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I’ve attached the previous research notes and assignments that will help with the outline. 


You will submit a sentence outline of your research paper, following the example in this week’s reading.  Your outline must include your thesis statement, a description of the problem, alternative solutions, and the solution you are advocating.  Be sure that the elements of the outline are complete sentences.  Please note that, if you have one subheading in a category, you should have a second subheading. 


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COLL300 Research, Analysis, and Writing

Thesis Statement: Reverse logistics decreases wastage of goods and materials, thus increasing the products’ monetary and consumption value through a process where goods are channeled back to the organization that sold or manufactured them.

1. What research question(s) led me to this thesis statement?

What is the value of reverse logistics in a distributing company? What is the value of reverse logistics in a manufacturing organization? Does reverse logistics add the consumption value of a product? Is there a connection between reverse logistics and customer satisfaction?

What is my purpose in writing this paper?

The purpose of writing this paper is to communicate more about the value of reverse logistics. Many scholars have written about the topic of research (Govindan & Bouzon, 2018). I am interested in knowing more than what I have already learned. There are three areas that I am interested in, and I am certain that the research will help me to know what I want to know. The first area of my interest is the impact of reverse logistics on customers (Govindan & Bouzon, 2018). Customers are the end-users of a product, which means that they must be involved in reverse logistics (Guo, Shen, Choi, & Jung, 2017). The purpose of the study is to know if the buyers are satisfied with reverse logistics or not.

The second area of concern is distribution. In this case, I am interested in knowing what distributors feel about reverse logistics. The distributor is relevant to the study because he or she takes a pivotal role in reverse logistics. It is important to note that reverse logistics is creating the manufacturer, which means that the distributor has no authority over the decision (Guo et al., 2017). Therefore, it will be essential to know if distributors like or hate the utilization and implementation of reverse logistics.

The third area of concern will be the manufacturers. Manufacturing organizations are responsible for making decisions that affect reverse (Agrawal& Singh, 2019). The purpose of focusing on manufacturers is to answer one of the research questions. Knowing the value that reverse logistics has on the manufacturing organization will help to understand why organizations employ the strategy (Govindan & Bouzon, 2018). In summary, the purpose of writing this paper is to inform based on data that will be collected and analyzed.

3. What do I already know about my topic?  What are my feelings toward this topic?

As far as the topic of research is concerned, there are different things that I know. First, I see the connection between reverse logistics and customer satisfaction. When an organization practices reverse logistics, it sends a positive message to customers (Agrawal & Singh, 2019). As a result, customers feel appreciated, and that is where their levels of satisfaction increase. Second, I am aware of the essentiality of reverse logistics in the conservation of the environment. One of the reasons some of the organizations practice reverse logistics is to dispose of the materials properly. In this case, it is important to note that some of the materials used to manufacture some goods cannot be disposed of using standard disposal methods (Govindan & Bouzon, 2018). I feel that reverse logistics is a practice or strategy that most organizations should adopt.

4. What do my readers already know? What are my readers’ feelings toward the topic?

Readers are aware of reverse logistics and its application in the field of business. Some of the readers have experienced reverse logistics. Reverse logistics has proven to have positive impacts on customers (Agrawal & Singh, 2019). Given that most readers are buyers and consumers of various goods, they already know the benefits of reverse logistics. Based on the services that some readers know about, the readers feel that this should be a practice embraced by all organizations (Govindan & Bouzon, 2018).

5. What do my readers need to know to understand my point?

Readers need to know that reverse logistics does not only affect buyers but organizations and manufacturers. When they understand me from this point of view, they will get my point. As much as reverse logistics may positively impact consumers, it is essential to note that it might have adverse impacts on the supplier of the products and the manufacturer (Govindan & Bouzon, 2018). Readers need to see the whole issue from the perspective of costs. The return costs are passed on to the supplier, which means that the entire process can be costly.

6. What information do I need to research and add to my paper?

The research will add a lot of information to my paper. First, it will increase knowledge on the effects of reverse logistics on businesses. Most of the information that has been shared about the topic is associated with the benefits of reverse logistics on customers (Govindan & Bouzon, 2018). It will be fair to look at the issue from different points of view.


Agrawal, S., & Singh, R. K. (2019). Analyzing disposition decisions for sustainable reverse logistics: Triple Bottom Line approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 150, 104448.

Govindan, K., & Bouzon, M. (2018). From a literature review to a multi-perspective framework for reverse logistics barriers and drivers. Journal of cleaner production, 187, 318-337.

