Order 862853: What issues may arise when small luxury [fashion] brands try to expand globally and how can the risk of failure be mitigated during the execution of their global plan?

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  • Type of paperDissertation
  • SubjectBusiness
  • Number of pages18
  • Format of citationHarvard
  • Number of cited resources50
  • Type of serviceWriting

examples of luxury brands when explaining i.e. gucci, louis vuitton. i will be adding another file about the layout and another file about the dissertation question for more guidance.

Layout & what must be done

Annexure 2: Dissertation Template (Assessment 2)

Title Page*

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Table of Contents*

1. Introduction (10% of total word count)

The introduction sets the scene for your study and should discuss the following 2 issues:

· Motivation for your study

· Research Question and hypotheses, aims and objectives

2. Literature Review (30% of total word count)

In this section, you will present your review of the literature relevant to your research topic. Sub-headings will depend on your research question.

3. Methodology (20% of total word count)

Here you discuss how you implemented your research study. You will need to describe your research design, methods and techniques that you used to collect and analyse the data.

In addition, you should discuss any issues, challenges or problems that you encountered during the research process, and how you resolved these.

4. Results and Analysis (30% of total word count)

This section is used to present your data and discuss what the data means in terms of your research question, hypotheses, aims and objectives. With reference to your Proposal, you should consider addressing issues such as

· How do these results compare to the results that you were expecting?

· If there are substantial differences, why do you think this happened and what does it mean?

· How will the research results benefit the target audience?

5. Conclusion (10% of total word count)

The conclusion section is usually used to summarise your work and should contain the following sub-headings:

· Contributions to knowledge

· Limitations and recommendations for further research



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*Not included in word count


Notes on Formatting

Font: Arial or equivalent, please do NOT use Times Roman.

Font Size: min 11 point

Line Spacing: 1.5 spacing

Paragraphs: fully justified


What issues may arise when small luxury [fashion] brands try to expand globally and how can the risk of failure be mitigated during the execution of their global plan?

Introduction and Background of Research

In the world of business, the ability to achieve success can make or break any company. Whilst success can be measured differently, a common thread which runs through the foundation of many businesses, is the desire for business growth.

The purpose of this research assignment is analyse the different ways in which a brand can grow, particularly in relation to small luxury fashion businesses, as they endeavour to transform into global brands. This assignment will review the different approaches a brand may take to drive its globalisation agenda, whilst highlighting key benefits, challenges and risks that a business may face during the execution. After evaluation, the assignment will conclude with key recommendations to mitigate risk and achieve success.

Nowadays brands can use many platforms to expand their businesses, from e-commerce to Instagram and this helps a brand reach its targets consumers across many continents and create global dominance within its industry sector. Aneel Karnani from University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, focuses his research on strategies for growth, competitive advantage and global competition. Mr Karnani stated “Too many times, that kind of thinking results in adding a lot of new costs that don’t deliver new value,” (Jennifer Vessels , 2012). His statement proves that there is a need for strategic planning pre delivery of a global expansion plan which is intended to drive incremental value to a brand/business.

Research Question(s)

The research questions in this project will address the different ways in which a small brand can adopt strategies to create a larger global footprint. The main topics for exploration will be:

1. Social media and online presence

2. International expansion (stores)

3. Sales, revenue and investment

4. Use of brand ambassadors (if any)

5. Franchise and partnerships

6. Clear target audience / market segmentation

7. Product differentiation (having a Unique Selling Point) against the competition

In addition to the above, the benefits and disadvantages of using each type of strategy will be evaluated and a recommendation on mitigating risks will be suggested.

The Aim and Objectives

The research will explore the different strategies that can be adopted and platforms which can be utilised to transform a small brand into a global brand. The analysis will highlight the issues, advantages and disadvantages of each of the main topics above which could be faced during the execution of the expansion plan, and suggest recommends to avoid risk of expansion failure. The information from this research will support any type of small business looking to drive a global expansion agenda, as it will showcase the importance of brand differentiation in the market in order to drive global success ahead of the competition.

Proposed Research Methods

Quantitative research – this method will be used to explain the key topics in the assignment as there is a need to explore, explain and understand the hypotheses behind how to globally expand successfully. As the data received will be less structured, i.e. through secondary research content, this means quantitative research will allow for flexibility to evolve as the study continues. Given the assignment will conclude with recommendations, this research type will allow results to be presented subjectively

Secondary research such as company websites, magazine articles, public debates, research reports, old sales reports/current sales reports (Forbes, FTSE) and general public information will be analysed. This is the main source by which the research will be founded, for the purposes of this assignment. A diligent approach will be taken to ensure reliable secondary research is used.

