paper on pediatrics class

I need a Nursing Evolution Paper minimum of 2 pages long with references. Apa format.

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This paper is called nursing evolution because is basically the evolution throughout the Pediatric class since the beginning of the class, and online clinical. this is a final paper Portfolio Requirement which has to be formal writing. You can touch-based with some of the topics about Pediatric class in nursing and the whole experience about it. You can use any topics related to pediatrics nursing.

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OB Experience

Arisbel Delgado

West Coast University

OB Experience

Maternal are intricate and important classes because are the classes that make sure practitioners are ready when helping mother to give birth. In other words, such classes are crucial to the point that can control the mortality rate during birth. Something that is pretty obvious and echoed by Durham 2019, is that such classes are as practical as it gets. Meaning that to learn properly theory classes are not enough students should learn from physical or practical experience. And technically this is worse when the classes are taught online, at the moment there is no much choice due to the current situation but this has inconvenience a lot of nursing students currently undertaking the maternal newborn classes. The classes mostly involves caring for the women who are giving birth, and this becomes a challenge for nurse educators and implications to prepare us students to provide appropriate care for all the child bearing women. Studying online has just added another hurdle to the undergraduate nursing programs for maternity. This adds to lack of placement opportunities, which cuts down on the practice needed; education versus clinical practice that is integral; among other aspects. Durham 2019, has pointed all how maternal newborn nursing is critical and requires the same focus and intricacy when teaching and learning. At the moment online classes are the only choice that is there, meaning that we have to work with what we have at the moment. But even after the classes can be more practical or rather students can be able to practice in real addressing issues that affect effective of maternal-newborn classes is important to make sure ineffective education does not contribute to poor maternity services. Thankfully virtual simulations have provided us with an opportunity to somehow feel like we are physically at the hospital and practicing our skills. The whole university has been extremely important in making the students truly feel like their grasping the information with all the different programs and assignments we have been taught. This will truly be one never forgotten term.

Durham, R. F., & Chapman, L. (2019). Maternal-newborn nursing: the critical components of nursing care. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

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