Paper: Youth Vaping (Read first)


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Write a paper on Youth Vaping

Include the following topics:

– Generation Z (who they are, what do they believe, technology generation)

– Statistics (current)

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– Public Health Campaign/Policy ( “the real cost” & “Get Your Head Out of the Cloud”

– Role of Advertisement (marketing approach, cost, types, etc.)

– An example of a significant vaping case (risk, addiction, health issues)

– Pros vs. Cons of vaping (why it’s good, and why it’s bad)

– Resources to Resolve the dilemma of vaping

– Possible Outcomes/Plan for Resolving vaping (parents’ involvement, healthcare providers, federal)

Paper Length: 12-13 pages, APA format, subheadings, intro, thesis, conclusion, and must use all provided sources from attachment (see attachment) and include an additional 5 scholarly sources of choice (total sources/references: 20)


Annotated Bibliograhy

Yule, J., & Tinson, J. (2016, August 31). Youth and the sociability of “Vaping”. Retrieved from

This research assesses the modern and evolving social habit of using and consuming e-cigarettes. The results of the article demonstrate the typology of consumers in a diverse youth market, as well as how young people are exposed to these new practices, which contribute to complications in established habits. According to this report, previous studies mostly concentrated on de-marketing smoking and smoking cessation bits; this article recognizes ethics, insecurity, invisible and complex vapers, each exhibiting varying levels of characteristic and emotional dedication to vaping characteristics. Using Collins’ theory of interaction rituals, the study assesses the sociability of vaping activity to obtain a deeper understanding of the experience of vaping and the effects of youth smoking behaviors.

Stalgaitis, C. A., Djakaria, M., & Jordan, J. W. (2020). The Vaping Teenager: Understanding the Psychographics and Interests of Adolescent Vape Users to Inform Health Communication Campaigns. Tobacco use insights, 13, 1179173X20945695.

This article indicates that youth vaping is on the rise, but little is known about adolescent vape users other than demographics, and successful action is required to deepen understanding of the interest of young adults and teenagers vape users to make communication campaigns easier. The results indicated that vaping was exceptionally large among the mainstream and hip-hop peer crowd of young adults and teenagers. In addition, it was also found that comparing hip hop and famous teens to other non-users and peers displayed a higher degree of social prioritization and agreement with social and trendy values. They concluded that common and hip-hop adolescents have a high potential for steam use and that priority should be given to steam prevention campaigns.

McCausland, K., Jancey, J., Leaver, T., Wolf, K., Freeman, B., & Maycock, B. (2020). Motivations for use, identity, and the vaper subculture: a qualitative study of Western Australian vapers’ experiences. BMC public health, 20(1), 1-14.

This research is focused on evaluating motivation for vaper use, encouraging influences, and association with the vaper sub-culture. The article suggests that young adults and teenager’s vapers mostly begun vaping to stop smoking but encountered similar experiences in their initiation phase. According to the article, the social and symbolic meaning of e-cigarettes and vaping diversified and entailed ideas of addiction, stigma, harm reduction, pleasure, and community. It was concluded that comprehending the issues of vaping and the variations of cloud chasers and substitute vaping youths may have beneficial suggestions for health communication, policy, and research.

Dobbs, P., Clawson, A., Gowin, M., & Cheney, M. (2020). Where college students look for vaping information and what information they believe. Retrieved from

This study uses convergent mixed-method research to evaluate how information sources impact college student’s knowledge and beliefs regarding vaping. According to the article, there is a significant connection among information sources such as advertisements and social media sources for e-cigarettes and the message they remember. The most credible source of information for those who started vaping was from vaping friends and other e-cigarette users. The article concluded that health education specialists working in colleges and high schools can provide the most reliable information across contact networks that college students engage in.