Problem orientated research – to provide explanation for brand growth strategies that can be adopted

Problem solving research – which will help to prove or disprove the assignment hypotheses

Project Plan, Budget and Timeline

The below Gantt chart shows the project plan, from the beginning of my research until to submission date. The budget plan is to use free secondary resources available such as library books for example. As per the Gantt chart, it is expected that each area will take approximately 15 days to be completed. For example, preparing the main content body will take me from 01/01/17 to 15/01/2017 to complete.

Issues to be considered

As a majority of the analysis will be based on secondary research, I believe there are a few key areas which require careful consideration before information is relied upon:

Out of date information – As business performance changes daily it is important to try stay aligned to the current market situation.

Incomplete or unreliable information – Ensuring that [secondary] data sources are reliable as information may be opiated rather than official facts being presented (Data Collection: Problems with Using Secondary Sources, n.d.)

Bias information – As information can be presented in a bias format, particularly when sourced from magazines, newspapers or online articles for example.

Potential use of the research findings

The intended outcome for this research is to show the strategies and platforms that a small luxury brand can adopt to drive a global expansion agenda. The research will highlight the importance of a product differentiation and need for a clear target audience, when a brand intends on transforming into a successful global business.

The research can be used as a reference guide on issues that may arise during expansion execution, and steps available to mitigate risks of failure. The recommendations will suggestions how challenges can be overcome, to enable a small luxury brand to become a global market leader.


This assignment will present a clear format by which a small luxury [clothing] brand can transform into a global brand. Whilst the issues, advantages and disadvantages of global expansion will be explored, balanced and analysed; a clear set of recommendations will be presented, which also includes suggestions by which risk can be mitigated to avoid global expansion failure.

Annexure 1: Dissertation Marking Criteria










NB: Word lengths are for guidance only

Marks available

Marks awarded

Introduction (


00 words)



Literature Review (2000 words)


Methods (300 words)

Recommendations / Analysis (1500 words)


Conclusion (700 words)





Presentation (10 marks)

A high standard of presentation is expected. Marks can be deducted for any of the following inadequacies of presentation:

Referencing (requirements below)

Sufficient referencing to support arguments

Correct use of the Harvard system

In-text citation included bibliography

Bibliographic citation appears in text

Formatting (requirements below)

Comply with the specified formatting instructions

General presentation (requirements below)

Adequate and clear abstract

Inclusion of

· illegible tables and diagrams

· tables and diagrams without captions

· tables and diagrams without source references

(where appropriate)

Minimal errors of grammar that inhibit understanding

Minimal spelling errors/typos

Introduction (500 words)

Methods (300 words)

Max 5 marks





Max 5 marks


Max 5 marks


Is the rationale/justification for the research clearly explained?

Are the research question(s), hypotheses, aims and objectives clearly stated?

Literature Review (1500 words)

Max 30 marks

Has appropriate literature been chosen for review?

Is there sufficient competence displayed in the critical evaluation of the literature?

· Is the student able to evaluate critically the literature selected to review?

· Are the points well made? Are they based on the evidence presented?

· Is evidence used well to support the opinion being expressed?

· Can the student synthesise an argument?

Is the review broad / extensive enough?

Have appropriate methods been used to tackle the research question/problem?

Is there an adequate explanation of how the methods were used?

Is there an adequate explanation of the data collection process and choices made (e.g. sampling, selection of data base, conceptual framework)? (where appropriate)

Is there an awareness of any limitations in the approach taken?

Analysis & Findings (1500 words)

Max 45 marks

Has the material been presented effectively through the use of appropriate summaries/tables/diagrams or other appropriate presentation devices?

Has the material been analysed rather than described?

Is there evidence of the competent use of specific techniques (at a level appropriate for an UG student)?

Is the student able to evaluate critically the material they have collected?

· Is there evidence of the ability to draw effective inferences or conclusions from the analysis?

· Are the implications of the results/findings discussed adequately?

· Is there an attempt to relate the results/findings to the literature reviewed?

· Are the results/findings used explicitly to answer the original question?

Conclusion (500 words)

Has the contribution to knowledge been adequately identified by highlighting the benefits or potential applications of the knowledge derived from the study?

Are limitations adequately discussed?

Are areas for possible further study identified?

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