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Performance Analysis of CNN Frameworks
for GPUs

Heehoon Kim∗‡ Hyoungwook Nam†‡ Wookeun Jung∗ Jaejin Lee∗

∗Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
†College of Liberal Studies,

Seoul National University, Kore


{heehoon, hyoungwook, wookeun},

‡These two authors contributed equally to this work as the first authors.

Abstract—Thanks to modern deep learning frameworks that
exploit GPUs, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been
greatly successful in visual recognition tasks. In this paper, we
analyze the GPU performance characteristics of five popular
deep learning frameworks: Caffe, CNTK, TensorFlow, Theano,
and Torch in the perspective of a representative CNN model,
AlexNet. Based on the characteristics obtained, we suggest possible
optimization methods to increase the efficiency of CNN models
built by the frameworks. We also show the GPU performance
characteristics of different convolution algorithms each of which
uses one of GEMM, direct convolution, FFT, and the Winograd
method. We also suggest criteria to choose convolution algorithms
for GPUs and methods to build efficient CNN models on GPUs.
Since scaling DNNs in a multi-GPU context becomes increasingly
important, we also analyze the scalability of the CNN models built
by the deep learning frameworks in the multi-GPU context and
their overhead. The result indicates that we can increase the speed
of training the AlexNet model up to 2X by just changing options
provided by the frameworks.

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been very successful in

various machine learning tasks, such as visual recognition [1]–
[3], speech recognition [4], and machine translation [5]. Among
others, the convolutional neural network (CNN) proposed by
LeCun et al. [6] is one of the earliest successful DNN models
that were used to classify images. CNN models equipped with
deep learning techniques (e.g., ReLU activation, dropout layers,
data augmentation, etc.) outperform previous machine learning
techniques in various visual recognition challenges, such as
ILSVRC [7] and PASCAL [8].

A larger and deeper CNN with more parameters usually re-
sults in a better accuracy. However, a larger CNN requires more
processing power, and training it using a typical computer is
impractical. Fortunately, computations in a CNN can easily be
represented as tensor or matrix operations that can be efficiently
parallelized. Thus, GPUs’ massively parallel processing power
makes CNNs to be trained efficiently, and most of popular deep
learning frameworks support GPU acceleration by default [9]–

The most popular deep learning library for such frameworks
is cuDNN [14] developed by NVIDIA, and most of the

popular deep learning frameworks use it as the backend for
GPUs. An approach to speed up CNNs is reducing the time
complexity of convolution algorithms. Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) algorithms [15], [16] and Winograd’s minimal filtering
algorithm [17] successfully reduce the algorithm complexity of
the convolution computation in a CNN. However, while the
efficiency of a CNN on a single GPU has been improved a
lot, its efficiency on multiple GPUs still shows poor scalability

Users choose a deep learning framework to build their CNN
models based on language interfaces, operating system support,
performance, ease of use, etc.. Ideally, the execution time of the
same CNN model should be the same across all the frameworks
when the input is the same. However, in reality, this is not
true; a CNN model built with a framework delivers more than
twice the performance compared to the same model built with
a different framework [19], [20].

In this paper, we analyze the performance characteristics of
CNN models built with different deep learning frameworks and
libraries. For clarity, a framework refers to a full collection
of libraries to build DNN models and a library refers to
a GPU library such as cuDNN used in the framework. We
choose five most popular deep learning frameworks, Caffe [10],
CNTK [13], TensorFlow [11], Theano [9], and Torch [12]. The
popularity criterion is the number of GitHub stars [21].

We choose a representative CNN model, AlexNet [1], to
compare the five frameworks and to obtain performance char-
acteristics. Identically structured AlexNet models are built and
trained using different frameworks. All five frameworks use
cuDNN as the GPU backend. Cuda-convnet [22] is another
GPU library used with those frameworks. In addition, we
compare three different convolution algorithms of cuDNN with
the direct convolution algorithm of Cuda-convnet.

Our comparative study provides useful insights to both end
users and developers of a DNN framework. In the case of
end users, their main interest is the accuracy and speed of
the network in training and testing, not the optimization of
the implementation. They sometimes do not know that their

55 978-1-5386-3890-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: George Mason University. Downloaded on September 18,2020 at 06:22:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

model built with the DNN framework is slower than those with
other frameworks. Moreover, they do not know the reasons of
slowdown either. On the other hand, the developers want to
know where the bottlenecks occur to optimize their framework
implementation. Both end users and developers want to improve
the performance of DNN models built by their framework.

We identify which part of the GPU implementation of a
framework is the performance bottleneck. This provides the
developers with optimization possibilities. This will also help
end users to choose a proper framework for their CNN models.

The contributions of this work are as follows:
• We analyze differences in the performance characteristics

of the five frameworks in a single GPU context. Unlike
previous approaches, we measure layer-wise execution
times as well as the processing time of an input batch.
Based on the measurement, we identify performance lim-
iting factors of each framework.

