achieve a bone mineral density
    greater than -2.5 and have no other risk factors by having
    a ‘holiday’ from the medication for 2 to 3 years.

    major portions of the axial skeleton; or (2) regional, involving
    one segment of the appendicular skeleton.

    Throughout a lifetime bone responds to the stresses
    placed on it through the process of remodelling (see Chapter
    20). This process involves removal of old bone (resorption)
    and creation of new bone (formation). Weight-bearing
    exercise increases bone mineral density. During childhood
    and the teenage years, new bone is added faster than old
    bone is removed. Consequently, bones become larger, heavier
    and denser. Peak bone mass or maximum bone density
    and strength is reached around age 30. After age 30, bone
    resorption slowly exceeds bone formation. In women, bone
    loss is most rapid in the first years after menopause, but
    persists throughout the postmenopausal years.13 Men lose
    bone density with ageing but because they begin with a
    higher bone density and their rate of loss is less than that
    of women, they reach osteoporotic levels at an older age
    than do women (see Research in Focus: Osteoporosis in

    The major risks for those with osteoporosis are fractures.
    By the age of 90, about 17% of males have had a hip fracture,
    compared with 32% of females. Over half of all adults
    hospitalised for hip fracture do not return to their former
    level of functioning.14 In Australia the lifetime risk of a
    fracture due to osteoporosis after 50 years of age is 42%
    for women and 27% for men.15

    Vertebral fractures also occur in the later years of life;
    however, they are more difficult to ascertain because people
    are unaware of the fracture. The degree of compression
    necessary to define a vertebral fracture is not standardised.15
    Thus, the true prevalence is unknown, but fractures do
    increase in frequency by the sixth and seventh decades.
    Vertebral fracture prevalence in men is close to that in
    women.16 Osteoporosis is the foremost underlying cause
    of fractures in the elderly. It affects more than half of women
    aged 60 and older and nearly one-third of men aged 60
    and older in both New Zealand17 and Australia.18 Total
    costs related to osteoporosis are estimated at A$7 billion
    annually in Australia19 and at NZ$1.5 billion annually in
    New Zealand.20

    Osteoporosis is most common in smaller statured people.
    Interestingly, larger people have a lower incidence of
    osteoporosis because their skeletons have become more
    massive through the process of remodelling and achieved
    a higher peak bone mass.21 The cause of generalised
    osteoporosis remains uncertain.

    Bone strength is not defined by bone mass alone (as
    measured by bone mass density) but also by the microscopic
    structure of the bone. Thus, other variables include mineral
    crystal size and shape, brittleness, vitality of the bone cells,
    structure of the bone proteins, integrity of the trabecular
    network and the ability to repair tiny cracks.22,23 In spongy
    bone, the positioning of trabecular structures is important
    in providing strength. Because bone density relates to
    quantity of bone, quality of bone is not accurately identified
    by bone density testing. Therefore, bone density testing
    may or may not accurately identify those who will go on
    to suffer a fracture.

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    526 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    A B

    FIGURE 21.11

    Osteoporosis as a result of disuse.
    A X-ray taken just before wrist ligament reconstruction. B X-ray
    obtained 2 months later. Notice the extent of the osteopenia
    evident in the second image.

    Genetic factors

    Physical activity Nutrition

    • Decreased serum
    • Increased IL-1, IL-6,
    TNF levels
    • Increased osteoclast

    • Decreased replicative activity
    of osteoprogenitor cells
    • Decreased synthetic activity
    of osteoblasts
    • Decreased biological activity
    of matrix-bound growth factors
    • Reduced physical activity



    FIGURE 21.12

    The pathophysiology of postmenopausal and senile
    Factors which can contribute to the decline of bone density after
    menopause include lowering of oestrogen levels with increased
    osteoclast activity (which cause bone resorption). Factors which
    contribute to further decline of bone density with increased age
    include loss of function of the osteoblasts (which cause bone
    deposition) and decreased physical activity.

    destroyers) and osteoblasts (bone formers). Oestrogen helps
    osteoclast apoptosis (programmed cell death), so its decline
    is associated with survival of the bone-removing osteoclasts.
    Other causes may include a combination of inadequate
    dietary calcium intake and lack of vitamin D, possibly
    decreased magnesium, lack of exercise (particularly
    weight-bearing exercise), low body mass and family history.25

    Excessive phosphate intake, chiefly through the intake of
    soft drinks and junk foods, interferes with the calcium/
    phosphate balance. Glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisone) also
    induce osteoporosis.

    Oestrogen replacement (through hormone replacement
    therapy, known as HRT) can slow bone loss around the
    time of menopause; however, osteoporosis and fractures
    are still common in older women who have used oestrogen
    continuously since menopause.25,26 It has been found that
    serum androgens may influence bone density in women.
    Androgens (i.e. testosterone) have long been recognised as
    stimulants of bone formation. Increasing age in both men
    and women is associated with declining levels of oestrogen
    and androgen, leading to losses in bone mineral density.27
    In addition, progesterone deficiency may be related to
    osteoporosis. Decreases in weight-bearing exercise are
    associated with osteoporosis as well. Other risk factors are
    identified in Box 21.1.

    Intake of dietary minerals is important for skeletal health.
    Reduced intake or malabsorption of dietary minerals is
    a factor in the development of osteoporosis.28 Calcium
    absorption from the intestine decreases with age and studies
    of individuals with osteoporosis show that their calcium
    intake is lower than that of age-matched controls. Other
    mineral deficiencies may also be important, including
    magnesium. Deficiencies of vitamins, particularly vitamins
    C and D, and both deficiencies and excesses of protein
    also contribute to bone loss. Excessive intakes of caffeine,
    phosphorus, alcohol and nicotine along with low body
    weight (less than 57 kg) have also been considered risk
    factors. In addition, significant differences in the trace
    elements (zinc, copper, manganese) have been noted in
    the bones and hair of unaffected individuals compared to
    those with osteoporosis.29

    Skeletal homeostasis depends on a narrow range of
    plasma calcium and phosphate concentrations, which are
    maintained by the endocrine system. Therefore, endocrine
    dysfunction ultimately can cause metabolic bone disease.
    In addition to declining levels of sex steroids, the hormones
    most commonly associated with osteoporosis are parathyroid
    hormone, cortisol, thyroid hormone and growth hormone
    (see Fig. 21.13). (Endocrine function is discussed in Chapters
    10 and 11.)

    It has been emphasised that remodelling is a normal feature
    of bone. Osteoclasts (bone-destroying cells) and osteoblasts
    (bone-building cells) are continually working to maintain
    bone with a structure that is responsive to, and structurally
    able to withstand the stresses it experiences. To understand
    osteoporosis it is useful to have some knowledge of the
    interrelationship between osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
    Ultimately the number of osteoblasts is controlled by
    hormones, cytokines (intracellular communication molecules
    that control cell activity — cyto for cell and kines for action)
    and other chemical messengers. There is one cytokine
    that appears particularly important. It exerts its effect by
    binding to a receptor on osteoclast precursor cells (cells

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 527

    • Family history of osteoporosis
    • Family origins from any of the original peoples of Europe,

    the Middle East or North Africa
    • Increased age
    • Female sex
    • Small stature
    • Thin build
    • Low bone mineral density
    Hormonal and metabolic
    • Early menopause
    • Late menarche
    • Nulliparity (not bearing offspring)
    • Obesity
    • Cushing’s syndrome
    • Weight below healthy range
    • Acidosis
    • Hyperparathyroidism
    • Low dietary calcium and vitamin D
    • Low endogenous magnesium
    • Excessive sodium intake
    • High caffeine intake
    • Anorexia
    • Malabsorption
    • Sedentary
    • Smoker
    • Alcohol consumption (excessive)
    • Low-impact fractures as an adult
    • Inability to rise from a chair without using one’s arms
    Illness and trauma
    • Renal insufficiency
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Spinal cord injury
    • Systemic lupus
    • Corticosteroids
    • Dilantin
    • Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists
    • Aromatase inhibitors
    • Loop diuretics
    • Methotrexate
    • Heparin
    • Cyclosporin

    BOX 21.1 Risk factors for osteoporosis
    that combine to form osteoclasts) causing them to multiply
    and become activated. The bone matrix creates a decoy
    receptor for this same cytokine. If the cytokine binds to the
    decoy receptor there will be no effect on the osteoclasts.
    Thus the balance between the amounts of cytokine, the
    number of receptors on the osteoclast precursors and the
    number of decoy receptors determines the rate at which
    bone is resorbed. Any alteration to this balance can lead to

    Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is characterised by
    increased bone resorption and decreased bone formation.
    Glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisone) increase formation of the
    cytokine and reduce production of its decoy receptor by

    Age-related bone loss begins in the fourth decade. The
    cause remains unclear, but it is known that decreased serum
    growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor levels (both
    of which stimulate osteoclasts), along with increased binding
    of the cytokine and decreased production of the decoy
    receptor, affect osteoblast and osteoclast function. Loss of
    trabecular bone in men proceeds with thinning of trabecular
    bone rather than complete loss, as is noted in women (see
    Fig. 21.14).30 Men have approximately 30% greater bone
    mass than women, which may be a factor in their later
    involvement with osteoporosis (see Fig. 21.15). In addition,
    men have a more gradual decrease in testosterone and
    oestrogen (and possibly progesterone), thereby maintaining
    their bone mass longer than women.31 The reduction in
    weight-bearing activity with increasing age is another factor
    promoting bone loss.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    The specific clinical manifestations of osteoporosis depend
    on the bones involved. The most common manifestations,
    however, are pain and bone deformity. Unfortunately the
    condition develops insidiously and these manifestations
    occur only in an advanced disease state. By the time a
    person experiences symptoms there is little possibility
    of them being able to reverse the effect of bone loss to
    previous levels. Fractures are likely to occur because the
    trabeculae of spongy bone become thin and sparse and
    compact bone becomes porous. As the bones lose volume,
    they become brittle and weak and may collapse or become
    misshapen. Vertebral collapse causes kyphosis (from the
    Greek kyphos meaning hump) and diminishes height (see
    Fig. 21.16). Fractures of the long bones (particularly the
    femur and humerus), distal radius, ribs and vertebrae
    are most common. Fracture of the neck of the femur —
    a broken hip — tends to occur in older or elderly women
    with osteoporosis. Fatal complications of fractures include
    fat or pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, haemorrhage
    and shock. Approximately 20% of individuals may die
    as a result of surgical complications. Male osteoporosis
    is usually secondary osteoporosis. The following seem to
    help prevent primary osteoporosis: adequate dietary intake
    of calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and possibly boron; a
    regular regimen of weight-bearing exercise; and avoidance
    of tobacco, glucocorticoids and alcoholism.

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    528 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent





    FIGURE 21.14

    The mechanism of loss of trabecular bone in women and
    trabecular thinning in men.
    Bone thinning predominates in men because of reduced bone
    formation. Loss of connectivity and complete trabeculae
    predominates in women.







    Formed Net
    bone loss


    of bone

    FIGURE 21.15

    Bone loss in men and women.
    The absolute amount of bone resorbed on the inner bone surface
    and formed on the outer bone surface is more in men than in
    women during ageing.





    Production or effect of
    dihydroxyvitamin D

    Physical activity


    PTH secretion


    Bone loss

    Intestinal calcium

    Enhanced osteoclast
    activity (excessive
    bone resorption)

    Impaired osteoblast
    actions (decreased
    bone formation)

    Calcium intake


    resulting in


    leading toleading

    leads to

    leads to

    result in

    leads to

    Secretion of
    growth hormone
    or anabolic steroids

    Sun exposure
    Dietary intake of vitamin D

    Vitamin K
    intake or

    FIGURE 21.13

    The pathophysiology of osteoporosis.
    The changes that lead to bone loss. Dihydroxyvitamin D = vitamin D component that aids calcium absorption; PTH = parathyroid

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 529

    risk of some disease may not be as high as previously
    thought. Other steroid agents — for example, raloxifene,
    a selective oestrogen receptor modulator that provides the
    beneficial effects of oestrogen on bone without the negative
    effects on breast and endometrial tissue — may also be

    Regular, moderate weight-bearing exercise can slow down
    the bone loss and, in some cases, reverse demineralisation
    because the mechanical stress of exercise stimulates bone
    formation. It is important to reduce the risk of falls and
    enhance bone quality. An exercise program to enhance
    strength has the added benefits of reducing the risk of falls
    and promoting bone quality. The elderly population are
    at a greater risk of falls due to normal changes associated
    with ageing such as worsening eyesight, inner ear related
    imbalances, touch sensitivities and slowing response times.
    These normal changes when combined with other risk factors
    can increase the risk of falls and contribute to a much higher
    incidence of fall-related trauma. The consequence of a simple
    fall that results in a fragility fracture can be severe. Following
    a fracture of the proximal femur up to 28% of sufferers
    will die within one year and 24–75% of individuals will
    not return to their pre-fracture level of independence.34

    New medications formulated to prevent or treat
    osteoporosis are currently being prescribed and evaluated.
    There are new treatments that may rebuild the skeleton.
    The anabolic or bone-building drug parathyroid hormone
    has been widely studied and the results are encouraging.
    Parathyroid hormone directly stimulates bone formation,
    particularly in trabecular bone.35

    Generally, osteoporosis is detected on x-rays as increased
    radiolucency (transparency) of bone. By the time
    abnormalities are detected by radiological examination, up
    to 25–30% of bone tissue may have been lost.

    Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (commonly known
    as the bone density test) is the gold standard for detecting
    and monitoring osteoporosis. Ultrasound is more cost
    effective but it does not directly measure the fracture risk
    sites. Quantitative CT scans are also helpful. Other evaluation
    procedures include tests for levels of serum calcium,
    phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase and protein
    electrophoresis. Serum and urinary biochemical markers
    are useful in monitoring bone turnover.12

    The goals of osteoporosis treatment are to slow down
    the rate of calcium and bone loss and to stop the deterioration
    before it progresses too far. Treatment includes increasing
    the dietary intake of calcium to 1500 mg/day along
    with vitamin D supplements to increase the intestinal
    absorption of calcium. High intake of phosphorus may
    neutralise calcium, interfering with its benefits. Magnesium
    supplementation may increase bone growth by stimulating
    cytokine activity in bone.32,33

    Postmenopausal women may be given oestrogen and
    progestins to prevent bone loss. However, combined
    oestrogen–progestin therapy increases the risk for invasive
    breast cancer, and may increase the risk for heart disease
    (see ‘Women and coronary heart disease’ in Chapter 23),
    stroke and pulmonary embolism, and therefore is not
    warranted for routine osteoporosis prevention although the

    A B

    FIGURE 21.16

    A This elderly woman’s condition was caused by a combination of spinal osteoporotic vertebral collapse and chronic degenerative
    changes in the vertebral column. B The x-ray demonstrates the marked curvature of the spine seen in kyphosis. The head and neck are
    bent forward and the total chest volume is markedly reduced.

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    530 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    by x-ray and radioisotope bone scan. Autopsy data from
    England and Germany indicate that approximately 3–4%
    of the population older than 40 years of age have Paget’s
    disease. It is most prevalent in Australia, Great Britain, New
    Zealand and the United States. The disease affects several
    members of the same family in 5–25% of cases.

    The cause of Paget’s disease is unknown, but there appears
    to be a strong genetic component.36 A viral connection to
    Paget’s disease has also been proposed.37

    Paget’s disease is a focal process that begins with frantic
    excessive osteoclastic resorption of spongy bone, followed
    by furious deposition of bone by large numbers of osteoblasts.
    The deposited bone is disorganised rather than lamellar
    and is soft as a result. The trabeculae diminish and bone
    marrow is replaced by extremely vascular fibrous tissue.

    Paget’s disease causes lesions that may be solitary or
    occur in multiple sites. Lesions tend to localise in the axial
    skeleton, including the skull, spine and pelvis. If the disease
    becomes more widespread, the proximal femur and tibia
    may become involved.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    Paget’s disease varies in presentation from a single lesion
    to involvement of multiple bones. The manifestations depend
    on which bones are affected. In the skull, abnormal
    remodelling is first evident in the frontal or occipital regions;
    then it encroaches on the outer and inner surfaces of the
    entire skull. The skull thickens and assumes an asymmetric
    shape. Thickened segments of the skull may compress areas
    of the brain, producing altered mentality and dementia.
    Growth of new bone putting pressure on cranial nerves
    causes sensory abnormalities, impaired motor function,
    deafness (because of involvement of the middle ear ossicles
    or compression of the auditory nerve), atrophy of the optic
    nerve and obstruction of the lacrimal duct. As a result,
    headache is commonly noted.

    In the spinal column the vertebral bodies collapse leading
    to kyphosis. In long bones, resorption begins in the
    subchondral regions of the epiphysis and extends into the
    metaphysis and diaphysis. Softening of the femur and tibia
    causes them to bow. Stress fractures are common in the
    lower extremities and they often heal poorly with excessive
    and poorly distributed callus.
    Evaluation of Paget’s disease is made on the basis of
    characteristic bone deformities and radiographic findings of
    irregular bone trabeculae with a thickened and disorganised
    pattern. Early disease is detected by bone scanning that
    shows increased metabolic activity. Alkaline phosphatase
    and urinary hydroxyproline (a derivative of the amino acid
    proline, involved in collagen production) are elevated.

    Many individuals require no treatment if the disease is
    localised and not symptomatic. Treatment during active
    disease is for pain relief, prevention of deformity or fracture.
    Bisphosphonates are the treatment of choice: they bind to
    bone minerals, rapidly reducing resorption.

    Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans) is a state of increased
    metabolic activity in bone characterised by abnormal and
    excessive bone remodelling, both resorption and formation.
    Chronic accelerated remodelling eventually enlarges and
    softens the affected bones. Paget’s disease can occur in any
    bone but most often affects the vertebrae, skull, sacrum,
    sternum, pelvis and femur. The disease process may occur
    in one or more bones without causing significant clinical

    Paget’s disease occurs with increasing frequency in people
    as they age; it is rarely identified before 50 years of age and
    reaches a prevalence of almost 10% in the ninth decade of
    life. Men are more often affected than women at a ratio of 1.8
    to 1. The disease is often symptomless and diagnosis is made

    R E S E A R C H I N F C U S
    Current treatments for osteoporosis
    Over the last 15 years a number of newer pharmaceutical
    treatment options have been developed and released for
    use in the treatment of osteoporosis. Previously the standard
    treatment was hormone replacement therapy which more
    recently has been shown to increase, in some groups, the
    risk of cancer, cardiac disease and venous thromboembolism.

    The first of the newer treatment options were the
    bisphosphonates group such as alendronate, risedronate,
    ibandronate and zoledronic acid which act to limit osteoclast
    bone resorption. A number of earlier medications had
    demonstrated some increased adverse outcomes and required
    specific administration regimens such as administering the
    medication early in the day and ensuring the person was
    sitting upright. Some of the newer generation of medications
    such as denosumab, raloxifene and calcitonin also act to
    reverse or slow bone loss. These too have some limitations
    in treatment times and there is debate about increased risk
    of some cancers and the benefit of longer-term treatment.
    Medications such as teriparatide, a type of parathyroid
    hormone, act to stimulate bone growth but can also have
    side effects that limit their use in treatment to 2 years.

    The use of calcium and vitamin D supplements should
    continue in the treatment of osteoporosis as well as the
    maintenance of a balanced diet (high in calcium), appropriate
    exposure to sunlight and regular weight-bearing exercise.

    The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research has
    recommended that for patients with a low risk of fracture
    therapy and a higher bone density, treatment can be
    discontinued after 3–5 years. Some of the medications will
    remain stored in the skeletal system and continue to influence
    bone loss for years following discontinuation of the
    medication. For those individuals with a higher risk of fracture
    and a lower bone density consideration of long-term
    treatment or medication change is advised. Some researchers
    are investigating other more ‘natural’ non-pharmaceutical
    alternatives for the treatment of osteoporosis.

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    Paediatrics and disorders of bones
    The osteochondroses are a series of childhood diseases
    involving areas of significant tensile or compressive stress
    (i.e. tibial tubercle, Achilles insertion, hip). They are
    characterised into two groups according to cause. The
    first group are caused by localised death of bone
    (osteonecrosis) in an apophyseal or epiphyseal centre
    (e.g. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease), while the second group
    is the result of abnormalities of mineralisation of cartilage
    due to a genetically determined normal variation or
    trauma (e.g. Osgood-Schlatter disease).
    Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
    Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is a common osteochondrosis
    usually occurring in children between the ages of 3 and
    10 years, with a peak incidence at 6 years. The disorder
    affects both legs in 10–20% of children and boys are
    affected five times more often than girls, perhaps because
    boys have a more poorly developed blood supply to the
    femoral head (hip joint) than do girls of the same age.
    The role of genetics is unclear, but family history is
    positive in 20% of cases.
    This disease which runs its natural course in 2–5 years,
    is presumably produced by recurrent interruption of
    the blood supply to the femoral head. The ossification
    centre first becomes necrotic (osteonecrosis) and then
    is gradually replaced by live bone.
    Several causative theories have been proposed, including
    a generalised disorder of epiphyseal cartilage growth,
    thyroid deficiency, trauma, infection and blood-clotting
    disorders. However increases in thrombotic disorders
    in children with Legg-Calvé-Perthes were not found.
    Children are often delayed in skeletal age by 2 years,
    making some believe that Legg-Calvé-Perthes is actually
    a systemic skeletal dysplasia. Another study has shown
    the risk of Legg-Calvé-Perthes is five times greater in
    children exposed to passive smoke than those who are not.

    The primary feature of Legg-Calvé-Perthes is an avascular
    necrosis of the epiphyseal growth centre in the femoral
    head. The disease has four stages:
    1 In the first (incipient) stage lasting several weeks, the

    synovial membrane and joint capsule are swollen,
    due to oedema (fluid accumulation) and hyperaemia
    (an increased blood supply; see Fig. 21.17).

    2 In the second (necrotic) stage (lasting 6–12 months),
    there is death of bone tissue, such that the femoral
    head actually shrinks. The epiphyseal centre also
    becomes necrotic.

    3 In the third (regenerative) stage lasting 1–3 years,
    the dead femoral head assumes a more normal
    shape as it is replaced by procallus formation. The
    procallus consists of early stages of healing, and
    progresses to include substances needed for mature
    bone, including fibrous connective tissue matrix,
    deposition of collagen and calcification.

    4 During the fourth (residual) stage the femoral
    head is remodelled and the newly formed bone is
    organised into spongy bone.

    Injury or trauma precedes the onset in approximately
    30–50% of children with Legg-Calvé-Perthes. For several
    months the child complains of a limp and pain that can
    be referred to the knee, inner thigh and groin. The pain
    is usually aggravated by activity and relieved by rest and
    anti-inflammatory drugs.
    The typical physical findings include spasm on rotation
    of the hip, limitation of internal rotation and abduction
    (movement away from the centre of the body) and hip
    flexion–adduction deformity. If the child is walking,
    an abnormal gait termed an antalgic abductor lurch,
    or ‘Trendelenburg’ gait, is apparent. Associated muscle
    atrophy may occur.
    The goals of treatment are to reduce deformity, preserve
    the soundness of the femoral head and acetabulum, and
    maintain spasm-free and pain-free range of motion in the



    Femoral neck





    Procallus Remodelled

    Normal hip joint Incipient stage Necrotic stage Regenerative stage Residual stage

    FIGURE 21.17

    Stages of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, a form of osteochondrosis.
    This disease is characterised by loss of normal bone tissue which is eventually remodelled over time.


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    hip joint. Currently, most children can be managed with
    anti-inflammatory medications and activity modification
    during periods of synovitis (inflammation of the synovial
    membrane). Serial radiographs over a number of years
    are obtained to monitor the progress of the disease and
    to ensure that the femoral head remains in contact with
    the acetabulum. Surgery may be necessary if the femoral
    head becomes subluxated or displaced from its normal
    position in the acetabulum (see Figs 21.18 and 21.19).
    Children older than 6 years of age (by bone age) have
    a worse prognosis due to poorer remodelling potential.
    Older children require surgery more often to avoid
    poor structural agreement of the femoral head in the
    acetabulum (congruence). Poor congruence predisposes
    to early osteoarthritis, with nearly 50% requiring hip
    arthroplasty by age 40.

    Osgood-Schlatter disease
    Osgood-Schlatter disease causes microfractures of the
    tubercle of the tibia (the insertion point of the patellar
    tendon) and associated patella tendonitis. The disease
    occurs most often in preadolescents and adolescents who
    participate in sports and is more prevalent in boys than
    in girls. It is one of the most common ailments reported
    in adolescents involved in sports.
    The severity of the lesion varies from mild tendonitis to
    a complete separation of part of the tibial tubercle. The
    mildest form of Osgood-Schlatter disease causes ischaemic
    (avascular) necrosis in the region of the tibial tubercle,

    with excessive cartilage formation during the stages of
    repair. In more severe cases, the abnormality involves
    a true apophyseal separation of the tibial tubercle with
    avascular necrosis.
    The child complains of pain and swelling in the region
    around the patellar tendon and tibial tubercle, which
    becomes prominent and is tender to direct pressure. The
    pain is most severe after physical activity that involves
    vigorous quadriceps contraction (jumping or running)
    or direct local trauma to the tibial tubercle area.
    The goal of treatment is to decrease the stress at the
    tubercle. Often a period of 4–8 weeks of restriction
    from strenuous physical activity is sufficient. Bracing
    with a tubercle band can be very helpful. If the pain is
    not relieved, a cast or knee immobiliser is required, a
    situation that is particularly difficult if the condition is
    bilateral. Gradual return to activity is permitted after 8
    weeks, but a further 8 weeks is necessary before strenuous
    physical activity to allow for revascularisation, healing and
    ossification of the tibial tubercle. With skeletal maturity
    and closure of the apophysis, Osgood-Schlatter disease
    Scoliosis is principally a lateral deviation of the spine.
    There are three main types of scoliosis: (1) idiopathic
    (unknown cause); (2) congenital (due to bone deformity);
    and (3) teratological (because of another systemic
    syndrome such as cerebral palsy). Eighty per cent of all

    FIGURE 21.18

    Pelvis of a 7-year-old boy with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.
    The femoral head is flat and extruded from the edge of the
    joint. This hip is at risk for early arthritis if left to
    revascularise and heal in this position.

