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Paper Assignment instructions and upload

Due Apr 29 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload
Available Apr 6 at 11:59pm – Apr 30 at 11:59pm 24 days

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For this assignment, you will search for and summarize a research article related to developmental
psychology and critically reflect on the methods and findings discussed in the research article. This
paper will be due by Thursday April 29 , 2021 and is worth 100 points. A rubric will be attached and
available within 2 weeks of due date.

For this paper, you will search for a psychology research article of your choosing, on any topic of interest
to you within the field of developmental psychology. I recognize this is vague, but it is also to familiarize
yourself with research in the field and to allow you to choose something for which you have passion. To
access these articles, visit any of the psychology databases (open in new window) (Links to an
external site.) ( and search for a topic of your
choosing. Anything related to the field of developmental psychology that interests you- now is your time
to dive into the research and present it for this class in paper form!

This paper should be divided into two parts. The summary of the research article (part one) should
include the following information and should be less than half the length of the total paper:

Summarize the author(s)’ hypotheses and purpose for the study.
Describe the sample of participants in the study (number, age, gender, etc).
Describe the measures/materials used and the how the study was conducted.
Describe the results/findings of the study.

The critical reflection section (part two) should answer the following questions:

Do you think the method appropriately tested the research question?
Are the authors’ conclusions supported by the research findings? Are alternative interpretations
possible? Were there causal conclusions that were inappropriate?

What assumptions did the author(s) make in designing the study, and were these assumptions
Was the sample appropriately diverse? Is the research design appropriately inclusive and/or
sensitive to the cultural context?
Comment on the authors’ adherence to the ethical principles for conducting psychological
research. Do you think adequate protections for the research participants were in place?
What limitations did the authors state? What are the additional limitations that the authors did not


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What future research directions did the authors outline? Discuss additional future research
directions that you see.
What are the implications of this study for psychology and/or public policy?

The following general guidelines should be closely followed:

At least 4 pages in length, no more than 7 pages
Adherence to APA style [See links to APA style and formatting; for additional questions or review
before submission, meet with someone in the Psychology Resource Center or the Write Site)

12 point font
Double spaced
Times New Roman
Title page with running head
Page numbers in top right corner
References page

Carefully edited for grammar, spelling, and professional tone

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