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Topic: Global Melting

Read the following article on the melting ice sheets and conduct some additional research on your own. Then, answer the following:

Ferris, R. (2016, 19 August). Arctic sea ice is vanishing far faster than anyone thought possible. CNBC. Retrieved from


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  • In what state or region do you live?
  • Would the melting of glaciers impact you directly (e.g., through inundation or loss of a source of water)?
  • How would the melting ice caps affect you indirectly?
  • This problem is a significant one for scientists, and there is no easy answer. What do you think can be done to fix the problem:

    in the short term?
    in the long term?

  • How will the melting ice sheets impact plant and animal life?

Be sure to address all Discussion Board topics in an original, well-thought-out, respectful manner. Main posts should fully and completely discuss each question posed and make frequent, informed references to this unit’s material. Engage in ongoing, productive conversation by responding to a minimum of two classmates per topic.

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