
Watch one of the following films:

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  • Why Did I Get Married (PG-13)
  • Slumdog Millionaire (R)
  • Real Women Have Curves (PG-13)
  • Whale Rider (PG-13)
  • The Princess and the Frog (G)
  • The Kite Runner (PG-13)
  • Brokeback Mountain (R)
  • The Secret Life of Bees (PG-13)
  • Six Degrees of Separation (R)
  • Friends With Money (R)
  • Double Happiness (PG-13)
  • Far From Heaven (PG-13)
  • The Joy Luck Club (R)
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG)
  • Soul Food (R)
  • Crash (2004) (R)
  • The Family Stone (PG-13)
  • Like Water for Chocolate (R)
  • Frida (R)
  • Driving Miss Daisy (PG)
  • My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (R)
  • Smoke Signals (PG-13)
  • The Crying Game (R)
  • Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (R)
  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (PG-13)

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper about the cultural differences portrayed in the film. Provide specific examples of how both Hall’s perspective of culture as a screen and Hofstede’s five dimensions are reflected in a particular cultural pattern.

Address the following in your paper:

  • Evaluate both cultural identity and cultural bias within the film.
  • Explain the concept of cultural patterns and what types of cultural patterns are exhibited in the film.
  • Illustrate examples of both verbal and nonverbal intercultural communication within the film. How do these relate to a particular intercultural communication theory?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Citations and references are required in all work. Include citations from the course materials to support key points. Ensure that the paper has an introduction and conclusion.

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