Hammond, D., Reid, J., Burkhalter, R., & Rynard, V. (2020, July 01). E-cigarette Marketing Regulations and Youth Vaping: Cross-Sectional Surveys, 2017–2019. Retrieved from

This article suggests that the increased use of e-cigarettes among young adults and teenagers is mostly connected with vaper marketing practices though the effectiveness of rules that restrict e-cigarette advertisements and promotions has not been evaluated. The new allied legislation that liberalized the Canadian e-cigarette industry with other various provincial rules offers a chance to evaluate the effect of rules restrictions on e-cigarette marketing. The article’s findings show that the number of teenagers exposed to e-cigarettes promotions has increased, and the general exposure to marketing was prevalent in locations with few rules restriction rules. The article concludes that complete regional restriction of e-cigarettes markets is associated with a low level of exposure to marketing and a low prevalence of e-cigarettes use.

Sisson, J. (2020). The Effects and Implications of Vaping on the Youth Population. Retrieved from

This article suggests that currently, youth have adapted the cessation tool, which is referred to as an e-cigarette, a type of recreational activity. The article explains that an evaluation of the history of tobacco use and prevention offers a deep comprehension of the issues presented by the vaper. Moreover, the article also explains that youth across different countries have become addicts to the vaping sensation, and most of them are unaware of the health dangers associated with vaping. This article also suggests that to address the increasing issues of young adults and teenagers vaping and its effects on the young population, healthcare professionals should undergo careful examination. The article also provides various ways of preventing the spread of vaping though there is no solution that has been determined that could stop vaping.

Seiler-Ramadas, R., Sandner, I., Haider, S. et al. Health effects of electronic cigarette (e‑cigarette) use on organ systems and its implications for public health. Wien Klin Wochenschr (2020).

This article gives a clear picture of how e-cigarettes affect our health through gathering an overview of the literature of different health impacts of e-cigarettes and categorize them to how they particularly impact the organ system. The article explains that exposure to e-cigarettes has brought about a range of stress and inflammatory reaction in the pulmonary system, such as coughing, impaired pulmonary function, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Additionally, the article’s effects include renal insufficiency, ocular irritation, toxicity, dermatitis, and possible carcinogenicity.

Levy, D. T., Warner, K. E., Cummings, K. M., Hammond, D., Kuo, C., Fong, G. T., … & Borland, R. (2019). Examining the relationship of vaping to smoking initiation among US youth and young adults: a reality check. Tobacco Control, 28(6), 629-635.

This article assesses the relationship between vaping and youth smoking by applying a variety of data sets to assess whether vaping motivates the initiation of smoking in America. Analyzing this article uses publicly available data on vaping and smoking among adolescents and young adults through a pattern study of long-term smoking patterns, starting from when vaping was more prevalent. The results of the article indicate that a substantial increase in youth vaping prevalence began in 2014 and has since increased by two to four times. This article concludes that the indirect association between vaping and smoking has been enormous in the different data sets for adolescents and young adults for current and proven smoking.

Cho, Y. J., Thrasher, J. F., Reid, J. L., Hitchman, S., & Hammond, D. (2019). Youth self-reported exposure to and perceptions of vaping advertisements: Findings from the 2017 International Tobacco Control Youth Tobacco and Vaping Survey. Preventive medicine, 126, 105775.

This article explores young people’s exposure to and perceptions of vaping ads in the U.S., Canada, and England, considering that these countries have different vaping product advertising regulations. The article examined the exposure of the vaping product to ads in the past months, such as outlets and perceived target customers. The results of the article indicate that more than a third of young people who have been exposed to vaping items in the past few months and young adults who have been exposed to vaping ads have found them interesting. According to the report, a significant number of young people have been exposed to vaping ads for items that encourage the use of the device.

Green, M., Gray, L., & Sweeting, H. (2020). Youth vaping and smoking and parental vaping: a panel survey.

