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A Security Architecture Research Based on Roles

Linbo Tao1,*, Jianjing Shen1, Bo Liu


and Zhenyu Zhou1

1School of Arts and sciences, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou



0001, China
2Shenyang NanChang High School, Shenyang 110002, China
*Corresponding author: taotlb@12



Abstract. Security has always been the top issue against the cloud computing, scientific security

architecture is the foundation of other security technologies. Comparing existed cloud computing security

architectures and traditional security architectures, there are some common ground and new problems. In

cloud computing environment, different users need different security requirements, so if we can assign them

reasonable authority, there will be great efficiency improvement for data security and system efficiency.

Role is an authority division and management method, it gains very good effect for its classification to user

and data operations. Inspired by this, a security cloud computing architecture based on role has been

designed, the security of the architecture has been evaluated at last.

1 Introduction

Cloud computing is a type of service that service vendors provide different types of services by a cluster of servers
through networking, such as online software services, hardware rental, data storage, calculation etc [1]. These resources
or services are supplied as the way of water or electricity which only to be paid according to the amount you actually used

The biggest advantage of cloud computing is the elasticity of supply and low cost, the biggest obstacle is data


]. The security issues include the risk of privacy leakage and data abuse led by remote data storage, data
tampering, lacking of censorship on the service provider, imperfect verification mechanism on user login check. For the
data actually controlled by service providers, users have no rights to develop specifications on data management and
security measures. So the cloud services providers and academia have designed a variety of security cloud computing
infrastructure to maximize the security. These architectures should consider the practicality and scalability besides

Role is a collection of certain number of privileges. It refers to a collection including resources accessing and
appropriate operating permission to complete a task. As an agent layer between user and authority, role is expressed as the
relationship between authority and users. All authorities should be given to roles rather than directly to a user or group.

So a security cloud computing architecture based on roles is supposed on the following. The architecture will
compares existing cloud computing security architectures first, then analyzes characters of roles, including authority
division, security requirements division, the security of the architecture will be evaluated at last.

2 Security Model and Architecture

DOI: 10.1051/, 0 (201


) 710005068


MATEC Web of Conferences 100


© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0 (

Cloud computing is the integration results of distributed computing, parallel computing, utility computing, network
storage, virtualization, load balancing, hot standby redundancy and other traditional computer and network
technologies[4]. It has a hierarchical structure, each level involving a wide range of properties and security issues.

Santos et al has proposed and designed a trusted cloud computing platform, TCCP, including a series of trusted nodes
(N), trust coordinator (TC), untrusted cloud manager (CM) and external trust entity (ETE) etc. Wherein TC is maintained
by a specific external trust entity (ETE) [7]. TCCP secures guest virtual machine by providing a closed box operating
environment, it also allows users to test and verify the security.

The advantage of this architecture is to fundamentally solve the security issues of cloud computing architecture, the
disadvantage is the excessive dependence on hardware which is contradictory with compatibility and cheapness of cloud
computing. Another security architecture is based on isolation which can achieve data and operation isolation from
hardware and software, it isolates multi-tenants data efficiently to a certain extent and has certain maneuverability.

Currently Cisco, VMware and other software, hardware providers have put forward their own isolation scheme, the
core idea is to achieve logical space and level division through appropriate technologies which can isolate services
provided to users. But this scenario is still high dependence on hardware and high cost.

Security as a service based SOA draws lessons from concept of SOA, it takes and packages security as services,
different user can choose different services according to their needs. The classical SOA security architectures are IBM ,
EasySaaS security architectures.

3 Security Architecture Based on Roles

Sharing property of cloud infrastructure always give users the illusion that data is easier to lose when they are stored in the
cloud. In fact, the overall technical architecture of cloud computing provides centralized management by security experts
can achieve more security objectives[8] than the decentralized management of individual and non-professional
management .

It is different from traditional security architecture who emphasizes border protection. The cloud computing divides
logic isolation instead of physical border protection when different users applying their services[9]. But there are
similarities between the two architectures on corresponding levels. Fig.1 has shows the comparison between cloud
security architecture and traditional security architecture.