• We show the performance characteristics of different
convolution algorithms. Based on the characteristics, we
provide possible optimization techniques to implement
efficient CNN models using the algorithm libraries.

• We show the performance characteristics of the deep
learning frameworks in multi-GPU contexts. We also pro-
vide possible techniques to improve the scalability of the
frameworks in the multiple GPU context.

Based on the characteristics obtained, we increase the speed
of training the AlexNet model up to 2X by just changing
options provided by the framework compared to the same
model built with default options. We do not modify the source
code of the framework at all. Thus, the end users can easily
adopt our techniques to their CNN model building processes.

In this section, we briefly describe the five major deep

learning frameworks and a typical organization of CNNs. We
also introduce some related studies that perform comparative
studies of deep learning frameworks.

A. Deep Learning Frameworks

There are five major deep learning frameworks that are fre-
quently used by machine learning users to build deep learning
models: Caffe [10], CNTK (Computational Network Toolkit)
[13], TensorFlow [11], Theano [9], and Torch [12]. Table I
summarizes the frameworks used in this paper (we will describe
the data parallelism and model parallelism later in this section).

Visual recognition challenge winners are usually imple-
mented with Caffe [2], [3], [23]. However, the flexibility of
Caffe is somehow limited. Introducing a new feature to a
layer requires re-building the source code. CNTK developed
by Microsoft is widening its user base even though it was
introduced most recently in 2016. TensorFlow was publicly
introduced in 2015 and is now the most popular deep learning
framework in GitHub [21]. Theano is one of the earliest deep
learning frameworks. Pylearn2 [24], Keras [25], and Lasagne
[26] are popular DNN frameworks that use Theano as their
backend. However, the multi-GPU support of Theano is still

in an experimental stage. Torch is a scientific computing
framework based on LuaJIT [12] and also one of the earliest
DNN frameworks. NVIDIA’s self-driving car project [27] and
Deepmind’s Deep Q Learning model [28] were built on top of

B. Convolutions

A convolution is an operation between two functions. Its
value shows the degree of similarity between the two functions
f and g. Convolutions can also be naturally defined for discrete
values. We can define the convolution of two finite sequences
f [n] (0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1) and g[j] (0 ≤ m ≤ M − 1) as follows:

(f ∗ g) [n] =



f [n+m]g[m] (1)

The convolution operation can be extended to multiple di-
mensions. A two-dimensional (2D) convolution between filter
(a.k.a. kernel) F [r][s] (0 ≤ r ≤ R−1, 0 ≤ s ≤ S−1) and data
D[h][w] (0 ≤ h ≤ H − 1, 0 ≤ w ≤ W − 1) can be described
with the following equation:

(D ∗ F ) [h][w] =




D[h+ r][w + s]F [r][s] (2)

Input image


Kernel Feature map




Dot product

Fig. 1: 2D convolution.

Such a 2D discrete convolution is widely used in image
processing and sometimes called an image convolution. An
image, D[h][w] in Equation 2, is treated as a function of
2D pixel coordinates in an image convolution. F [h][w] in
Equation 2 is called a filter or a kernel. The result of the 2D
convolution generates a feature map as shown in Figure 1. The
size of a filter (R×S) is typically much smaller than the input
image size (H×W ). For a given filter, input image regions (e.g.,
a1 and a2) with the same size and dimension as the kernel are
point-wisely multiplied with the kernel. A feature map consists
of all the results (e.g., b1 and b2) of such multiplications. A
high value of the convolution implies that the corresponding
region in the input image has a high degree of similarity to the

Fig. 2: Convolution with a stride of two.


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TABLE I: Deep Learning Frameworks Used

Framework Version Multi-GPUs Operating User Libraries
(parallelism) system interface used

Caffe 1.0.0-rc3 Data Linux MATLAB, protobuf, Python CUDA 7.5, cuDNN 5.


CNTK 1.7.2 Data Linux, Windows BrainScript, C++, C# CUDA 7.5, cuDNN 5.0.5
TensorFlow 0.10.0rc0 Data, Model Linux Python, C++ CUDA 7.5, cuDNN 5.0.5
Theano 0.8.2 − Linux Python CUDA 7.5, Lasagne 0.2, cuDNN 5.0.5
Torch 7 Data, Model Linux LuaJIT CUDA 7.5, cuda-convnet3, cuDNN 5.0.5, cuDNN 5.1.3, ccn2.torch
*All the frameworks spupport a single GPU.

Fig. 3: 3× 3 max pooling with a stride of two.
Since the convolution operation contains a large amount of

computation, there are many techniques introduced to reduce
it. A representative technique is applying the 2D convolution to
the input image with a stride as shown in Figure 2. A strided
convolution performs down-sampling by sampling only every s
pixel in each direction of the input image, where s is the value
of the stride. Thus, the resulting feature-map size is smaller
than the input image size.

