Organ donation readings/ 4th essay (incorporating sources)


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After reading the various essays in regarding the organ donation crisis in the world, write a 2.5 page essay explaining which of the following options* would best solve the organ shortage in the United States.*

  • Paying relatives of dead donors
  • Paying live donors
  • Presumed consent (with opt-out option)
  • Point system

Present the problem (shortage of organs) to the reader.  If you use a statistic in the background information, be sure to include the source information on the Works Cited page. 

Thesis/Body of your essay:  State which option would be the best for our society. In addition to answering which option offers the best solution, explain what is ineffective, immoral, or unethical about the solutions you did not choose.

Use information and quotes from the articles to support your claim.  When you quote, don’t forget to include a signal phrase.  Whether you use a direct quote (the exact words) or paraphrase (changed into your own words), you need to put the author’s last name (and page number if you have one) in parenthesis at the end of the sentence.  This is called an in-text citation.   Note where the period is placed.

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Paraphrase:  Even in a free society, people should not be allowed to degrade their bodies in order to support their children (Krauthammer).

Quote:  According to one economist, “The black market may account for 5 percent to 10 percent of transplants worldwide” (Tabarrok).   The period goes at the end of the parenthesis because that is where the sentence ends.

According to economist Alex Tabarrok in the article The Meat Market, “The black market may account for 5 percent to 10 percent of transplants worldwide.”  Tabarrok’s solution to the shortage…. (After the first reference, refer to the author by his last name.)

Length: 2.5 pages double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt.  

these are two links for two points and the others attach to the post

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