Fig.1. Comparison between cloud security and traditional security

The results show that cloud computing has introduced virtualization technology who change the service model, but
not overturn the traditional security model. Cloud computing security and traditional security have the same security
objectives, system resource type, basic security technologies. The cloud computing has its own specific security issues,
including virtualization security and security issues about cloud computing sub-service model[10]. Generally speaking,
cloud security is the inheritance and development of traditional security in a cloud computing environment. They are
substantially similar in the level of security classification.

DOI: 10.1051/, 0 (2017) 710005068
MATEC Web of Conferences 100

In cloud computing environment, cloud computing need to incorporate virtualization security precautions, due to the
introduction of virtualization technology. In the basic level, sophisticated traditional security technologies can still
provide security [11].

3.1 Security Architecture Design

Trusted security architecture and isolation architecture have good security, but poor extension. SOA architecture is
flexible, but lack of clear secure margin [12], its level of responsibility is not clear enough.

In order to find a secure cloud computing management structure with both flexibility and security, user management
and rights assignment should be the key. The concept of role has many good applies in rights management. Such as roles
management in database are much successful in categorizing users, unifying licenses and unifying management. The
concept of group in windows operating system is a role management too. Roles represent a class of users with same rights.
Certain role has a set of certain rights.

The advantage role management is that designers can focus more attention on division of authority without
concerning for someone specific. When the members of role changed, the content of role can still remain unchanged. In
the cloud computing environment, the main bodies include cloud service providers, users, distributed hardware and
software applications. The cloud service providers are responsible for providing hardware and software services to users
and ensuring their data security. Users pay for their actual amount of consumption and storage.This mode allows data
separated from the control of their owners, so its the actual reason why users would not save their data in the cloud.

In order to help users actually control their data, we must think more on rights assignment. If rights of cloud service
providers and users are clear, they will get their own role, users will trust cloud computing more for their actual control of
their data[13].

Here we divide the roles according to storage, data management, data ownership and cloud service providers.
Combining with the cloud computing security architectures above and comparing with the traditional security models, a
cloud computing security architecture based on roles has been proposed. as figure 2

Fig.2. Security Cloud computing architecture based on roles

From the perspective of roles, cloud service providers are only the role that data kept in them, they are not the data
owners and managers. The data owners are the only manager of their data who have all rights to their data management.
Other users must be authorized by the user if they want to access his data. Any other users can not grasp the actual content
of his data without his authorization, so data owner is the only administrator of his data.

3.2. Roles Division and Rights Assignment

Here roles are divided into four types including service provider, data administrator, inspector and user. The relationship
among the four types are service providers build cloud environments and provide services, accept service requests, save

DOI: 10.1051/, 0 (2017) 710005068
MATEC Web of Conferences 100

data, recycle resources, user apply services and manage his own data, he is only the administrator of his own data, but
users to others.

Let any user is


u , his corresponding data set is

D , rights set is F , }delete,,opy{},,{ 21 �� cfffF n �� ,


f corresponds a operating authority, such as moving, delete, encryption, copying etc. 0�

f represents illegal

operation, 1�

f represents legal operation. The four types of roles above are the subset of F , let them as


F ,

F ,

F ,

F .

Let user

u and

u get the

F role to their own datasets

D ,

D after they apply cloud services successfully. To


Ff � there is

trueDu af

��� (1)

trueDu af

���)( (2)

falseDu af

��� (3)

falseDu af

��� (4)

That is only the user itself has the

F role to his data, other users do not have the role. To the service provider, role

p and inspector role

s , they do not have the

F role, so they don’t have rights to operate users’ data, that is



Because of the openness of the cloud, the user can not only operate their own data, they need to share other users’ data
or share their data with others. But the sharing degree depends on the authority degree they get or give. The user get

authority having the role

F , they can get part or all rights of administrator, this depends on the authority degree by the

administrator, so

F is the subset of

F . To any data

d ,

Dd � of user

u , the operation authority relationships

is shown as table1.
the relationship of roles and authorities

Table 1. Roles and Authority








Service provider 1 0 0


administrator 0 1 0 1

inspector 0 0 1 0

user 0 e 0 1

DOI: 10.1051/, 0 (2017) 710005068
MATEC Web of Conferences 100

From table1, we can see the roles have no operating authority overlapping except administrator and user, this