Another technique is pooling. Pooling also performs down-
sampling and reduces the amount of computation. It identifies
a representative pixel for a pixel region to reduce the size of
the input. For example, Figure 3 shows 3×3 max pooling with
a stride of two. It divides the input in 3× 3-pixel regions with
a stride of two. For each region, it selects a pixel that has the
maximum value in the region as the representative.

C. Convolutional Neural Networks

A convolutional neural network (CNN) is an artificial neural
network using convolutional filters to extract features from its
input. In a CNN, a layer that performs 2D convolutions is called
a convolutional layer. Since a filter extracts a feature from
the input image, a typical convolution layer extracts multiple
features from an input image using N(≥ 1) filters, resulting
in N feature maps. Each of the feature maps is also called a
channel. The training stage of the CNN makes it learn a filter
for each of the features.

Dot product

Input neurons
Output neurons


Fig. 4: Computation in the fully connected layer.

A fully connected layer in a CNN combines the results of
convolutions. As shown in Figure 4, it consists of input neurons,
output neurons, and weights that represent the relationship
between the input and output. It performs matrix (the weight


and vector (the input) multiplication and generates the output.

AlexNet. Figure 5 shows a representative CNN, AlexNet
[1]. It is one of the earliest successful CNNs that perform

TABLE II: Configuration of AlexNet



Kernel size
(pooling size)
/ stride

Output size Number ofparameters

Number of

conv1 11 x 11 / 4 96 x 55 x 55 35K 55G
pool1 3 x 3 / 2 96 x 27 x 27
conv2 5 x 5 / 1 256 x 27 x 27 614K 227G
pool2 3 x 3 / 2 256 x 13 x 13
conv3 3 x 3 / 1 384 x 13 x 13 885K 65G
conv4 3 x 3 / 1 384 x 13 x 13 1.3M 98G
conv5 3 x 3 / 1 256 x 13 x 13 885K 65G
pool3 3 x 3 / 2 256 x 6 x 6
fc1 4096 37M 74M
fc2 4096 16M 32M
fc3 1000 4M 8M
softmax 1000

image recognition tasks using the ImageNet dataset [7]. It
uses five convolution layers (conv1, conv2, conv3, conv4,
and conv5) and three max pooling layers (pool1, pool2, and
pool3) to extract features. In addition, there are three fully
connected layers (fc1, fc2, and fc3) for image classification.
Each layer uses the rectified linear unit (ReLU) for nonlinear
neuron activation.

Convolution layers act as feature extractors while fully
connected layers act as classifiers. Convolution layers extract
feature map from the input data. Each convolution layer gener-
ates a feature map in 3D tensor format and feeds it into the next
layer. Then the fully connected layers take the last feature map
as a flattened vector input and create a 1000 dimensional vector
as an output. After normalization with softmax layer, each
dimension in normalized output vector refers to the probability
of the image being associated with each image class.

Although AlexNet is old and most state-of-the-art CNN
applications do not use AlexNet model, it has been frequently
used for benchmarking purpose because it contains most of
contemporary CNN components. On the other hand, other
frequently used CNN models such as GoogLeNet and VGGNet
lack some components in AlexNet. GoogLeNet [29] do not use
fully connected layer in order to reduce parameters. VGGNet
use only 3×3 kernels for convolution layers while AlexNet
use 5×5 and 11×11 kernels as well. Layer-wise performance
analysis of AlexNet provides sufficient information to predict
performance behavior of other CNN applications.

The detailed configuration of the AlexNet model in this paper
is presented in Table II. The original AlexNet model includes
local response normalization (LRN) layers, but we exclude
them in this paper since LRN is very rarely used in current
CNN applications.

Training a CNN. Training a CNN is a supervised learning
process using training input images and correct class labels
that are associated with the images. Since training a CNN is the
most time consuming process, it is very important to reduce the
training time of a CNN by efficiently implementing the CNN.


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3 channels



Weights of
fully connected layers











… … …




256x3x3 384x3x3 384x3x3

96 kernels 256 kernels 384 kernels 384 kernels 256 kernels

Input image

stride of 4









max pooling


Feature maps

conv1 + pool1 conv2 + pool2 conv3 conv4 conv5 + pool3 fc1 fc2 fc3 softmax


Fig. 5: Organization of AlexNet.

The training phase has two stages: forward computation and
backward computation. For a given training input image, the
forward computation stage goes through the CNN layers from
the first to the last and obtains the output from the last layer.
For example, AlexNet determines the class to which the training
input image belongs. After computing the difference between
the output and the correct label, the backward computation
stage obtains the values that need to be added to the network
parameters (e.g., weights) of the last fully connected layer by
computing gradients. After updating the parameters in the last
layer with the gradients, these values are backward propagated
to the previous layers (i.e., backpropagation is performed) to
adjust their parameters in the backward computation stage.
The gradients are computed in the direction of minimizing the
difference between the output of a layer and the correct answer
for each layer.

