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ProMED Summary #1

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Ross River Virus – Australia (02): (Victoria)

Archive Number: 20210211.8183575

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Published Date: February 11, 2021

Health authorities in Victoria, Australia are concerned about the rising cases of Ross River virus disease, a viral infection spread through the bites of mosquitoes. In just over one month, 10 people have been infected with the virus in the Victoria municipality of Wellington Shire. Authorities are urging the residents of Gippsland, a region in Victoria that includes Wellington Shire, to be mindful of mosquitoes and take precautions when outside (International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2021). A resident of Sale, a city in Gippsland, who was diagnosed with Ross River virus disease in December 2020 believes health authorities should be doing more to spread awareness of the virus. The resident was quite healthy and active prior to contracting the disease. She is co-owner of a local restaurant and has had to take it easy while working ever since she fell sick. She describes her signs and symptoms as having excruciating pain, especially in her joints, fatigue, and a rash. At the time the article was written, she said she continued having pain, although not as bad, and some numbness in her fingers (International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2021).

Ross River virus disease is also known as Ross River fever. The Ross River virus is part of a group of viruses called arboviruses or arthropod-borne viruses. These viruses are spread through the bite of an infected insect and in the case of Ross River virus it is a mosquito (New South Wales Government, 2016). If a mosquito bites another animal who is infected with Ross River Virus, it may become infected. The mosquito can then infect other animals or humans with the virus when it feeds off their blood. The virus cannot be spread from human to human. According to the CDC, “about 55%-75% of people who are infected do not feel sick” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). The disease can be asymptomatic. Not all who are infected will develop symptoms. Those that do may have flu-like symptoms including fatigue, fever, chills, and muscle and joint pain. Joints can become stiff and swollen. A rash may develop on the body, arms, or legs. The incubation period for the virus is usually 7-10 days. Most people will have a full recovery within a few weeks but some have symptoms for many months (New South Wales Government, 2016). Some even have lingering symptoms for several years. There is no treatment for Ross River virus disease, but you can take medications to alleviate the symptoms. About 10 years ago, an effective vaccine was developed for Ross River virus, but it was not financially viable (International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2021).

Ross River virus can be found across all of Australia. In fact, cases of Red River virus can be found in most parts of Victoria (International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2021). Victoria is a state in southeast Australia. It is the 2nd most populous Australian state and the most densely populated. This area of Australia is a mountainous, coastal region and the wettest with nearly 80 inches of precipitation a year (Waterson & Prescott, 2019). Gippsland is the southeast region of Victoria. The dairy industry along with lumbering and tourism are very important in Gippsland. The coastal resorts and many lakes are a major source of income (Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). Because the soil is fertile and gets lots of rainfall each year, residents of cities like Sale take part in intensive farming and livestock raising (Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020).

The climate of southeast Australia, especially between the months of February through May, is favorable for mosquitoes. The warm temperatures and frequent rainfall of the coastal region are perfect for mosquitoes to live and breed causing an increase in the mosquito population that are possibly carrying and spreading the virus. Australian weather forecasters believe the 2020-21 La Niña event is creating even more favorable conditions for mosquitoes (International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2021). La Niña brings more rainfall and warmer nighttime temperatures. The impacts of La Niña can last for several months (Bureau of Meteorology, 2016). Cases of Ross River virus disease tend to increase when there is heavy rain. La Niña and the increase of rainfall and warm temperatures could possibly be the reason for an increase in cases since there are likely more mosquitoes. Another reason could be the high amount of outdoor activity in the region.

The coming months will have a greater potential for more cases. Residents of Gippsland should take more precaution when outdoors and take measures to prevent mosquito bites. Tourists should also be made aware of the risk of infection and what they can do to lower their risks.