approach is more conducive to ensure the security of data. For data those role

F has rights to operate, the role


certainly have rights to operate them. In turn, the data operated by role

F do not mean they can be operated by the role

F unless they get the authority by role

F . So the role value of

F is e , }1,0{�e , when the role get the operating

authority 1�e ,else 0�e .
In order to ensure the authenticity and legality of the operation among administrators, authorized users and service

providers, a trusted third party as an inspector is needed to monitor the operation of the other three roles. The content of
monitoring is the authenticity check and operation rights test. The role of inspector has no operating authority to data, but
they has the rights to limit some unusual or dangerous operation operated by administrator or user, then give user a
warning or terminate the dangerous operation.

The authenticity check is judged by the integrity and the user’s operation records. If the user’s identification
information is incomplete, no logical association with the identification information or the reservation information is

incorrect. When the unauthorized operation or dangerous operating application appearing, the role

F will strictly control

the user’s service request and give a risk warning to the corresponding role

F timely. Each broken access trying of roles

F ,

F , and

F will be recorded so that to facilitate judging the safety level of this operation trying by tracking their

operating locus. The relationship among the four roles are shown as figure 3.

Fig.3. Relationship between roles and authority

4 Security analysis

Considering the complexity and cost of evaluation, the mathematical analysis is undoubtedly the most convenient and
efficient methods[14]. The following is the security analysis procedure of cloud computing security architecture based
role division.

Comparing to the previous architectures, the security architecture based role division has more clearer levels and
responsibilities [15]. So we compare them from the angle of having roles division and without roles division. The

architecture with roles division has the four roles

F ,

F ,

F ,

F , and

F is the subset of

F . We can regard sets

F ,
F ,

F as three vector spaces. Respectively take any sequence

A ��� �21� ,

DOI: 10.1051/, 0 (2017) 710005068
MATEC Web of Conferences 100

B �21� , nC

�21� from the three vector spaces, there are 0�� BA

, 0��CA

, 0��CB


This shows the three spaces are orthogonal, so the vectors correspond to a series of authorities, the orthogonal vectors

means the their vector spaces have no crossover authorities. But to any two operating series )(,21 Fim ���

� ,

)(,21 Fjm ��� ���� � , in the architecture without roles division, there are not always 0���� , so there are the

danger to users that they may face operation without authority.

Through the analysis above, two objects

u ,

u both have the role

F , they will be closed to their data operation, so

the Cartesian product constituted by different users and their data are orthogonal, that is

DFDF ��� ,the

unauthorized probability is 0)( ��

dfP .

In the architecture without roles division, any data

d ,

Dd � , its owner is

u , but

d is stored in the remote place,

so the service provider

p becomes to the actual administrator of

d , if

p is untrusted, the dangerous probability to


d is


)( �

dP , because the architecture is lack of role

F , user

u can not get unauthorized operation of

d or

unauthorized operation can not be terminated timely.


p is trusted, but without roles division,

p is the actual administrator of

d , so there are probability that


authorize the operating authority of

d to other users. So the worst unauthorized operating probability of

d is



uPdP � ,

)( �

uP , )(

uP is the probability of

p authorize other users to operate

d without the

permission of

u . The probability under the condition with roles division will be







‘ )( , and )(‘

dP will

be smaller along with increasing of data scale.
From the analysis above we can see architectures without roles division would likely to be confusion on authorization

between data owners and those sharing the data or the condition that attackers get the authority of service providers. The
attackers can do illegal operation and further damage penetration after they illegally obtain the service providers authority.
But under the architecture with roles division, the attackers can only get one role, so they can’t do more harm to others
data. It shows that the architecture with roles division can bring higher security.

5 Conclusion

Existing cloud computing architecture and security model have been summarized and compared to the traditional security
structures in this thesis. A cloud computing security architecture based on roles division has been proposed, the
architecture combines the common characteristics with other cloud computing security architectures, divides their
security levels more clearly, against the different authorities of different roles and their cooperation with each other, the
data security and efficiency can work better.

DOI: 10.1051/, 0 (2017) 710005068
MATEC Web of Conferences 100


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