Guo, S., Shen, B., Choi, T. M., & Jung, S. (2017). A review on supply chain contracts in reverse logistics: Supply chain structures and channel leaderships. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 387-402.


Research Questions

COLL300 Research, Analysis, and Writing

Field of Study or Major: Transportation and Logistics Management

Topic: Value of Reverse Logistics

Five (5) Draft Research Questions:

1. How can businesses experience risks when they lack a clear reverse logistics?

2. What are the benefits of reverse logistics in a business?

3. How can reverse logistics efficiency be measured?

4. How do businesses apply reverse logistics in their operations?

5. How does reverse logistics increase or maintain sustainability?

Research Question Checklist:

Look at each question to see if it meets most of the criteria shown here. If it does not, please replace or revise it. Then write your revised questions below.

• Does the question deal with something that really interests me?

• Is it a topic I can research at the APUS Library?

• Is the span of information I want to cover reasonable?

• Is the question too broad, too narrow, or just right?

• Is the question an open-ended question that invites inquiry?

Five (5) Revised Research Questions:

1. How can businesses use reverse logistics to curb threats that the industries may face in the future?

2. How does recent research indicate trends, benefits, and development of reverse logistics?

3. What is the standard scale used in measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of reverse logistics in transportation and logistics management?

4. What is the process and cost associated with implementing reverse logistics in a business?

5. What are the activities that are undertaken in reverse logistics to ensure sustainability?


Jimoh Fatoki (July 24, 2018). “What are the trends of recent research works in the field of reverse logistics?” Research gate. Retrieved from:


Nisa James (April 4, 2016). “Are there standard scales for measuring supply chain distribution in an end to end supply chain?” Research gate. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/topic/Reverse-Logistics




Evaluation of Sources

COLL300 Research, Analysis, and Writing

First source:

Hsu, C. C., Tan, K. C., & Zailani, S. H. M. (2016). Strategic orientations, sustainable supply chain initiatives, and reverse logistics. Emerald Publishing Limited

Credible author: All three authors, Chin-Chun Hsu, Keah-Choon Tan, and Suhaiza Hamin Mohamad Zailan are renowned experts in their fields. Chi-Chun and Tan are professors in the Business department at the University of Nevada. Both Chi-Chun and Tan have written numerous articles. Suhaiza, on the other hand, is a professor at the University of Malaysia in the faculty of Business and Accountancy. She has authored several scholarly articles.

Credible Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited is a scholarly publisher whose Google search reveals that it has been there since 1987. It mainly publishes articles in management, business, education, library studies, engineering, and health care.

Accuracy: The information that is in the article seems to be factual and accurate. The findings and conclusions do not contradict with reliable sources and previous research conducted on reverse logistics. The author talks about how global outsourcing has reshaped the supply chain system significantly, which is true. The statistical calculations are accurate, and no flaws can be seen. Besides, the authors have provided a reference list for the sources cited in the article.

Current information: This article is very recent since it was published in 2016. The issues that the journal address are current and affect the supply chains in different countries at this current time.

Objectivity(Bias): The authors appear to be unbiased in their report. The conclusion given is based on the findings and most of the information on the conclusion is from their point of view.

Second source:

Mangla, S. K., Govindan, K., & Luthra, S. (2016). Critical success factors for reverse logistics in Indian industries: a structural model. Journal of cleaner production, 129, 608-621.

Credible author: The three authors of this journal, Sachin Kumar Mangla, Kannan Govindan, and Sunil Luthra are experts in supply chain and operations. A Google search of these three authors reveals that they have authored several articles in the supply chain field and conducted numerous researches in the same field. Kannan has received the highly cited awards in two consecutive years, 2018 and 2019. Sunil has conducted over fifty research papers, and his works have been cited severally. Sachin has also authored several articles.

Credible publisher: The publisher of the article, Elsevier, is a scholarly publisher for over 100 years. It was founded in 1880 and has published several articles. It publishes multidiscipline articles and journals.

Accuracy: The article’s information seems to be accurate. The authors have provided a list of the sources cited in the article, and the information on the article corresponds with information on credible sources. The conclusions in the article are accurate and there are no factual errors in the information.

Current Information: The article was published in the year 2016. Thus it is recent. The issues that the article addresses are seen in recent times.

Objectivity(Bias): The authors show no bias in their report. Facts have backed up the information that the authors have provided. The authors’ ideas are not just blank thoughts but facts have supported them.