Bureau of Meteorology. (2016, August). What is La Niña and how does it impact Australia. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Ross River virus disease. Travelers’ Health. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from

Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2012, January 16). Gippsland. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from

Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2020, July 15). Sale. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from

International Society for Infectious Diseases. (2021, February 11). Ross River Virus – Australia (02): (Victoria). Retrieved February 22, 2021, from

New South Wales Government. (2016, May 1). Red River fever fact sheet. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from

Waterson, D. B., & Prescott, J. R.V. (2019, March 7). Victoria. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from


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Research Report : Pro-MED Summary
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Quality of Information Summary of Pro-MED Information clearly relates to the main topic. Thoroughly describes 4+ supporting details and/or examples from ProMED. Information clearly relates to the main topic. Thoroughly describes 2-3 supporting details and/or examples from ProMED. Information somewhat relates to the main topic, but only one detail and/or example is given from ProMED. Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic and no examples given from ProMED
Mechanics Syntax, spelling, grammar, APA No grammatical, spelling or APA errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or APA errors A few grammatical spelling, or APA errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or APA errors.
Internet Use Inlcuded information about the environmental aspect of the outbreak from additional web site Successfully uses website to describe environmental aspect; includes 4+ details and examples; includes exact URL in reference list. Successfully uses website to describe environmental aspect; includes 2-3 examples in discussion; includes exact URL. Information somewhat relates to environmental aspect, but only 1 detail given (or) does not include exact URL. Does not offer additional information (from another source) on the environment. Important Note: Just giving data on the geographic land mass and population of the country is not enough. You must relate something about the environment and/or living conditions that affected transmission. If in doubt about your information, ask me ahead of due date.
Internet Use Inlcuded information about the disease from additional web site Successfully uses website to further describe the disease; includes 4+ details and examples; includes exact URL in reference list. Successfully uses website to further describe the disease; includes 2-3 examples in discussion; includes exact URL. Information somewhat relates to the disease, but only 1 detail given (or) does not include exact URL. Does not offer additional information (from another source) on the disease.

Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome – Russia (07): Tatarstan

Archive Number 20081002.3106

Published Date 02-Oct-2008

The Republic of Tatarstan in Russia has experienced an increased incidence in Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS) for this year. The current report states the incidence for 2008 is seven times greater than reported for 2007. Between September 19 and 25, 2008, 29 confirmed or suspected cases were reported (International Society for Infectious Diseases [ISID], 2008a). This is in addition to outbreaks reported earlier this year. According to the Russian Epidemiological Surveillance System, there were 165 cases reported as of July. Cases increased from 65 on July 4 to 165 by July 22 (ISID, 2008b). Only one fatality has been reported at this time; generally, case fatality rates for HFRS range from 1% to 15%. Approximately 11% of total cases reported so far in 2008 have occurred in the capital city of Kazan. The majority of other cases have occurred in rural, forest areas of Tatarstan. The most recent outbreak of 29 cases has occurred in the following cities: Kazan (10), Naberezhnye Chenly (8), Nizhnekamiskiy (3), Almetievskiy (3), Sabinskiy (2), Kukmorshiy (1), and Bavlinskiy (1) (ISID, 2008a).

The Republic of Tatarstan is located in eastern Russia, about 800 kilometers southeast of Moscow (Department of Foreign Affairs to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2008). As of 2002, the population of Tatarstan was 3,779,265, with an urban/rural population of 2,790,661 and 988,604, respectively. 

HFRS is endemic to Tatarstan and surrounding republics in eastern Russia (ISID, 2008a). Other geographic areas with endemic HFRS include Scandinavia, Western Europe, and the Balkans. The Puumala virus spread by the bank vole is the likely cause of the disease in Russia, Western Europe and Scandinavia. The Dobrava virus is found in the Balkans and the Seoul virus may occur worldwide. All viruses are part of the Hantavirus classification. Hantavirus is transmitted to humans by vector rodents such as voles and field mice (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2005).

According to research conducted by Alla Bernshtein and colleagues of the Chunakov Institute in Moscow, natural increases and decreases of the bank vole population occur every three to four years. In years of higher vole populations, the incidence of human HFRS increases (ISID, 2008c).

