
You will continue in the design of your proposed model program by demonstrating your understanding of your selected population’s challenges, which negatively impact this group’s health and well-being. Based on this week’s research, conduct an assessment of the barriers, limitations, and other distinguishing features, as they exist within your community. 

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1)  Prepare a recap of the model program for your community using the same model program from the assignment attached. As stated, before changes to the potential program can be made as you research and develop the focus of the program.

2)  Analyze and discuss at least three critical barriers that impact the health and well-being of your chosen group; one must be a micro-level (individual) barrier that is financial, one must be a macro-level (community/state) barrier that relates to access and funding for care, and  the third barrier may be one of your choosing.

3)  Discuss at least one proposed solution for each barrier. Your solution for the micro barrier must include an analysis of various potential funding options (both independent and integrated). Your solution for the macro barrier must include an analysis of financing resources for health care.

4)  Research and analyze the regulatory, legal, ethical, and accreditation requirements and issues for the service(s) offered in your proposed program.  Discuss how each will impact the management of the program.

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Your assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and should include a minimum of three scholarly sources cited according to APA.

2/8/20 @9am Eastern w/ plag report

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Culture and ethnicity

Some communities in Africa are known to hold on to wife inheritance practices. These practices pay little regard to possible health issues associated with this practice. Women usually have a say in matter regarding marriage. Also because of the large number of children, women do not reject marriage even if it as second wives. If the husband from the previous marriage died of HIV/AIDS, the newly married women usually transfer the virus to their husbands who intern infect other wives (Gallant, 2019).


Prostitution is one of the longest professions where the women are the most involved. It is in this profession that they acquire the viruses and transmit it to all other clients who come looking for their services. They, the clients, transfer the viruses if and when the have multiple partners.


Overall human function is affected by politics, society way of life and in the recent past, social media. This can be summed up as socioeconomic status. When there is low socioeconomic status such as poor health and low level of education, the community is hit hard by HIV epidemics. Taking for instance, with low education, determine how much people are informed on how to protect themselves. People with HIV/AIDS are segregated even by their family members and this shorten their lives even further because of psychological effects (Griffin, 2010). Politics on the other hand affects development such as hospital facilities as well as the living standards of the people. With high living standards, treatment is affordable to most of the population.

New model program

Baby shower program will be model to target expectant women in churches. This is how the program will work, nurses along with healthcare providers will be visiting churches within their vicinity with gifts for the expectant mothers. Such mothers will be left after the service “to receive gifts”. During this period, they will be tested for their HIV status and they shall be educated on how to either protect themselves from infection or how to protect their children if they are infected. Since the target communities are in remote areas, any gift will be highly appreciated especially baby clothes (Griffin, 2010). In addition to that, mothers will be highly encouraged to give birth in hospitals where the care can be given to both mother and the baby. If traditional midwives are involved, mother to child infections are likely to occur.

Issues and risk factors

There are traditions and customs that encourage promiscuity among men. This has seen many husbands contract HIV and later transmit it to their wives. In addition to that, unsafe sex is quite common because protection is not readily available. In some remote areas, access to government hospitals is not easy therefore the only information that is available is from friends and relatives. Such information could be highly distorted and misleading.

There is the issue of long-distance relationship. This is what leads to people having multiple partners. This increases the chances of contracting the infection as well as transmitting it. Poverty is a factor that has led to people engaging into prostitution. There are 40% higher chances of contracting HIV compared to those who do not engage. Even where prostitution is illegal, people usually find way to bend the law.

Young people are known to engage in sex proactively. If not properly informed they tend to contract and transmit the infected very fast. This is how both sex education and HIV/AIDS should be included in the curriculum.

Evaluation of health needs

HIV/AIDS education through barazas, mass media platform to encourage people to take preventive measures. In addition to that, condoms should be availed for free in all government health facilities and toilets as well (Mayer & Pizer, 2019). This will reduce rate of infection especially by those who engaged sex with multiple partners. This would be help as well to all those who engage in prostitution.

Free testing in government facilities should be promoted. This could increase the number of people being tested. People after knowing their status can take care where those not infection can take steps to protect themselves and those infected can take steps to increase their lives. The government will also gather information for instance the number of people tested and the number infection. This is information can be helpful to government especially when planning such as the number of hospitals to be developed and the number of caregivers needed in a certain area.

Two proposed services

The above program proposed will include HIV testing to expectant mothers and their partners as well. The information could be used know the amount of ARV to be supplied to community. The other service offered is counselling (Griffin, 2010). This service will be availed to those infected and those not infected as well. Rate of suicide are reduced through counselling. Also, with proper counselling, those infected can help reduce further transmission.


Gallant, J. (2009). 100 questions & answers about HIV and AIDS. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.

Griffin, G. (2010). Representations of HIV and AIDS: Visibility blue/s. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press.

Mayer, K. H., & Pizer, H. (2019). HIV prevention: A comprehensive approach. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press.

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