part 1, 2, and 5


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Part 1: Chapter 2 Discussion

Choose 2 of the following and discuss each in approximately one-half page.

1. Aristotle tried to understand “WHY” things move. Describe how he developed his theory of Natural motion from this perspective.

2. Galileo tried to understand “HOW” things move. Describe how he developed his theory of inertial motion from this perspective.

3. The major difference between Aristotle’s theory of natural motion and Galileo’s theory of inertial motion is the relationship between force and motion. Compare and contrast the relationship between force and motion in each theory.

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4. Explain the concept of equilibrium in terms of forces and motion. Include static and dynamic equilbirum in your discussion.

Part 2: Chapter 3 Discussion

Choose 2 of the following and discuss each in approximately one-half page.

1. Explain why it is important to understand the frame of reference when describing motion.

2. Compare and contrast velocity and acceleration.

3. A ball is dropped from a height of 125 meters above the ground and hits the ground 5 seconds later. Describe the changes in speed and distance travelled during each second of its fall.

4. Describe how the direction component of a velocity vector affects the resultant when it is added to another velocity vector. Include examples of various ways the direction can affect the resultant.

Part 5: Describe the motion of the marble in complete sentences. 

You can ignore air resistance but discuss the speed, acceleration, and change in direction as appropriate.

A marble is thrown up in the air and then falls back to Earth. Describe its motion from the time it is released until the time it lands back on Earth.

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