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Compare and contrast the Church Shooting that occurred on June 17, 2015, in Charleston, South Carolina to the shooting that occurred on December 29, 2019, in White Settlement, TX.

You must include:

The right-to-carry and/or concealed firearm laws in both locations, and how restrictions or allowances may have affected each outcome.

Your assignment  is to be typed, single spaced, Verdana 12 font, and should be 4-5 pages in length.  Margins’ top, bottom, left, and right should be set at one (1) inch. 

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NOTE: I won’t accept your responses without multiple citations from your book, peer review resources and/or citations from periodicals, valid news agencies, and any other valid publications. Grading for these assignments will be based on the Written Communication


(see Rubric for grading points).

Your presentation is subject to review for text comparison by Turnitin, a plagiarism detection service (  Plagiarism will result in an automatic failure of the course, so if you quote something, give credit to the author.  This assignment represents not only what you know, but the effort you put forth in understanding and presenting the material to others.

NOTE: Want a good grade, refer to the Rubric (posted on line) for grade preparation.   Want a great grade, give me your best, and put your heart into it…LEARN! LEARN for yourself, and your friends and family!  LEARN for your future!

Written Communication Rubric for

Level of Achievement

Evaluators assign a one (1) to any measure that does not meet benchmark level performance




3                                             4



Content and Development

Very limited development of content; (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); little use/application of course concepts and terms to show knowledge of subject matter.

Adequate development of content; (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); some use of course concepts and terms to show knowledge of subject matter.

Competent development of content (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); appropriate use/application of course concepts & terms to show knowledge of subject matter.

Masterful development of content (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); shows comprehensive knowledge of subject matter through full use/application of course concepts and terms.


Paragraphs had little to no organization.

Transitions were poor. Sequence of ideas is limited.

Some paragraphs were organized around topic sentences with some development. Some transitions were awkward. Sequence of ideas is adequate.

Most paragraphs were organized around topic sentences and were well developed. Most transitions were adequate. Sequence of ideas is competent.

All paragraphs were organized around topic sentences and fully developed. All transitions were used effectively. Sequence of ideas is effective.

Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Language, word choice, and sentence variety

Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. Repetitive words and sentence types.

Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors.

Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors.

Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error-free.

Referencing/Citing Sources and Research

Documentation and referencing of research

Neglects important sources. Overuse of quotations or paraphrase to substitute writer’s own ideas. Possibly uses source material without acknowledgement.

Uses relevant sources but lacks in variety of sources and/or the skillful combination of sources. Quotations & paraphrases may be too long or inconsistently referenced.

Uses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of idea. Doesn’t overuse quotes, but may not always conform to required APA style manual.

Uses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of idea. Doesn’t overuse quotes. Conforms to required APA referencing style.


Written Communication RubricWritten Communication RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent and Development5.0 ptsCapstoneMasterful development of content (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); shows comprehensive knowledge of subject matter through full use/application of course concepts and terms.4.0 ptsMilestonesCompetent development of content (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); appropriate use/application of course concepts & terms to show knowledge of subject matter.3.0 ptsMilestonesAdequate development of content; (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); some use of course concepts and terms to show knowledge of subject matter.2.0 ptsBenchmarkVery limited development of content; (focus, relevance, purpose, explanations); little use/application of course concepts and terms to show knowledge of subject matter.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization5.0 ptsCapstoneAll paragraphs were organized around topic sentences and fully developed. All transitions were used effectively. Sequence of ideas is effective.4.0 ptsMilestonesMost paragraphs were organized around topic sentences and were well developed. Most transitions were adequate. Sequence of ideas is competent.3.0 ptsMilestonesSome paragraphs were organized around topic sentences with some development. Some transitions were awkward. Sequence of ideas is adequate.2.0 ptsBenchmarkParagraphs had little to no organization. Transitions were poor. Sequence of ideas is limited.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeControl of Syntax and MechanicsLanguage, word choice, and sentence variety5.0 ptsCapstoneUses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error-free.4.0 ptsMilestonesUses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors.3.0 ptsMilestonesUses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors.2.0 ptsBenchmarkUses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. Repetitive words and sentence types.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferencing/Citing Sources and ResearchDocumentation and referencing of research5.0 ptsCapstoneUses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of idea. Doesn’t overuse quotes. Conforms to required APA referencing style.4.0 ptsMilestonesUses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of idea. Doesn’t overuse quotes, but may not always conform to required APA style manual.3.0 ptsMilestonesUses relevant sources but lacks in variety of sources and/or the skillful combination of sources. Quotations & paraphrases may be too long or inconsistently referenced.2.0 ptsBenchmarkNeglects important sources. Overuse of quotations or paraphrase to substitute writer’s own ideas. Possibly uses source material without acknowledgement.5.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0

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