    FIGURE 21.19

    Surgical replacement of the femoral head of a 7-year-old
    boy with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.
    As the Perthes heals, the ball has taken on a round shape
    that matches the socket well.

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    scoliosis is idiopathic, which may have a genetic
    component. True structural scoliotic deformity involves
    not only a side-to-side curve but also rotation; curves
    without rotation may result from another cause such
    as unequal limb length or splinting from pain (see
    Fig. 21.20).
    Although girls and boys are equally affected, once the
    curve becomes more than 20°, girls are five times more
    likely to be affected. Ninety-eight per cent of curves are
    apex right thoracic. If a left thoracic curve appears in the
    adolescent with idiopathic scoliosis, MRI is performed
    to rule out a neurological aetiology. MRI should also
    be used to assess kypho- (round back) scoliosis, loss of
    abdominal reflexes, children who also have exertional
    headaches or a congenital curve.
    Idiopathic curves increase while a child is growing
    and progression can be very rapid during growth
    spurts. When idiopathic curves become 25° or greater
    and the child is skeletally immature, bracing is
    required. Curves of more than 50° will progress after
    skeletal maturity, so spinal fusion is required to stop
    progression. Early diagnosis is therefore necessary so
    that bracing can be attempted in the hope of halting
    progression before the need for surgery. Children are
    required to wear the brace for 16 hours per day and
    gaining full compliance can be difficult. Nevertheless,
    bracing is the only non-operative measure known to
    slow scoliotic progression. Chiropractic manipulation,

    physical therapy, exercise and diet regimens have not
    been shown to alter natural history. Bracing is less
    successful in teratological or congenital curves; therefore,
    these conditions may require surgical intervention
    more often.

    FIGURE 21.20

    Idiopathic scoliosis.
    Scoliosis screening involves viewing the individual from
    behind, which discloses scapular asymmetry caused by not
    only curvature but also true rotation of the spine.

    F O C U S O N L E A R N I N G

    1 Discuss the development of osteoporosis.

    2 Compare and contrast osteoporosis and Paget’s disease.

    3 Describe the pathophysiology of Legg-Calvé-Perthes

    4 Discuss the development of Osgood-Schlatter disease.

    Disorders of joints
    Joint disorders are usually accompanied by joint
    inflammation and hence may be referred to as inflammatory
    joint diseases. Interestingly, osteoarthritis has been previously
    referred to as a non-inflammatory joint disease; however,
    because there are some inflammatory processes involved,
    osteoarthritis may now be referred to as an inflammatory

    Inflammatory joint disease
    Inflammatory joint disease is commonly called arthritis.
    Typical of inflammatory joint disease is inflammatory
    damage or destruction in the synovial membrane or
    articular cartilage and systemic signs of inflammation:

    fever, leucocytosis (elevated numbers of leucocytes),
    malaise, anorexia and increased levels of fibrinogen in
    the blood.

    Inflammatory joint disease can be infectious or
    non-infectious. In infectious inflammatory joint disease,
    invasion of the joint by bacteria, mycoplasmas (bacteria
    without a cell wall), viruses, fungi or protozoa (single-celled
    animals) causes inflammation. These agents gain access to
    the joint through a traumatic wound, surgical incision or
    contaminated needle, or they can be delivered by the
    bloodstream from sites of infection elsewhere in the body
    — typically bones, heart valves or blood vessels. There are
    two causes of non-infectious inflammatory joint disease:
    (1) inappropriate immune reactions; and (2) deposition of
    crystals of monosodium urate in the synovial fluid.
    Rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis (from the
    Greek ankylos, bent, and spondylos, meaning vertebrae) are
    non-infectious inflammatory diseases caused by immune
    reactions and possibly hyper-sensitivity reactions;39,40 gouty
    arthritis is a non-infectious inflammatory disease caused
    by crystal deposition.

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic, inflammatory
    autoimmune disease associated with swelling and pain in

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    534 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    multiple joints (autoimmune diseases are described in
    Chapter 15). Because this is an autoimmune condition it
    tends to have a bilateral presentation and includes systemic
    symptoms. The condition first affects the synovial membrane,
    which lines the joint cavity (see Fig. 20.9). Eventually,
    inflammation may spread to the articular cartilage, fibrous
    joint capsule and surrounding ligaments and tendons,
    causing pain, joint deformity and loss of function (see Fig.
    21.21). The joints most commonly affected are in the fingers,
    feet, wrists, elbows, ankles and knees, but the shoulders,
    hips and cervical spine may also be involved, as well as the
    tissues of the lungs, heart, kidneys and skin. Rheumatoid
    arthritis is classified according to factors including the
    number of joints affected (Box 21.2).

    Rheumatoid arthritis is estimated to affect over 445 000
    Australians with a prevalence rate of 2.1%, the majority
    (63%) of which are females. Indigenous people have a
    higher prevalence of the disease at almost double the rate
    for non-Indigenous individuals.41 In 2007 the prevalence in
    New Zealand was 3.5% of the population. There is evidence
    of hormonal involvement because disease symptoms lessen
    during pregnancy and intensify in the postpartum period.
    The frequency of rheumatoid arthritis increases from


    FIGURE 21.21

    Rheumatoid arthritis of the hand.
    A Note swelling from chronic synovitis of the
    metacarpophalangeal joints, marked ulnar drift, subcutaneous
    nodules and subluxation of the metacarpophalangeal joints with
    extension of the proximal interphalangeal joints and flexion of the
    distal joints. Note also the deformed position of the thumb. B An
    x-ray of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. There is joint
    narrowing (triangles) and lateral deformation.

    American College of Rheumatology/European League
    Against Rheumatism 2010 criteria
    1 Joint involvement (0–5)

    One medium-to-large joint (0)
    Two to ten medium-to-large joints (1)
    One to three small joints (large joints not counted) (2)
    Four to ten small joints (large joints not counted) (3)
    More than ten joints (at least one small joint) (5)

    2 Serology (0–3)
    Negative RF and negative ACPA (0)
    Low positive RF or low positive ACPA (2)
    High positive RF or high positive ACPA (3)

    3 Acute-phase reactants (0–1)
    Normal CRP and normal ESR (0)
    Abnormal CRP or abnormal ESR (1)

    4 Duration of symptoms (0–1)
    Less than 6 weeks (0)
    6 weeks or more (1)

    Points are shown in parentheses. Cutpoint for rheumatoid
    arthritis 6 points or more. Patients can also be classified
    as having rheumatoid arthritis if they have: (a) typical
    erosions; (b) long-standing disease previously satisfying the
    classification criteria.
    KEY: RF – rheumatoid factor, ACPA – anti-citrullinated
    protein antibody, CRP – C-reactive protein, ESR – erythrocyte
    sedimentation rate.

    BOX 21.2 Classification criteria for rheumatoid

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    manifestations of inflammation, including fever, fatigue,
    weakness, anorexia, weight loss and generalised aching and
    stiffness. Local manifestations also appear gradually over
    a period of weeks or months. Typically, the joints become
    painful, tender and stiff. Pain early in the disease is caused
    by pressure from swelling. Later in the disease, pain is caused
    by sclerosis of subchondral bone and new bone formation.
    Stiffness usually lasts for about an hour after rising in
    the morning and is thought to be related to synovitis.
    Initially the joints most commonly involved are the
    metacarpophalangeal joints (base of the finger), proximal
    interphalangeal joints (middle of the finger) and wrists,
    with later involvement of larger weight-bearing joints.

    Joint swelling, which is widespread and symmetric, is
    caused by increasing amounts of inflammatory exudate
    (leucocytes, plasma, plasma proteins) in the synovial
    membrane, hyperplasia (an increase in cell numbers) of
    inflamed tissues and formation of new bone. On palpation,
    the swollen joint feels warm and the synovial membrane
    feels boggy. The skin over the joint may have a ruddy,
    cyanotic hue and may look thin and shiny.

    An inflamed joint may lose some of its mobility. Even
    mild synovitis can lead to loss of range of motion, which
    becomes evident after inflammation subsides. Extension
    becomes limited and is eventually lost if flexion contractures
    form. Loss of range of motion can progress to permanent
    deformities of the fingers, toes and limbs, including ulnar
    deviation of the hands, boutonnière and swan-neck

    the third decade onwards, affecting 5% or more of the
    population aged 70 years and older. Besides inflammation
    of the joints, rheumatoid arthritis can cause fever, malaise,
    rash, lymph node or spleen enlargement and Raynaud’s
    phenomenon (transient lack of circulation to the fingertips
    and toes).

    Despite intensive research, the cause of rheumatoid
    arthritis remains obscure. It is likely to be a combination
    of genetic factors interacting with inflammatory mediators.
    Long-term smoking and a positive family history are
    associated with the development of rheumatoid arthritis.42,43
    Rheumatoid arthritis also has seasonal variations and is
    worse in the winter months.

    Cartilage damage in rheumatoid arthritis is the result of at
    least three processes: (1) neutrophils and other cells in the
    synovial fluid become activated, breaking down the surface
    layer of articular cartilage; (2) cytokines (see Chapter 12),
    particularly TNF-α, stimulate the release of pro-inflammatory
    compounds (especially IL-1) and cause the chondrocytes
    to attack cartilage; and (3) the synovium digests nearby
    cartilage, releasing inflammatory molecules.

    Several types of leucocytes are attracted out of the
    circulation and to the synovial membrane. The inflammatory
    phagocytes (neutrophils, macrophages) ingest the immune
    complexes and are stimulated to release powerful enzymes
    that degrade synovial tissue and articular cartilage (see Fig.
    21.22). The immune system’s B and T lymphocytes are also
    activated. The B lymphocytes are stimulated to produce
    more rheumatoid factors (auto-antibodies) and the T
    lymphocytes produce enzymes that amplify and continue
    the inflammatory response (see Fig. 21.23).

    Inflammatory and immune processes have several
    damaging effects on the synovial membrane. The synovial
    membrane thickens and puts pressure on nearby small
    venules, reducing the supply of blood. The reduced
    circulation, coupled with the increased metabolism from
    the proliferation and enlargement of the cells in the synovial
    membrane, leads to a local hypoxia and metabolic acidosis.
    Acidosis stimulates the release of enzymes from synovial
    cells into the surrounding tissue that break down tissue,
    initiating erosion of the articular cartilage and causing
    inflammation in the supporting ligaments and tendons.

    Inflammation causes haemorrhage, coagulation and
    fibrin deposition on the synovial membrane, in the
    intracellular matrix and in the synovial fluid. Over denuded
    areas of the synovial membrane, fibrin develops into
    granulation tissue called pannus. (Granulation tissue is the
    initial tissue produced in the process of healing; see Chapter
    13.) Pannus formation does not lead to synovial or articular
    regeneration but rather to formation of scar tissue, which
    immobilises the joint.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    The onset of rheumatoid arthritis is usually insidious,
    although as many as 15% of cases have an acute onset.
    Rheumatoid arthritis begins with general systemic







    Synovial fluid


    FIGURE 21.22

    Inflamed synovium showing typical arrangements of macrophages
    (red) and fibroblastic cells.

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    536 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    passages called fistulae (singular: fistula). The second
    complication is rupture of a cyst or of the synovial joint
    itself, usually caused by strenuous physical activity that
    places excessive pressure on the joint. Rupture releases
    inflammatory exudate into adjacent tissues, thereby spreading

    Extrasynovial rheumatoid nodules, or swellings, are
    observed in areas of pressure or trauma in 20% of individuals
    with rheumatoid arthritis. Each nodule is a collection of
    inflammatory cells surrounding a central core of fibrinoid
    and cellular debris. T lymphocytes are the main leucocytes
    in the nodule. B lymphocytes, plasma cells and phagocytes
    are found around the edges. Nodules are most often found
    in subcutaneous tissue over the extensor surfaces of the
    elbows and fingers. Less common sites are the scalp, back,
    feet, hands, buttocks and knees.

    deformities of the finger joints, plantar subluxation of the
    metatarsal heads of the foot and hallux valgus (angulation
    of the great toe towards the other toes). Flexion contractures
    of the knees and hips are also common.

    Joint deformities cause the physical limitations
    experienced by those with rheumatoid arthritis (see Fig.
    21.21). Loss of joint motion is quickly followed by secondary
    atrophy of the surrounding muscles. With secondary muscle
    atrophy, the joint becomes unstable, which further aggravates
    joint pathology.

    Two complications of chronic rheumatoid arthritis are
    caused by excessive amounts of inflammatory exudate in
    the synovial cavity. One complication is the formation
    of cysts in the articular cartilage or subchondral bone.
    Occasionally, these cysts communicate with the skin
    surface (usually the sole of the foot) and can drain through


    Enzyme release

    Pannus formation
    Joint destruction
    Cartilage �brosis

    Synovial cells

    Synovial macrophages
    and �broblasts

    Formation of autoimmune
    complexes and probable
    deposition in joint tissue


    Joint injury

    B lymphocytes


    Antigen — environmental
    agent, infectious agent?

    Formation of
    rheumatoid factor


    Activation of
    helper T cells and

    probably B lymphocytes


    leads to

    that release


    stimulate that


    are stimulated to

    leading to
    resulting in

    that damages the
    joint leading to

    leading to

    leading to

    FIGURE 21.23

    Model of pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.
    Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease of a genetically susceptible host triggered by an unknown antigenic agent. This
    chronic autoimmune reaction occurs with activation of CD4+ helper T cells, possibly other lymphocytes, and the local release of
    inflammatory cytokines and mediators that eventually destroys the joint. T cells stimulate cells in the joint to produce cytokines that
    are key mediators of synovial damage. Apparently, immune complex deposition also plays a role. TNF-α and IL-1, as well as some
    other cytokines, stimulate synovial cells to proliferate and produce other mediators of inflammation and enzymes that all contribute to
    destruction of cartilage. Pannus is a mass of synovium and synovial stroma with inflammatory cells, granulation tissue and fibroblasts
    that grows over the articular surface and causes its destruction.

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    rheumatoid factor and circulating immune complexes. The
    American College of Rheumatology lists the following
    diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis that have
    widespread use, including within Australia and New Zealand:
    1 morning stiffness lasting more than 1 hour
    2 arthritis of three or more joint areas
    3 arthritis of the hand joints
    4 symmetric arthritis
    5 rheumatoid nodules over extensor surfaces or bony

    6 serum rheumatoid factor
    7 x-ray changes (hand and wrist).44

    The presence of four or more of the numbered criteria
    is diagnostic of rheumatoid arthritis. Criteria 1–4 with joint
    signs or symptoms must be present for 6 weeks.

    Treatment for the orthopaedic components of the disease
    can be nonsurgical or surgical. Nonsurgical treatment
    includes resting the inflamed joint and whole-body rest for
    several hours daily; use of hot and cold packs; physical
    therapy; patient education; aggressive, early intervention
    using disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and biological
    response modifiers; a diet high in kilojoules and vitamins;
    corticosteroids; and anti-inflammatory drugs taken orally
    or injected into the joint. Intraarticular injection of a
    radionuclide can be used to treat synovitis. Surgical
    synovectomy may be done early in the disease to decrease
    inflammatory effusion and remove pannus. Surgery is used
    to correct deformity or mechanical deficiency in intermediate
    or late stages of the disease and includes arthrodesis (surgical
    fusion of the two bones so the joint becomes immoveable),
    arthroplasty (surgical repair of the joint) or total joint
    replacement. There is evidence that total fasting substantially
    reduces joint pain, swelling, morning stiffness and other
    symptoms in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Rheumatoid nodules may also invade the skin, cardiac
    valves, pericardium, pleura, lung tissue and spleen. These
    nodules are identical to those encountered in some
    individuals with rheumatic fever and are characterised by
    central tissue necrosis surrounded by proliferating connective
    tissue. Also noted are large numbers of lymphocytes and
    occasional plasma cells. Acute glaucoma may result with
    nodules forming on the sclera. Pulmonary involvement
    may result in diffuse pleuritis (inflammation of the pleura)
    or multiple nodules within the tissue of the lungs. Diffuse
    pulmonary fibrosis may occur because of immunologically
    mediated immune complex deposition.

    Rheumatoid nodules within the heart may cause valvular
    deformities, particularly of the aortic valve leaflets, and
    pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium).
    Lymphadenopathy (swelling) of the nodes close to the
    affected joints may develop. Rheumatoid nodules within
    the spleen result in splenomegaly (enlarged spleen). Blood
    vessels may show an acute inflammatory response as is
    noted in other immunological/inflammatory states.
    Thromboses in involved vessels may give rise to myocardial
    infarctions (see Chapter 23), cerebrovascular occlusions
    (see Chapter 9), mesenteric infarction (often causing necrosis
    in the gut), kidney damage (typical of systemic autoimmune
    conditions) and vascular insufficiency in the hands and
    fingers (Raynaud’s phenomenon). The vascular changes are
    primarily noted in individuals receiving steroid therapy;
    thus, there is some concern that the therapy may play a
    role in initiating these lesions. Changes in skeletal muscle
    are often noted in the form of nonspecific atrophy secondary
    to joint dysfunction.

    Evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis is done by physical
    examination, x-ray of the joint and serological tests for






    Paediatrics and disorders of joints
    Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
    Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the childhood form of
    rheumatoid arthritis and accounts for 5% of all cases of
    rheumatoid arthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis has
    three distinct modes of onset: oligoarthritis (fewer than
    three joints), polyarthritis (more than three joints) and
    Still’s disease (severe systemic onset). Juvenile rheumatoid
    arthritis differs from rheumatoid arthritis in several ways:
    • Oligoarthritis is more common.
    • Large joints are most commonly affected.
    • Chronic uveitis (an inflammation of the

    anterior chamber of the eye) is common if the
    antinuclear antibody is positive; examination by an
    ophthalmologist is required every 6 months to avoid
    vision loss.

    • Rheumatoid nodules and rheumatoid factor are
    usually absent. Rheumatoid factor–positive children
    have a worse prognosis.

    • Subluxation and ankylosis may occur in the cervical
    spine if disease progresses.

    • Rheumatoid arthritis that continues through
    adolescence can have severe effects on growth and
    adult morbidity.

    Many children with oligoarthritis who are ‘seronegative’
    (whose blood tests negative for rheumatoid factor or
    antinuclear antibody) will resolve their symptoms over
    time. Systemic onset, or ‘seropositivity’, of the disease is
    more likely consistent with lifelong arthritis. Long-term
    studies have shown that one-third to half of patients
    with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis have active disease 10
    years later. Treatment is therefore supportive, not curative.
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are a mainstay, and
    methotrexate (typically an anti-cancer medication) is
    also being used with success. The aims are to minimise
    inflammation and deformity.

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    538 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    R E S E A R C H I N F C U S
    New rheumatoid arthritis treatments
    and diagnosis
    Classification and diagnosis
    Changes to the previous criteria (the American College of
    Rheumatology) for classification of rheumatoid arthritis were
    made in 2015 in response to limitations to identifying
    individuals with early arthritis that went on to become
    rheumatoid arthritis. Risk factors such as elevated body mass
    index and vitamin D status have a potential impact on the
    development of the disease (although the evidence is weak).
    However smoking has been shown to double the risk of
    developing the disease.

    Current literature shows the severity of the overall disease
    burden may be lessening.

    Innovative new therapies for rheumatoid arthritis treatment
    continue to emerge. In addition to pharmaceutical agents,
    biological and genetic agents are gaining increasing
    attention. New treatments are targeted at specific cytokines,
    inhibition of chemokines, and complement activation, and
    investigational therapies include T cell or T cell receptor
    vaccination. In the meantime, the disease-modifying
    antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) continue to be widely used
    for these patients.

    Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic, inflammatory joint
    disease characterised by stiffening and fusion (ankylosis)
    of the spine and sacroiliac joints. Like rheumatoid arthritis,
    ankylosing spondylitis is a systemic, autoimmune disease.
    However, the two conditions respond to different antigens.
    In the case of rheumatoid arthritis the synovial membrane
    is affected, whereas in ankylosing spondylitis it is the point
    at which the tendons and ligaments attach to bone that is
    affected (known as the enthesis). The end result is fibrosis,
    ossification and fusion of the joint, usually beginning
    with the sacroiliac joints and progressing up the vertebral

    Ankylosing spondylitis usually develops in late
    adolescence and young adulthood, with peak incidence at
    about 20 years of age, and affects slightly more men than
    women. There is a wide range of presentations from
    asymptomatic sacroiliitis (inflammation of the sacroiliac
    joint) to progressive disease that affects many body

    Secondary ankylosing spondylitis affects older age groups
    and is often associated with other inflammatory diseases
    (e.g. psoriatic arthropathy, inflammatory bowel disease,
    Reiter’s syndrome — a reactive arthritis).

    The cause of ankylosing spondylitis is unknown, but a
    genetic predisposition to the disease has been suggested.45

    Ankylosing spondylitis begins with inflammation of
    fibrocartilage in cartilaginous joints (see Chapter 14) between
    the sacrum and ilia (plural of ilium). Inflammatory cells
    infiltrate the joint and begin to damage fibrocartilage and
    bone in the joint structures. Repair of the damage is mediated
    by fibroblasts that produce and secrete collagen. This collagen
    forms scar tissue that is eventually calcified. With time, all
    the cartilaginous structures of the joint are replaced by
    ossified scar tissue, causing the joint to fuse or lose flexibility.

    The eroded bone is repaired in the normal process of
    bone repair and remodelling (see Chapter 20). The new
    bone has to grow outwards to connect with the ligaments
    that have been eroded by the inflammatory response and,
    as a consequence, the shape of the vertebral bodies changes
    — they lose their concave anterior contour and appear
    square. The spine assumes the classic bamboo spine
    appearance of ankylosing spondylitis (see Fig. 21.24).

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    The most common signs and symptoms of early ankylosing
    spondylitis are low back pain and stiffness that may be
    persistent or intermittent. It is often worse after prolonged
    rest and is alleviated by physical activity. Early morning
    stiffness usually accompanies the low back pain and the
    individual typically has difficulty sitting up or twisting the

    Ossification of discs,
    joints and ligaments

    of spinal column

    FIGURE 21.24

    Ankylosing spondylitis.
    Characteristic posture and primary pathological sites of
    inflammation and resulting damage.

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 539

    Gout is a syndrome caused by defects in uric acid metabolism
    and characterised by inflammation and pain of the joints.
    Either excessive uric acid production or underexcretion of
    uric acid by the kidneys will cause hyperuricaemia. When
    the uric acid becomes sufficiently concentrated, it crystallises,
    forming insoluble crystals that are deposited in connective
    tissues throughout the body. Crystallisation in synovial fluid
    causes acute, painful inflammation of the joint, a condition
    known as gouty arthritis. With time, crystal deposition in
    subcutaneous tissues causes the formation of small, white
    nodules, or tophi, that are visible through the skin. Crystal
    aggregates deposited in the kidneys can form urate renal
    stones and lead to renal failure.

    Gout is predominantly a disease of men. The peak age
    of onset in males is between 40 and 60 years, whereas it is
    somewhat later in females. The plasma urate concentration
    is the single most important determinant of the risk of
    developing gout (see Table 21.3).

    The solubility of urate is critical to the development of
    crystals. Urate is more soluble in plasma and urine than
    in synovial fluid. The solubility of urate also decreases with
    decreasing temperature. Initial deposits are often in the
    joint of the great toe where temperatures are lower than
    the body core. The pathways of production of uric acid are
    shown in Fig. 21.25.

    The pathophysiology of gout is closely linked to purine
    metabolism (or cellular metabolism of purines — adenine
    and guanine from DNA and RNA) and kidney function.
    At the cellular level, purines are used for the production
    of several products, including ATP and nucleic acids. Uric
    acid is a breakdown product of purine nucleotides (urate
    production and elimination are illustrated in Fig. 21.25).
    Some individuals with gout have an accelerated rate of
    purine production accompanied by an overproduction of
    uric acid. Even with restricted purine consumption, these
    individuals continue to overproduce uric acid. Other
    individuals break down purine nucleotides at an accelerated
    rate that also results in an overproduction of uric acid. In

    spine. Forward flexion, rotation and lateral flexion of the
    spine are restricted and painful. Early pain and resultant
    loss of motion are caused by the underlying inflammation
    and reflex muscle spasm rather than by soft tissue or bony

    As the disease progresses, the normal convex curve of
    the lower spine (lumbar lordosis) diminishes and concavity
    of the upper spine (kyphosis) increases. The individual
    becomes increasingly stooped. The thoracic spine becomes
    rounded, the head and neck are held forward on the
    shoulders and the hips are flexed (see Fig. 21.16).

    Inflammation in the tendon insertions of the muscles
    of the chest wall can cause pleuritic chest pain and restricted
    chest movement. The pain is usually worse on inspiration.
    Movement in the diaphragm is normal and full. Pressure
    on the anterior chest wall over the sternum, ribs and costal
    cartilages may show tenderness. Tenderness over the pelvic
    brim may cause discomfort at night and interfere with sleep
    because turning onto the iliac crests causes pain. Tenderness
    over the ischial tuberosities may make sitting on hard seats
    unbearable. Tenderness in the heels may contribute to a
    limp or cautious placement of the feet during walking.

