Part C: Your Marketing Plan

For this assignment, you will conclude your marketing plan by developing your hypothetical company’s pricing and distribution strategies, and integrated marketing communications plan.

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Note: You should make all assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.



Create the third part of your marketing plan in 8–12 pages:

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Describe or list the feedback you received on Part B: Your Marketing Plan. Explain how you will use the feedback to improve your plan.

Develop the company’s pricing and distribution strategy.

Develop the integrated marketing communications plan most relevant for your product or service and audience. Develop your message strategy. Develop your media strategy.

Develop your public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling plan most relevant for your product or service and audience.

Develop your online and direct marketing plan most relevant for your product or service and audience.

Develop your social-responsibility or cause-related marketing plan most relevant for your product or service and audience.

Use at least three academic resources that address sustainability and monitoring of effective marketing plans and determine the applicability for your hypothetical company. These resources should be industry specific and relate to your chosen product or service.

Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Develop marketing strategies and plans related to a given product or service and audience.



Part B: Your Marketing Plan

Eric Brown

Strayer University

Dr. Lisa Amans

August 10, 2020

Question 1

The performance of the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited for the last two year has been incredible. The positive and encouraging feedback from the customers has enabled the company to make sure that there is smooth progress and function of the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited. The company is located in strategic location in the cities of United States. The company is aiming to have deeper knowledge based on customer’s feedback on how to best improve the services provide so as to achieve competitive advantage and ensure that the company increases revenue returns.

The customers commented positively on the reception and treatment offered to the by the company agents. Additionally, the customers are pleased with the comfort and safety travel offered by the company at a low cost compared to competitors. Finally, the customers are happy about the convenience of the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited strategic position and great customer service attendance. Great Airline Travelers Express Limited is planning to capitalize on the positive feedback to make the experience better and adjusting so to meet customer needs and attract more potential customers. The customers also wanted their entertainment systems to be personalized.

The company will utilize the feedback from the customer to measure their satisfaction and company performance. This will enable Great Airline Travelers Express Limited to increase its market share and build its brand name. Additionally, customer feedback will enable the company to improve customer retention by improving areas of concern that keep the customers happy and satisfied. The positive feedback by customers showed how they have enjoyed travel services provided by Great Airline Travelers Express Limited especially on social media which is the company’s marketing strategy (Ivan, & Kristina, 2019). This will enable the company to attract more customers and improve on the decision making and forecast on the bigger exposure and expansion of the business.

Question 2

Great Travelers Airline Marketing Plan is a private independent airline operating a fleet of aircrafts for economic and VIP class travelers. The fleets comprise of aircraft not more than 65 fleets. Ideally, the company is located in major cities across the entire United States. In addition, the company is specializing on providing ultra-low-cost carriers and niche services. The airline company plans to offer outstanding regional flights for both business, economic and VIP clients, with the best comfortable seats, personalized entertainment system and variety of beverages and food stuff for the customer convenience and comfort.

The focus of the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited is to offer excellent services and increasing the efficiency of the company through meeting the needs and expectations for the target market. Providing quality and excellent customer services and ensuring that the company is better placed to get referrals.

The reason why the name ‘Great Airline Travelers Express’ was careful chosen is because it is simple remember yet it denotes everything the company has to provide to its clients in a nutshell. It is paramount for the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited to identify strategies that are beneficial for the company in attaining its set goals and objectives and this entails identification of the target demographic. Business experience has many challenges due to dynamism of the air travel industry enabling it significant for the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited to keep up to date with the competitive market.

At Great Airline Travelers Express Limited, our slogan and firm’s motto is to be each customer “dream airline with cutting edge comfort, and fulfilling travel needs’’. This slogan attract all our targeted demographic because we capture the two company’s main services, along with the expectation of comfort travel that offer serene environment. This is further catalyzed by the low cost prices and having all the fleets ready to offer regional travel services after the brand has been established for two years.

Question 3

The primary and the secondary target market that Great Airline Travelers Express Limited focuses on are to have an insight and critical evaluation of customer demands relative to the location and demographic profile of each segmentation. What is the best attraction to the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited? What outstanding aspect is needed to maintain and officialize the brand against the competitors in the airline market? How best will it appeal to the target market? Among other considerations Great Airline Travelers Express Limited primary market is the business community and working professional (millennial).

The business community and the working millennial professional is an attractive franchise according to 2019 survey concerning posterity to travel that indicated that millennial group of up to 14 percent in United States are aged between 19-35 years, they have travelled more than five times during the last two years for personal reasons. Appeal to this market franchise is to offer the most comfortable fleets with the best personalized entertainment system among other travel necessities including exceptional customer service attendance. Additionally, another primary market is regional and local tourists who travel to various destinations; this is the best angle for the primary target market.

Great Airline Travelers Express Limited secondary market is the inter-city commuters that mandate the organization to make crucial decisions concerning the customer needs. Most of these families are millennial aged between 28-38 years. They are the most travelled inter- city age group in the united states for business and professional reasons. There is a lot of inter- city travels by various groups for varied reasons.

Great Airline Travelers Express Limited will seriously utilize this travel dynamism to establish its marketing brand. The company emphasis on its slogan is to attract and retain its potential customers. The capability for the company to meet needs, climate operations, and the competitors in the market is critical for both the short term and the long-term goals of the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited.