Batch processing. When a CNN is trained, training input
images are divided into sets of images, each of which is called
a batch. A batch is processed by the CNN at a time. This is
because the stochastic gradient decent technique (SGD) [30]
that is typically used to obtain the gradients can be easily
parallelized across different images in the same batch.

4D tensor format. Since multiple 2D feature maps (or
images) are typically processed in a layer at a time, the feature
map data in a CNN can be treated as four-dimensional tensors
< N,C,H,W >, where N , C, H , and W are the number of
images in a batch, the number of channels (i.e., feature maps),
the height of a feature map (or an image), and the width of a
feature map (or an image), respectively. Since the 4D tensor
data are stored in the order of the dimensions N , C, H , and
W , they are called NCHW 4D tensors. The computational
complexity of convolving a NCHW tensor with K × R × S
3D kernel is O(K × CRS ×NHW ).

D. Convolution Algorithms

Direct convolution. Since the efficiency of computing a
convolution is important to CNNs, several methods have been
developed to efficiently implement the convolution operation.
Directly computing the convolution (we call it direct convolu-
tion in this paper) using Equation 2 is the most straightforward
way to perform convolution. Cuda-convnet [22] is a widely
used direct convolution library.





a b c d e
f g h i j
k l m n o

x y

b f g
b c g h 1


Direct convolution
with 2 kernels

Convolution using
matrix multiplication

parts of the image

to rows
Converting columns to

feature maps

z w




Converting kernels
to columns

X =

x z
y w

Fig. 6: Convolution using matrix multiplication.

Using matrix multiplication. cuDNN [14], a DNN library
from NVIDIA, treats the convolution as matrix multiplication
(e.g., GEMM [31]). Figure 6 illustrates the process. It convolves
a 5×5 image with two 2×2 kernels and obtains two 5×5 feature
maps. When the input image has multiple channels, a row in
the input matrix contiguously contains pixels from the multiple
channels. When the number of input channels, the size of a
kernel, the number of kernels, and the input image size are C,
R×S, K, and H×W , respectively, the sizes of the input matrix
and the kernel matrices become CRS ×WH and K × CRS,
respectively. Since the complexity of the matrix multiplication


Authorized licensed use limited to: George Mason University. Downloaded on September 18,2020 at 06:22:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

is O(K×CRS×WH), when the number of images in a batch
is N , the complexity becomes O(K × CRS ×NWH).

Interestingly, the computational complexity of this matrix
multiplication method is the same as that of the direct convolu-
tion. However, matrix multiplication can be easily parallelized
using highly efficient BLAS libraries [31]. Moreover, it enables
exploiting the GPU local memory that has low latency and high
bandwidth. cuDNN performs matrix multiplication by applying
tiling to the matrices in the GPU local memory. This method
scales well with a small batch size and can be used on all types
of convolution layers.

Using FFT. The convolution operation can be implemented
using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm to reduce com-
putational complexity [15]. The complexity of FFT convolution
is O(K×CWW × logW ) that does not depend on the kernel
size, R×S. However, it requires more memory space because
filters need to be padded to the dimension of the input. Another
restriction is that it can be applied only to convolutions with
the stride of one.

Using the Winograd algorithm. Winograd convolution is
based on GEMM [31]. It reduces the complexity using Wino-
grad’s minimal filtering algorithm [17]. It is similar to the well
known Strassen’s algorithm [32] for matrix multiplication. It
reduces multiplication operations significantly when the kernel
size is fixed. Thus, a different kernel size requires a different
minimal filtering algorithm. The minimal filtering algorithm for
4×4 tiled matrix can reduce 12 multiplications to 6. Nesting the
minimal filtering algorithm twice would reduce the algorithm
complexity by a factor of 4 [17]. cuDNN 5.1 supports Winograd
convolution only for the filter sizes of 3× 3 and 5× 5.
E. Multi-GPU Support

Multi-GPU support for DNNs can be implemented by ex-
ploiting data parallelism or model parallelism [33]. Exploiting
data parallelism means that input images in a batch are divided
and distributed across multiple GPUs and processed by all the
GPUs. Thus, all the GPUs have the entire network parameters.
In the backward computation stage, each GPU computes its
own gradients for the inputs assigned to it, then a single device
(a CPU or a GPU) combines the gradients computed by all the
GPUs and performs the SGD. Network parameters are updated
with the result of the SGD, and they are distributed across the
GPUs again.

The communication cost in data parallelism depends on
the number of network parameters. Since AlexNet has 62M
parameters and their size is 250MB, each iteration (an iteration
processes a batch) needs to transfer approximately 250MB of
data per GPU. Quantization methods that approximate the value
of a floating-point number with an integer can reduce the size of
the data transfer [34]. CNTK provides 1-bit SGD method that
quantizes 32-bit gradient values into a single bit with some
accuracy loss [35].