Experts speculate a number of factors have contributed to the rise above endemic levels of human HFRS in Tatarstan and surrounding regions. First, an increase in the bank vole population may be a result of climate changes. Less harsh winters and warmer summers allow for better access to food sources for the rodents.  Second, the new capitalistic Russia has resulted in increased construction of homes in rural forest areas. Humans have invaded the natural habitat of forest rodents. This has increased the potential for contact between the habitats of bank voles and humans. City dwellers tend to visit their countryside homes during the summer months of June through August. The majority of HFRS cases are reported during these summer vacation months (ISID, 2008b).

As mentioned previously, Hantavirus is spread to humans by rodents. As reported by the CDC (2005), infection occurs when humans encounter “aerosolized urine, droppings, saliva of infected rodents or after exposure to dust from their nests.” Infection may also occur through open wounds, mucous membranes, rodent bites, and in rare cases through person-to-person contact. Most cases occur in individuals older than 15 years old, as children under the age of 15 often only show subclinical symptoms of HFRS.

The incubation period of HFRS is one to two weeks. The CDC (2005) lists the following symptoms: severe headaches, back and abdominal pain, fever, chills, nausea and blurred vision. Fever, hemorrhage, and renal insufficiency are hallmarks of advanced disease. The disease generally progresses through five stages: 1) fever lasting four to six days, 2) low blood pressure lasting a few hours to 2 days, 3) decreased production of urine for three to six days, 4) diuretic stage lasting two to three weeks, and 5) recovery that may take three to six months. HFRS infection is confirmed by clinical symptoms, serological testing, microscopic inspection for Hantavirus antigen, or presence of Hantavirus RNA in blood and tissue samples. Depending on the patient’s fluid and electrolyte status, renal dialysis may be warranted. Patients may be required to follow sodium and fluid restricted diet during the oliguric stage followed by a liberal fluid intake during the diuretic stage. In addition, the administration of the intravenous antiviral drug, Ribavirin, lessens the disease severity and improves survival (Bhimma, Sairam, & Travis, 2008).

The Puumula virus carried by the bank vole is implicated in the current outbreak of HFRS described above. Bhimma et al. (2008) contend that prevention of HFRS starts with environmental control of rodent populations near human housing communities and structures. Recommendations for prevention include taking precautions such as wearing rubber gloves while cleaning areas contaminated with rodent droppings or urine, avoid stirring up dust in rodent areas, and using a bleach solution with disposable cleaning towels. Storing food and disposing of trash properly may also prevent rodents from interacting with human habitats. Humans should take precautions if sleeping outdoors, working on farm areas or handling hay where rodents may have built nests (Bhimma et al., 2008).

In summary, the Puumula virus is a vector carried virus that falls within the Hantavirus family. It is endemic to eastern Russia where rodent populations thrive in rural forest areas. Infection leads to HFRS in humans. Symptoms take one to two weeks to appear, with initial symptoms of headaches and back pain that may progress to acute renal failure. The survival rate is high for infected populations although recovery may take several months. The Puumula virus is recognized as one of the less severe forms in the Hantavirus family. Controlling rodent populations and public education of risks are keys to the prevention of HFRS.




Bhimma, R., Sairam, V. K., & Travis, L. (2008). Hemorrhagic fever with renal failure
syndrome. Retrieved from 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2005). Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.
Retrieved from 

Department of Foreign Affairs to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. (2008). Official
web-site republic of Tatarstan: Geographical location. Retrieved from

International Society for Infectious Diseases. (2008a). Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

– Russia (07): (Tatarstan). Retrieved from


International Society for Infectious Diseases. (2008b). Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome –
Russia (04): (Tatarstan). Retrieved from

International Society for Infectious Diseases. (2008c). Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome –
Russia (05): (Tatarstan, Udmurtia). Retrieved from

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