The most important short term goal of Great Airline Travelers Express Limited is to increase their customers and this will eventually translate to the growth in the market share. This can also be achieved by enhancing customers’ satisfaction levels; the company should focus on solving any queries that the customers might have while ensuring that they offer excellent customer care services. The long term goal of Great Airline Travelers Express Limited is to ensure that the company profits are continuously growing.

Increase in revenue of the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited can be increased by identification of customers’ patterns that always varies, and this make sure that there is growth in the competition in market. Creation of traffic in the airline website is also a long term goal that aids the firm to enhance its profitability. The medium used by the airline will determine the rise of the traffic. Social media marketing is the best medium because it is used by many people globally. The main focus is to make sure that the airline offers excellent services and satisfies customers’ needs.

Question 4

After almost two year of implementation, more market research is conducted. Positioning was done by Great Airline Travelers Express Limited to create an image in the mind of their customers and their target market. To position Great Airline Travelers Express Limited, perceptual mapping should be constructed first. Perceptual mapping illustrates how the customers view the airline products according to specific attributes linked to it. Any service or product the airline offers is considered an attribute that the customers relied on during their purchase choices.

Information about customer perception can be gathered through market research methods. The Great Airline Travelers Express Limited gathered their real data from various company’s official sites concerning their aircraft parameter. Some sites are not reliable because most regional airlines are under development. These parameters are used as the attributes that the customers rely on when making their choice. Examples of these attributes include price, comfort, entertainment, punctuality among others. Perceptual maps are used to pin point the gaps in the regional airlines market. Needs that are not meet or satisfied are favorable opportunities in the airline market.

After the results were projected on the perceptual map, there was an increase in profits in different areas of the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited departments which had not been performing well. However, the airline knew that they had more room for improvement. The increase in revenue is due to the economic growth. The current information showed that the airline was at a seventh that was an improvement from a sixth. The service provisions of the customers stood at a seventh which was also an improvement. The customers gave so many feedbacks about the pricing and the level of services they were offered.

Many customers saw the value of the airline services which include the best comfortable seats, personalized entertainment system and variety of beverages and food stuff for customer convenience and comfort. They were also impressed that their luggage was neither lost nor misplaced. The Great Airline Travelers Express Limited also kept time and this pleased and attracted more customers. The customers were also satisfied with the travel pricing because it was lower than those of its competitors, yet they offered better excellent services. The airline also offers modern aircrafts with comfortable seats and cabin space.

The marketing strategy applied was very successful; it enhanced customers’ engagements by 78%. The main focus on this success was social media platforms which include facebook, twitter, and instagram. The Great Airline Travelers Express Limited alienates itself from its competitors by offering low travel prices with exceptional services. Most regional airlines have tried to copy the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited strategy but they have failed to maintain their standards.

The perceptual map illustrated below shows the main objectives that the airline wants to achieve once the results of the research since the implementation of the strategy are established. This perceptual map demonstrates what percentage each social media platform needs to have so as to achieve their target goal.

Is better than

The positioning statement for Great Airline Travelers Express Limited is:-

Great Airline Travelers Express Limited

Is better than

Other regional carriers in the United States of America


Millennials and inter-city travelers looking for exceptional experience of comfort, fair prices, excellent services, proper time management and enjoyment

Because it

Provides outstanding regional fights for both business, economic and VIP clients, with the best comfortable seats, personalized entertainment system and variety of beverages and food stuff for the customer convenience and comfort

With the aim that

The customers arrive at their destinations happier, relaxed, and more refreshed and satisfied having experienced an exceptional form of transport of all the attention and privileges they deserve.

Question 5

The main visual components of Great Airline Travelers Express Limited brand identity is the logo. The airline logo appears on the company’s website, social media sites, business cards and stationery (Tran, 2019). The logo of Great Airline Travelers Express Limited is well designed thus contributes to the success of the company by attracting the target market. The airline logo coheres with other Great Airline Travelers Express Limited visual representation. This logo compliments the airline brand. The brand name of the airline builds on customer loyalty because it represents everything the company has to provide to its clients in a nutshell. It attracts potential customers because it shares values which build emotional connection with the Millennials and inter-city travelers.

The Great Airline Travelers Express Limited slogan is to be each customer “dream airline with cutting edge comfort, and fulfilling travel needs’’. This slogan attracts all the targeted demographic because it captures the two company’s main services, along with the expectation of comfort travel that offer serene environment. This is further enhanced by the low cost prices and having all the fleets ready to offer regional travel services after the brand has been established for two years.

The positioning statement alienates the Great Airline Travelers Express Limited from its top competitors. The main aim of the airline is to make the customers arrive at their destinations happier, relaxed, more refreshed and satisfied having experienced an exceptional form of transport of all the attention and privileges they deserve. This will automatically attract the Millennials who focus on the current trends in the travel industry.

Customers experience is the brand of Great Airline Travelers Express Limited because that is what the clients remember and share with others. Social media marketing has helped Great Airline Travelers Express Limited to enhance its brand awareness and provide customers satisfactions. Social media has helped the company to know the needs of Millennials and inter-city travelers.


Ivan, S., & Kristina, M. (2019). A review of Corporate Social Responsibility assessment and reporting techniques in the aviation industry. Transportation research procedia 43, 93-103. Retrieved from,5#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DYri6Gn5ys90J

Sahar, T. (2020). Evaluation of passenger satisfaction with service quality: A consecutive methods applied to the airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management 83,101764.

Tran, Y. (2019). Challenges the airline industry faces at present. Retrieved from,5#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DkrBjujVqKvgJ

Social media marketing strategies goals


60 %


78 %


75 %

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