On the other hand, the model parallelism makes users to
divide and distribute the network itself across GPUs. Since
parameter updates can be done on each GPU, only a small
amount of data needs to be communicated between GPUs. A

convolution layer using carefully designed model parallelism
typically outperforms data parallelism [18].

TensorFlow and Torch support both data parallelism and
model parallelism. While Caffe and CNTK support only data
parallelism, the multi-GPU support of Theano is still in an
experimental stage. Thus, we compare only the efficiency of
data parallelism between Caffe, TensorFlow, Torch and


for multiple GPUs.

F. Related Work

Since it has been only a few years since deep learning frame-
works were introduced to public, not that many previous studies
compare their performance. Recently, some comparative studies
for the deep learning frameworks are performed by Bahrampour
et al. [19] and Shi et al. [20]. However, they show only the
entire execution times of various DNN models built by the
deep learning frameworks. They do not identify performance
bottlenecks and reasons for performance differences. Moreover,
they use cuDNN version R4 that does not support the Winograd
convolution algorithm, and their work does not cover CNTK
that was most recently introduced to public.

A benchmark result for some CNN frameworks is publicly
available on GitHub [36]. It reports forward and backward
computation times of a CNN model. The latest result was
produced with cuDNN version R4, while the most recent
cuDNN version is R5.1. This paper uses cuDNN version R5
and R5.1.


To see what is exactly happening under the hood, we conduct
three experiments with AlexNet models built by aforemen-
tioned five deep learning frameworks. First, we measure the
execution time of the AlexNet model for each framework
to compare their characteristics. Unlike previous work, we
measure layer-wise and GPU kernel-wise execution times as
well as the execution time of a single batch. Second, we obtain
performance characteristics of different convolution algorithms
by profiling each GPU kernel implementation. Finally, we
measure the training speed of each AlexNet implementation
with multiple GPUs. Based on the experiment, we suggest
possible optimization techniques to improve the scalability of

TABLE III: System Configuration

CPU 2 x Intel Xeon E5 2650@2.0GHz
GPU 4 x NVIDIA Titan X (GM200)
Main memory 128GB DDR3
GPU memory 4 x 12GB GDDR5
Operating system CentOS 7.2.1511 (Linux 3.10.0-327)

Our experiments are performed with a system described in
Table III. The versions of the deep learning frameworks and li-
braries used are described in Table I. Torch is currently the only
framework that officially supports cuDNN R5.1. In addition,
the newest Cuda-convnet3 is supported only by the ccn2.torch
module in Torch. The comparison between the frameworks is
done with cuDNN R5 and the comparison between different


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convolution algorithms is performed using cuDNN R5.1 with

AlexNet models are trained for many iterations and pro-
filed. After they are stabilized, an iteration for a single batch
is selected for our analysis. Model parameters are carefully
equalized across different frameworks to remove the effect from
things other than the frameworks themselves.


In this section, we characterize the five deep learning frame-
works on a single GPU. The measurement of the layer-wise
execution time of the AlexNet model for each framework
is shown in Figure 7. The batch size of 256 was used in
the experiment. The string in parentheses after the framework
name stands for the framework configuration when the AlexNet
model is built. No parentheses means the default options. A bar
shows the breakdown of the total execution time into that of
each layer. A layer name suffixed with f stands for the forward
computation stage, and b for the backward computation stage.

A. Options for Convolution Algorithms

Caffe. Caffe does not have any explicit option to choose
convolution algorithms. Instead, it exploits cuDNN’s heuristics
that try to determine the best suited algorithm under the
given specification of the model. Surprisingly, Caffe does not
have an appropriate memory management technique yet. As a
result, algorithms that require a smaller memory space, such as
GEMM and Winograd, can be inappropriately selected resulting
in low performance even if Caffe exploits cuDNN’s heuristics.

TensorFlow. TensorFlow also does not provide any option
to choose convolution algorithms. Unlike Caffe, however, it
executes all available algorithms in the first run by itself. Then,
the fastest algorithm for each layer is executed in subsequent
runs. The FFT algorithm is chosen for all the convolution layers
except conv1, where FFT cannot be used because of the stride
size (4). Since the set of algorithms that can be chosen is fixed
and hardwired, recently added options of cuDNN R5.1 are not
included in the set.

Theano. On the other hand, Theano provides full accesses
to the choices of convolution algorithms. Users can specify
a specific convolution algorithm globally or in a layer-by-
layer manner. There are two types of GEMM implementations
in cuDNN: explicit and implicit. Theano selects the explicit
GEMM by default. When a convolution algorithm is given as a
global option, and the algorithm does not match the condition
for a layer, the implicit GEMM is chosen as a fallback for
the layer. However, the implicit GEMM is usually slower than
the explicit GEMM. Thus, it is better to give layer-wise option
to make Theano not to choose the implicit GEMM.