    Along with low back pain, many individuals have
    peripheral joint involvement, uveitis, fibrotic changes in
    the lungs and cardiomegaly, aortic incompetence, amyloidosis
    and Achilles tendonitis. Symptoms may include fatigue,
    weight loss, low-grade fever, hypochromic anaemia and an
    increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

    Diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis is made from the history
    and physical examination, x-ray and serum analysis for the
    presence of the relative antigen (HLA-B27). The erythrocyte
    sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are elevated
    throughout the disease. Alkaline phosphatase levels are
    often elevated. Early precise diagnosis allows implementation
    of a usually effective, conservative, life-long treatment.

    Treatment of individuals with ankylosing spondylitis is
    directed at controlling pain, maintaining mobility and
    controlling inflammation. Prevention of deformity and
    maintenance of mobility require a continuous program of
    physical therapy. Exercises are performed several times
    each day to maintain chest expansion, full extension of
    the spine and complete range of motion in the proximal

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often provide
    temporary symptom relief within 48 hours. Analgesic
    medications are prescribed to suppress some of the pain
    and stiffness and to facilitate exercise. The medications do
    not prevent disease progression, but they do provide relief
    from symptoms. Biological response modifying agents, such
    as infliximab, which inhibits TNF-α, may be useful in
    treating ankylosing spondylitis.46,47 Surgical procedures,
    such as osteotomy, total hip replacement and cervical spinal
    fusion, and radiation therapy are sometimes used to provide
    relief for individuals with end-stage disease or intolerable
    deformity. Individuals should stop smoking to lessen
    pulmonary problems.

    TABLE 21.3 Mean urate concentrations by age
    and gender


    Prepuberty 0.20 mmol/L

    Males Steep rise to 0.30 mmol/L

    Females (puberty to after

    Slow rise to approximately
    0.24 mmol/L

    Females (after menopause) 0.28 mmol/L


    Males > 0.42 mmol/L
    Females > 0.36 mmol/L

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    540 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    Production Metabolism Elimination



    Body purine
    nucleotides Purines

    Tissue nucleic

    Uric acid Intestinal


    FIGURE 21.25

    Uric acid production and elimination.
    Uric acid is derived from purines ingested or produced from
    ingested foods, as well as being recycled after cell breakdown.
    Uric acid is then eliminated through the kidneys and
    gastrointestinal tract.

    addition, production of uric acid can be caused by an
    increased turnover of nucleic acids, which is associated
    with an increased turnover of cells at other body sites. The
    increased turnover of nucleic acids leads to increased levels
    of uric acid with a compensatory increase in purine

    Most uric acid is eliminated from the body through the
    kidneys. Urate is filtered at the glomerulus and undergoes
    reabsorption, as well as being excreted into urine. In primary
    gout, urate excretion by the kidneys is sluggish, which may
    result from a decrease in glomerular filtration of urate or
    increased urate reabsorption. In addition, monosodium
    urate crystals are deposited in renal interstitial tissues,
    causing impaired urine flow. (Kidney function is described
    in Chapter 28.)

    The exact process by which crystals of monosodium
    urate are deposited in joints and induce gouty arthritis is
    unknown, but several mechanisms may be involved,
    including the following:
    • monosodium urate precipitates at the periphery of the

    body, where lower body temperatures may reduce the
    solubility of monosodium urate

    • albumin or glycosaminoglycan levels decrease, which
    causes decreased urate solubility

    • changes in ion concentration and decreases of pH
    enhance urate deposition

    • trauma promotes urate crystal precipitation.
    The monosodium urate crystals may form in the synovial

    fluid or in the synovial membrane, cartilage or other
    connective tissues in joints and elsewhere, such as in the
    heart, earlobes and kidneys. Evidence suggests that an acute
    attack of gout is the result of the formation of crystals rather

    than the releasing of the crystals from connective tissues
    into the synovial fluid.

    Monosodium urate crystals can stimulate and perpetuate
    the inflammatory response (see Fig. 21.26), during which
    neutrophils are attracted out of the circulation and
    phagocytose (ingest) the crystals. The neutrophils
    subsequently die and release both the crystals and the
    lysosomal enzymes that cause tissue damage and further
    stimulate inflammation.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    Gout is manifested by: (1) an increase in serum urate
    concentration (hyperuricaemia); (2) recurrent attacks of
    monarticular arthritis (inflammation of a single joint); (3)
    deposits of monosodium urate monohydrate (tophi) in and
    around the joints; (4) renal disease involving glomerular,
    tubular and interstitial tissues and blood vessels; and (5)
    the formation of renal stones. These manifestations appear
    in three clinical stages:
    1 Asymptomatic hyperuricaemia. The serum urate level is

    elevated but arthritic symptoms, tophi and renal stones
    are not present; may persist throughout life.

    2 Acute gouty arthritis. Attacks develop with increased
    serum urate concentrations; tends to occur with sudden
    or sustained increases of hyperuricaemia but also can
    be triggered by trauma, drugs and alcohol.

    3 Tophaceous gout. The third and chronic stage of disease;
    can begin as early as 3 years or as late as 40 years after
    the initial attack of gouty arthritis. Progressive inability
    to excrete uric acid leads to tophi appearing in cartilage,
    synovial membranes, tendons and soft tissue.
    Trauma is the most common aggravating factor. The

    great toe is subject to chronic strain in walking and
    subsequently an acute gout attack may follow long walks.
    Trauma associated with occupations such as truck driving
    also may precipitate an attack.

    Attacks of gouty arthritis occur abruptly, usually in a
    peripheral joint (see Fig. 21.26C). The primary symptom
    is severe pain. Approximately 50% of initial attacks occur
    in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the great toe (a condition
    known as podogra). The other 50% involve the heel, ankle,
    instep of the foot, knee, wrist or elbow. The pain is usually
    noted at night. Within a few hours the affected joint becomes
    hot, red and extremely tender and may be slightly swollen.
    Lymphangitis (inflammation of lymph vessels) and systemic
    signs of inflammation (leucocytosis, fever, elevated
    sedimentation rate) are occasionally present. Untreated,
    mild attacks usually subside in several hours but may persist
    for 1 or 2 days. Severe attacks may persist for several days
    or weeks. When the individual recovers, the symptoms
    resolve completely. The helix of the ear (outer fold) is the
    most common site of tophi, which are the characteristic
    diagnostic lesions of chronic gout.

    Tophi do not usually appear until at least 10 years after
    the first gout attack. They produce irregular swellings of
    the fingers, hands, knees and feet. Tophi commonly form
    lumps along the ulnar surface of the forearm, the tibial

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 541

    tophi in the lower extremities may cause tarsal tunnel
    syndrome. They also may erode and drain through the

    Kidney stones (see Chapter 30) are 1000 times more
    prevalent in individuals with primary gout than in the
    general population. The stones may be any size, from the
    size of a grain of sand or a piece of gravel to much larger

    surface of the leg, the Achilles tendon and olecranon bursae.
    Tophi may produce marked limitation of joint movement
    and eventually cause grotesque deformities of the hands
    and feet. Although the tophi themselves are painless, they
    often cause progressive stiffness and persistent aching of
    the affected joint. Tophi in the upper extremities may cause
    nerve compressions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, while


    Formation of monosodium urate crystals

    IgG coating Crystals in synovial �uid

    Lipoprotein coating

    stimulates inhibits



    PGE 2


    of uric acid

    of uric acid

    Neutrophil, leucocyte, monocyte,
    �broblast, synoviocyte, renal cell

    Responding cell

    by leucocyte

    Fusing of vacuolar
    and lysosomal

    Hydrogen bonding
    between crystal surface
    and lysosomal membrane

    Rupture of
    phagolysosome and
    disruption of leucocyte

    Shedding of
    from tophi



    Tissue damage and continued in�ammation


    FIGURE 21.26

    The pathogenesis of acute gouty arthritis.
    A Depending on the urate crystal coating, a variety of cells may be stimulated to produce a wide range of inflammatory mediators. IgG =
    immunoglobulin G; PGE2 = prostaglandin E2; IL = interleukin. B The sequence of events in the production of inflammatory response to
    urate crystals. C Gouty tophus on the right foot.

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    542 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    urinary output. Uricosuric drugs (e.g. probenecid or
    sulfinpyrazone) increase the excretion of urate by blocking
    its reabsorption by the kidney tubules. Antihyperuricaemic
    drugs (e.g. allopurinol) reduce serum urate concentrations
    by inhibiting the formation of urate. Ensuring those at risk
    of acute gouty attack are well hydrated is essential, especially
    following admission due to trauma.

    Osteoarthritis is effectively a wearing out of the joint (see
    Fig. 21.27). It therefore predominantly affects the
    weight-bearing joints. Osteoarthritis tends to occur in men
    and women older than 40 years of age and becomes more
    common with increasing age. It is a leading cause of pain
    and disability in the elderly. Australian data from the
    2011–2012 National Health Survey48 show age-adjusted
    prevalence is higher in females (10.2%) than males (5.6%).
    In 2007 the prevalence of osteoarthritis in New Zealand
    was 8.7% of the population.49 It usually occurs in those
    who put exceptional stress on joints, as do obese people,
    gymnasts, long-distance runners and marathoners, and
    basketball, soccer and football players. Many of these people
    develop osteoarthritis at earlier ages than usual. A previously
    torn anterior cruciate ligament or meniscectomy (surgical

    deposits. Renal stones can form in the collecting tubules,
    pelvis or ureters, causing obstruction, dilation and atrophy
    of the more proximal tubules and leading eventually to
    acute renal failure. Stones deposited directly in renal
    interstitial tissue initiate an inflammatory reaction that leads
    to chronic renal disease and progressive renal failure.

    T R E AT M E N T
    The first objective of gout treatment is to terminate the
    acute gouty attack as promptly as possible. Once the
    inflammatory process has subsided, attention is directed
    to prevent recurring attacks, prevent or reverse complications
    associated with urate deposits in the joints and kidneys,
    and prevent formation of kidney stones. Acute gouty arthritis
    is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. The drugs of choice
    are colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
    (especially indomethacin) and allopurinol. Colchicine
    is useful in those unable to take non-steroidal anti-
    inflammatories. Once infection has been ruled out,
    hydrocortisone may be injected into the joint to relieve
    pain. Ice also may relieve some of the inflammation of the
    joint. Weight-bearing on the involved joint is to be avoided
    until the acute attack subsides. After the attack the individual
    is put on a low-purine diet, with high fluid intake to increase





    bone Osteophytes




    • Irregular joint space
    • Fragmented cartilage
    • Loss of cartilage
    • Sclerotic bone
    • Cystic change

    • Osteophytes
    • Periarticular fibrosis
    • Calcified cartilage

    FIGURE 21.27

    A schematic of the pathology of osteoarthritis. Fragmentation and loss of cartilage denude the bone, which undergoes sclerosis
    (stiffening). Osteophytes (bone spurs) form on the lateral sides and protrude into the soft tissue, causing irritation, inflammation and
    fibrosis (excessive fibrous connective tissue).

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 543

    removal of the meniscus of the knee) increases the risk for
    accelerated osteoarthritis of the knee.50,51 See Box 21.3 for
    risk factors for osteoarthritis.

    Osteoarthritis is characterised by localised loss and
    damage of articular cartilage, new bone formation of joint
    margins (osteophytosis), subchondral bone changes, variable
    degrees of mild synovitis and thickening of the joint capsule
    (see Fig. 21.28). Pathology centres on load-bearing areas.
    Advancing disease reveals narrowing of the joint space

    because of cartilage loss, osteophytes (bone spurs) and
    sometimes changes in the subchondral bone. Osteoarthritis
    can arise in any synovial joint but is commonly found in
    the hips, hands and spine (see Fig. 21.29). It involves a
    complex interaction of cytokines, growth factors, matrix
    molecules and enzymes.

    Articular cartilage is normally a dynamic tissue: the
    chondrocytes (cartilage-forming cells) continuously replace
    the tissue in the same way that bone is continually replaced.
    In osteoarthritis this process becomes disrupted — the
    primary defect in osteoarthritis is loss of articular cartilage.52
    Early in the disease, articular cartilage loses its glistening
    appearance, becoming yellow-grey or brownish grey. As
    the disease progresses, surface areas of the articular cartilage
    flake off and deeper layers develop longitudinal fissures
    that extend to the subchondral bone. Synovial fluid fills
    the fissures and may enter the underlying bone, forming
    cysts. The cartilage becomes thin and may be absent over
    some areas, leaving the underlying bone (subchondral bone)
    unprotected. Consequently, the unprotected subchondral
    bone becomes sclerotic (dense and hard). Fragments of
    bone and cartilage become free floating and enter the joint
    cavity. Formation of new bone and cysts usually occurs
    near the joint margins, forming osteophytes. As the joint
    loses its integrity there is trauma to the synovial membrane
    causing a nonspecific inflammation, or synovitis.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    Clinical manifestations of osteoarthritis typically appear
    during the fifth or sixth decade of life, although asymptomatic,

    • Trauma, sprains, strains, joint dislocations and fractures
    • Long-term mechanical stress — athletics, ballet dancing

    or repetitive physical tasks
    • Inflammation in joint structures
    • Joint instability from damage to supporting structures
    • Neurological disorders (e.g. diabetic neuropathy,

    neuropathic joint disease) in which pain and
    proprioceptive reflexes are diminished or lost

    • Congenital or acquired skeletal deformities
    • Haematological or endocrine disorders, such as

    haemophilia (which causes chronic bleeding into the
    joints) or hyperparathyroidism (which causes bone to
    lose calcium)

    • Drugs (e.g. colchicine, indomethacin, steroids) that
    stimulate the collagen-digesting enzymes in the synovial

    BOX 21.3 Risk factors for osteoarthritis

    T M

    Genetic in�uences
    • Biochemical abnormalities
    in collagen and
    proteoglycans and bone
    • Congenital hip dysplasia

    Enzyme release with
    degradation of
    collagen and

    Synovial in�ammation

    Alteration in
    chondrocyte function

    Structural damage
    to cartilage

    Acquired risk factors
    • Age
    • Obesity
    • Metabolic conditions
    • Malalignment
    • Joint trauma or injury

    Cytokine release

    Muscle weakness

    Bone remodelling

    predispose to

    results in


    stimulates causes

    results in
    leading to
    contributing to

    increase the
    risk of


    FIGURE 21.28

    Summary of the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis with emphasis on structural damage to the cartilage and alteration in
    chondrocyte function.

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    544 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    articular surface changes will have been occurring for 10
    or 20 years. Pain that is initially described as aching and
    difficult to localise and is aggravated by weight-bearing is
    a common presentation of the disease. It is usually aggravated
    by use of the joint and relieved by resting the joint and is
    unilateral in nature. Later in the course of the disease night
    pain may be experienced that is not relieved by rest and
    may be accompanied by paraesthesias (numbness, tingling
    or prickling).

    Sometimes pain is referred to another part of the
    body. For example, osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral
    spine may mimic sciatica, causing severe pain in the
    back of the thigh along the course of the sciatic nerve.
    Osteoarthritis in the lower cervical spine may cause brachial
    neuralgia (pain in the arm) aggravated by movement of
    the neck. Osteoarthritic conditions in the hip cause pain
    that may be referred to the lower thigh and knee area.
    Sleep deprivation adds to the stress of the chronic pain of

    Physical examination of the person with osteoarthritis
    usually shows general involvement of both peripheral and
    central joints. Peripheral joints most often involved are in
    the hands, wrists, knees and feet. Central joints most often

    Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis

    FIGURE 21.29

    The distribution of involved joints in the two most common forms of arthritis — rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
    Dark circles are shown over the involved joint areas.

    afflicted are in the lower cervical spine, lumbosacral spine,
    shoulders and hips (see Fig. 21.29).

    Joint structures are capable of generating a limited
    number of signs and symptoms. The primary signs and
    symptoms of joint disease are pain, stiffness, enlargement
    or swelling, tenderness, limited range of motion, muscle
    wasting, partial dislocation and deformity. Range of
    motion is limited to some degree, depending on the
    extent of cartilage degeneration and any swelling of the
    affected joint. Frequently, joint motion is accompanied
    by crepitus (a crackling sound or grating sensation in
    a joint).

    As osteoarthritis of the lower extremity progresses,
    the person may begin to limp noticeably (see Fig. 21.30).
    Having a limp is distressing because it affects the person’s
    independence and ability to do usual activities of daily
    living. The affected joint is also more symptomatic
    after use, such as at the end of a period of strenuous

    Evaluation consists of clinical assessment and radiological
    studies, CT scan, arthroscopy and MRI. Treatment is either

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 545

    conservative or surgical. Conservative treatment includes
    rest of the involved joint until inflammation, if present,
    subsides; range of motion exercises to prevent joint capsule
    contraction; use of a cane, crutches or walker to decrease
    weight-bearing; and analgesic and anti-inflammatory
    drug therapy to reduce swelling and pain. In addition,
    weight loss is recommended if obesity is present (obese
    people are five times more likely to have osteoarthritis of
    the knees and twice as likely to have osteoarthritis of the
    hips as people of normal weight; see Research in Focus:
    Body weight and osteoarthritis). Intraarticular injection
    of hyaluronic acid has also been successful in decreasing
    knee pain with osteoarthritis.53 Speculation regarding the
    use of the cartilage-supporting agents glucosamine and
    chondroitin has prompted mixed results from studies,
    some claiming benefit and others finding no effect.54,55
    There is a contemporary focus on developing and testing
    medications for the treatment of osteoarthritis such as
    disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOAD) although
    there is no clear evidence yet of effective treatments.56
    Surgery is used to improve joint movement, correct
    deformity or malalignment or implant an artificial joint (see
    Fig. 21.31).

    The intervention rate (which is much lower than the
    incidence rate) for major joint surgery is 1.9 per 1000 in
    Australia and 1.2 per 1000 in New Zealand. These rates are

    FIGURE 21.30

    Typical varus deformity of knee osteoarthritis.
    The osteoarthritis causes deformity of the knee such that the legs
    lose their normal alignment.

    Inguinal ligament




    Iliopsoas bursa


    FIGURE 21.31

    Musculoskeletal anatomy of the hip.
    A An artificial hip is shown at a 4.5 year follow-up x-ray alongside
    B, an anatomical drawing of an actual hip joint.

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    546 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    R E S E A R C H I N F C U S
    Body weight and osteoarthritis
    Longitudinal studies have shown obesity to be a major risk
    factor in developing osteoarthritis of the knee. In addition
    to altered biomechanics, increased weight may make
    subchondral bone stiffer and thus less capable of handling
    joint impact loading.

    F O C U S O N L E A R N I N G

    1 Analyse the effects of juvenile and adult rheumatoid

    2 Discuss both the causes and the development of gout.

    3 Briefly describe the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and
    critically analyse the risk factors for this condition.

    Staphylococcus aureus
    Group B streptococcus
    Gram-negative enteric rods
    Staphylococcus aureus
    Haemophilus influenzae (decreasingly less common
    secondary to immunisation)
    Older children
    Staphylococcus aureus
    Neisseria gonorrhoea
    Adolescents and adults
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    BOX 21.4 Causative microorganisms of
    osteomyelitis according to age

    Infectious bone disease
    Infectious bone disease is expensive, difficult to treat and
    often culminates in extensive physical disability. Several
    factors contribute to the difficulty in treating bone infection:
    • Bone contains multiple microscopic channels that are

    too small to be accessed by the cells and biochemicals of
    the body’s immune system. Once bacteria gain access to
    these channels, they are able to proliferate undisturbed.

    • The microcirculation of bone is highly vulnerable to
    damage and destruction by bacterial toxins. Vessel
    damage causes local thrombosis (blockage) of the
    small vessels, which leads to ischaemic necrosis (lack
    of perfusion causing death) of bone.

    • Bone cells have a limited capacity to replace bone
    destroyed by infections. Osteoclasts are stimulated
    by infection to resorb bone, opening up channels in
    the bone so that cells of the immune system can gain
    access to the infected bone. At the same time, however,
    resorption weakens the structural integrity of the bone.
    New bone formation usually lags behind resorption and
    the haversian systems in the new bone are incomplete.

    Osteomyelitis (osteo meaning bone and myelo meaning
    marrow) is an infection of the bone and marrow that can
    be caused by an infective agent (see Box 21.4). Antibiotic
    medications and often surgical interventions are used to
    fight these infections. With modern treatments morbidity
    and mortality resulting from osteomyelitis have fallen
    drastically. With present management, serious long-term
    effects occur for less than 15% of cases.

    Osteomyelitis is usually caused by bacteria; however,
    fungi, parasites and viruses can also cause bone infection.
    The infection may originate from the bloodstream or from
    a surgical procedure (Fig. 21.32).


    FIGURE 21.32

    The routes of infection to the joint.
    1 Via the blood stream. 2 Dissemination from osteomyelitis.
    3 Spread from an adjacent soft-tissue infection. 4 Diagnostic or
    therapeutic measures. 5 Penetrating damage by puncture or

    Exogenous osteomyelitis is an infection that enters from
    outside the body — for example, through open fractures,
    penetrating wounds or surgical procedures. The infection
    spreads from soft tissues into adjacent bone.

    Endogenous osteomyelitis (also referred to as
    haematogenous osteomyelitis) is caused by pathogens carried
    in the blood from sites of infection elsewhere in the body.
    The infection spreads from bone to adjacent soft tissues.
    Endogenous osteomyelitis is commonly found in infants,
    children and the elderly. In infants, incidence rates among

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    Local injections and venous punctures are significant causes
    of exogenous osteomyelitis. Exogenous osteomyelitis of the
    arm and hand bones tends to occur in those who abuse
    drugs. In general, persons who are chronically ill, have
    diabetes or alcoholism or are receiving large doses of steroids
    or immunosuppressive drugs are particularly susceptible
    to exogenous osteomyelitis or recurring episodes of this

    Regardless of the source of the pathogen, the pathological
    features of bone infection are similar to those in any other
    body tissue. The invading pathogen provokes an intense
    inflammatory response. As always, the inflammatory
    response dilates blood vessels flowing to the affected area
    and constricts those leading away from it, leading to vascular
    engorgement. An associated increase in permeability causes
    oedema. Leucocytes attend, releasing inflammatory
    chemicals and phagocytosing bacteria; abscesses form. Once
    inflammation is initiated, the small terminal vessels
    thrombose and exudate seals the bone’s canaliculi.
    Inflammatory exudate extends into the metaphysis and the
    marrow cavity and through small metaphyseal openings
    into the cortex.

    In children, exudate that reaches the outer surface of
    the cortex forms abscesses that lift the periosteum off
    underlying bone. Lifting of the periosteum disrupts blood
    vessels that enter bone through the periosteum, depriving
    underlying bone of its blood supply; this leads to necrosis
    of the affected bone, producing sequestrum, an area of
    devitalised bone. Lifting of the periosteum also stimulates
    the osteoblasts into intense activity as they lay down new
    bone that can partially or completely surround the infected
    bone. This layer of new bone surrounding the infected bone
    is called an involucrum. Openings in the involucrum allow
    the exudate to escape into surrounding soft tissue
    and ultimately through the skin by way of sinus tracts (see
    Fig. 21.33).

    In adults, this complication is rare because the periosteum
    is firmly attached to the cortex and resists displacement.

    males and females are approximately equal. In children
    and older adults, however, males are more commonly

    Osteomyelitis in children usually begins as an abscess
    in the metaphysis of a long bone where blood flow is sluggish
    and bacteria can collect. The periosteum may peel off the
    affected bone leading to necrosis of the bone. New bone
    can develop inside the now extended periosteum. These
    changes may be visualised by x-ray and signify the need
    for surgical debridement as well as antibiotic treatment.

    In adults, endogenous osteomyelitis is more common
    in the spine, pelvis and small bones. Microorganisms reach
    the vertebrae through arteries, veins or lymphatic vessels.
    The spread of infection from pelvic organs to the vertebrae
    is well documented. Vaginal, uterine, ovarian, bladder and
    intestinal infections can lead to iliac or sacral osteomyelitis.

    Cutaneous, sinus, ear and dental infections are the
    primary sources of bacteria in endogenous bone infections.
    Soft-tissue infections, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
    infections of the genitourinary system and respiratory
    infections are also sources of bacterial contamination. In
    addition, infections that occur after total joint replacements
    are sometimes the cause. The vulnerability of a specific
    bone depends on the anatomy of its vascular supply.
    Staphylococcus aureus is the usual cause of osteomyelitis.58–60

    Exogenous osteomyelitis can be caused by human bites
    or fist blows to the mouth. Superficial animal or human
    bites inoculate local soft tissue with bacteria that later spread
    to underlying bone. Deep bites can introduce microorganisms
    directly onto bone. The most common infecting organism
    in human bites is Staphylococcus aureus. In animal bites,
    the most common infecting organism is Pasteurella
    multocida, which is part of the normal mouth flora of cats
    and dogs.

    Direct contamination of bones with bacteria can also
    occur in open fractures or dislocations with an overlying
    skin wound from contaminated material present during
    the injury. Intervertebral disc surgery and surgical procedures
    involving insertion of foreign objects such as metal plates
    or artificial joints are associated with exogenous osteomyelitis.

    site of




    (dead bone)


    (new bone

    Initial infection First stage Second stage

    FIGURE 21.33

    Osteomyelitis showing sequestration and involucrum.
    The bone infection in ostoemyelitis can have significant adverse effects on a large region of bone tissue.

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    548 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent


    FIGURE 21.34

    The pathogenesis of acute osteomyelitis differs with age.
    A In infants younger than 1 year the epiphysis is nourished by
    arteries penetrating through the physis, allowing development of
    the condition within the epiphysis. B In children up to 15 years of
    age, the infection is restricted to below the physis because of
    interruption of the vessels.

    Instead, infection disrupts and weakens the cortex, which
    predisposes the bone to pathological fracture.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    Clinical manifestations of osteomyelitis vary with the age
    of the individual, the site of involvement, the initiating
    event, the infecting organism and whether the infection is
    acute, subacute or chronic.