Hsu, C. C., Tan, K. C., & Zailani, S. H. M. (2016). Strategic orientations, sustainable supply chain initiatives, and reverse logistics. Emerald Publishing Limited
Mangla, S. K., Govindan, K., & Luthra, S. (2016). Critical success factors for reverse logistics in Indian industries: a structural model. Journal of cleaner production, 129, 608-621.


Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Did Not



Framework of



36 – 40 points

Outline is a
framework that
includes thesis
description of the
solutions, and the
solution being

32 – 35 points

Outline is a
that includes
most of these
description of
the problem,
solutions, and
the solution

28 – 31 points

Outline is a
framework that
includes some of
these elements:
description of
the problem,
solutions, and
the solution

24 – 27 points

Outline does not
include these
elements: thesis
description of the
solutions, and the
solution being

0 – 23 points

framework is

out of 40



Organization &

20 points

18 – 20 points

Outline has a well-
defined thesis, an
introduction, and a
Movement from
one idea to the
next is smooth.
Outline elements
are complete

16 – 17 points

Outline has a
thesis, an
and a
which could be
from one idea
to the next
could be
Most outline
elements are

14 – 15 points

organization but
does may not
have strong
conclusion, or
movement from
one idea to
another. Outline
elements may
not be complete

12 – 13 points

There is no clear
introduction nor
conclusion and
ideas are neither
carefully nor fully
through outline is
not smooth.
Outline elements
may not be

0 – 11 points

No attempt
to organize
is seen.

out of 20




20 points

18 – 20 points

Outline is
constructed in a
way that reflects
a tone and style
appropriate for
the discipline,
topic, and

16 – 17 points

Outline is
in a way that
reflects a
tone and
for the
topic, and

14 – 15 points

Outline is not
constructed in
a way that
reflects a tone
and style
appropriate for
the discipline,
topic, and

12 – 13 points

Outline is
constructed in a
way that reflects
a tone and style
inappropriate for
a scholarly

0 – 11 points

No attempt
to address
needs is

out of




Grammar /

20 points

18 – 20 points

Outline shows
evidence of careful
proofreading and
has two (2) or
fewer mechanical,
punctuation, or
spelling errors.

16 – 17 points

Outline shows
evidence of
and has three
(3) or more
punctuation, or
spelling errors.

14 – 15 points

Outline shows
evidence of
and has five (5)
or more
punctuation, or
spelling errors.

12 – 13 points

Outline shows
evidence of
proofreading and
has seven (7) or
more mechanical,
punctuation, or
spelling errors.

0 – 11 points

Evidence of
efforts to
and correct
or spelling
errors is not


of 20

Total Points

out of




 © 2012 American Public University System
Electronic Press. All rights reserved.






Thesis Statement: The practice of politicians trading stocks while in office must be

put to an end by means of legislative action aimed at making such moves illegal for

each individual holding office within the federal government.






Using your thesis as the guide, your first step is to break the thesis into its main

parts. In a problem-solution report, for example, you will need to identify the problem first so

begin your outline with a discussion of the problem. In the student sample above, the

problem is elected federal officials actively trading stocks while holding office; the solution is

a law to stop it. Now go through your research notes, dividing them into three categories:

problem, alternate solution[s], proposed solution[s]. Working from these notes, begin by

developing the problem section of your outline. Here is how one student developed the

problem in his thesis statement:




I: Politicians are legally allowed to trade stocks while in office, essentially creating a conflict

of interest between their personal finances and laws that can affect stock prices.

a. Allowing politicians to continue to trade stocks while in office allows them to use their

elected position for monetary gain.

b. Politicians holding stock in a company that may be affected by proposed legislation

has the potential to cause that individual to vote differently than if he/she held no

such stock.

 © 2012 American Public University System
Electronic Press. All rights reserved.




Notice that the student heads this section with a general statement identifying the

problem and then uses sub-topics to develop specific support for his initial statement. When

he moves from outlining to composing his first draft, the student will be able to develop this

section further with specific examples. Keep in mind that developing and supporting your

problem may take more than one section of your outline. The amount of time you devote to

explaining and supporting your problem will depend on the complexity of the problem and on

how likely your audience is to accept that the problem exists and is significant.

Once you have adequately developed the problem, your next task is to propose your

solution. In some cases, it may also be necessary to present (and reject) alternate solutions.

If alternative solutions to your problem exist, including them in your presentation is essential

to establishing your credibility. In the sample below, notice how the student introduces, and

then dismisses, an alternate solution before presenting his proposal. In the main heading,

the student offers an alternate solution and then uses his sub-topics to refute the efficacy of

that alternative






III: Regulating insider trading would hold politicians accountable for making trades

on stock between the time of acquiring political intelligence and actually voting on

the legislation.

a. This does not completely eliminate the practice of trading stocks while in

office, but aims to propose disciplinary action for those politicians caught

using political intelligence for monetary gain.

b. Pursuing this as a solution would merely be a step in the right direction rather

than ending the corrupt practice altogether.