(FFT) in Figure 7 stands for the AlexNet model built by Theano
with a global option for the FFT algorithm. However, conv1
cannot use the FFT algorithm because of its stride size. Instead,
the implicit GEMM is chosen for conv1. This is the reason
why conv1 of Theano (FFT) in Figure 7 is slower than those
of Theano (guess once), Theano (time once), and even

Unlike Caffe, Theano properly exploits cuDNN’s heuristics
when the guess once option is given. The guess once op-
tion makes Theano behave like Caffe where cuDNN’s heuristics
determine the best suited algorithm. The time once option in
Theano exploits cuDNN’s another functionality that executes
all available convolution algorithms and choose the fastest one.
Unlike TensorFlow, the set of algorithms in Theano is not
hardwired. When the time once option is on, Theano uses
GEMM in the first layer. It uses FFT or Winograd for the rest
of the convolution layers. When the guess once option is on,
the selection of an algorithm for each layer is slightly different
from time once, but the execution time is almost the same as
that of time once. This implies that cuDNN’s heuristics are
quite reliable.

TABLE IV: Other GPU Kernels

Caffe CNTK TensorFlow Theano


Bias cuDNN CNTK TensorFlow Theano cuDNN
addition 2.64 ms 4.74 ms 2.84 ms 7.88 ms 2.63 ms
ReLU cuDNN CNTK Eigen Theano cuDNN
activation 2.56 ms 2.26 ms 2.43 ms 4.59 ms 2.56 ms

Although Theano executes the fastest algorithm for convolu-
tion computation, it does not have the fastest convolution layer
because of other computations for bias addition and ReLU ac-
tivation. Table IV lists computations included in a convolution
layer, but not directly participate in convolution. It also shows
the sources of the implementations. Their execution time is
measured in conv1. Theano uses GPU implementations that
are dynamically compiled at run time, and they are noticeably
slower than those in other frameworks.

Torch. Like Theano, Torch provides a full control over
algorithm choices. Its cuDNN backend, cudnn.torch, has the
cudnn.benchmark option that is the same as time once in
Theano. When benchmark option is on, Torch is the fastest
among the frameworks.

CNTK. CNTK does not provide any options for algorithm
choices. Instead, similar to Theano and Torch, CNTK uses
cuDNN’s functionality to choose the fastest kernel by executing
all the convolution algorithms. CNTK is not the fastest though
because its bias addition implementation makes it run slow.

B. Effect of Data Layout

We also find that data layout affects performance a lot. The
most noticeable one is the tensor format. Caffe, CNTK, Theano,
and Torch use the NCHW 4D tensor format mentioned in
Section II-C.

Even though TensorFlow supports the NCHW format, it
seems to prefer the NHWC format. Sample code in Ten-
sorFlow uses the NHWC format, and many function in
TensorFlow, such as conv2d, uses it as the default argument
format. Since channel data are stored in the last dimension in
the NHWC format, the performance will be better off using
it when there are innermost channel-wise operations. However,
some convolution algorithms, such as FFT, in cuDNN support
only NCHW format. Moreover, by default, TensorFlow per-
forms conversion between NHWC and NCHW even if it


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0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Torch (benchmark)

Torch (w/o first)


Theano (time_once)

Theano (guess_once)

Theano (FFT)


TensorFlow (NCHW)




Time (ms)


Fig. 7: The execution time of training AlexNet with a batch of input images for different deep learning frameworks.

uses algorithms that support the NHWC format. Thus, using
the NHWC tensor format introduces significant conversion
overhead before and after convolution computation. In Figure 7,
just changing the tensor format from NHWC to NCHW
leads to about 15% performance improvement.

C. Unnecessary Backpropagation
conv1 in AlexNet does not have its previous layer. Thus,

there is no need to perform the backpropagation of gradients
computed in conv1 . Caffe, CNTK, and Theano automatically
omit the backpropagation. Torch omits it when gradInput of
conv1 is set to nil.

On the contrary, TensorFlow always performs the
backpropagation of conv1 to prevent non-reproducibility
caused by race conditions (gate gradients parameter in
tf.train.Optimizer.compute gradients). This makes TensorFlow
slower than Torch even if Torch has almost the same algorithms
as those of TensorFlow for the convolution layers. For this
reason, in Figure 7, we see that the execution time of conv1b
in TensorFlow (NCHW) is significantly different from that
in Torch (benchmark). However, the backpropagation can be
disabled at the expense of reproducibility and the accuracy
of gradient computation, although we left it enabled in our
experiment for Figure 7.

Overall, we observe that slight changes in framework options
result in large performance differences. Options for convo-
lution algorithm choices, data layout, and disabling useless
backpropagation are most influential. We can increase the
speed of training a CNN model up to 2X by just changing
framework options. We do not need to modify the source code
of the framework at all. For example, Theano (FFT), Theano
(guess once), and Theano (time once) are 2X faster than
Theano. Torch (benchmark) are also 2X faster than Torch.