    Acute osteomyelitis causes abrupt onset of inflammation.
    If an acute infection is not completely eliminated, the disease
    may become subacute or chronic.
    • In subacute osteomyelitis, signs and symptoms are usually

    • In the chronic stage, infection develops slowly or is silent

    between exacerbations. The microorganisms persist
    in small abscesses or fragments of necrotic bone and
    produce occasional flare-ups of acute osteomyelitis.
    The progression from acute to subacute osteomyelitis

    may be the result of inadequate or inappropriate therapy
    or the development of drug-resistant microorganisms.

    In children, radiographic bone changes take 2–3 weeks
    to develop. Initially, osteomyelitis presents as pain, swelling
    and warmth. Children will often present with fever, an
    elevated white blood cell count (50–70%), elevated C-reactive
    protein (98%) and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
    (90%). Blood culture is positive in only 40% of cases. Without
    changes on plain radiograph, bone scans can help define
    the location of infection. In infants, where osteomyelitis
    can be multifocal in up to 40% of cases, bone scans identify
    other locations of infection that may need surgical
    intervention (see Fig. 21.34).

    Treatment of osteomyelitis consists of appropriate
    antibiotic management for 6 weeks. If blood cultures are
    negative, bone aspirate must determine the bacterial cause
    of the infection. If bony changes exist on plain radiographs,
    surgical debridement accompanies antibiotic treatment.

    In the adult, osteomyelitis has an insidious onset. The
    symptoms are usually vague and include fever, malaise,
    anorexia, weight loss, and pain in and around the infected
    areas. Oedema may or may not be evident. Recent
    infection (urinary, respiratory, skin) or instrumentation
    (catheterisation, cystoscopy (endoscopy of the urinary
    bladder), myelography (x-ray visualisation of the spinal
    cord after injection of contrast medium), discography (x-ray
    of the spinal column disc/s after injection of contrast
    medium)) usually precedes the onset of symptoms.

    Single or multiple abscesses (Brodie’s abscesses)
    characterise subacute or chronic osteomyelitis. Brodie’s
    abscesses are well-defined lesions 1–4 cm in diameter, usually
    in the ends of long bones and surrounded by dense ossified
    bone matrix. The abscesses are thought to develop when
    the infectious microorganism has become less virulent or
    the individual’s immune system is resisting the infection
    somewhat successfully.

    In exogenous osteomyelitis, signs and symptoms of
    soft-tissue infection predominate. Inflammatory exudate
    in the soft tissues disrupts muscles and supporting structures

    and forms abscesses. Low-grade fever, lymphadenopathy
    (enlargement of the lymph nodes), local pain and swelling
    usually occur within days of contamination by a puncture

    Laboratory data show an elevated white cell count.
    Radiographic studies include radionuclide bone scanning,
    CT scans and MRI. MRI with gadolinium contrast shows
    both bone and soft tissue, providing more accurate
    assessment of infection.60 A specimen of the infected bony
    tissue or associated exudate may be obtained to identify
    the specific pathogen present. Treatment of osteomyelitis
    includes antibiotics and debridement with bone biopsy.
    Each individual is treated according to their signs.

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    Biodegradable antibiotic-impregnated bioabsorbable beads
    have benefited many individuals.61,62 Chronic conditions
    may require surgical removal of the inflammatory exudate
    followed by continuous wound irrigation with antibiotic
    solutions in addition to systemic treatment with antibiotics.
    Chronic infections may not be able to be treated fully and
    long-term antibiotic therapy may be required to suppress
    the infection. Treatment options should also involve an
    infectious disease healthcare professional. Any artificial
    implant (prosthesis) may need to be removed surgically as
    it significantly reduces the ability to treat the infection


    Paediatrics and septic arthritis
    Septic arthritis is an infection of the joint space. This
    condition is always a surgical emergency. The bacteria,
    and the activities of white cells (leucocytes) fighting the
    bacteria, can quickly destroy the articular cartilage of
    the joint and affect the blood supply to the epiphyseal
    bone nearby. Neither of these complications is easy to
    treat, and either one can lead to a lifetime of disability.
    Septic arthritis can occur primarily or secondarily to
    osteomyelitis that breaks out of the metaphysis of the
    bone into the joint space. The metaphysis of the paediatric
    hip, shoulder, proximal radius and distal lateral tibia
    are all located within the joint capsule and therefore
    osteomyelitis in these regions must be carefully monitored
    for secondary septic arthritis. The most common sites
    for septic arthritis are the knees, hips, ankles and elbows.
    Children with septic arthritis present with severe joint
    pain, ‘pseudoparalysis’ (apparent loss of muscle power

    without actual paralysis) or marked guarding to motion of
    the joint, inability to bear weight and malaise, often with
    anorexia. Children appear quite ill with this diagnosis.
    Non-pyogenic (not pus forming) arthritis, such as juvenile
    rheumatoid arthritis, can be difficult to distinguish
    clinically from septic arthritis because both can lead to
    malaise and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
    An elevation in C-reactive protein, fever and complete
    inability to bear weight is more common with septic
    arthritis. Blood cultures are positive in 30–40% of
    cases. Culture taken from the affected joint positive for
    pus defines the diagnosis and determines the bacterial
    aetiology. As in osteomyelitis, Staphylococcus aureus is
    the most common bacterial cause.
    After surgical debridement of the joint, antibiotics are
    required for 2–3 weeks. Long-term follow-up to assess
    damage to the joint cartilage or bone is required.

    F O C U S O N L E A R N I N G

    1 Compare and contrast the routes of infection in

    2 Describe the pathophysiology of osteomyelitis.

    3 Discuss the reasons for reduced mobility in septic arthritis.

    Disorders of skeletal muscle
    Muscle and associated soft-tissue damage through trauma
    and overuse is an issue faced by many athletes and
    sportspeople. Muscle weakness and fatigue are common
    symptoms. In many cases, neural, traumatic and psychogenic
    causes are the reason for the failure to generate force
    (weakness) or maintain force (fatigue) seen in myopathies.
    Muscular symptoms also arise from a variety of causes
    unrelated to the muscle itself. Secondary muscular

    phenomena (contracture, stress-related muscle tension,
    immobility) are common disorders that influence muscular
    function. The ability of the nervous system to modify or
    control motor performance means that it has a large effect
    on muscular function. In this section we restrict our
    discussion to inherited and acquired disorders.

    Contractures can be physiological or pathological. A
    physiological muscle contracture occurs even though there
    is no action potential in the sarcolemma. Muscle shortening
    occurs because of failure of the calcium pump in the
    presence of plentiful ATP. A physiological contracture is
    seen in McArdle’s disease and malignant hyperthermia.
    The contracture is usually temporary if the underlying
    pathology is reversed.

    A pathological muscle contracture is a permanent muscle
    shortening caused by muscle spasm or weakness. Heel cord
    (Achilles tendon) contractures are examples of pathological
    contractures. They are associated with plentiful ATP and
    occur in spite of a normal action potential. The most
    common form of contracture is seen in conditions such as
    muscular dystrophy and central nervous system injury.

    The restriction of joint movement as a result of scar
    tissue formation in the flexor tissues of a joint is also known
    as contracture. This type of contracture is most common
    after a burn injury. An example could be contracture of
    burned tissues in the palm of the hand leading to a flexion
    contracture of the fingers.

    Stress-induced muscle tension
    Abnormally increased muscle tension has been associated
    with chronic anxiety as well as a variety of stress-related

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    550 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    density is influenced by the load magnitude of the exercise
    rather than the frequency. If reuse is not restored within
    1 year, regeneration of muscle fibres becomes impaired.

    Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal syndrome
    characterised by diffuse pain, fatigue and tender points
    (increased sensitivity to touch). The absence of systemic
    or localised inflammation and the presence of fatigue
    and disturbed sleep are common. However, fibromyalgia
    has often been misdiagnosed or completely dismissed by
    clinicians due to the similar clinical presentations to other
    conditions (see the list below). A common misdiagnosis
    has been chronic fatigue syndrome. Eighty to ninety per
    cent of individuals affected are women and the peak age is
    30–50 years. While the incidence is unknown, the prevalence
    is reported to be 2% and increases with age.64 Although
    more common than rheumatoid arthritis, its cause is still

    The aetiology of fibromyalgia has been debated for more
    than a century. It is unlikely that it is caused by a single
    factor. The most common precipitating factors include the
    • flu-like viral illness
    • chronic fatigue syndrome
    • human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
    • Lyme’s disease (a tick-transmitted bacterial infection)
    • physical trauma
    • persistent stress
    • chronic sleep disturbance.

    Certain rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid
    arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus, may coexist
    with fibromyalgia.65

    It is unproven but has long been suspected that muscle is
    the end organ responsible for the pain and fatigue. Some
    studies have documented metabolic alterations — lower
    ATP, lower adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and higher
    concentrations of adenosine monophosphate — and more
    alterations in the number of capillaries and fibre area in
    individuals with fibromyalgia than in study control subjects.
    Most studies have demonstrated that increased muscle
    tenderness in fibromyalgia is a result of generalised pain
    intolerance, possibly related to functional abnormalities
    within the central nervous system (see Fig. 21.35).66

    A chronic stress response may be involved in producing
    lower levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter). There is
    increasing evidence that fibromyalgia involves the
    sympathetic nervous system. Individuals with fibromyalgia
    may have an adrenal hyporesponsiveness.

    C L I N I C A L MA N I F E S TAT I O N S
    The prominent symptom of fibromyalgia is diffuse, chronic
    pain. The locations of 9 pairs of tender points for diagnostic
    classification of fibromyalgia are shown in Fig. 21.36.
    Tenderness in 11 of these 18 points is necessary for diagnosis,

    muscular symptoms, including neck stiffness, back pain
    and headache. Tension-type headaches have a very high
    prevalence. There is no convincing description of the
    pathophysiology of stress-induced muscle tension.

    Various forms of treatment have been used to reduce
    the muscle tension associated with stress. Biofeedback,
    progressive relaxation training, yoga and meditation are
    examples of stress-reduction therapies. Biofeedback uses
    an integrated electromyogram to make recordings from
    the skin surface. It is particularly useful in individuals who
    have a connection between skeletal muscle tension and
    pain. Progressive relaxation training emphasises the
    individual’s ability to perceive the difference between tension
    and relaxation. This technique involves sequential tensing
    and a relaxing environment. The individual is taught to
    practise this routine daily, often with the use of audio
    instructions. By teaching the individual to recognise
    excessive contraction of skeletal muscle, the idea is to
    enhance the person’s ability to relax specific muscle groups
    to relieve tension and thus reduce central nervous system
    arousal, as well as autonomic nervous system arousal.

    Disuse atrophy
    The term disuse atrophy describes the reduction in normal
    size of muscle fibres after prolonged inactivity from bed
    rest, trauma (as a result of application of a cast), local nerve
    damage or from chronic injuries or disease such as spinal
    cord injury. It is an example of the body responding to lack
    of use. Decreased muscle activity reduces muscle mass
    through reduced protein production and increased
    proteolysis (breakdown of protein), probably by reactive
    oxygen radical regulation.63 The effects of lack of use can
    become apparent rather quickly. With bed rest, the normal
    individual loses muscle strength from baseline levels at a
    rate of 3% per day. Immobilisation leads to a reduction in
    strength as well as increasing fatigability. Oxidative capacity
    of the mitochondria is decreased.

    The connective tissues supporting muscle also undergo
    change. Ligaments, tendons and articular cartilage require
    use to maintain functionality. Alterations of structure and
    function of connective tissues become apparent after 4 to
    6 days and remain after normal activity resumes. Changes
    to the structure of collagen fibres may underlie these changes.

    Bed rest is also associated with cardiovascular, respiratory
    and urinary system changes putting those individuals at
    increased risk of complications such as infections, venous
    thromboembolism and loss of strength. Having a cast in
    place on a limb produces noticeable atrophy in a month.
    Also, as people age, their muscles atrophy and become
    weaker, a condition known as sarcopenia.

    Inactivity also affects the integrity of bone. As the bone
    experiences less stress the resorption of bone continues but
    formation ceases. The effects of reduced stress on the skeletal
    system are particularly apparent in astronauts spending
    extensive time in zero gravity conditions.

    Measures to prevent atrophy include frequent forceful
    isometric muscle contractions (contractions without muscle
    shortening) and passive lengthening exercises. Bone mineral

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 551

    Low cervical
    Anterior aspects
    of the intertransverse
    spaces at C5–C7

    Second rib

    2 cm distal to
    the epicondyles

    Medial fat pad
    proximal to the
    joint line

    Posterior to
    the trochanteric

    Upper outer
    of buttocks

    Above the
    medial border
    of the scapular

    Midpoint of the
    upper border


    FIGURE 21.36

    The location of specific tender points for diagnostic classification of fibromyalgia.
    Main sites include the cervical (neck) and trapezius (shoulder), as well as various other locations.

    T M





    Substance P
    Skin hyperactivity

    Muscle contraction, deconditioning Spinal cord


    muscle microtrauma,
    deconditioning, sleep disturbances

    Precipitating factors:

    Pre-existing factors:

    together with

    lead to

    manifest by

    serotonin receptors, endorphins

    Ascending and descending pathways

    Muscle nociception
    further stimulating

    feed information to

    feed information to
    Sympathetic outflow

    Cutaneous nociception

    FIGURE 21.35

    A theoretical pathophysiological model of fibromyalgia.

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    552 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    Integrative conditions
    related to the
    musculoskeletal system
    Lower back pain
    Lower back pain is a common health issue and a considerable
    problem for many individuals in Australia and New Zealand.
    Approximately 80% of individuals will experience lower
    back pain in their lifetime, but for 90% the pain will be
    short lived. Back pain is the second most common symptom
    reported at general practitioners. It has been estimated that
    more than 3 million Australians67 and approximately 1
    million New Zealanders68 have lower back pain. Furthermore,
    it has been estimated that the cost of lower back pain in
    Australia is more than $1 billion annually.69

    Lower back pain affects the area between the lower rib
    cage and gluteal muscles and often radiates into the thighs.
    About 1% of individuals with acute lower back pain have
    sciatica — pain along the distribution of a lumbar nerve
    root. Sciatica is often accompanied by neurosensory and
    motor deficits, such as tingling, numbness and weakness.
    Men and women are equally affected, with women reporting
    lower back symptoms more often after 60 years of age. In
    addition, back pain is common in children, especially in
    the adolescent years. The increase in back pain in children
    has been associated with heavy, inappropriate schoolbags
    and inappropriate posture when sitting.

    Most cases of lower back pain are idiopathic and no precise
    diagnosis is possible. The local processes involved in lower
    back pain range from tension caused by tumours or disc
    prolapse, bursitis, synovitis, rising venous and tissue pressure
    (found in degenerative joint disease), abnormal bone
    pressures, problems with spinal mobility, inflammation
    caused by infection (as in osteomyelitis), bony fractures or
    ligamentous sprains to pain referred from viscera or the
    posterior peritoneum. General processes resulting in lower
    back pain include bone diseases such as osteoporosis or

    Risk factors include occupations that require repetitious
    lifting in the forward bent-and-twisted position; exposure
    to vibrations caused by vehicles or industrial machinery;
    obesity; and cigarette smoking. Osteoporosis increases the

    along with a history of diffuse pain. The only reliable finding
    on examination is the presence of multiple tender points.
    The pain often begins in one location, especially the neck
    and shoulders, but then becomes more generalised. People
    describe the pain as burning or gnawing. Fatigue is profound.
    The effect on everyday life is considerable. Fatigue is most
    notable when arising from sleep and in mid-afternoon.
    Headaches and memory loss are common complaints. There
    is a strong association between fibromyalgia, Raynaud’s
    phenomenon and irritable bowel syndrome. Individuals
    with fibromyalgia are light sleepers and wake frequently.

    Almost 25% of individuals seek psychological support
    for depression. Anxiety, particularly in regard to their
    diagnosis and future, is almost universal.

    As manifestations of chronic, generalised pain and fatigue
    are present in many musculoskeletal (e.g. rheumatic)
    disorders, these disorders should be discounted before
    diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Treatment should be highly

    No one regimen of medication has been proven to treat
    fibromyalgia successfully. Certain central nervous system
    active medications, most notably the tricyclic antidepressants,
    amitriptyline and cyclobenzaprine, have performed
    significantly better than placebos in controlled trials.65 These
    medications administered 1–2 hours before bedtime provide
    a better sleep. Amitriptyline significantly improves pain,
    morning stiffness and sleep but not tender points.
    Low-impact exercise in the amounts suggested for normal
    health and fitness may also help. One of the most important
    aspects of treatment is education and reassurance (see
    Box 21.5).

    • Stress that the illness is real, not imagined.
    • Explain that fibromyalgia is presumably not caused by

    • Explain that fibromyalgia is not a deforming or

    deteriorating condition.
    • Explain that fibromyalgia is neither life threatening nor

    markedly debilitating, although it is an irritating presence.
    • Discuss the role of sleep disturbances and the relationship

    of neurohormones to pain, fatigue, abnormal sleep and

    • Reassure that although the cause is unknown, some
    information is known about the physiological changes
    responsible for the symptoms.

    • Use muscle ‘spasms’ and, perhaps, low muscle blood flow
    to lay the groundwork for exercise recommendations.

    • Assist the individual to use aerobic exercise to reduce
    stress and increase rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

    BOX 21.5 Educating and providing reassurance
    for individuals with fibromyalgia

    F O C U S O N L E A R N I N G

    1 Describe the causes and analyse the effects of contracture.

    2 Analyse the treatment options for stress-induced muscle

    3 Discuss cellular responses to increased and decreased
    functional demand and how these responses relate to
    disuse atrophy.

    4 Describe the clinical manifestations of fibromyalgia.

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    by rest. With scoliosis the pain is described as very severe
    and often related to the degree of curvature. Patients with
    Paget’s disease experience a pain that is usually described
    as dull, but may be shooting and knife-like. Various other
    conditions, such as multiple myeloma, pancreatitis and
    sickle cell disease, can give rise to a bone pain that may be
    debilitating. With multiple myeloma the pain is usually
    precipitated by movement, while in pancreatitis bone pain
    may be severe enough to require the use of narcotics.

    In children, bone and joint pain is associated with a
    wide variety of conditions such as rheumatic fever, systemic
    lupus erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis,
    osteomyelitis, osteosarcoma, acute leukaemia and some
    viral conditions like measles, influenza and chickenpox.

    Myasthenia gravis
    Myasthenia gravis is a very rare autoimmune condition
    that is outlined here because it illustrates the specificity of
    the immune response and normal cellular function in the
    region of the neuromuscular junction.

    The disease process begins when the immune system
    recognises the acetylcholine receptor of the neuromuscular
    junction as an antigen. The B cells of the immune system
    are stimulated and produce antibodies that specifically bind
    to the receptor. This binding blocks the receptor and
    stimulates a local inflammatory response. The muscle fibre
    responds by withdrawing the affected receptors from the
    sarcolemma and producing new ones that are displayed in
    the neuromuscular junction. Cells bearing receptors for
    neurotransmitters and hormones normally have a continual
    process of recycling the receptors where old ones are
    internalised and new ones are produced. In the case of the
    muscle fibre, as soon as new receptors are displayed they
    are bound by antibodies. This action highlights both the
    specificity and the effectiveness of antibodies. The muscle
    fibre eventually becomes exhausted and reduces its rate of
    production of receptors.

    Individuals with myasthenia gravis will suffer progressive
    muscle weakness usually initially causing drooping of the
    eyelids and later resulting in a generalised weakness.
    Medication seeks to counteract the cause of the condition.
    Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors (e.g. neostigmine) increase
    the effectiveness of the released acetylcholine and prednisone
    reduces the inflammatory response. Because this is an
    autoimmune condition, the person faces medication for
    the rest of their life.

    risk of spinal compression fractures and may be why elderly
    women report more symptoms than men. Genetic
    predispositions for lower back pain have also been reported.

    The most commonly encountered causes of lower back
    pain include lumbar disc herniation, degenerative disc
    disease, spondylosis and spinal stenosis. Anatomically, lower
    back pain must come from innervated structures, but deep
    pain is widely referred and varies. The nucleus pulposus
    has no intrinsic innervation, but when extruded or herniated
    through a prolapsed disc, it irritates the dural membranes
    and causes pain referred to the segmental area. The
    interspinous bursae can be a source of pain between L3,
    L4, L5 and S1, but also may affect L1, L2 and L3 spinous
    processes. The anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments
    of the spine and the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments
    are abundantly supplied with pain receptors, as is the
    ligamentum flavum. All of these ligaments are vulnerable
    to traumatic tears (sprains) and fracture. Muscle injury
    may contribute to lower back pain, with sprains and strains
    the most common diagnoses.

    Diagnosis of lower back pain is based on physical
    examination, electromyelography, CT scans with or without
    myelography, MRI and nerve conduction studies. Most
    individuals with acute lower back pain benefit from a
    nonspecific short-term treatment of bed rest, analgesic
    medications, exercises, physical therapy and education.
    Surgical treatments, specifically discectomy and spinal
    fusions, are used for individuals not responding to
    conservative, nonsurgical management. Individuals with
    chronic lower back pain are also prescribed anti-inflammatory
    and muscle-relaxant medications and are instructed to follow
    exercise programs. Aerobic exercises are a popular treatment
    and seem to be more effective than traction or lower back
    exercises. Spinal surgery has a limited role in curing chronic
    lower back pain.

    Bone pain
    Pain is associated with trauma to the skeletal system.
    Although no nociceptors (pain receptors) have been found
    within the osteon, the periosteum and endosteum are richly
    supplied. Pain may be experienced due to stimulation of
    these receptors, the release of inflammatory chemicals (e.g.
    bradykinin), the presence of any oedema or the spasm of
    muscles. Bone pain is also associated with many metabolic

    The pain can be very severe, and in many conditions
    attempts to manage the pain can dominate the treatment
    of the condition. The pain of osteoarthritis becomes more
    evident as the condition progresses. Early in the course of
    the condition it is aggravated by use and relieved by rest,
    but later it may become persistent and no longer relieved

    F O C U S O N L E A R N I N G

    1 Explain the cause of bone pain.

    2 Analyse the treatment for myasthenia gravis.

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    Paediatrics and integrative conditions
    Muscular dystrophy
    The muscular dystrophies are a group of familial disorders
    that cause degeneration of skeletal muscle fibres. Ongoing
    genetic research has helped improve detection of carriers
    and define not only the inheritance pattern but also the
    DNA sequence of the various types. The most common
    singular type, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, is discussed

    Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is a myopathy caused
    by mutations in a gene located on the short arm of the
    X chromosome. This mutation causes a protein thought
    to be responsible for maintaining the cytoskeleton of the
    muscle cell to be produced with an abnormal structure,
    to be reduced or to be absent (see Fig. 21.37). The same
    protein also occurs in the brain and about one-third of


    FIGURE 21.37

    Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy.
    A Patient with late-stage Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy showing severe muscle loss. B Gower’s sign in a young boy with
    Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. C Transverse section of gastrocnemius muscle from a normal boy. D Transverse section of
    gastrocnemius muscle from a boy with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Normal muscle fibre is replaced with fat and connective

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 555

    people with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy show mental
    retardation. As an X-linked inherited disorder, Duchenne’s
    muscular dystrophy affects only boys, with any male
    child of a known female carrier having a 50% risk of
    showing the condition. The overall incidence is 1 : 3500
    male births.
    Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy causes muscle bulk to
    reduce through removal of muscle fibres. In the younger
    child the fibres regenerate, but become nonfunctional
    with time. Fibrous connective tissue and fat eventually
    replace muscle fibres. Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
    is usually identified at about 3 years of age, with parents
    noting slow motor development or regression of motor
    tasks. Sitting, standing and walking become laboured
    and the child is clumsy, falls frequently and has difficulty
    climbing stairs.
    Muscular weakness always begins in the pelvic girdle,
    causing a waddling gait. Hypertrophy (enlargement)
    of the calf muscles is apparent in 80% of cases. The
    method of rising from the floor by ‘climbing up the
    legs’ (Gowers’ sign) is characteristic and is caused by
    weakness of the lumbar and gluteal muscles. The foot
    assumes a talipes equinovarus position (rotated internally;
    see Fig. 21.38) and the child tends to walk on the toes
    because of weakness of the muscles in the front of the
    lower leg (tibialis and peroneus). The deep tendon
    reflexes are usually depressed or absent. Contractures
    and wasting of the muscles lead to muscular atrophy
    and deformity of the skeleton. Scoliosis can occur and
    is relentlessly progressive; curves of more than 20° are
    treated surgically to maintain pulmonary function and
    to slow the progression to a wheelchair.
    Children usually lose their ability to walk by age 8–10
    years. Progressive osteopenia (low bone density), due

    to inactivity, leads to pathological fractures. Studies cite
    that bisphosphonates, such as those used in osteogenesis
    imperfecta or osteoporosis, slow bone loss. Death, usually
    from progressive pulmonary or cardiac weakness, ensues
    by the 20s. Only 25% of individuals with Duchenne’s
    muscular dystrophy reach the age of 21 years.
    Diagnosis is confirmed by measurement of the serum
    enzyme, creatine kinase. Creatine kinase is increased to
    more than 20 times the normal level because it is liberated
    into the bloodstream with muscle death.
    Although there is no effective cure for Duchenne’s
    muscular dystrophy, maintaining function for as long
    as possible is the primary goal. Activity helps maintain
    muscle function, but strenuous exercise may hasten the
    breakdown of muscle fibres. Both Muscular Dystrophy
    Australia and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of New
    Zealand note the possibility of treatment with steroids to
    maintain muscle strength and function. This treatment
    significantly lengthens the period of time a child can still
    walk but does not alter the life span. Range-of-motion
    exercises, bracing and surgical release of contracture
    deformities are used to maintain normal function. Genetic
    counselling is recommended. With X-linked inheritance,
    male siblings of an affected child have a 50% chance of
    being affected and female siblings have a 50% chance
    of being carriers.
    Because of its tragic course, prenatal screening for
    Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is encouraged. Possible
    female carriers are urged to have serum creatine kinase
    levels determined, which can be elevated in 60–80% of
    those affected. Female carriers have an increased risk
    of developing dilated cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart)
    later in life.
    Congenital defects
    Clubfoot, or congenital equinovarus, describes a
    deformity in which the forefoot is adducted and supinated
    (turned inwards and ‘face up’; see Table 21.4) and the
    heel is in varus (turned inwards) and equines (points
    down) (see Figs 21.38 and 21.39). Clubfoot deformity
    can be positional (correctable passively), idiopathic or
    teratological (as a result of another syndrome, such as
    spina bifida). Idiopathic clubfoot usually occurs in 1 : 1000
    live births, with males twice as likely as females to be
    affected. Incidence of clubfoot shows ethnic variation;
    for example, in the Polynesian Islands incidence is close
    to 75 : 1000 live births.
    In idiopathic clubfoot, manipulation and casting above
    the knee, as described by Ponseti, begun soon after birth
    and correctly done, can correct the forefoot deformity
    in more than 95% of cases. Hindfoot equinus often
    requires lengthening of the Achilles tendon, which can

