2020/9/20 Small-Scale Literature Review Assignment

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Small-Scale Literature Review Assignment

A literature review is a descriptive summary of research on a topic that has previously
been studied. The purpose of a literature review is to inform readers of the significant
knowledge and ideas that have been established on a topic. Its purpose is to compare,
contrast and/or connect findings that were identified when reviewing researchers’
work. Oftentimes, literature reviews are written to ground a study in a particular
context of what is known about a subject in order to establish a foundation for the topic
(or question) being researched.

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate your abilities to research a topic of study
so you can learn to (1) identify and formulate an inquiry question that defines what
you’d like to learn, (2) apply your knowledge on reading research that you’ve learned in
class, (3) analyze information found in educational journal articles, and (4) synthesize
new knowledge into a written small-scale literature review.

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Assignment Description:
For this assignment you are asked to complete a small-scale literature review on an
educational topic of your choice. You are asked to locate at least 5 educational journal
articles on your topic and write a 4 -5 page literature review on the articles you’ve

Steps to complete your small-scale literature review:

1. Choose an educational topic that you are interested in studying.
2. Formulate an inquiry question that specifically describes what would like to know

about your educational topic.
3. Go to the library to search for and locate journals that include your topic’s

4. Find articles, read the abstracts and skim the articles to determine if they

correspond well to your topic AND inquiry question.
5. Select at least 5 journal articles and photocopy them for your project.
6. Read your articles and begin to sort and classify them according to their findings.
7. Organize your articles by sorting and classifying their findings in a meaningful

way, always considering your original topic and inquiry question.
8. Write an outline for your small-scale literature review. Hand this in during class.
9. Write your review.

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Outline for writing your small-scale literature review (please write and hand in):

1. Introduction

The introduction is used to establish the context of your review to the reader.
To establish the context, it is important to do the following in this opening

a. Define the topic of your study and provide any background
information that helps your reader to understand the topic.

b. Explain your reason (perspective) for reviewing the literature on
this topic.

c. State your inquiry question for this review.

2. Body
This section of your paper begins with an explanation of how you have
organized your small-scale literature review and describes findings from
articles that provide answers to your inquiry question. Before you begin this
section, be sure that you have sorted your articles into different themes based
on the articles’ findings (sometimes called results). After you sort your articles,
it is important to give your sorted groups a descriptive name. The names of the
sorted articles will become your headings for each of the paragraphs that you
write in the body of your review. To write the body of your small-scale
literature review, it is important to include the following:

a. Write an introduction paragraph for the body of your review. This
paragraph tells the reader specific information on how many articles
you reviewed and how you sorted the articles into common themes
based on the findings (results).

b. This will be a paragraph that describes the first theme that you
identified and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you’ve

c. This will be a paragraph that describes the second theme that you
identified and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you’ve

d. This will be a paragraph that describes the third theme that you
identified and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you’ve

3. Summary

This is the last paragraph of your small-scale literature review. In this
paragraph, it is important to summarize the main findings from the articles that
you reviewed and to point out the information that you found particularly
important to know that answered the inquiry question that you established in
the first paragraph of your review. Try to conclude your paper by connecting
your inquiry question back to the context of the general topic of study.

4. References

This is the last page of your review. It serves as a listing of all references that
you mentioned in your paper. Please use APA style when completing this list.

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Small-Scale Literature Review Assignment
Grading Rubric

The following chart will be used as a rubric to grade your small-scale literature review:

Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Content The inquiry question

was well established
in the broader context
of an educational

The inquiry
question was
established in the
context of an
(2 – 1

The inquiry question
was not established
in the context of an
educational topic.

At least five articles
were selected and
each specifically
related to the initial
inquiry question.

At least five
articles were
selected and
related to the
initial inquiry
(5 – 4

At least five articles
were selected; some
minimally related to
the inquiry question.
(3 – 0

The findings/results
of articles were
compared, contrasted
and/or connected to
each other.


The findings of
articles were
contrasted and/or
connected to
each other.

The findings of
articles were
mentioned with little
and or no
comparison or
connection to each

(3 – 0

The conclusion of the
review summarized
the knowledge found
from this review and
related the knowledge
gain to the inquiry

The conclusion
of the review
summarized the
knowledge found
from this review.


The conclusion of
the review did not
summarize the
knowledge found
from this review.


The references were
cited using APA style.

The references
were listed.

The references were
not listed.

Organization The review was The review was The review was

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organized using
subheadings. The
review was suitably
organized considering
the contents of the
articles. (2

considering the
contents of the
selected articles.

minimally organized
and writing was
difficult to follow


Mechanics There were no
grammatical, spelling
and/or punctuation
errors and transitional
phrases were used to
guide the reader
throughout the text.

There was an
spelling and/or
punctuation error
that did not
distract the

There were many
spelling and/or
punctuation errors
that distracted the
reader from the
content of the


Topic: Is the use of Information Technology in the Tourism helpful for Travelers?

Why have I chosen this topic?

I like to travel. With the help of information technology, you can easily purchase the transportation fares online and book tickets for hotels and attractions in advance, etc. Although I like traveling, I find it difficult and unavoidable to queue up to buy tickets and find hotels during peak tourist seasons. Therefore, through this research, I want to explore the extent to which IT has promoted the development of the tourism industry.

How would I conduct this study?

Discovery phase:

Literature review: Reading the related research papers and articles. 

Visiting related websites: Visiting websites related to Tourism and IT to collect statistical data.

Analysis phase

Analyzing the collected information to derive results.

Recommendation phase

I will give some suggestions based on my findings to improve the usage of IT in Tourism for Travelers.

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