This article includes potential negative effects of e-cigarettes, such as increased risk of youth smoking, and parents using e-cigarettes could influence their children’s smoking and vaping characteristics. In this article, the propensity weighing approach is used to quantify the potential effects of vaping on both young adults and young adults who are vaping. The results of the article indicate that the effect of vaping among young people has mostly caused all young people to start smoking. The article indicates that youth smoking youth had a greater effect on all youth in general than on the limited number of young vaping adults. This article will help clarify the impact of vaping on young adults in the project.

Chadi, N., & Belanger, R. E. (2020). Teen vaping: There is no vapor without fire. Paediatrics & Child Health, 25(6), 337-339.

This article focuses on e-cigarettes as a primary source of exposure to nicotine for young adults, although it has the potential to help adults quit smoking, although there is no proof that it can also help young adults. This article describes that e-cigarettes are used to cause the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products among young adults and teenagers and can also contribute to an increase in the use of marijuana and alcohol, among other substances. Further in the report, it is suggested that while there are multiple strategies to help young adults avoid smoking, there is less awareness of successful clinical interventions, which has led the article to recommend potential steps that can be taken by pediatric providers.

Sanchez, S., Kaufman, P., Pelletier, H., Baskerville, B., Feng, P., O’Connor, S., … & Chaiton, M. (2020). Is vaping cessation like smoking cessation? A qualitative study exploring the responses of youth and young adults who vape e-cigarettes. Addictive Behaviors, 113, 106687.

The research aims to examine how vaping is comparable to smoking to facilitate the production of vaping strategies for young adults and adolescents. According to the report, the parallels in vaping and smoking come from three themes of obstacles to quitting: stress reduction, behavioral fulfillment, social benefits, and three other factors for quitting: dependency, financial loss, and industrial impact. The article suggests that while there is a large overlap between vaping and smoking, recognizing the perceived variation in the barriers to quitting and the reason for quitting is important for improving research and practice on vaping termination between young adults.

Miech, R., Patrick, M. E., O’Malley, P. M., & Johnston, L. D. (2017). What are kids vaping? Results from a national survey of US adolescents. Tobacco Control, 26(4), 386-391.

This article evaluates the various substances used by young adults for vaping. According to the report, students who have never used a vaporizer and have only used flavoring in grade 12. According to the report, the recent rise in adolescent vaporizers does not clearly demonstrate that nicotine is addictive, however, indicates that individuals using vaporizers may be part of the simple prevention program. In addition, this article suggests that it is necessary to establish numerous rationales for controlling vaporizers for the market in substances and the use of vaporizers among young adults. This article will help with the project by providing a clearer understanding of the material that is found in the vaporizer.

King, B. A., Jones, C. M., Baldwin, G. T., & Briss, P. A. (2020). The EVALI and youth vaping epidemics — implications for public health. The New England Journal of Medicine, 382(8), 689-691. doi:

This article is focused on public health implications due to EVALI and youth vaping epidemics. The report suggests that since the introduction of E-cigarette and vaping products in the U.S marketplace, they have evolved into different groups of inhaled aerosol tools. According to the article, there are an increase of 900% in the current use of e-cigarette products among the United States middle and high school students from 2011 to 2015, reduced in 2016 then increased from 2017. The article has also provided some strategies to control e-cigarette products among the youths, such as raising the price of the products, education campaigns, and implementing indoor-use restrictions.

Dai, H., & Siahpush, M. (2020). Use of e-cigarettes for nicotine, marijuana, and just flavoring among U.S. youth. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(2), 244-249.

This article analyzes the risk factors that are brought about with 30days use of nicotine vaping, just flavoring, and marijuana among the youths and the pattern shown by substance youth in their use of e-cigarettes. This article analyzed the 2017 monitoring future survey data and the collected estimates of substances that youth vaped were measured, and multivariable logistic development was carried out to explore the risk factors involved with youth vaping these products. The article’s findings suggested that recent smokers and marijuana users had increased risks of vaping marijuana, nicotine, and just flavoring. This article concluded that youth e-cigarette use showed a complicated pattern, and the youth reported vaping substances to be addictive, not just flavor.

