Organizational Theory

Q. Organizational culture

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Discuss specifically, how the social environment impacts behaviors among individuals in the organization and outside of it.  Focus on how norms, values, rituals impact behaviors and how they impact the types of info you share with one another as well as the level of info that you share….even to what extent do you engage with individuals across functional borders? What about the philosophy of the organization? IF very green-minded organization, does your company encourage doing business with those organizations that do not support this value? Along these lines of thinking…How do you specifically manage these types of situations?

Make sure you integrate course concepts from the readings into your paper and use citations when crafting your reflection paper to defend your position.

Name of textbook – Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality, McShane and Von    Glinow, 2021 9thth Edition

organizational theoryreflection paper

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