    FIGURE 21.38

    An infant with bilateral congenital talipes equinovarus.
    This infant shows significant deformity in the feet, which
    can potentially have good outcomes after corrective

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    556 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    be performed in a clinic under local anaesthetic. Achilles
    tenotomy (cutting the tendon) can be safely performed
    with local anaesthetic until 8 or 9 months of age. After
    this age, a formal lengthening and repair under general
    anaesthesia is required. Bracing is required until age 3.
    Idiopathic feet that are not correctable by these procedures

    require surgical posteromedial release, which includes
    lengthening of the Achilles, posterior tibialis and flexor
    tendons, and surgical release of the capsules of the ankle,
    subtalar and midfoot joints. Some sculpting of the bones
    around the ankle (most often the talus and calcaneus)
    is usually necessary to align the foot. Teratological feet
    are usually stiffer and up to 90% require posteromedial
    release. From 25% to 50% of children requiring
    posteromedial release may need a second operative
    procedure with growth; a large number of those with
    teratological feet also may need a second procedure.
    Developmental dysplasia of the hip
    Developmental dysplasia of the hip describes imperfect
    development of the hip joint and can affect the femoral
    head or the acetabulum, or both. Although most often
    present congenitally, dysplasia may develop later in the
    newborn or infant period. Like clubfoot, developmental
    dysplasia of the hip can be idiopathic or teratological.
    Teratological hips (because of another cause such as
    cerebral palsy or spina bifida) are more difficult to treat
    and often need surgical intervention. In idiopathic
    developmental dysplasia of the hip, 70% of cases involve
    the left side only, 10–15% are bilateral and girls are four
    times as likely to be affected. A positive family history,

    TABLE 21.4 Terms used to describe foot


    Abduction Lateral deviation away from the

    midline of the body

    Adduction Lateral deviation towards the midline
    of the body

    Eversion Twisting of the foot outwards along its
    long axis

    Inversion Twisting of the foot inwards on its
    long axis

    Dorsiflexion Bending of the foot upwards and

    Plantar flexion Bending of the foot downwards and

    Talipes Congenital abnormality of the foot


    Pes Acquired deformity of the foot

    Varus Inversion and adduction of the heel
    and forefoot

    Valgus Eversion and abduction of the heel
    and forefoot

    Equinus Plantar flexion of the foot in which the
    heel is lower than the toes

    Calcaneus Dorsiflexion of the foot in which the
    heel is lower than the toes

    Planus Flattening of the medial longitudinal
    arch of the foot (flatfoot)

    Cavus Elevation of the medial longitudinal
    arch of the foot (high arch)

    Equinovarus Coexistent equinus and varus

    Calcaneovarus Coexistent calcaneus and varus

    Equinovalgus Coexistent equinus and valgus

    Calcaneovalgus Coexistent calcaneus and valgus

    Note: The positions listed can all be achieved by voluntary movement
    of the normal foot; an abnormality exists if the foot is fixed in one or
    more of the positions while at rest.

    FIGURE 21.39

    Idiopathic clubfoot.
    Idiopathic clubfoot displaying forefoot adduction (towards
    the midline of body), supination (upturning) and hindfoot
    equinus (pointing downwards). Note the skin creases along
    the arch and back of heel.

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    CHAPTER 21 ALterAtIonS oF MuSCuLoSkeLetAL FunCtIon ACroSS the LIFe SpAn 557

    breech presentation and oligohydramnios (low amniotic
    fluid) all predispose children to developmental dysplasia
    of the hip. Children in these groups are considered high
    risk and must be carefully evaluated with physical
    examination and, possibly, ultrasound.
    Variants of idiopathic developmental dysplasia of the hip
    are dislocated hip (no contact between the femoral head
    and acetabulum), subluxated hip (partial contact only)
    and acetabular dysplasia (the femoral head is located
    properly but the acetabulum is shallow). Idiopathic
    instability of the hip ranges from 3 : 1000 to 7 : 1000, but
    a true dislocation is only 1 : 1000.
    Clinical examination is the mainstay of diagnosis. The
    examination must be performed on a relaxed infant for
    accuracy. A positive Ortolani’s sign (hip dislocated, but
    reducible) or Barlow’s sign (hip reduced, but dislocatable)
    is an absolute indication for treatment. Other indicators
    for further evaluation are limitation of abduction or
    apparent shortening of the femur (Galeazzi’s sign).
    Asymmetric skin folds at the groin crease may also be
    In children younger than 4 months old, bracing with a
    Pavlik harness is successful in 90% of cases. A Barlow-
    positive hip (hip reduced, but dislocatable) is easier to
    treat with a Pavlik harness and success reaches 95–98%.
    An Ortolani-positive hip (hip dislocated, but reducible)
    must be followed closely with ultrasound and exam; the
    success rate with Pavlik is 70% in this situation. If a
    stable reduction is not attained within 2–3 weeks of
    treatment, the Pavlik harness should be abandoned.
    A partially reduced hip puts pressure on the rim of
    the acetabulum by the femoral head and can worsen
    dysplasia (abnormal cell proliferation and growth) and
    make treatment more difficult. In older children or cases
    where the Pavlik harness has failed, closed reduction of
    the hip and spica (body) casting under general anaesthesia
    is required. The spica cast is worn for 3 months. Children
    older than 12 months require surgery on the joint, femur
    or acetabulum, or all three (see Fig. 21.40). The incidence
    of excellent outcome falls steadily with age, emphasising
    the need for early diagnosis and treatment.
    Non-accidental trauma
    The incidence of non-accidental trauma is high. Over
    225 000 children are suspected of being harmed or at

    risk of harm from abuse and/or neglect in Australia yearly,
    with comparable rates in New Zealand. Although evidence
    for cases of abuse is often incomplete, cases of abuse of
    over 40 000 children in both Australia and New Zealand
    have been reported recently. The rate of child abuse in
    both countries shows an increasing trend. Maltreatment
    may be psychological, sexual or physical. Thirty per cent
    of children who have been physically abused are seen
    by an orthopaedist. Accurate and appropriate referrals
    to child protection agencies are not only legally mandated
    but also essential for the wellbeing of the child. An abused
    child who is returned to the same situation without
    intervention has a 10–15% chance of subsequent mortality.
    Children who are not yet walking and present with a
    long bone fracture have more than a 75% chance of that
    fracture being caused by non-accidental trauma. ‘Corner’
    metaphyseal fractures (where a small fragment shears off
    the side of the metaphysis) are nearly always indicative
    of abuse, but occur only 25% of the time. Fractures at
    multiple stages of healing also suggest abuse; however,
    osteogenesis imperfecta or other causes of systemic
    osteomalacia must be ruled out. The most common
    presentation is a transverse tibia fracture. After walking
    age, only 2% of long bone fractures are the result of
    non-accidental trauma.

    FIGURE 21.40

    Surgically treated bilateral hip dislocation.
    Postoperative x-ray of 5-year-old child after femoral,
    acetabular and joint surgery bilaterally. The plates will be
    removed once the child heals. The extent of surgery
    necessitated staged (i.e. one side at a time) intervention.

    F O C U S O N L E A R N I N G

    1 Outline the genetic basis of Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy.

    2 Outline the treatment options for clubfoot.

    3 Define 2 variations of developmental dysplasia of the hip
    and discuss the treatment of each.

    4 List 3 warning signs that might indicate non-accidental

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    558 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    chapter SUMMARY

    Musculoskeletal injuries
    • The most serious musculoskeletal injury is a fracture. A

    bone can be completely or incompletely fractured. A
    closed fracture leaves the skin intact. An open fracture
    has an overlying skin wound. The direction of the
    fracture line can be linear, oblique, spiral or transverse.
    Greenstick, torus and bowing fractures are examples of
    incomplete fractures that occur in children. Stress
    fractures occur in normal or abnormal bone that is
    subjected to repeated stress. Fatigue fractures occur in
    normal bone subjected to abnormal stress. Normal
    weight-bearing can cause an insufficiency fracture in
    abnormal bone.

    • Dislocation is complete loss of contact between the
    surfaces of two bones. Subluxation is partial loss of
    contact between two bones. As a bone separates from a
    joint, it may damage adjacent nerves, blood vessels,
    ligaments, tendons and muscle.

    • Tendon tears are called strains and ligament tears are
    called sprains. A complete separation of a tendon or
    ligament from its attachment is called an avulsion.

    • Myoglobinuria (rhabdomyolysis) can be a serious life-
    threatening complication of severe muscle trauma.

    Disorders of bones and joints
    • Metabolic bone diseases are characterised by abnormal

    bone structure.
    • In osteoporosis the density or mass of bone is reduced

    because the bone-remodelling cycle is disrupted.
    • Excessive and abnormal bone remodelling occurs in

    Paget’s disease.
    • Avascular diseases of the bone are collectively referred

    to as osteochondroses and are caused by an insufficient
    blood supply to growing bones.

    • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is one of the most common
    osteochondroses. This disorder is characterised by
    epiphyseal necrosis or degeneration of the head of the
    femur, followed by regeneration or recalcification.

    • Osgood-Schlatter disease is characterised by tendonitis
    of the anterior patellar tendon and inflammation or
    partial separation of the tibial tubercle caused by chronic
    irritation, usually as a result of overuse of the quadriceps
    muscles. The condition is seen primarily in muscular,
    athletic adolescent males.

    • Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spinal column that
    can be caused by congenital malformations of the spine,
    poliomyelitis, skeletal dysplasias, spastic paralysis and
    unequal leg length, but it is most often idiopathic.

    • As a result of improved imaging technology,
    inflammation has been identified as an important
    feature of osteoarthritis.

    • Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease
    characterised by inflammatory destruction of the
    synovial membrane, articular cartilage, joint capsule, and
    surrounding ligaments and tendons. Rheumatoid
    nodules may also invade the skin, lung and spleen, and
    involve small and large arteries. Rheumatoid arthritis is a
    systemic disease that affects the heart, lungs, kidneys
    and skin, as well as the joints.

    • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory joint
    disorder characterised by pain and swelling. Large joints
    are most commonly affected.

    • Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic, inflammatory joint
    disease characterised by stiffening and fusion of the
    spine and sacroiliac joints. It is a systemic, immune
    inflammatory disease.

    • Gout is a syndrome caused by defects in uric acid
    metabolism, with high levels of uric acid in the blood
    and body fluids. Uric acid crystallises in the connective
    tissue of a joint where it initiates inflammatory
    destruction of the joint.

    • Osteoarthritis is a common, age-related disorder of the
    synovial joints. The primary defect is loss of articular

    • Osteomyelitis is a bone infection most often caused by
    bacteria. Bacteria can enter bone from outside the body
    (exogenous osteomyelitis) or from infection sites within
    the body (endogenous osteomyelitis).

    • Septic arthritis is always a surgical emergency. The
    bacteria present and the leucocytes fighting them act to
    degrade the articular cartilage and the blood supply to
    the nearby epiphyseal bone. The condition can lead to a
    lifetime of disability.

    Disorders of skeletal muscle
    • A pathological contracture is permanent muscle

    shortening caused by muscle spasticity, as seen in
    central nervous system injury or severe muscle

    • Stress-induced muscle tension can be treated using
    progressive relaxation training and biofeedback to
    reduce muscle tension.

    • Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal syndrome
    characterised by diffuse pain and tender points.
    Unknown but suspected is that muscle is the end organ
    responsible for the pain and fatigue. Most sufferers are
    female and the peak age is 30–50 years.

    • Atrophy of muscle fibres and overall diminished size
    of the muscle are seen after prolonged inactivity.
    Isometric contractions and passive lengthening exercises
    decrease atrophy to some degree in immobilised

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    Integrative conditions related to the
    musculoskeletal system
    • Lower back pain is a common health problem in

    Australia and New Zealand.
    • Lower back pain affects the area between the lower rib

    cage and gluteal muscles and often radiates into the

    • Lower back pain must come from innervated structures,
    but deep pain is widely referred and varies.

    • Bone pain is often associated with skeletal trauma and
    metabolic diseases.

    Paediatrics and integrative conditions
    • The muscular dystrophies are a group of genetically

    transmitted diseases characterised by progressive
    atrophy of skeletal muscles. There is an insidious loss of
    strength in all forms of the disorder with increasing
    disability and deformity. The most common type is
    Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy.

    • Clubfoot is a common deformity in which the foot is
    twisted out of its normal shape or position. Clubfoot can
    be positional, idiopathic or teratological.

    • Developmental dysplasia of the hip is an abnormality in
    the development of the femoral head or acetabulum, or
    both. Like clubfoot, it can be idiopathic or teratological.
    It is a serious and disabling condition in children if not
    diagnosed and treated.

    • Non-accidental trauma must be considered with any
    long bone injury in the preambulatory child.

    • The presence of soft-tissue injury, corner fractures and
    multiple fractures at different stages of healing is
    extremely helpful for making a diagnosis of non-
    accidental trauma.

    • When non-accidental trauma is suspected, a child must
    be evaluated radiographically for other fractures, heat
    trauma and retinal haemorrhage.

    • All social strata are at risk of non-accidental trauma and
    healthcare providers are legally responsible to report
    suspected cases of non-accidental trauma.

    A D U L T
    Michael is a 52-year-old self-employed bricklayer who
    normally lives independently with his wife and three children
    in rural South Australia. Michael has always been active and
    played sport all his life; he was a keen runner and would
    regularly take long runs in the evenings until 4 or 5 years ago.
    He has been experiencing a gradual increase in pain in his
    right knee over the past 2 years. The pain is diffuse around
    the knee and seems to be worse after he leaves work at night.
    He does not remember a specific injury or time when the
    pain started. He takes paracetamol or medications containing
    ibuprofen regularly but these are not so effective at managing
    the pain lately. There are no episodes of his knee locking or
    ‘giving way’ but the pain has been getting worse which is
    restricting his ability to walk and work normally so he has just
    been to see his local doctor.

    1 Identify the diagnostic studies that Michael should have
    requested by his doctor.

    2 Make a provisional diagnosis for Michael.
    3 Identify what lifestyle factors may have played a role in

    the development of this disease process.
    4 What are the possible conservative treatment options for

    Michael now?
    5 What are the modifiable lifestyle factors that may assist

    in reducing the severity of the symptoms and stop the
    disease progressing?

    6 Explain the potential surgical options for Michael in the


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    For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    560 PART 3 ALterAtIonS to proteCtIon AnD MoveMent

    A G E I N G
    Cveta is 65 years old and experienced menopause 15 years
    ago. She remembers having her first period at the age of
    16 years. Throughout her life she has maintained a slim
    appearance, which may be due in part to her smoking, which
    has been at the rate of a pack of cigarettes a day since her late
    teens. Cveta spent the first 30 years of her life in Yugoslavia
    before emigrating to Australia. Although she now has a good
    diet, this was not always the case. When she lived in Yugoslavia
    vegetables were plentiful, but dairy products were scarce. She
    has not had a very active life, but she enjoys her life in Brisbane
    as the climate allows her to be outside frequently. Lately, she
    has felt the odd twinge of lower back pain and her 35-year-
    old daughter has wondered whether her mother is a little
    shorter than previously. This week Cveta experienced a visit

    to the local Accident and Emergency Department after she
    slipped and fell on a wet floor, fracturing her distal left radius.
    Cveta has been referred back to her general practitioner for
    a check-up as the magnitude of the trauma would not have
    been expected to fracture a bone.
    1 Outline the most important diagnostic study to request

    for Cveta.
    2 Explain the risk factors evident in Cveta’s life that would

    justify requesting the study in Question 1.
    3 Name the condition that Cveta most likely has.
    4 Discuss the alterations that Cveta can make to her

    lifestyle to minimise the effects of this condition.
    5 Advise Cveta’s daughter to help her avoid the same

    outcome as her mother.


    1 Draw a flow diagram to summarise fracture repair.
    2 Differentiate between a sprain and a strain.
    3 Explain why myoglobinuria can be a dangerous

    development after trauma to the muscular system.
    4 Provide a strategy that could be communicated to a

    middle-aged person about how to minimise sarcopenia.
    5 Outline the risk factors for osteoporosis.
    6 How does juvenile rheumatoid arthritis differ from the

    adult form?

    7 Describe how rheumatoid arthritis affects other organ
    systems (skin, heart, lungs and kidneys).

    8 Explain how uric acid (or urates) causes gout to develop.
    9 Outline the risk factors for osteoarthritis.

    10 Explain why people experience bone pain if there are no
    pain receptors in the bone itself.


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    For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    • 21 Alterations of musculoskeletal function across the life span
    • Chapter outline
      Key terms
      Musculoskeletal injuries
      Skeletal trauma
      Classification of fractures
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment

      Dislocation and subluxation
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment

      Support structures
      Sprains and strains of tendons and ligaments
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment
      Tendonitis, epicondylitis and bursitis
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment
      Muscle strains
      Post-exercise muscle soreness
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment

      Disorders of bone and joints
      Metabolic bone disease
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment
      Paget’s disease
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment

      Disorders of joints
      Inflammatory joint disease
      Rheumatoid arthritis
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment
      Ankylosing spondylitis
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment
      Clinical manifestations
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment

      Infectious bone disease
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment

      Disorders of skeletal muscle
      Stress-induced muscle tension
      Disuse atrophy
      Clinical manifestations
      Evaluation and treatment

      Integrative conditions related to the musculoskeletal system
      Lower back pain
      Evaluation and treatment
      Bone pain
      Myasthenia gravis
      Review questions

    150 © Royal College of Physicians 2018. All rights reserved.

    ORIGINAL RESEARCH Clinical Medicine 2017 Vol 17, No 6: 150–8CME INFECTIOUS DISEASES Clinical Medicine 2018 Vol 18, No 2: 150–4

    Authors: A academic clinical lecturer in microbiology and infectious
    diseases, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,

    Oxford, UK ;

    consultant microbiology and infectious diseases,

    Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS

    Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK

    Authors: Julia Colston A and Bridget Atkins B

    Bone and joint infections include septic arthritis, prosthetic
    joint infections, osteomyelitis, spinal infections (discitis,
    vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscess) and diabetic
    foot osteomyelitis. All of these may present through the
    acute medical take. This article discusses the pathogenesis of
    infection and highlights the importance of taking a careful
    history and fully examining the patient. It also emphasises the
    importance of early surgical intervention in many cases. Con-
    sideration of alternative diagnoses, appropriate imaging and
    high-quality microbiological sampling is important to allow
    appropriate and targeted antimicrobial therapy. This article
    makes some suggestions as to empiric antibiotic choice; how-
    ever, therapy should be guided by local antimicrobial policies
    and infection specialists. Involvement of a multidisciplinary
    team is essential for optimal outcomes .


    Bone and joint infections cause serious morbidity and pose

    significant management challenges. They may cause acute

    sepsis with bone and joint destruction, chronic pain, discharging

    wounds and permanent disability. With expanding populations

    and increasing age, bone and joint infections, especially those

    involving devices, will have a growing impact on healthcare

    resources. For effective management, well-coordinated

    multidisciplinary working is important.

    General considerations

    Pathogens can gain access into bone and joints through the blood

    stream (haematogenous route) or via direct inoculation from a

    contiguous focus of infection. Acute haematogenous infections

    are most common in children and the elderly.

    The presence of foreign material such as implanted devices or

    dead bone significantly reduces the number of organisms required

    to cause infection.
    Foreign or non-viable material also allows normal

    skin commensals, such as coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp,

    to become significant pathogens. Micro-organisms adhere to the

    inert surface where they are relatively protected from the blood

    supply, immune processes and antibiotics. Organisms, such as





    Bone and joint infection

    Key points

    In suspected bone and joint infections quality microbiological

    sampling is important. In those with features of sepsis or acute

    skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI), blood cultures and, where

    possible, aspirates should be taken immediately followed by

    prompt empiric antibiotic therapy. In other cases antibiotic

    therapy should wait until intraoperative samples are taken. In all

    acute bone and joint infections, orthopaedic surgeons, infection

    specialists and radiologists should be involved early

    Acute septic arthritis should be managed with diagnostic

    aspiration followed by prompt arthroscopy or arthrotomy and

    washout in conjunction with antibiotics. In some cases, where

    surgery may not be possible, serial closed joint aspirations might

    be an alternative option

    Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis needs prompt surgical

    drainage if there is a purulent collection. Other cases can be

    managed by antibiotics alone but with repeat imaging if there is

    failure to settle

    Patients with possible spinal infection need blood cultures,

    prompt MRI and spinal surgery review. In stable patients not

    requiring surgical intervention, a radiological biopsy should be

    considered to direct antimicrobial therapy. Tuberculosis, Brucella ,

    Nocardia and/or fungal cultures should be requested in patients

    with appropriate risk factors

    In diabetic foot infections it is important to recognise severe

    limb-threatening infections that require urgent surgical

    management. Signs of this are systemic sepsis, poor glycemic

    control, gas in soft tissues, abscess and infection from an ulcer

    tracking deeply through the foot to another site (eg plantar ulcer

    to dorsum of foot)

    KEYWORDS: bone and joint infection, osteomyelitis, septic

    arthritis, prosthetic joint infection, biofilm, diabetic foot infection,

    discitis, vertebral osteomyelitis ■

    Staphylococcus spp can produce extracellular polymeric substance

    (EPS). Micro-organisms embedded in EPS create a biofilm on the inert

    surfaces. By communicating with each other they are able to up and

    downregulate gene expression enabling regulation of growth and

    adaptation to the environment. Biofilm formation is an important

    mechanism for bacterial survival in chronic bone and joint infection.

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    © Royal College of Physicians 2018. All rights reserved. 151

    CME Infectious diseases

    Chronically established bone and joint infection can be persistent,

    evolve or relapse, even in the face of prolonged antimicrobial

    therapy. Biofilm has important implications for diagnostics, as well as

    surgical and antibiotic management.

    The ‘hot’ joint

    An inflamed ‘hot’ joint has a wide differential including

    inflammatory causes (septic arthritis, reactive, rheumatoid

    arthritis, spondyloarthropathies, SLE, gout or pseudo-gout) and

    non-inflammatory causes (degenerative joint diseases, trauma,

    avascular necrosis and Charcot’s arthropathy).

    Septic arthritis

    is important to exclude, as delayed or inadequate treatment can

    lead onto cartilage and then joint destruction.

    Acute septic arthritis

    Acute septic arthritis can affect any joint. It most commonly

    affects the knee but may also involve wrists, ankles, hips and the

    symphysis pubis. Polyarticular septic arthritis is more common

    in patients with inflammatory joint disease or overwhelming

    Injecting drug use is a risk factor for septic arthritis of the

    sternoclavicular, sternomanubral or sacroiliac joints, often also

    associated with endocarditis.

    The presentation can be similar to other inflammatory causes, such

    as crystal arthropathy, with an acutely painful, swollen, warm, red

    joint and a reduced range of movement. Features suggesting septic

    arthritis include fever and/or chills and absence of prior history or

    risk factors for gout, but dual pathology can occur. Risk factors for

    septic arthritis include extremes of age, bacteraemia, inflammatory

    joint disease, diabetes, intravenous drug use, alcoholism,

    immunosuppression, malignancy, recent trauma, intra-articular

    injections, arthroscopy or a prosthetic joint. The clinical history should

    include a sexual history (for gonococcal arthritis). A history of tick bite

    in an endemic area may raise the possibility of Lyme arthritis.

    Blood cultures may be positive in up to 50% of cases but are usually

    negative in gonococcal septic arthritis.
    Plain X-rays should be done

    to exclude other causes of hot joint, but are usually normal in early

    septic arthritis. Ultrasound is sensitive for detecting joint effusions

    and synovitis. Synovial fluid should be aspirated and examined for

    leucocytes, urate and pyrophosphate crystals and by Gram stain and

    culture. A semiquantitative synovial leucocyte count can differentiate

    inflammatory from non-inflammatory causes but cannot differentiate

    infection from other inflammatory causes.
    Gram stain has low

    sensitivity (<75%) especially in gonococcal arthritis (<25%). 4 Cultures are also often negative in the latter and, if suspected, molecular

    diagnostics (16S polymerase chain reaction) on synovial fluid may be

    considered and a urethral swab or urine should be sent for culture /

    nucleic acid amplification testing. Rectal and pharyngeal swabs may

    be indicated. If Lyme arthritis is suspected diagnosis is by serology.