East, K. A., Hitchman, S. C., McNeill, A., Thrasher, J. F., & Hammond, D. (2019). Social norms towards smoking and vaping and associations with product use among youth in England, Canada, and the U.S. Drug and alcohol dependence, 205, 107635.

This article evaluates the difference between social norms in smoking, vaping among the youths in the U.S, Canada, and England and the status of smoking and vaping. This article analyzes data from the 2017 ITC youth vaping and tobacco survey among kids between 16 and 19 in the three countries. This article’s findings show that 52% of teens reported having a friend either smoking, vaping, or both. They suggested that peer approval of vaping was widespread on vapers compared to smokers. The article concluded that teenagers were more optimistic about vaping than vaping, while the English youths were found to be more smokers than vapers compared to the countries.

Levy, D. T., Warner, K. E., Cummings, K. M., Hammond, D., Kuo, C., Fong, G. T., … & Borland, R. (2019). Examining the relationship of vaping to smoking initiation among U.S. youth and young adults: a reality check. Tobacco Control, 28(6), 629-635.

This article analyzes the temporal connection between youth vaping and smoking through the use of various data sets to find out the question of if vaping encourages individuals to start smoking in the United States. The article uses publicly available data regarding vaping and smoking among the youths and teenagers and carried out a trend line analysis of deviation in long-term smoking trends begging from when vaping was more prevalent. The article concluded that the inverse connection between smoking and vaping was strong across various data sets for teenagers and young adults and the recent and well-established smoking.

Gartner, C. (2018). How can we protect youth from putative vaping gateway effects without denying smokers a less harmful option?. Addiction, 113(10), 1784-1785.

This article tries to determine how we can prevent youth from assumed vaping gateway effects without eliminating smokers’ less harmful options. The report suggests that eliminating non-therapeutic nicotine products is ethically challenging since it eliminates the less dangerous chance of smokers and their means of quitting smoking. Moreover, this policy’s challenge is balancing the possibility of increasing the quit rate among adult smokers by offering access to vaporized nicotine and motivating them to switch to these products while reducing the number of teenagers who begin smoking due to vaping.

Messina, M. D., Levin, T. L., Conrad, L. A., & Bidiwala, A. (2020). Vaping associated lung injury: A potentially life‐threatening epidemic in U.S. youth. Pediatric pulmonology.

This article views youth vaping as a possible life-threatening epidemic among the U.S youth due to the lung injury brought about by vaping the center for disease control identified that. The article identifies all pediatric patients diagnosed with EVALI through the CDC measures within six months in the U.S health system. The article’s findings showed that six patients who presented different respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints had a dominant feature of the illness, which was pulmonary symptomatology. The article concluded that with the differences in symptoms, there is a high suspicion regarding EVALI with a patient who reports the use of vaping products regardless of their pulmonary complaint.

Vu, T. H. T., Groom, A., Hart, J. L., Tran, H., Landry, R. L., Ma, J. Z., … & Robertson, R. M. (2020). Socioeconomic and Demographic Status and Perceived Health Risks of E-Cigarette Product Contents Among Youth: Results From a National Survey. Health Promotion Practice, 21(1_suppl), 148S-156S.

This article examines how socioeconomic status and demographic factors are related to the perceived health dangers of e-cigarette product content among young adults. The report uses data from the national online survey of teenagers between the ages of thirteen to eighteen. The article’s findings showed that adjustment of e-cigarette application status introduced health risks of nicotine and chemicals in e-cigarettes was very different in race, gender, and sexual orientation. Moreover, the article concluded that vaping products’ perceived health risks were associated with sexual orientation and demographic for teenagers. Education strategies could also improve awareness among teenagers regarding the health risks of e-cigarettes and assist in lowering vaping continued use.

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