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This week you will continue to work on the topic of choice to progress toward your Cultural Perspectives final paper. Select ONE of the diversity-related topics researched for your Week 3 written assignment, or select a new topic. 

Then, using the

APA formatted template

, write a 660-1320 word paper (not including title page) that addresses the following:

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  • Describe the diversity situation or cultural dilemma and the cultural groups impacted by this topic.
  • Explain the types of power or privilege each group possesses. In what ways are members of each group aware (or not aware) of their power or privilege?
  • Discuss the types of prejudice or discrimination applied to each group. Is the discrimination or prejudice overt or covert?
  • How do these (prejudice, discrimination, power or privilege) impact each group’s access to goods, services, positions of power, education, or other societal structures?

Support your claims with documentation from historical perspectives, recent news activities, scholarly articles, or course resources.

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