In this section, we compare the performance of different

convolution algorithms on a single GPU. These algorithms were

introduced in Section II-D. We used Cuda-convnet for Direct,
and cuDNN for GEMM, FFT, and Winograd.

A. Execution Time of Convolution Algorithms

Figure 8 shows execution time comparisons between differ-
ent convolution algorithms (GEMM, Direct, FFT, and Wino-
grad) on a single GPU. We vary the batch size from 32 to
256. Since the convolution layers take most of the execution
time in a CNN, using an efficient convolution algorithm is an
important design decision. All comparisons are done with the
AlexNet model built by Torch7 because it is the only framework
that officially supports the newest versions of cuDNN and cuda-
convnet3. Randomly generated images are used for the input
to remove the effect of I/O latency. The forward and backward
computation times are measured and averaged for 100 iterations
(i.e., batches).

Winograd and FFT perform better than Direct or GEMM
most of the time as shown in Figure 8a and Figure 8b. Since
many recent CNN models use 3 × 3 kernel for convolution
layers [2], the forward computation times of conv3, conv4
and conv5 are separately measured in Figure 8c.

The total training time (the forward computation time + the
backward computation time) of FFT is the best for all batch
sizes. However, for 3×3 convolution kernels with a small batch
size, Winograd performs better than FFT while FFT scales
better with a large batch size. In addition, Direct (i.e., Cuda-
convnet) scales poorly when the batch size is smaller than 128
while GEMM scales almost linearly.

Figure 8d shows peak GPU memory usage for each convo-
lution algorithms. FFT occupies the most GPU memory, using
about 20% more memory than GEMM.

B. Layer-wise Analysis

Figure 9 shows layer-wise analysis of different convolution
algorithms on a single GPU. The batch size is set to 256, and
the NVIDIA nvprof profiler is used to gather statistics. FFT and


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32 64 128 256




Batch size


(a) The execution time of the forward computation


32 64 128 256
Batch size

(b) The execution time of the backward computation




32 64 128 256
Batch size

(c) The execution time of the forward computation from conv3 to conv5


32 64 128 256




Batch size

(d) Peak GPU memory usage

Fig. 8: Execution time and memory usage between different convolution algorithms.


conv1 conv2 conv3 conv4 conv5

(a) The execution time of the forward computation


conv1 conv2 conv3 conv4 conv5
(b) The execution time of the backward computation
conv1 conv2 conv3 conv4 conv5







(c) FP operation count in the forward computation

Fig. 9: Layerwise analysis of different convolution algorithms.

Winograd cannot be applied to the conv1 since it has a stride
size of 4. As shown in Figure 9b, the main performance limiter
of Direct (i.e.,cuda-convnet3) is the backward computation in
conv1 layer. The reason of the slowdown is low parallelism
in Direct that implement conv1 layer. While NVIDIA Titan X
has 3072 CUDA cores, the number of CUDA threads in the
implementation is only 1024. This makes Direct slower than
other algorithms in conv1.

Floating-point operation counts. Figure 9c compares
floating-point (FP) operation counts of different algorithms in
the forward computation. The count in the backward computa-
tion is double the count in forward computation. The numbers
are measured with the NVIDIA nvprof profiler. The result
tells us that FFT is usually the fastest because of much less
FP operation count (i.e., much less algorithm complexity).
Especially, FFT is much faster than others in conv2 with
5×5 convolution filter because the complexity of FFT does not
depend on the filter size. Winograd also reduces FP operation
count by more than a half. Thus, its performance is comparable
to FFT in the layers with 3 × 3 convolution filters (conv3,
conv4, and conv5).

Overall, FFT and Winograd outperform GEMM or Direct
because of their reduced algorithm complexity. FFT scales
better with a large batch and filter size while Winograd scales
better with a small batch and filter size. Carefully choosing a
convolution algorithm can make the CNN more than 4X faster
in convolution layers.


In this section, we characterize the performance of the
AlexNet models on multiple GPUs. The AlexNet models are
trained on one, two, and four GPUs. We exploit the data
parallelism (explained in Section II-E) already available in the
frameworks. Since Theano does not support multiple GPUs, we
compare only Caffe, CNTK, TensorFlow, and Torch. To train
the AlexNet models, we select the fastest option based on the
characteristics on a single GPU in Section IV

To exploit data parallelism, a GPU (say GPU0) gathers in-
termediate gradient values to update network parameters stored
in other GPUs (GPU1, GPU2, and GPU3, assuming a total
of four GPUs). If gradients are gathered sequentially by going
through each GPU, the number of communications for gradient
transfer between GPU0 and other GPUs is O(N−1), where N
is the number of GPUs. However, if gradients are gathered with


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128 256 512




128 256 512
128 256 512
128 256 512


128 256 512

(a) Caffe (b) Torch (c) TensorFlow (d) CNTK (e) CNTK 1bit-SGD

Fig. 10: Speedup (over a single GPU) of multi-GPU training of the AlexNet models.

the parallel reduction algorithm [37], it is O(logN) under the
assumption that data transfers can be parallelized if the source
and destination GPUs are distinct. Since a different GPU uses
a different set of PCI-E lanes, our system supports this parallel
reduction algorithm.