 © 2012 American Public University System
Electronic Press. All rights reserved.




Once you have presented and dismissed alternative solutions, you can propose your

solution as demonstrated in the final section of the student outline below.






IV: Requiring politicians to place their stock holdings into a blind trust for the

entirety of their time as an elected official is the best solution to this problem.

a. This solution would allow politicians to vote without conscious of their

current holdings, essentially eliminating the conflict of interest issue.


b. Having a third party handle the stock holdings of politicians removes the

temptation for them to make trades based on political intelligence.

c. Protecting the sanctity of a politician’s vote in combination with removing

the temptation to shirk one’s duty to represent his/her constituents to

obtain personal gain will restore voter confidence in our elected officials.







A problem solution report makes organizing your outline a bit easier. As seen above,

you will present the problem along with specific evidence establishing its significance and its

causes. Next, turn your attention to solving the problem. In this section of your outline, it

may be necessary to first provide and, through analysis of the evidence, dismiss alternative

solutions before providing and supporting your own solution. You will need to fully explain

your solution and provide evidence that it is the best way to solve the problem. In the

drafting and revising stages, you will use your notes to add flesh to the bare bones of your

outline. Here is an additional tip: providing informal source notes within the draft of your

 © 2012 American Public
University System Electronic Press. All rights reserved.



outline will aid in the drafting the final paper. Including the author’s last name or

the title of the article in which the information can be located will help you track

your sources and eliminate unintentional plagiarism. Remember, if you have

questions about Plagiarism, be sure to review the material in Lesson 3 or ask your





Paper Outline

Thesis: Socrates would have been wrong to escape and go against his beliefs and teachings.

I. If you could escape prison and change your beliefs and religion, would you take the chance at escaping? Socrates had many opportunities to escape but he did not.

II. Discuss Socrates being wrongly accused of erroneous crimes.

A. Explain how the public viewed Socrates crime accusations.

B. Explain how Socrates’s conversation with Crito showed his views on morality.

C. Socrates would have been wrong to escape because it went against his belief on law and justice.

III. Discuss Socrates’s views on law and justice.

A. Explain Socrates’s view on the law during his time.

B. Explain how Socrates’s conversation with Crito went.

C. Socrates would have put himself in a huge risk if he would have tried to escape.

IV. Discuss the major risk Socrates faced if he tried to escape.

A. Explain how even though he did not escape, he may face the same fate.

B. Explain how Socrates escape would have affected his followers.

V. Socrates would have been wrong if he escapes based off of his beliefs.

A. Socrates would have gone against everything he believed when it came to moral and justice.

B. Discuss what happens if Socrates decides to escape.

IV. Conclusion:…………….

Work Cited

History.com Editors. (23 August 2019). Socrates. Retrieved from


Mark, J. (2 September 2009). Socrates. Retrieved from https://www.ancient.eu/socrates/


Thesis Statement: The practice of politicians trading stocks while in office must be put to an end by means of legislative action aimed at making such moves illegal for each individual holding office within the federal government.


I: Politicians are legally allowed to trade stocks while in office, essentially creating a conflict.

of interest between their personal finances and laws that can affect stock prices.

a. Allowing politicians to continue to trade stocks while in office allows them to use their elected position for monetary gain.

b. Politicians holding stock in a company that may be affected by proposed legislation.

has the potential to cause that individual to vote differently than if he/she held no such stock.


III: Regulating insider trading would hold politicians accountable for making trades on stock between the time of acquiring political intelligence and actually voting on the legislation.

a. This does not completely eliminate the practice of trading stocks while in office, but aims to propose disciplinary action for those politicians caught using political intelligence for monetary gain.

b. Pursuing this as a solution would merely be a step in the right direction rather than ending the corrupt practice altogether.


IV: Requiring politicians to place their stock holdings into a blind trust for the entirety of their time as an elected official is the best solution to this problem.

a. This solution would allow politicians to vote without conscious of their current holdings, essentially eliminating the conflict-of-interest issue.

b. Having a third party handle the stock holdings of politicians removes the temptation for them to make trades based on political intelligence.

c. Protecting the sanctity of a politician’s vote in combination with removing the temptation to shirk one’s duty to represent his/her constituents to obtain personal gain will restore voter confidence in our elected officials.

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