Parent teaching

Womenand Newborn Health Nursing

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Parent Newborn Teaching Plan Assignment

Purpose: To demonstrate effective teaching/learning skills for the childbearing family.



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~Research your chosen topic, using websites, textbooks, patient teaching materials from clinical setting, observation in clinical setting etc. ~Create a teaching plan on your chosen topic using patient information handouts from the facility or create a brochure with information on your topic.

~Find two articles from a nursing or allied health journal that relates to patient education or the topic you have chosen for your teaching plan. Include the citation with any other resources you used. At least 2 professional references listed in APA format

NOTE: 3 to 4 pages, please insert couple of nice pictures of babies feeding on bottles, and mom bottle feeding infants. Use each topic on the plan guide below followed by answers. Thanks.

Teaching Plan Guide:

Teaching Goals
What are the priorities? (“By the end of the teaching session, the patient will…”)

Content Outline

What will you teach? Use bullet points to organize topical information.


How will you teach the content? What modalities will you use?


Why have you chosen the teaching modalities?

Evaluation of Learning
How will you determine if the teaching/learning goals were met?


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