Ideally, the training time of AlexNet is expected to be
reduced to 1N when N GPUs are used. However, this is not
true because of the data transfer caused by the gradient data
exchange. Since the size of the gradient data in our AlexNet
model is about 250MB, the gradient transfer between two GPUs
takes about 45ms. This is not negligible considering that one
forward and backward computation takes about 200ms with a
batch size of 256.

Figure 10 shows the speedup obtained by multi-GPU training
of our AlexNet models with different batch sizes and numbers
of GPUs. We see that a bigger batch size makes the speedup
higher. A batch size of 128 makes Caffe and Torch on two
or four GPUs much slower than on a single GPU. A bigger
batch size makes the computation time in each GPU longer.
However, the number and size of data transfer is fixed because
the number of network parameters remains the same. Thus, it
is beneficial to use a bigger batch size.

We also see that the scalability of each framework is quite
poor. The speedup of using four GPUs is slower than or
comparable to that of using two GPUs for all frameworks. The
reason is, gradient transfer when using four GPUs still takes
twice longer than using two GPUs, even though we use the
O(logN) algorithm to transfer data between GPUs.

Torch and TensorFlow have comparable execution time on
a single GPU. However, TensorFlow achieves higher speedup
than Torch. Since TensorFlow handles gradients of each layer as
an individual tensor, the gradients of each layer are transferred
as soon as the backward computation of that layer finishes. On
the other hand, Torch (and Caffe) references gradients of the
entire network as a whole. Thus, it starts data transfer after all
backward computations finish. That is, TensorFlow has more
data-transfer-and-computation overlap.

CNTK is special in terms of multi-GPU support. Although
its data transfers can be parallelized, gradients are gathered
by the CPU, and this takes much longer than the computation
time in GPUs. Thus, using any number of GPUs is slower
than a single GPU. However, CNTK can exploit 1bit-SGD [35].

When 1bit-SGD is used, only one bit per gradient is transferred,
reducing data transfers and CPU computation by a factor of
32. This makes CNTK scale almost linearly at the cost of slow

Overall, we observe that the current multi-GPU scalability of
the frameworks has much room to be improved. TensorFlow-
like data transfer and computation overlapping will be helpful
to improve the performance. Reducing the size of gradients by
approximating the exact value with less accuracy (e.g., using
the half-precision FP format or only 1-bit like CNTK) will also
improve scalability a lot. Reducing the number of gradients by
resizing and pruning the CNN model will also work, especially
in fully-connected layers because they typically contain more
than 90% of network parameters.


In this study, we characterize deep learning frameworks and
libraries to build CNN models using the AlexNet model trained
on a single GPU and multiple GPUs. Previous studies, such as
[7] and [36], address performance differences are caused by
framework differences. However, the performance characteris-
tics indicate that difference between the frameworks are mainly
caused by backends, especially convolution algorithms in the
convolution layers. By just adjusting options provided by the
frameworks, we achieve about 2X speedup without modifying
any source code. Thus, providing options for convolution
algorithm choices would be an important criterion to determine
a deep learning framework to use. We also find that data
layout and disabling useless backpropagation also affect the
performance a lot. Using FFT and the Winograd algorithm in
convolution is more beneficial than using direct computation
and matrix multiplication. Carefully choosing a convolution
algorithm can make a CNN model more than 4X faster in
convolution layers. Our multi-GPU analysis indicates that the
scalability of data parallelism in CNN models is bounded
by the data transfer overhead of network parameters between
GPUs. Thus, reducing the amount of parameter transfer would
achieve better scalability when exploiting data parallelism. We
also observe that the current multi-GPU scalabilities of the
frameworks have much room to be improved. Unlike the single-
GPU context, framework differences are more important in


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the multi-GPU context since the frameworks choose different
approaches for parallelization.

We are also interested in a recurrent neural network (RNN),
which is mainly composed of fully connected layers and ex-
pected to have different characteristics from CNNs. Analyzing
the characteristics of RNN is one of our future research topics.


This work was supported by the National Research Founda-
tion of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Science,
ICT & Future Planning (MSIP) (No. 2013R1A3A2003664),
PF Class Heterogeneous High Performance Computer De-
velopment through the NRF funded by the MSIP (NRF-
2016M3C4A7952587), and BK21 Plus for Pioneers in Innova-
tive Computing (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
SNU) through the NRF funded by the Ministry of Education
(21A20151113068). ICT at Seoul National University provided
research facilities for this study.


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