    Diagnostic joint aspiration should be performed before antibiotics

    are given, except when the patient is acutely septic and aspiration

    delayed. Table 1 highlights the common bacterial causes and

    example antibiotic choices. All cases of suspected acute septic

    arthritis should be referred urgently to orthopaedics. Prompt

    arthroscopic or open washout is generally recommended despite

    the absence of good quality clinical trials. Observational studies

    show that in patients where surgery may be high risk, a more

    conservative approach of repeated aspirations may be effective.

    There is no good evidence to guide duration of antibiotic therapy

    for septic arthritis in adults. If synovial fluid Gram stain and cultures

    Table 1. Suggested empiric antibiotics for native joint septic arthritis in adults (but consult local guidelines).
    Modify, with microbiological advice, when culture results are available

    Suggested empiric antibiotic choice (after blood cultures and joint aspirate)

    Patient group Possible organisms No known drug

    Penicillin allergy
    (non-severe eg rash)

    Penicillin allergy (severe eg

    No specific risk factors Staphylococcus spp, beta-

    haemolytic streptococci

    IV flucloxacillin IV anti-staphylococcal

    cephalosporin (eg



    Frail, recurrent UTIs, end-

    stage renal failure, recent

    abdominal surgery?

    Aerobic Gram-negative rods IV co-amoxiclav

    IV 3rd generation

    cephalosporin (eg


    Clindamycin plus


    MRSA risk Meticillin-resistant S aureus Add IV



    Add IV glycopeptide
    Add IV glycopeptide


    Suspected gonococcal

    septic arthritis



    Neisseria gonorrhoeae IV 3rd generation

    cephalosporin (eg
    IV 3rd generation
    cephalosporin (eg

    Clindamycin plus ciprofloxacin

    (stop clindamycin if proven

    Neisseria infection)

    Intravenous drug usage S aureus . Less likely

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa ,


    IV flucloxacillin IV anti-staphylococcal
    cephalosporin (eg

    Known colonised with multidrug resistant organism

    MRSA, ESBL, CPE etc Discuss with microbiology

    Table adapted from

    Glycopeptides include vancomycin and teicoplanin. These should be used at high doses in bone and joint infection ie vancomycin at 10–12 mg/kg and teicoplanin at

    10 mg/kg. Modifications to dosing will need to be made in the setting of low body weight and/or impaired renal function.

    Consult local infectious diseases / micro or genitourinary medicine physicians

    ESBL = extended-spectrum beta-lactamases; CPE = carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae; IV = intravenous; MRSA = Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    152 © Royal College of Physicians 2018. All rights reserved.

    CME Infectious diseases

    (taken before antibiotics) are negative, gonococcal arthritis is not

    suspected and surgical findings are inconclusive then antibiotics

    should be reviewed, and stopped if there is a likely alternative

    diagnosis (eg crystal arthropathy). In proven septic arthritis, antibiotics

    are typically given for 2–4 weeks. The longer (4-week) course may be

    indicated with difficult organisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus or

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Failure to settle or relapse may

    mean a repeat washout is required; however, inflammatory changes

    often persist for several weeks after presentation. There is no evidence

    as to when antibiotics can be changed to the oral route. This would

    depend on clinical progress, extent of infection, bioavailability of oral

    agents and likely patient compliance. In likely gonococcal arthritis,

    the patient should also be referred to a genitourinary clinic for a full

    sexually transmitted infection screen.

    Infections involving prosthetic joints (PJI) should always be

    referred back to orthopaedics, who should also involve infection

    specialists. Acute PJI occurs either postoperatively (up to 3 months

    after the initial arthroplasty) or through haematogenous spread

    after a period in which the prosthesis has been sound. For acute PJIs,

    blood cultures, plain X-ray, ultrasound and aspiration of the joint

    are the initial diagnostic modalities.
    The prosthesis at this stage is

    usually sound (not loose) and the most appropriate management

    is a DAIR procedure (a radical open Debridement with exchange

    of modular components but Retention of the Implant followed by


    This needs to be done by an orthopaedic surgeon

    experienced in managing PJIs. Joint aspiration / arthroscopic

    washout may be required as an interim measure to drain pus if

    the relevant expertise is not immediately available. More chronic

    infections (usually presenting as increasing pain, loose prosthesis or

    a discharging sinus) may be managed by revision of the prosthesis

    in one or two stages or excision arthroplasty. When the prosthesis is

    sound, a DAIR may be considered. Expert management of the soft

    tissues and dead space is important and may require plastic surgery

    input eg a muscle flap. When surgery is performed for chronically

    infected prosthetic joints, this should be done off antibiotics and

    multiple samples taken using separate instruments for separate

    sites, for microbiology and histology. Postoperative antibiotics need

    to be managed by infection specialists and may be prolonged.


    In children the most common site for acute haematogenous

    osteomyelitis is the growing end of long bones. In adults, it is the spine.

    The most common organism is S aureus but other pathogens such as

    beta-haemolytic Streptococcus spp, Haemophilus influenzae , Kingella

    kingae or Mycobacterium tuberculosis are possible. In patients with

    sickle cell disease, osteomyelitis is commonly due to Salmonella spp.

    Osteomyelitis in children may relapse decades later in adulthood.

    Osteomyelitis may also occur in relation to infected fracture fixation

    devices. Infection may then contribute to delayed or non-union of the

    fracture. Figure 1 demonstrates the pathogenesis of osteomyelitis.

    Acute osteomyelitis usually presents with fever and pain at the site

    of infection. Other skeletal sites should be examined as multifocal

    osteomyelitis can occur. Blood cultures and plain films should be

    performed. The purpose of plain films is to look for other causes of

    pain (eg fracture) and evidence of periosteal reaction or lucency. The

    imaging modality of choice for osteomyelitis, however, is MRI, which

    may show bone oedema, abscess formation, and periosteal reaction.

    If infection is chronic there may also be evidence of a sinus, cloacae,

    periostitis, sequestrum and/or involucrum (Fig 2 ). Occasionally,



    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Seeding of




    pus and bone

    Fig 1. The pathogenesis of osteomyelitis. (a) Haematogenous bone
    infection results in medullary pus formation, acute infl ammation, systemic

    illness and often, secondary bacteraemia. Pus may then track into joints or

    through the cortex. (b) In cases that progress to chronicity, a subperiosteal
    abscess may form leading to periosteal stripping and devitalisation of bone.

    Viable bone is resorbed leading to lucency. (c) Bacteria on the surface of dead
    bone persist leading to chronic suppuration, tissue destruction, sinus formation

    and often further bone death. Dead bone form sequestra. Involucrum is new

    bone formation outside existing bone as a result of periosteal stripping and

    then new bone growth from the periosteum. (d) This may be breached by
    cloacae, through which pus and fragments of dead bone escape.

    (a) (b)

    Fig 2. X-ray (a) and MRI (b) of the left femur, showing an area of
    osteomyelitis, with a central sequestrum (dead bone) and involucrum
    (new bone formation) around this – marked with white arrows. Chronic
    disease is noted through the shaft of the femur, as well as visible overlying

    soft tissue deformity.

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    © Royal College of Physicians 2018. All rights reserved. 153

    CME Infectious diseases

    pathological fractures occur. If there are soft tissue collections, prompt

    aspiration for microbiology is appropriate. In acute osteomyelitis,

    many patients will respond to antibiotic treatment but those with

    evidence of pus on imaging require urgent surgical drainage /

    decompression. When osteomyelitis is chronic and/or related to a

    fracture fixation device it needs management by a multidisciplinary

    team experienced in the management of bone infections. Ideal

    management is with a combination of surgical resection with

    meticulous intraoperative sampling with/without stabilisation, with/

    without reconstruction, soft tissue management by plastic surgeons

    and appropriately managed postoperative antibiotics.

    Spinal infections (vertebral osteomyelitis, discitis,
    epidural abscess)

    Spinal infections are most commonly either haematogenous or

    postsurgical. Haematogenous infections are most commonly due

    to S aureus . Streptococcus spp, aerobic Gram-negative bacilli and

    M tuberculosis should also be considered as should Brucella spp

    in endemic areas and fungi in immunocompromised patients.

    All patients with known fever and weight loss and/or bacteraemia

    and/or endocarditis should have prompt spinal imaging if they

    have new or worsening back pain. Imaging, usually by MRI (or

    computed tomography if MRI is contraindicated), should look

    for evidence of epidural abscess, discitis, vertebral osteomyelitis

    and, critically, for evidence of cord / cauda equina compression

    or vertebral instability requiring urgent surgical intervention.

    Epidural collections usually require surgical drainage.


    blood cultures have already revealed a causative organism, deep

    microbiological samples should be obtained. This can be with

    intraoperative samples if surgery is indicated, or by radiological

    biopsy in other cases. This should be done urgently and, where

    possible, antibiotics withheld until after the biopsy has been

    taken (antibiotic therapy should not be delayed however in septic/

    unstable patients). Cases should be discussed with microbiology to

    ensure the relevant tests are done in the laboratory.

    Native vertebral osteomyelitis should be managed with 6 weeks

    of appropriately targeted therapy (possibly longer in complicated

    cases or where organisms such as Brucella spp are identified).

    Duration of therapy for epidural abscesses depends upon whether

    it was surgical drained and clinical/radiological response.

    Diabetic foot osteomyelitis

    Diabetic foot infections usually occur following skin ulceration

    in patients with neuropathy and/or vascular insufficiency.

    Infections can go on to cause adjacent osteomyelitis. In severe

    infections this can rapidly become limb and life threatening. It is

    essential for all patients, especially diabetics, presenting though

    acute medical services to have a full foot examination including

    Table 2. Diabetic foot infections: pathogens and suggested empiric antimicrobial therapy (but consult local

    Severity a Usual pathogens Treatment

    No known drug allergy Penicillin allergy (non-
    severe eg rash)

    Penicillin allergy
    (severe eg anaphylaxis)


    Mild (usually treated

    with oral



    Staphylococcus aureus

    (MSSA); Streptococcus spp

    Flucloxacillin or


    Doxycycline, clindamycin or trimethoprim/


    Meticillin-resistant S

    aureus (MRSA)

    A glycopeptide A


    Moderate (may be

    treated with oral or

    initial parenteral agents)

    MSSA; Streptococcus

    spp; Enterobacteriaceae;


    Co-amoxiclav 3rd generation cephalosporin

    eg ceftriaxone plus


    Clindamycin and


    Risk of Pseudomonas


    Anti-pseudomonal beta-

    lactam eg piperacillin-

    tazobactam or ceftazidime

    plus metronidazole

    Anti-pseudomonal beta-

    lactam eg ceftazidime plus


    MRSA If high risk of MRSA, add a


    Severe (usually treated

    with parenteral


    MRSA; Enterobacteriacae;

    Pseudomonas ; anaerobes

    Antipseudomonal beta-lactam eg ceftazidime and


    If high risk of MRSA, add a glycopeptide

    Clindamycin and

    Severity based on the Infectious Diseases Society of America severity score

    as follows:

    Uninfected : No symptoms or signs of infection present (symptoms/signs defined as at least two of local swelling or induration, erythema, local tenderness or pain,
    local warmth, purulent discharge)

    Mild : Local infection involving only the skin and subcutaneous tissue. If erythema, must be >0.5–≤2 cm around the ulcer. Exclude other causes of inflammatory
    response of the skin

    Moderate : Local infection (as above) with erythema >2 cm, or involving structures deeper than skin and subcutaneous tissue, and no systemic inflammatory
    response signs

    Severe : Local infection with signs of systemic inflammatory response with two or more of temperature >38°C or <36°C, heart rate >90 beats/min, respiratory rate
    >20 breaths/min or PaCO2 <32 mmHg, white blood cell count >12,000 or <4000 cells/μL or ≥10% immature (band) forms

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    154 © Royal College of Physicians 2018. All rights reserved.

    CME Infectious diseases

    the removal of dressings. An audit (England and Wales) in 2015

    showed that two-thirds of diabetic inpatients did not have a

    specific diabetic foot risk examination while an inpatient.

    Urgent surgical intervention may be required in those

    patients with abscesses, necrotising soft tissue infections and/

    or uncontrolled sepsis. Clinical evidence of pus tracking from

    one area (eg ulcer) to another may be indicative of deep

    spreading infection. Less urgent surgery may be required for

    those with substantial non-viable tissue or extensive bone or joint

    involvement. An early vascular assessment and involvement of

    a vascular surgeon to consider revascularisation in appropriate

    cases, especially those with critical ischaemia, is essential.

    Table 2 gives a guide to empiric antibiotic management based

    upon the severity of disease. Tissue sampling can be helpful for

    antimicrobial management. Superficial swabs often represent

    colonisation only, whereas deep tissue curettings / bone sampling

    can allow for appropriately targeted treatment.


    Bone and joint infections can present through the acute medical

    take. It is important to take a careful history and remove any

    dressings during initial assessment and to recognise when

    urgent surgical intervention is required. Microbiological sampling

    should be done in all cases, to allow for targeted antimicrobial

    management. Comorbidities must be adequately managed.

    Involvement of the multidisciplinary team is essential. ■


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    diagnosis and treatment of native vertebral osteomyelitis in adults .

    Clin Infect Dis 2015 ; 61 : e26 – e46 .

    16 Lipsky BA , Berendt AR , Cornia PB et al . 2012 Infectious Diseases

    Society of America clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis

    and treatment of diabetic foot infections . Clin Infect Dis

    2012 ; 54 : e132 – 73 .

    17 Health and Social Care Information Centre . National Diabetes

    Inpatient Audit (NaDIA) – 2015 . London : NHS Digital , 2016 . [ Accessed 12 June 2017 ].

    18 Bignell C , FitzGerald M . UK national guideline for the management

    of gonorrhoea in adults, 2011 . Int J STD AIDS 2011 ; 22 : 541 – 7 .

    Address for correspondence: Dr Bridget Atkins, Bone Infection
    Unit, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford University
    Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Windmill Road, Headington,
    Oxford OX3 7LD, UK.

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    C h a p t e r o u t l i n e

    C H A P T E RC H A P TT E R

    Introduction, 138

    The definition of pain, 138

    Types of pain, 139

    Nociceptive pain, 139

    Neuropathic pain, 140

    Psychogenic pain, 140

    Pain terminology, 140

    The physiology of pain, 141

    Nociceptors, 142

    Spinothalamic tract neurons, 144

    Thalamocortical neurons, 144

    Cortical representation of pain, 144

    Neuromodulation of pain, 146

    Clinical manifestations of pain, 146

    Evaluation and treatment, 146

    Pathophysiology of pain, 148

    Peripheral neuropathic pain, 148

    Paediatrics and pain, 149

    Central pain syndromes, 151

    Ageing and pain, 151

    Mark Plenderleith

    K e y t e r m s
    acute pain, 140
    affective-motivational aspect, 138
    allodynia, 141
    analgesia, 139
    anterior cingulate cortex, 144
    beta-endorphin, 145
    burning pain, 143
    central pain syndromes, 151
    central sensitisation, 151
    chronic pain, 140
    complex regional pain syndrome


    (CRPSs), 150
    endorphins, 145
    encephalin, 145
    fast-sharp pain, 143
    high-threshold mechanoreceptors,

    hyperalgesia, 141
    interoceptive cortex, 144
    mononeuropathy, 148
    neuromodulators, 146
    neuropathic pain, 140
    nociceptive pain, 139
    nociceptors, 142
    opioid receptors, 145
    pain threshold, 146
    pain tolerance, 146
    painful diabetic neuropathy, 150
    peripheral neuropathic pain, 148
    polyneuropathy, 150
    polymodal nociceptors, 143
    postherpetic neuralgia, 150
    psychogenic pain, 140
    referred pain, 140
    sensory-discriminative aspect, 138
    sharp pain, 143
    slow-burning pain, 143
    spinothalamic tract, 144
    thalamocortical neurons, 144

    C H A P T E R

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    Of all the sensations that arise from the human body, pain
    is one of the most clinically important. It is the sensation
    of pain that often motivates people to seek medical help as
    a result of a traumatic injury or a progressive disease,1 and
    it is often a consequence of surgical interventions used to
    treat injuries or disease. Pain is also clinically important as
    it encourages patients to adopt behaviours that enhance
    healing (such as limb immobilisation following a fracture).

    Pain also has a very important physiological role, as it
    acts as the conditioning stimulus that teaches us to avoid
    environmental stimuli that cause harm. As children, we
    learn not to touch sharp objects because it hurts, and
    even as adults this sensation helps us to adapt to new or
    unusual environments. For example, as a postgraduate
    student in England I remember staring in disbelief as a
    visiting scientist from Australia (wearing only shorts)
    walked into a bush of head-high stinging nettles to retrieve
    a Frisbee. Never having been exposed to the leaves of this
    particular plant, he had no idea of the effect that they have
    on exposed skin — until he emerged screaming in agony
    from the bushes that many of us had learned as children
    cause intense pain.

    In this chapter we consider the physiological basis of
    pain and then explore some of the clinical consequences of
    this very important sensation.

    The definition of


    Pain is a complex and highly subjective sensation that is
    affected by a large number of variables and consequently
    can be difficult to describe. In 1979 the International
    Association for the Society of Pain (IASP) defined pain
    is ‘an  unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
    associated with actual or potential tissue damage or
    described in terms of such damage’.2 Although this
    definition is a little cryptic it does highlight some of the key
    concepts related to pain. So to help you understand some
    of the most important elements of this complex sensation,
    let us have a closer look at this definition.

    The first thing that the IASP definition reminds us
    of is that pain is unpleasant. Whether the pain is caused
    by touching something hot or is the result of a surgical
    procedure or the growth of a tumour, the experience is
    likely to be a negative one. Although the intensity of the
    experience may vary from individual to individual and
    has been shown to be influenced by sex, race, age, culture,
    beliefs, previous experience, fear and anxiety,3–5 pain is
    invariably unpleasant and therefore is something we avoid
    or try to minimise.

    The second concept that emerges from the definition
    is that pain is a sensory experience. In some respects pain
    is no different from other senses such as hearing, taste or
    vision. Just as we can look up into the sky at night and
    define the position of a star, describe how bright it is and
    even attribute to it a colour, so we can identify the site
    and intensity of a painful stimulus applied to our bodies.

    Humans are, in general, very good at identifying the site
    of an injury that causes pain and can readily distinguish
    between stimuli of different intensities and indeed
    modalities. A pin prick applied to the anterior surface of
    the arm is thus easily distinguishable from a drop of acid
    applied to the wrist, not just by location but by the sharp
    quality of the former and the burning sensation produced
    by the latter. Indeed, psychophysical experiments using
    carefully controlled thermal stimuli have shown that
    humans can distinguish between two high-intensity
    thermal stimuli that differ by as little as 0.1°C.6 This ability
    to locate a painful stimulus and describe both its intensity
    and its quality is referred to as the sensory-discriminative
    aspect of pain.

    The definition then goes on to point out that pain is much
    more than a sensation — it is also an emotional experience.
    Because it is unpleasant (i.e. it is a negative  experience)
    it also elicits an emotional response in that it produces
    changes in both mental (affective) state and behaviour
    (motivation). Individuals exposed to a painful stimulus
    become anxious, tense, distressed or scared and, if the pain
    is ongoing, they may become depressed, develop a feeling of
    hopelessness and, ultimately, may even consider suicide. In
    addition, individuals are motivated to remove themselves
    from the source of the pain, avoid similar environments in
    the future and/or adopt behaviours that enhance healing.
    The degree to which these responses manifest themselves
    depends on a number of factors, including the intensity of
    the pain, its duration, the individual’s past experience and
    the availability of treatment. However, it is the emotional
    aspect of pain that predominates in severe and/or ongoing
    pain. The changes in mental state and behaviour that are
    part of the emotional component of pain are collectively
    referred to as the affective-motivational aspect of pain.

    The next part of the definition states that pain is
    caused by ‘actual or potential tissue damage’. This serves to
    remind us of two very important components about pain.
    The first is that it is normally produced by stimuli that
    are sufficiently intense to cause peripheral tissue damage
    (i.e. damage to peripheral tissues such as skin, muscle or
    visceral organs). So cutting the skin, impaired blood flow
    to the heart or damage to the wall of the digestive tract all
    cause pain because they result in ‘actual’ tissue damage. In
    other words the stimulus is of sufficiently high intensity
    for the integrity of the tissue to be compromised and we
    become aware of this because it results in pain. The second
    point that is implied by this part of the definition is that
    pain can also result from stimuli that have the ‘potential’
    to cause tissue damage. Therefore, touching something
    hot or stepping on a sharp object may cause pain, but little
    or no tissue damage, because the rapid withdrawal reflex
    removes your limb from the pain source (see Chapter 6).
    This is possible because the threshold for pain in some
    tissues is lower than the threshold for tissue damage, so
    behavioural modifications allow us to remove ourselves
    from the source of the stimulus or adopt behaviours
    that minimise tissue damage. Therefore, one important
    function of pain is to advise us of the presence of stimuli

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    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 139

    that could cause us harm and thereby provide us with
    the opportunity to prevent it happening (or reduce its

    The last part of the definition is probably the most
    cryptic as it is not immediately obvious what is meant
    by the phrase ‘or described in terms of such damage’. We
    know that pain is usually caused by stimuli that cause
    tissue damage (or have the potential to), but this part
    of the definition implies that you can experience pain
    that feels like it is caused by tissue damage without there
    being any peripheral tissue damage. Although this sounds
    counterintuitive, this is exactly the point. People can
    experience pain in parts of their body that do not exhibit
    any sign of disease or trauma. For example, a patient may
    complain of a severe burning pain in their left foot without
    the limb having been exposed to a heat source or showing
    any signs of peripheral tissue damage. The pain feels like it
    was caused by a burn injury, but there is no evidence of any
    peripheral tissue damage. In the absence of any physical
    evidence, in the past individuals experiencing this type of
    pain were sometimes considered hysterical or delusional
    and the pain was attributed to a psychological disorder. We
    now know that most such types of pain are the result of
    damage to the parts of the peripheral and central nervous
    systems responsible for sensations that arise from the
    affected tissue. Thus, although there is no peripheral tissue
    damage, the pain feels like it is caused by such damage.

    One of the factors that can contribute to the variable
    nature of the pain experienced is that the pain can be
    modified. In other words, the intensity of the sensation
    can be affected by behaviour, cognitive factors and
    clinical intervention. For example, in response to minor
    burns or cuts many people immediately rub the site of
    the injury. We do this because we have learned that this
    reduces the intensity of the pain (i.e. produces analgesia).
    Furthermore, soldiers in combat situations may suffer quite
    severe injuries but experience comparatively little pain
    because of the stress associated with the life-threatening

    situation. This type of pain modification is not limited to
    the battlefield, as anyone who has watched any Australian
    or New Zealand football code can attest. Analgesia can
    occur in trance-like states associated with certain religious
    and cultural rituals, and in the clinical environment
    analgesia can be produced by pharmacological agents,
    such as opioids, but also through other avenues, such as
    transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, acupuncture
    and cognitive behaviour modification.

    Collectively, pain can be considered a negative multi-
    dimensional experience that is typically associated  with
    peripheral tissue damage but in some pathological circ-
    um stances may exist in the absence of tissue damage. As
    a subjective experience, pain is highly labile and may be
    modified by cultural, situational and psychological as well
    as clinical interventions.

    Just how important pain is to the wellbeing of
    humans is perhaps best illustrated by considering the
    rather serious consequences of being unable to feel pain.
    Individuals born with a congenital insensitivity to pain
    suffer horrendous injuries because they are unaware of the
    damage they are doing to their bodies when, for example,
    they sit too close to a fire or bite into their tongue while
    eating (see Figure  7-1).7,8 They do not make the regular
    adjustments to their posture necessary to avoid damaging
    joints and can be completely oblivious to internal damage
    caused by disease. Not surprisingly, these types of injuries
    often become infected, are slow to heal and can be life-

    Types of pain
    Most common types of pain fall into one of three categories
    that vary in terms of their aetiology (or cause), duration
    and ease of treatment.

    Nociceptive pain
    Nociceptive pain is the most common type of pain
    and its defining characteristic is that it is produced by

    A B

    FIGURE 7-1

    Congenital insensitivity to pain.
    Photographs illustrating tissue damage in a 9-month-old boy with congenital insensitivity to pain. A Damage to the left thumb and index

    finger caused by biting. B Severe mutilation of the tongue.

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    nociceptive stimuli, which cause or have the potential to
    cause peripheral tissue damage. Nociceptive pain can be
    subdivided into two subtypes:
    • External damage. Pain due to external damage is the

    most common form of nociceptive pain and you are
    likely to have experienced it. As the name implies, this
    type of pain usually involves trauma to the skin but
    may extend to the underlying tissues. It is relatively
    mild and has a comparatively short time course,
    lasting a few seconds to a few days. Treatment of this
    type of pain usually involves simple interventions
    that assist the healing process of the affected tissues.
    Moreover, pain relief is relatively easy to achieve
    through the use of milder forms of analgesics, such as
    non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

    • Internal damage. Pain due to internal damage is less
    common and usually more severe than that associated
    with external damage. It has numerous causes. One
    of the principal causes is severe trauma, for instance
    due to bone fractures, surgery or childbirth. This
    type of pain is also associated with disease. In fact,
    pain is a symptom of virtually every disease (e.g.
    cancer, arthritis) at some point during the disease
    progression. The duration is usually quite a bit longer
    than that following external injury and typically is in
    the order of a few days to weeks. Treatment involves
    removing the cause of the tissue damage, but interim
    management of pain can be achieved with more
    powerful opioid analgesics.

    Neuropathic pain
    As the term implies, neuropathic pain is caused by injury
    or disease of the nervous system rather than a peripheral
    tissue.9 Fortunately, this type of pain is less common than
    nociceptive pain. Neuropathic pain is usually more severe
    and has a time course that can last from a few months
    to many years — and sometimes the rest of a person’s
    life. Because of the complex aetiology and the lack of
    knowledge of the underlying mechanisms, treatment is
    challenging. In some cases pharmacological interventions,
    particularly when used in combination, produce positive
    outcomes for patients. However, for others, pain relief is
    less satisfactory and specialised ongoing therapies are
    required in an effort to alleviate the effects of neuropathic
    pain. Forms of neuropathic pain are dealt with in more
    detail later in this chapter.

    Psychogenic pain
    It is well recognised that some people report pain that may
    be severe and persistent but for which there appears to be
    no underlying pathology. The pain experienced by these
    patients (typically headaches, abdominal pain, back pain)
    is indistinguishable from that experienced by people with
    identifiable injuries or disease. Such pain can be debilitating
    and consequently interferes with their ability to function
    normally. In the absence of any physical explanation for
    the symptoms, despite exhaustive clinical examination and
    testing, the assumption is made that the pain is the result

    of a psychological disorder, so it is termed psychogenic
    pain. It is very likely that some pain of neuropathic origin
    was at one time incorrectly diagnosed as psychogenic pain
    due to similarities in symptoms and the absence of any
    visible cause. However, due to improvements in diagnosis
    and more sophisticated medical imaging, diagnosis of
    psychogenic pain is less common.10


    1 Describe what is meant by the sensory-discriminative
    aspect of pain.

    2 Describe what is meant by the affective-motivational
    aspect of pain.

    3 Differentiate between nociceptive, neuropathic and
    psychogenic pain.

    4 Describe some of the ways in which pain can facilitate
    the healing process.

    Pain terminology
    Whereas some types of pain have a relatively short time
    course, others last a very long time indeed. In order to
    discriminate between these types of pain, the terms acute
    pain and chronic pain are used. Acute pain refers to any
    pain that lasts less than 3 months. In contrast, chronic
    pain is any pain that lasts longer than 3 months. The
    timelines outlined in the previous section suggest that
    most neuropathic pain is chronic pain, and although
    this is often the case, the two terms should not be used
    interchangeably. The terms acute and chronic refer
    exclusively to the time course of the pain, irrespective of
    aetiology. For instance, neuropathic pain that resolves
    within 3 months is considered acute, while cancer-related
    nociceptive pain that persists for more than 3 months is
    chronic. Approximately one-fifth of Australians suffer
    from chronic pain11 and are about five times more likely to
    use healthcare services than those without chronic pain.12
    Therefore, patients with chronic pain are a concern in the
    healthcare industry and you are likely to encounter them
    in all areas of the health sector.

    Another important aspect of pain is the location of the
    pain. Typically, neuropathic pain feels like it is coming
    from the part of the body that the affected nerve innervates.
    For example, a compression injury of branches of the
    sciatic nerve (shown in Figure 6-15) caused by damage
    to a vertebral disc can result in pain in the leg or foot.
    Interestingly, this disconnection between injury site and
    pain location is not restricted to neuropathic pain, but also
    occurs in some forms of nociceptive pain. For example, the
    first symptom of appendicitis is usually tenderness in the
    midline abdominal region, despite the inflamed appendix
    being located in the right lower quadrant (see Chapter 27).
    Similarly, one of the classical signs of myocardial infarction
    (see Chapter 23) is a shooting pain referred to the left
    shoulder or arm, when the tissue damage is actually
    occurring in the heart (see Figure 7-2). We refer to this
    type of pain as referred pain.

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    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 141

    Following injury the affected tissue becomes very sensitive
    to subsequent stimuli. Thus, we tend to protect a bruised heel
    or burnt hand because any additional stimulation greatly
    enhances the pain. The increased sensitivity that follows
    peripheral tissue damage can be attributed to two factors:
    there can be an amplified neural response to any subsequent
    painful stimulus and/or a decrease in the threshold such
    that previously non-painful stimuli now cause pain. To
    accommodate these two different characteristics we use
    the term hyperalgesia to describe the situation where the
    original tissue damage augments the pain produced by
    subsequent high-intensity (damaging) stimuli. The term
    allodynia refers to a reduction in the threshold such that pain
    is now produced by low-intensity (non-damaging) stimuli.
    (See Box 7-1 for key pain terminology.) These changes in
    sensitivity occur in nociceptive pain and many forms of
    neuropathic pain. For example, individuals with trigeminal
    neuralgia (an alteration to cranial nerve V causing episodes
    of excruciating pain to the face) rarely wear high collars or
    scarves because of mechanical allodynia, where even the
    gentle touch of such clothing can elicit excruciating pain
    referred to the face.13

    The physiology of pain
    Since pain is the conscious perception of a stimulus that
    causes tissue damage, this means that the presence of
    the stimulus has to be detected in the tissue and then
    information about the tissue damage relayed to the
    cerebral cortex, where it is consciously perceived as pain.
    In order to enable this, small patches of each peripheral
    tissue (skin, muscle and viscera) are connected to regions
    of the cerebral cortex by a three-neuronal pain pathway
    (see Figure 7-3). The first-order neuron in this path-
    way  carries the information from the periphery to the
    spinal cord, where it synapses with the second-order
    neuron. This second-order neuron relays the information
    to a number of sites in the brain. Some of the brain sites
    are involved in the autonomic nervous system reflex
    responses to injury (such as increases in cardiac output or
    ventilation rate). However, conscious perception of tissue






    A B

    Lung and







    A B

    FIGURE 7-2

    Visceral referred pain.
    Examples of some of the typical sites of referred pain from visceral
    structures on A the anterior and B the posterior surface of the body.
    (See also Box 7-2 later in this chapter.)

    Acute pain Pain that lasts less than 3 months.
    Allodynia Pain due to a stimulus that does not normally provoke pain.
    Analgesia Absence of pain in response to a stimulus that would normally be painful.
    Chronic pain Pain that lasts longer than 3 months.
    Hyperalgesia An increased response to a stimulus that is normally painful.
    Referred pain Pain perceived as occurring in a region of the body topographically distinct from the region in which the

    actual source of pain is located.

    BOX 7-1 Key pain terminology

    FIGURE 7-3

    Basic arrangement of the pain pathway.
    Schematic diagram showing that the pain pathway consists of
    three neurons, which connect peripheral tissues (skin, muscle and
    viscera) with the cerebral cortex. Large numbers of these three
    neuronal pathways are arranged in parallel to ensure that most
    tissues in the body are connected to the cortex.

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    damage is transmitted from the thalamus via the third-
    order neuron, which relays the information to the cerebral
    cortex. It is here that the individual becomes aware of
    the pain. Large numbers of these three-neuronal relays
    are arranged in parallel to ensure that most tissues in the
    body are connected to the cerebral cortex. The structure
    and function of each of these three classes of neuron are
    considered in more detail in the following section.

    Nociceptors are the first-order neurons in the pain path way.
    They are a subpopulation of the primary sensory neurons
    that collectively are responsible for the detection of all
    sensations, such as touch, temperature, muscle length and
    joint position (see Chapter 6). Like other primary sensory
    neurons, they have a cell body located in the posterior root
    ganglia, just outside the spinal cord, and an axon that runs
    from the peripheral tissue through a peripheral nerve and
    terminates within the superficial layers of the posterior
    horn of the spinal cord (see Figure 7-4).

    The important thing about nociceptors is that they are
    selectively activated by high-intensity stimuli that have
    the potential to cause tissue damage. Thus, they are not
    activated by low-intensity (innocuous) stimuli, and only
    respond when the stimulus is of sufficient intensity to
    threaten the integrity of the tissue they innervate.

    In addition, tissue damage leads to the release of
    substances that produce pain. These substances are
    intricately involved in the inflammation process (see
    Chapter 13 for more detail) and often cause a cascade of
    inflammatory events, such as vasodilation, local swelling
    and stimulation of nociceptors. The most recognised
    substances are bradykinin, histamine and prostaglandin.
    Some substances are released by cells that migrate to
    the injured site, such as mast cells and white blood
    cells, while other substances are released by the tissues
    themselves. These substances flood the injured site during
    the inflammatory process and have been referred to as an
    ‘inflammatory soup’ (see Figure 7-5). Collectively, they
    stimulate nociceptors, which transmit the pain signals to

    FIGURE 7-4

    Detailed arrangement of the pain pathway.
    The relationship between nociceptors (red), spinothalamic tract
    neurons (blue) and thalamocortical neurons (green) as they course
    through the peripheral and central nervous systems.

    FIGURE 7-5

    Tissue damage leading to inflammation and stimulation of
    In this example, tissue damage has occurred to the skin causing
    the release of a ‘soup’ of substances, namely bradykinin, serotonin,
    potassium and prostaglandin, which stimulate nociceptors. Mast
    cells degranulate (release the contents of) histamine when triggered
    by tissue damage, which stimulates the nerve ending but also
    causes the blood vessels to allow fluid to leak into the extracellular
    space, causing swelling and more pain stimulation.

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    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 143

    the brain and then the individual becomes aware of the
    injured tissue.

    Not surprisingly, nociceptors have been identified in
    virtually every peripheral tissue from which we experience
    pain. However, a lot more is known about the properties of
    the nociceptors responsible for sensations that arise from
    the skin than from other structures. Therefore, we begin by
    examining the properties of these cutaneous nociceptors
    before considering what is known about the neurons
    responsible for detecting tissue damage in deeper tissues
    such as muscle and viscera.

    Cutaneous nociceptors
    It is well established that there are two distinct pain
    sensations — sharp pain and burning pain — that differ in
    their timing and quality. These can be clearly demonstrated
    by a mechanical injury such as that produced by a paper
    cut or pin-prick. Very shortly after a mechanical injury we
    experience a pain that has a ‘sharp’ quality. A few seconds
    later we experience a second pain sensation that is usually
    described as ‘burning’. The burning pain can also be elicited
    by exposure to high temperatures and by the application of
    pain-producing chemicals such as acid. Underlying these
    two sensations are two classes of nociceptor in the skin that
    are quite distinct in structural and functional properties:
    high-threshold mechanoreceptors and polymodal noci-
    ceptors (see Table 7-1).

    High threshold mechanoreceptors
    Structurally, high threshold mechanoreceptors have small
    diameter myelinated axons in which action potentials
    travel along their length at about 5–15 m/sec. The axons
    terminate within the dermis of the skin as simple ‘free
    nerve endings’ with none of the specialised structures
    associated with low threshold mechanoreceptors (such as
    touch receptors).

    As the name suggests, high threshold mechanoreceptors
    are activated by high intensity mechanical stimuli such as a
    pin-prick, cutting or pinching the skin. They are completely
    unresponsive to low-threshold stimuli (touch, vibration,
    warmth) or to painful thermal or chemical stimuli.

    Clearly this class of cutaneous nociceptor is very well-
    suited to detecting mechanical injury of the skin as they
    are activated only by mechanical stimuli at intensities high
    enough to cause damage. In addition, because these neurons
    have myelinated axons they are able to relay information
    about a mechanical injury to the spinal cord rapidly.
    For these reasons, high threshold mechanoreceptors are
    responsible for detecting the fast-sharp pain that follows a
    mechanical injury of the skin.

    Polymodal nociceptors
    Like high threshold mechanoreceptors, cutaneous
    polymodal nociceptors have free nerve endings in the
    dermis, with some projecting into the epidermis. Therefore,
    they are well positioned to detect stimuli affecting the skin.
    They have small-diameter axons but no myelin sheath
    and consequently action potentials travel along these

    unmyelinated axons relatively slowly (0.5–2.5  m/sec)
    compared to high-threshold mechanoreceptors.

    As their name suggests, this class of nociceptors
    respond to multiple modalities of high intensity stimuli.
    They respond to the same high intensity mechanical
    stimuli that activate high-threshold mechanoreceptors
    but in addition are activated by high temperatures (above
    45°C) and a range of chemicals (such as acid). This is
    important, because these intense thermal and chemical
    stimuli will cause pain when exposed to the skin. Thus, this
    class of nociceptor is truly polymodal in that they respond
    to mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli of sufficient
    intensity to cause damage to the skin. As polymodal
    nociceptors are activated by high intensity mechanical
    stimuli, but have unmyelinated axons and hence a slow
    conduction velocity, they are responsible for the slow-
    burning pain that follows mechanical injury of the skin.
    In addition, the burning sensation that is characteristic
    of heat or chemical injury to the skin is relayed by these

    A mechanical injury such as a cut will, of course,
    activate both high threshold mechanoreceptors and
    poly modal nociceptors in the skin at exactly the same
    time. However, because action potentials travel along
    myelinated axons much more quickly than along unmye-
    linated axons, the information carried by the high
    threshold mechanoreceptors reaches the spinal cord before
    that carried by the polymodal nociceptors. Because this
    time difference is maintained all the way through to the
    cerebral cortex the first sensation we perceive is mediated
    by the high threshold mechanoreceptors and has a sharp
    quality (fast-sharp pain) and this is followed a couple of
    seconds later by a burning sensation because of the activity
    of polymodal nociceptors (slow-burning pain).

    Musculoskeletal and visceral nociceptors
    Studies of nociceptors in deeper tissues (muscles, joints
    and visceral organs) suggest that the vast majority have
    unmyelinated axons and therefore relatively slow conduction

    TABLE 7-1 Comparison of the structural and functional
    properties of cutaneous nociceptors


    Axon diameter Small Small
    Myelin sheath Yes No

    Conduction velocity 5–15 m/sec 0.5–2.5 m/sec
    Activated by low-
    threshold stimulus

    No No

    Activated by
    mechanical injury

    Yes Yes

    Activated by thermal

    No Yes

    Activated by
    damaging chemicals

    No Yes

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    velocities.14–16 Some of these are activated by high-intensity
    mechanical stimuli as well as a variety of pain-producing
    chemicals. Although the temperature sensitivity of these
    neurons can be difficult to test, many of them respond to
    high temperatures, suggesting that they are like polymodal
    nociceptors. As these neurons are not activated by low-
    intensity stimuli they are very well-suited at detecting the
    twisting of joints, the distension of visceral organs and
    ischaemia, which often causes pain in deeper tissues.

    A new class of nociceptor has been identified in joints,
    muscle and visceral organs that is completely insensitive
    to stimulation in normal healthy tissue. These nociceptors
    cannot be activated by either low intensity or high intensity
    stimulation and are called silent (or ‘sleeping’) nociceptors.16
    However, if the peripheral tissue these neurons innervate
    becomes inflamed, they are activated and may even begin to
    respond to relatively low-threshold stimuli — that is, stimuli
    that would not cause pain in healthy tissue. Interestingly,
    these neurons do not appear to have any physiological role
    but instead are responsible for the sometimes debilitating
    pain that is often associated with tissues that become
    inflamed because of damage or disease.

    in the thalamus. The thalamus is a large, oval-shaped
    structure located deep within the forebrain underneath the
    cerebral hemispheres and lateral to the third ventricle (see
    Figure 7-4). It is a major component of the diencephalon,
    and receives information from all the senses (except smell)
    and passes this on to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus is
    made up of a large number of nuclei, named according to
    their anatomical position. Spinothalamic tract neurons
    terminate in two structurally distinct regions of the
    thalamus. Some neurons terminate in a group of nuclei
    in  the posterolateral (back and to the side location) part
    of the thalamus, while another population synapse in the
    medial (towards the midline) region (see Figure 7-4).
    These two different termination sites form the basis for
    projections from the thalamus to the

    cerebral cortex.

    Thalamocortical neurons
    The third-order neurons of the pain pathway collect the
    information relayed to the thalamus by spinothalamic tract
    neurons and relay this to the cerebral cortex, and so are
    referred to as thalamocortical neurons. As there are two
    thalamic sites that receive information about peripheral
    tissue damage from the spinothalamic tract, there are two
    distinct populations of thalamocortical neurons:
    • Thalamocortical neurons with their cell bodies in

    the posterolateral parts of the thalamus are activated
    by high-intensity stimulation of small, well-defined
    regions in the periphery and relay this information
    in a highly ordered fashion to the somatosensory
    cortex of the parietal lobe and the adjacent insular
    cortex. The insula is the lobe of the cerebral cortex
    hidden behind the parietal and temporal lobes, and
    the region where these lateral thalamocortical neurons
    terminate is referred to as the interoceptive cortex
    (see Figure 7-4) as it receives sensory information
    about the physiological condition of the whole

    • Thalamocortical neurons that are located in the
    medial thalamus tend to be activated by painful
    stimulation of large areas of the body — for instance,
    a whole limb — and relay this information to the
    anterior cingulate cortex of the frontal lobe (see
    Figure 7-4).

    Cortical representation of pain
    There are three known cortical regions that are responsible
    for the perception of pain: the lateral pain pathway
    that terminates in the parietal and insular lobes, and a
    medial pain pathway that terminates in the frontal lobe.
    Functional brain imaging and analyses of patients with
    damage to these different cortical areas suggest that
    they are responsible for different aspects of the pain

    Brain imaging analyses of both somatosensory and
    interoreceptive cortices have revealed that they are
    activated by painful peripheral stimuli.17 In addition,
    electrical stimulation of the interoreceptive cortex in
    conscious humans has shown that the pain is located in


    1 Discuss why a paper cut causes two sensations that
    have different qualities and delays.

    2 Describe the anatomy of nociceptor cell bodies and
    axon terminals.

    3 Provide an explanation of the type of nociceptor
    responsible for the pain associated with myocardial
    infarction (heart attack).

    Spinothalamic tract neurons
    The nociceptors that relay action potentials intersect with
    the spinal cord. The ascending pathway connects the
    spinal cord with the thalamus and consequently is referred
    to as the spinothalamic tract (refer to Figure 6-19).
    Spinothalamic tract neurons are second-order neurons
    in the pain pathway and they receive information about
    peripheral tissue damage from nociceptors and relay it to
    the thalamus.

    Spinothalamic tract neurons have their cell bodies
    located in the superficial layers of the grey matter of
    the posterior horn of the spinal cord (see Figure 7-4).
    Therefore, they are well positioned to receive the inputs
    from the nociceptors that terminate there. The axons of
    spinothalamic tract neurons cross the midline of the spinal
    cord underneath the central canal and then ascend along
    the length of the spinal cord in the white matter on the
    opposite side. The axons of spinothalamic tract neurons
    from different parts of the body appear to run together
    in a white matter tract (the funiculus, which translates
    as ‘slender cord’), which is located between the anterior
    funiculus and lateral funiculus and is known as the
    anterolateral funiculus (see Figure 7-4).

    The axons of spinothalamic tract neurons project out
    of the spinal cord, through the brainstem and terminate

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    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 145

    well-defined peripheral tissues.18 This is supported by the
    observation that damage to this part of the cortex interferes
    with pain perception.19 These observations have led to the
    suggestion that the lateral pain pathway is responsible for
    the sensory-discriminative aspect of pain (i.e. the position,
    intensity and modality of the tissue damage).

    Analysis of the anterior cingulate cortex with functional

    imaging has revealed that it is activated by peripheral
    tissue damage and that these responses can be alleviated
    by hypnosis.20,21 Furthermore, patients who have damage
    in this region can still feel pain but are less troubled
    by it.22 Therefore, it is believed that the medial pain
    pathway is involved in the affective-motivational aspect
    of pain.



    (afferent pathway)

    To thalamusInterneuron

    Excitatory impulse
    (afferent pathway)

    Impulse from brain
    (efferent pathway)

    Dorsal root



    blocked by
    release of




    FIGURE 7-6

    Descending pathway and endorphin release.
    Endorphin receptors are located close to the known pain receptors in the peripheral tissues and pain pathways in the spinal cord.

    Although the origin of cutaneous and musculoskeletal pain is usually fairly well-defined (that is, we can determine the origin
    of the pain fairly well), visceral pain can be a little more difficult to localise. For example, pain from the heart is often referred
    to the left shoulder and arm. It is thought that when many nociceptors from different peripheral tissues merge onto the same
    spinothalamic tract neurons, the pain will be referred. So, a population of spinothalamic tract neurons may receive input from
    nociceptors in the left arm as well as the heart. Typically, they are activated by injury of the skin or muscles of the left arm,
    and the cerebral cortex associates activity in these neurons with arm pain. However, the cerebral cortex cannot distinguish
    between this and activation of the same neurons by nociceptors in the heart, so the angina pain is referred to the left arm.
    The exact reason for this is not known.

    Endorphins (endogenous opioids produced by the body) inhibit transmission of pain impulses in the spinal cord and brain
    by binding to opioid receptors. These are receptors in the central nervous system that block pain transmission. You may be
    familiar with the term endorphins as they are released during exercise and produce the ‘runner’s high’ that gives the exercising
    individual a sense of euphoria, despite being physically drained and experiencing pain. It is thought that endorphins attach
    to the limbic and prefrontal areas of the brain (involved in emotion), which alters the individual’s mood. Beta-endorphin is
    a potent substance, released from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which results in analgesic effects. It may also be
    responsible for general sensations of wellbeing. Encephalin, found in the neurons of the brain and spinal cord, is a weaker
    analgesic than other endorphins but is more potent and longer lasting than morphine.

    All endorphins attach to opioid receptors on the cell membrane of the afferent neuron (see Figure 7-6) and inhibit the
    release of excitatory neurotransmitters. Opioid analgesics relieve pain by attaching to the opioid receptors and enhancing the
    natural endorphin response. Stress, excessive physical exertion, acupuncture, sexual intercourse and other factors increase the
    levels of circulating endorphins, serotonin, noradrenaline and other neurotransmitters, thereby raising the pain threshold.

    BOX 7-2 Mechanisms of referred pain

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    Neuromodulation of pain
    As well as the neural pathways, several substances are
    capable of altering the pain pathways. Collectively, these
    are referred to as neuromodulators. They are found in
    the pathways that control information about painful
    stimuli throughout the nervous system. Neuromodulators
    are substances, other than neurotransmitters, which  are
    released by neurons and transmit signals to other
    neurons that change the activities of these neurons. It is
    thought  that neuromodulators are released in response
    to tissue injury (such as prostaglandins, bradykinin) and
    chronic inflammatory changes (cytokines; see Chapter 12).
    Excitatory neuromodulators (ones that propagate the action
    potential that excites the neuron) include substances
    such  as glutamate, substance P, somatostatin and vaso-
    active intestinal polypeptide. Inhibitory neuromodulators
    (ones that delay or stop nerve transmission) include
    gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 5-hydroxytryptamine
    (serotonin), noradrenaline and endorphins.

    well as sweating, when experiencing pain, especially acute
    surgical pain. However, these clinical signs are not universal
    in all individuals who are experiencing pain. When there
    is damage to the internal organs, this can also result in
    activation of the sympathetic nervous system, causing an
    elevation in cardiovascular and respiratory responses.

    Evaluation and treatment
    The evaluation of pain is often difficult. Nurses are usually
    the primary clinicians responsible for assessing a patient’s
    pain. Foremost in the evaluation of pain is to listen to,
    and believe, what the patient says about their level of
    pain. There is no single test that assesses an individual’s
    level of pain and, despite numerous measures to provide
    an objective measure of pain, the most useful is asking
    the patient to relate the location, type and duration of the
    pain, as well as any therapies previously used to effectively
    alleviate pain.

    As well as receiving information from the patient about
    their pain, there are numerous pain measurement tools
    that the clinician can use to obtain more information about
    the patient’s pain (see Figure 7-7). These can be used to
    assess changes in the patient’s level of pain and response
    to therapies. In addition, facial pain scales can be used for
    individuals who may not be able to vocalise their feelings of
    pain or who cannot speak (see ‘Paediatrics and pain’ below).

    The management of pain can be divided into
    pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, or
    a combination of both. The principal management aim
    should be to treat the cause of pain, if possible. Second,
    choose appropriate therapies that target the type of pain.
    For instance, opioids and NSAIDs target nociceptive pain.
    If using pharmacological agents, provide doses regularly
    and prevent pain from arising, such as postsurgical
    pain. The administration route also becomes important
    when deciding the severity of the pain. While originally
    developed for the management of cancer pain, the World
    Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder provides
    a simple scale for the determination of pharmacological
    agents in pain management (see Figure 7-8). The effect
    of different types of analgesic agents on pain pathways is
    illustrated in Figure 7-9.

    If the pain is bilateral, then more effective relief can
    be produced by a midline myelotomy (see Figure 7-10).
    The objective of this procedure is to cut the axons of the
    spinothalamic tract neurons as they cross the midline
    underneath the central canal. A midline myelotomy
    is a complicated procedure as it usually requires a
    laminectomy to access the posterior surface of the spinal
    cord and special care to ensure that the lesion is made
    at the correct level in order to target the axons of  the
    appropriate spinothalamic tract neurons. However,
    the  advantage of the procedure is that it cuts the axons
    of the spinothalamic tract neurons crossing the midline
    from both sides of the spinal cord and so produces
    bilateral analgesia, which is particularly beneficial when
    the pain is of visceral origin. (See also Box 7-3.)


    1 Discuss why a cut in the right thalamus might interfere
    with the ability to feel pain on the left side of the body.

    2 Outline which cortical sites are thought to be involved in
    the conscious perception of pain.

    3 Describe how neuromodulators of pain alter pain signal

    Clinical manifestations of pain
    Pain is complex and highly subjective, meaning that no two
    people are likely to experience the same level of pain for a
    given painful stimulus. Pain tolerance is the amount of time
    or the intensity of pain that an individual will endure before
    initiating overt pain responses. Pain tolerance varies greatly
    among individuals, as well as in the same individual over
    time, because of the body’s ability to respond differently
    to noxious stimuli. It is influenced by cultural perceptions,
    expectations, role behaviours, gender and physical and
    mental health.23 It generally decreases with repeated
    exposure to pain, fatigue, anger, boredom, apprehension and
    sleep deprivation; and may increase with increased alcohol
    consumption, medication, hypnosis, warmth, distracting
    activities and strong beliefs or faith.

    The pain threshold is the lowest intensity at which a
    stimulus is perceived as pain and may be influenced by
    genetics.24 Intense pain at one location may increase the
    threshold in another location. For example, a person with
    severe pain in one knee is less likely to experience chronic
    back pain that is less intense. Therefore, an individual
    with many painful sites may report only the most painful
    one. Then, when the dominant pain is diminished, the
    individual identifies other painful areas.

    While pain is a subjective sensation, it may result
    in changes in the level of autonomic nervous system
    activation. Patients often experience an increase in heart
    rate, blood pressure, ventilation, nausea and vomiting, as

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    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 147


    Pain intensity scale







    Pain distress scale

    None Annoying Uncomfortable Bad Dreadful Agonising,

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    0–10 numerical pain intensity scale

    Simple descriptive pain distress scale




    0 2 4 6 8 10











    FIGURE 7-7

    Scales for rating the intensity of pain.
    The numerical and facial scales can be used by patients to self-rate their pain. A Pain intensity scale. B Pain distress scale. C Facial pain scale

    for children. D Facial pain scale for adults, used in multiple languages.

    Due to their well-characterised anatomical location, the axons of spinothalamic tract neurons are sometimes targeted in surgical
    approaches for the treatment of severe chronic pain in patients whose pain is inadequately controlled by analgesics.25,26 Because
    of the importance of these neurons in the onward transmission of the pain signal, cutting the axons should result in abolition of
    the pain.

    In an anterolateral cordotomy (-otomy refers to surgical cutting) the objective is to cut the axons of the spinothalamic tract
    as they course through the anterolateral funiculus. At one time this involved exposing the lateral surface of the spinal cord with
    an operation called a laminectomy, so that the cordotomy could be performed under direct visual control. Today, it is performed
    percutaneously (through the skin) and involves the insertion of an electrode into the anterolateral funiculus of the upper cervical
    segments of the spinal cord, which is visualised using computed tomography (CT) scanning. The cut is made by heating the tip
    of the electrode. Anterolateral cordotomy is particularly useful when the pain is unilateral, as the lesion only affects the axons of
    the spinothalamic tract on one side of the body (see Figure 7-10A).

    BOX 7-3 Surgical treatment of chronic pain

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    Pathophysiology of pain
    So far we have considered pain from a physiological
    perspective and have identified it as both having a protective
    function (warning us about environments that can cause
    us harm) and acting as a stimulus to adopt behaviours
    that enhance healing. However, when the nervous system
    components that are responsible for detecting pain are
    themselves affected by injury or disease, the consequences
    can be severe and persistent neuropathic pain. It has
    been estimated that chronic pain affects about 3.2 million
    Aust ralians and that the total cost of chronic pain on
    the Australian economy is about $34.3 billion per year
    — that is, more than $10,000 per person with chronic
    pain.27 Healthcare costs are estimated to comprise 20%
    of these costs (about $7 billion per year), mainly due to
    inpatient, outpatient and out-of-hospital medical costs.27
    The different types of peripheral pathophysiological pain
    are summarised in Table 7-3.

    Peripheral neuropathic pain
    Peripheral neuropathic pain results from damage to
    the peripheral nervous system including the cranial
    nerves, spinal nerves and any of the peripheral nerves
    that branch from these. Typically the pain feels like it
    is coming from the parts of the body that the affected
    nerves innervate — that is, referred pain — and the
    pain often has a characteristic quality (e.g. burning or
    shooting). The term mononeuropathy is used where only

    Mild pain

    Moderate pain

    Severe pain

    Opioid + non-opioid

    Opioid + non-opioid


    ± Adjuvant

    ± Adjuvant

    ± Adjuvant







    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Advance up the ladder if pain persists

    FIGURE 7-8

    Strategy for pharmacological management of pain using the
    World Health Organization analgesic ladder.
    Multiagent therapy is usually required for optimal pain
    management. Patients with mild pain should be started on a
    non-opioid analgesic, and those with moderate pain on a step 2
    opioid. Many patients can benefit from the addition of a non-opioid
    to the opioid (e.g. for bone pain) or an adjuvant agent to the opioid
    (e.g. for neuropathic pain). If this combination does not produce
    adequate relief or the patient presents with severe pain, step 3
    opioids should be begun initially.





    tract Primary afferent



    Noxious stimulus

    Local anaesthetics


    Epidural and
    local anaesthetics

    FIGURE 7-9

    Schematic diagram outlining the nociceptive pathway for
    transmission of painful stimuli.
    Interventions that prevent nociceptive transmission are shown
    at the points in the pathway that are thought to be their sites of
    action. Agents that block the transduction of pain actually prevent
    the generation of pain action potentials. In contrast, agents that
    block transmission actually stop the relay of action potentials to the
    cerebral cortex.

    FIGURE 7-10

    Surgical approaches to pain relief.
    Two approaches to the surgical alleviation of pain that target the
    axons of spinothalamic tract neurons as they project through
    the anterolateral funiculus, A, and cross the midline underneath the
    central canal, B.

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    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 149

    There is now compelling evidence to suggest that
    newborn children have the neural apparatus necessary
    to perceive pain. Despite this pain in young children
    is very poorly managed with analgesics administered
    infrequently or sometimes not at all. The evaluation
    of pain in infants and young children represents a
    significant challenge as they are unable to effectively
    communicate what they feel and may therefore receive
    inadequate pain control following traumatic injury or
    during painful medical procedures (Table 7-2). A number
    of behavioural assessment tools have been developed to

    allow carers to obtain a quantitative estimate of pain in
    preverbal children. The most popular of these for both
    procedural and postoperative pain is the Face Legs
    Activity Cry Consolability (FLACC) scale. The presence
    of pain-related behaviours associated with each of these
    five components is scored from 0 to 2 giving an overall
    rating of 0 (no pain) through to 10 (severe pain). This
    scale has been used successfully in the assessment of pain
    in neonates through to teenagers where it is particularly
    useful in the assessment of individuals with impaired
    cognitive function.


    TABLE 7-2 Pain perception in infants, children and the elderly


    Pain threshold Painful neonatal experiences increase pain sensitivity Lower or the same as

    No increase compared with
    middle age


    Increased heart rate, blood pressure and ventilatory
    rate; flushing or pallor, sweating and decreased
    oxygen saturation

    Same as infants;
    nausea and vomiting

    Same as infants and children;
    nausea and vomiting


    Changes in facial expression, crying and body
    movements, with lowered brows drawn together;
    vertical bulge and furrows in the forehead between
    the brows; broadened nasal root; tightly closed
    eyes; angular, square-shaped mouth, chin quiver;
    withdrawal of affected limbs, rigidity, flailing

    Individual responses

    Individual responses vary and
    may be influenced by the
    presence of painful chronic

    TABLE 7-3 Clinical features and likely pathophysiology of peripheral neuropathies


    Complex regional pain
    syndrome (type II)

    Traumatic injury of peripheral nerves causing
    spontaneous action potentials to be generated in
    both damaged and intact nociceptors

    Ongoing pain, allodynia, hyperalgesia,
    oedema, cutaneous blood flow and sweating

    Painful diabetic neuropathy Hyperglycaemia leading to degeneration of
    unmyelinated sensory neurons

    Loss of sensation and burning pain in feet and

    Postherpetic neuralgia Infection of peripheral nerves with varicella zoster
    virus leading to sensory neuron loss

    Loss of sensation, pain and allodynia in
    dermatome of infected nerve

    Lumbosacral radicular pain Herniated intervertebral disc, resulting in
    compression injury of spinal nerve causing
    spontaneous activity in nociceptors

    Lancinating (stabbing, piercing sensation) pain
    in the thigh or lower leg

    Phantom limb pain Spontaneous activation of nociceptors in
    neuroma and sensitisation of central neurons as a
    result of nerve transection during amputation

    Ongoing cramping or aching pain referred to
    amputated limb

    Trigeminal neuralgia
    (Tic douloureux)

    Compression of the trigeminal nerve (sometimes
    by an atypical blood vessel) as it enters the brain

    Episodes of severe, sharp, piercing pain
    referred to the facial region sometimes
    triggered by light touch

    peripheral neuropathy

    Chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity of
    myelinated primary sensory neurons

    Loss of sensation and spontaneous burning

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    a single nerve is involved and polyneuropathy is used
    where multiple nerves are affected. The nerve damage
    that causes the pain can be the result of a range of factors,
    including physical injury, disease, infection or poisoning
    (e.g. chemotherapy).

    One of the most common causes of painful peripheral
    neuropathies is where a peripheral nerve is damaged
    by a traumatic injury. The damage can be caused by a
    variety of mechanical insults such as nerve compression
    (following a crush injury) or transection (as the result
    of a penetrating injury or surgical procedure). The
    resultant pain is severe, often has a burning quality and
    is characterised by both hyperalgesia and allodynia.
    These types of pain used to be referred to as causalgias
    but are now known as complex regional pain syndromes

    Painful diabetic neuropathy is an example of a
    neuropathic pain caused by either type 1 or type 2
    diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, it occurs in more
    than 50% of individuals with long-standing diabetes.
    Painful diabetic neuropathy appears to be due to
    hyperglycaemia, as the pain can be reduced in severity
    and delayed in onset by careful control of blood
    glucose levels.29 The longer the length of the axons, the
    more susceptible the neurons are to hyperglycaemia,
    which is why painful diabetic neuropathy is usually
    characterised by numbness and burning pain in the distal
    extremities (a ‘stocking and glove’ type distribution)
    (see Figure 7-11) that gradually spreads proximally
    and becomes more severe.30 The lack of  sensation in
    the affected areas may result in the formation of ulcers,
    which may require limb amputation if they become
    gangrenous. The major cause of the painful neuropathy
    appears to be degeneration of unmyelinated axons caused
    directly by hyperglycaemia, as well as ischaemia caused

    by hyperglycaemia-induced damage to the blood vessels
    supplying the peripheral nerves. Further descriptions of
    diabetes are in Chapter 35.

    Infections of the peripheral nerves can also result
    in neuropathic pain. About 20% of Australians will
    experience shingles (herpes zoster) during their lifetime.
    In shingles, the virus responsible for chickenpox (varicella)
    can lie dormant in the sensory nerves for years and then
    spontaneously erupt to cause a rash and painful blisters
    in the skin innervated by the infected nerves. Although
    the rash and blisters usually heal, in some sufferers
    the pain persists and is referred to as postherpetic

    Given the diversity of causes of these peripheral
    neuropathies, it is perhaps not surprising that the
    mechanisms that underlie them differ and indeed in
    many cases remain poorly understood. Probably one
    of the better understood pathologies is that following a
    traumatic injury of a peripheral nerve responsible for
    CRPS. Where the nerve is completely transected (cut)
    or crushed, the portions of the axons distal to the injury
    typically degenerate because they are separated from
    their supporting cell bodies in the posterior root ganglia.
    This results in sensory loss due to the denervation of the
    peripheral tissue innervated by the affected nerve, as well
    as the formation of a neuroma at the site of the nerve
    damage. A neuroma consists of a disorganised array of
    scar tissue, neuroglial cells and inflammatory cells, as
    well as the axons of neurons attempting to regenerate
    along the damaged nerve and reinnervate the peripheral
    tissues. The regenerating axons within the neuroma itself
    appear to be highly sensitive and this is partly responsible
    for some of the symptoms associated with this type of
    injury. Action potentials appear to arise spontaneously
    from the neuroma, which may partly explain the pain in
    the absence of any peripheral stimuli. The structure itself
    is also very sensitive to mechanical stimuli, with gentle
    tapping of the skin overlying the neuroma or movement
    of the affected limb enough to elicit action potentials and
    produce pain.31

    In some patients, the sympathetic nervous system also
    appears to play a role in CRPSs, because local anaesthetic
    blockade of sympathetic ganglia (or pharmacological
    block of adrenergic receptors) alleviates the pain. This
    pain appears to be a consequence of intact nociceptors
    in tissues that have been denervated by the nerve injury,
    that then become sensitive to noradrenaline released from
    sympathetic postganglionic neurons nearby.32 These intact
    nociceptors (which have axons in nerves not affected
    by the peripheral nerve injury) become sensitised and
    exhibit spontaneous activity and augmented responses to
    peripheral stimuli.

    In addition to these changes in the properties of primary
    sensory neurons brought about by damage to the nerve,
    there is evidence to suggest that changes in the properties
    of neurons within the central nervous system may also
    contribute to neuropathic pain. Second-order neurons in
    the parts of the spinal cord receiving input from damaged

    FIGURE 7-11

    Painful diabetic neuropathy.
    In poorly controlled diabetes, hyperglycaemia affects the longest
    sensory neurons first. A Normal intact nervous system.
    B Diabetes-affected nervous system with degeneration of axons in
    the distal extremities, resulting in C diabetic neuropathy with the
    characteristic ‘stocking and glove’ distribution.

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    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 151

    nerves exhibit higher rates of spontaneous activity, show
    greatly enhanced responses to nociceptive stimuli applied
    to the periphery and become sensitive to low-intensity
    stimuli. The enhanced responsiveness of these neurons
    in the central nervous system is referred to as central
    sensitisation and appears to be a consequence of changes
    in the excitability of the second-order neurons themselves,
    as well as a reduction in the ongoing inhibitory influence
    exerted on these neurons by endogenous pain control
    circuits (disinhibition). Together with the peripheral
    mechanisms detailed above, these central changes are
    thought to be responsible for the spontaneous pain,
    hyperalgesia and allodynia associated with some forms of
    neuropathic pain.

    Central pain syndromes
    Forms of pain caused by damage to the central nervous
    system are known as central pain syndromes. Such
    forms of pain are typically very intense, aching, shooting
    pains that feel like they are due to damage to peripheral
    tissues but where clinical examination fails to identify
    any peripheral tissue damage or peripheral nervous
    system pathology. The causes of central pain syndromes
    were first identified by postmortem examination of
    the brains of individuals with CRPSs, which revealed
    damage in parts of the brain and/or spinal cord
    known to be involved in the processing of pain.33 The
    damage may be the result of a number  of factors,
    including traumatic injury, tumour, stroke or even
    the side effects of neurosurgery (see Table 7-4). Because
    the cause of the pain is not visible, such pain can be
    partic ularly frustrating for patients and diagnosis can
    sometimes be a long and challenging process.

    TABLE 7-4 Causes of central pain syndromes

    Vascular lesions (infarction, haemorrhage)
    Traumatic brain injury
    Brain tumours
    Multiple sclerosis
    Spinal cord injury


    1 Explain the difference between mononeuropathy and

    2 List some of the factors that can result in peripheral
    neuropathic pain.

    3 List some of the causes of central pain.
    4 Discuss the neural mechanism thought to be responsible

    for painful diabetic neuropathy.


    The elderly typically experience a higher incidence of pain
    compared to other adults and as the population ages it is
    estimated that chronic pain is likely to affect about 5 million
    Australians by 2050. The impact of pain in older people can
    have particularly devastating consequences on their quality
    of life when it impacts upon their mobility and ability to
    The assessment of pain in the elderly can be challeng-
    ing as some perceive it as an inevitable consequence of
    ageing or fear the financial burden they perceive may
    be associated with it. The fact that the pain may also
    present with co-morbidities, including cognitive decline,
    makes the diagnosis and effective management of pain
    in older Australians a complex and time-consuming task
    (Table 7-2).

    Given the difficulties associated with assessment of pain in
    the elderly it is perhaps not surprising that the treatment
    of pain in older adults is also problematic. Some patients
    simply don’t believe that their pain can be alleviated, while
    others are reluctant to take opioid analgesics because
    of their euphoric side effects or fear of addiction. This is
    unfortunate as employment of opioid analgesics may be
    more appropriate given the adverse effects of NSAIDs
    particularly in individuals with impaired liver or kidney
    function. Interestingly complementary and alternative
    medicine approaches seem to be widely accepted by the
    elderly as alternatives to drugs.

    The mechanisms responsible for central pain syndromes
    are not well understood, but it is likely that damage to
    spinothalamic tract neurons and thalamocortical neurons
    by the original insult is responsible for triggering ongoing
    activity in neurons at subsequent levels of the pain pathway.
    It has been postulated that this activity may be a response
    to the loss of normal input to these neurons (caused by
    the damage earlier in the pathway) or the loss of normal
    inhibitory influences that normally suppress their activity.

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    The definition of pain
    • Pain is clinically important as it encourages patients to

    seek medical help and adopt behaviours that enhance

    • Pain has an important physiological role as it teaches us
    to avoid environmental stimuli that cause harm.

    • Individuals born with a congenital insensitivity to pain
    suffer horrendous injuries because they are unaware of
    the damage they are experiencing.

    • Pain is a subjective sensation that is affected by a large
    number of variables and consequently can be difficult to

    • The International Association for the Society of Pain’s
    definition of pain highlights most of the key elements of

    • Pain is invariably unpleasant (it is a negative experience)
    and is therefore something we avoid.

    • The ability to locate a painful stimulus and determine
    its intensity and quality is referred to as the sensory-
    discriminative aspect of pain.

    • Pain produces changes in both mental state (affect) and
    behaviour (motivation), which are referred to as the
    affective-motivational aspect of pain.

    • Pain is usually the result of tissue damage but can be
    caused by stimuli that would cause tissue damage if

    • The threshold for pain is lower than the threshold for
    tissue damage.

    • The intensity of the pain experience can be modified by
    behaviour, cognitive factors and clinical intervention.

    Types of pain
    • Nociceptive pain due to external damage is relatively

    mild and has a comparatively short time frame.
    • Nociceptive pain due to internal damage is less common,

    is usually more severe and has a longer time frame.
    • Neuropathic pain is caused by injury or disease of the

    nervous system and can be both severe and persistent.
    • Psychogenic pain is the result of a psychological disorder,

    but for the patient it can be just as severe and debilitating
    as nociceptive pain or neuropathic pain.

    Pain terminology
    • Pain is described as either acute or chronic and these

    classifications are independent of aetiology.
    • Chronic pain affects about 20% of Australians.
    • Referred pain is perceived as originating from a part of

    the body distinct from the site of tissue damage.
    • Hyperalgesia is where there is increased pain in response

    to a stimulus that is normally painful.
    • Allodynia is where pain results from a stimulus that does

    not normally produce pain.
    • The conscious perception of tissue damage occurs in the

    cerebral cortex.

    The physiology of pain
    • A three-neuronal pathway relays information about

    peripheral tissue damage from the periphery to the
    cerebral cortex Nociceptors are the first-order neurons in
    the pain pathway.

    • There are two classes of cutaneous nociceptor: high-
    threshold mechanoreceptors and polymodal nociceptors.

    • Joints, muscle and viscera appear to be innervated by
    neurons with properties similar to cutaneous polymodal

    • Joints, muscle and viscera also appear to be innervated
    by silent (or ‘sleeping’) nociceptors that only become
    active when these tissues become inflamed as the result
    of damage or disease.

    • Although there are a number of neural pathways relaying
    information about tissue damage between the spinal
    cord and brain, the most important in terms of the
    conscious perception of pain is the spinothalamic tract.

    • Spinothalamic tract neurons are the second-order
    neurons in the pain pathway and they collect the
    information delivered to the spinal cord by nociceptors
    and relay this to the thalamus.

    • The axons of spinothalamic tract neurons are sometimes
    targeted in surgical approaches to the treatment of
    severe chronic pain through a midline myelotomy or
    anterolateral cordotomy.

    • Spinothalamic tract neurons terminate in two structurally
    distinct regions of the thalamus.

    • Thalamocortical neurons with their cell bodies in the
    posterolateral parts of the thalamus relay information
    about tissue damage to the somatosensory cortex and
    interoreceptive cortex.

    • Thalamocortical neurons located in the medial thalamus
    relay information about peripheral tissue damage to the
    anterior cingulate cortex.

    • Through the information that they receive from the
    posterolateral parts of the thalamus, the somatosensory
    and interoreceptive cortices are thought to be
    responsible for the sensory-discriminative aspect of pain.

    • The medial thalamic projection to the anterior cingulate
    cortex is thought to be responsible for the affective-
    motivational aspect of pain.

    • Neuropathic pain affects up to 7% of the population
    and contributes significantly to the cost of healthcare in
    developed countries.

    • Modulators of pain include substances that stimulate
    pain receptors (i.e. prostaglandins, bradykinins,
    substance P, glutamate) and substances that suppress
    pain (i.e. endorphins, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),

    • Endorphins are endogenous opioids that attach to opioid
    receptors and inhibit transmission of pain impulses.
    Encephalins are other opioid peptides.

    • They are present in varying concentrations in the neurons
    of the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract.

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    A D U L T
    Peter was a 59-year-old shearer whose best friend was a blue
    heeler called Red. After noticing blood in his stools Peter visited
    his local general practitioner and was subsequently diagnosed
    with carcinoma of the colon. A colon resection was performed
    and he underwent a complete course of radiotherapy and
    chemotherapy. Six months later, Peter started to experience
    abdominal pain. On investigation it was revealed that the
    malignancy had spread into his urinary bladder and urethra.
    Peter was readmitted to hospital and in subsequent weeks
    his pain increased progressively until eventually it could
    only be controlled with high doses of intravenous morphine.

    Twelve months after the onset of the pain, Peter had a midline
    myelotomy in the mid-thoracic region of the spinal cord. Ten
    days following this operation, he was able to leave hospital
    and lived pain-free until his death 5 years later.
    1 Explain the physiology of Peter’s abdominal pain.
    2 Discuss how morphine controls acute pain.
    3 Explain why Peter was likely to experience ongoing pain

    that was responsive only to high-dose morphine.
    4 Outline the aim of a midline myelotomy.
    5 Explain why you think a midline myelotomy might

    provide a better outcome for pain of visceral origin.

    Clinical manifestations of pain
    • Pain tolerance is the duration of time or the intensity of

    pain that an individual will endure before initiating overt
    pain response.

    • Pain threshold is the point at which pain is perceived.
    • Pain is a subjective symptom but can result in activation

    of the autonomic nervous system activation, which
    causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and
    ventilation, nausea and vomiting as well as sweating.

    Evaluation and treatment
    • Evaluation of pain is often difficult; the patients’

    experiences and objective measures guide therapies.
    • Treating the original cause of pain should be

    addressed first, followed by pharmacological and non-
    pharmacological therapies.

    Paediatrics and ageing and pain
    • Newborns and young children have the anatomical and

    functional ability to perceive pain. Older individuals
    tend to have a slightly higher pain threshold, probably
    because of changes in the thickness of the skin and
    peripheral neuropathies.

    Pathophysiology of pain
    • Peripheral neuropathic pain results from damage to the

    peripheral nervous system.

    • Peripheral neuropathic pain can be the result of physical
    injury, disease, infection or toxicity.

    • Mononeuropathy is where only a single nerve is involved
    and polyneuropathy is where multiple nerves are

    • The neural mechanisms responsible for painful peripheral
    neuropathies are complex and in many cases remain
    poorly understood.

    • Following a traumatic injury of a peripheral nerve the
    portions of the axons distal to the injury sometimes
    degenerate and a neuroma may form at the site of the
    nerve damage.

    • Action potentials can occur spontaneously in the
    neuroma and it may be very sensitive to mechanical
    stimuli, resulting in pain if it is touched or disturbed by

    • In some cases noradrenaline released from sympathetic
    postganglionic neurons appears to exacerbate the pain
    produced by nerve injury.

    • Central sensitisation of spinothalamic tract neurons is
    also thought to contribute to peripheral neuropathic

    • Central pain syndromes are characterised by very severe
    persistent pain caused by traumatic injury, tumour,
    cerebrovascular incidents or brain surgery.


    A G E I N G
    Cecil, an 86-year-old man, who worked as a tradesman until
    his retirement 16 years ago presents to the doctor with lower
    back pain. He is generally active, playing lawn bowls twice
    a week, and walking three times per week for 30 minutes
    each time but his lower back pain is starting to restrict these

    Upon questioning, Cecil related that the lower pain had
    affected him for the last 10 years of his working life and had
    gradually become more severe during retirement. When he
    was physically examined, there was acute tenderness over
    L2–L4, but Cecil only rated the pain as 3 out of 10. There were
    no obvious signs detected. The doctor was unsure of the
    origin of the lower back pain and Cecil was instructed to have

    imaging studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
    prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication to
    be taken when he experiences pain.
    1 Explain the likely physiology of Cecil’s lower back pain.
    2 Based on the lack of signs and symptoms experienced

    by Cecil, is the MRI scan likely to identify an anatomical
    reason for the lower back pain?

    3 What is the significance of acute tenderness over L2–L4?
    4 Discuss the effectiveness of NSAIDS for pain management

    in older people.
    5 Provide reasons why Cecil may perceive his pain at a

    lower level than expected.


    CHAPTER 7 PAIN 153

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    1 Outline the features of the pain experience that are
    included in the sensory-discriminative aspect of pain.

    2 Explain why it is useful for the threshold for pain
    sensation to be lower than the threshold for tissue

    3 Discuss the difference between hyperalgesia and

    4 Compare and contrast the properties of cutaneous high-
    threshold mechanoreceptors and polymodal nociceptors.

    5 Explain why a skin laceration often causes two pain
    sensations separated in time.

    6 Discuss why a painful stimulus applied to the right side
    of the body results in activation of the cerebral cortex on
    the left side of the body.

    7 Explain the difference between a midline myelotomy and
    an anterolateral cordotomy.

    8 Which cortical sites are thought to be involved in the
    conscious perception of pain? In which lobes of the
    cerebral cortex are they located, and what is their
    postulated function?

    9 Outline some of the pathophysiological mechanisms
    thought to underlie the neuropathic pain that may arise
    from a peripheral nerve transection.

    10 What is responsible for the nerve damage arising from
    painful diabetic neuropathy?

    R E V I E W Q U E S T I O N S

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