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The Seagull Act 1 Questions

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1. What color does Masha dress in?
a) White.
b) Black.
c) Blue.
d) Orange.

2. What does Masha say happiness does not depend on?
a) Riches.
b) Poverty.
c) Love.
d) Family.

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3. What kind of people does Masha think are often happy?
a) Poor people.
b) Married couples.
c) Children.
d) Rich people.

4. What can Masha not return to Medviedenko?
a) His affection.
b) His hate.
c) His wallet.
d) His keys.

5. How does Masha describe the air?
a) Sultry.
b) Seething.
c) Cool.
d) Violent.

6. What does Sorin use to walk?
a) A walker.
b) A cane.
c) A bannister.
d) A plank.

7. What does Sorin want Masha’s father to leave unchained?
a) The cat.
b) The dog.
c) The bull.
d) The duck.

8. What does the dog so when it is chained up?
a) Sniffles.
b) Whines.
c) Barks.
d) Howls.

9. Who does Sorinn say was unable to sleep during the night?
a) His sister.
b) Himself.
c) His brother.
d) His nephew.

10. What will happen at 8.30 pm?
a) The play will start.
b) The guests will arrive.
c) Dinner will be served.
d) The play will finish.

11. Who does Treplieff not want to be late?
a) Simon.
b) Masha.
c) Nina.
d) Peter.

12. Who does Trepleff say watches Nina closely?
a) Her father and sister.
b) Her cousins.
c) Her brothers.
d) Her stepmother and father.

13. Who does Sorin say has never liked him?
a) Men.
b) Dogs.
c) Children.
d) Women.

14. What kind of life does Treplieff think his mother leads?
a) A fun life.
b) A stupid life.
c) An ugly life.
d) A serious life.

15. What does Treplieff say frightens his mother to death?
a) The cinema.
b) The magazines.
c) The theater.
d) The newspapers.

16. What is Treplieff’s mother’s job?
a) A waitress.
b) A writer.
c) A singer.
d) An actress.

17. What does Treplieff wish his mother was?
a) A serious woman.
b) A lucky woman.
c) A fun loving woman.
d) An ordinary woman.

18. What does Treplieff say he would be if his mother was an ordinary woman?
a) A lucky man.
b) A rounded man.
c) A happier man.
d) A serious man.

19. What does Treplieff say sometimes speaks in his heart?
a) Love.
b) Bill.
c) Egoism.
d) Hatred.

20. Why is Nina late?
a) She had to stay back at school.
b) She was ill.
c) She had to beg her father to let her come.
d) She has hurt her foot,

21. What have Nina’s mother and stepfather gone out to do?
a) Walk.
b) Drive.
c) Run.
d) Cycle.

22. Who does Treplieff say he loves?
a) Nina.
b) His mother.
c) Masha.
d) Peter.

23. Who does Nina say writes beautiful stories?
a) Sorin.
b) Peter.
c) Simon.
d) Trigorin.

24. Why is Treplieff’s play so hard to act in?
a) It has to be performed in the dark.
b) It has no living characters.
c) It is cliched.
d) The dialogue is hard to speak.

The Seagull


Konstantin Gavrilovich Treplev – One of the play’s four protagonists, Treplev is Arkadina’s only son. He struggles to find his voice as a writer in the shadow of his successful actress mother and her lover, the writer Trigorin, both of whom are members of the elite Russian intelligensia and artistic community. Treplev is impatient, self- defeating and childish. His need for love and approval torments him. He attempts to create new forms in dramatic writing and literature that reflect the new wave of symbolist writing that emerged in Russia during Chekhov’s time. His writing parodies Chekhov’s own work. Treplev is a dreamer and a compassionate soul who fills the void of affection in his life with self-doubt.

Irina Nikolayevna Arkadina – Arkadina, a protagonist of The Seagull is a renowned Russian actress who stars in grand, melodramatic plays. She is the mother of Treplev, the lover of Trigorin, and the sister of Sorin. Her arrival at Sorin’s country estate is the highlight of the year for the workers there and her family. She is a member of the intelligentsia and artistic community in Russia to which her son, Treplev longs to belong. Stubborn, vain, stingy, and beautiful, Arkadina is a selfish mother and doting lover. She loves attention and is not afraid to ask for it. Her competitive spirit selfishly discourages Treplev’s creative spirit and contributes to her obsession with looking and feeling young

Nina Mikhailovna Zarechnaya – Nina is a nineteen-year-old neighbor of Sorin’s estate who grew up in an estate bordering the same lake that acts as a backdrop for the play. She is one of the four protagonists of the play. Nina’s mother died when she was young and left her fortune to her husband, Nina’s father, without leaving any inheritance for Nina. Her father remarried and put all of the money in her stepmother’s name, contributing to Nina’s insecure future. The play characters talk about how cruel Nina’s father is to her and how Nina can only be in the company of Sorin’s family when her father and stepmother do not know she is in their company. Nina is in love with Treplev or perhaps in love with the idea that Treplev can bring her close to his mother, an actress, which is what Nina wants to become. Naïve, smart, idealistic, and willing to take risks, Nina is a hopeless romantic who longs for a stage career. Her pursuit of Trigorin’s heart reveals her overestimated innocence by those around her and her ambitious side.

Boris Alexeyevich Trigorin – Arkadina’s lover, Trigorin, one of the four protagonists, is an esteemed Russian writer of fiction stories and novels. Like Arkadina, Trigorin is a member of the elite Russian intelligentsia and artistic community. He begins as a dutiful lover to Arkadina but becomes tempted by the youthful beauty, optimism, and flattery of Nina. Trigorin’s favorite hobby is fishing. He is an obsessive- compulsive writer and somewhat aloof to the family and friends on the estate, preferring to observe the surroundings for details for his stories or fishing in the lake than gossiping, bragging, philosophizing, or playing parlor games. Trigorin feels that he lost out on his youth and on youthful romantic experiences because he was so busy trying to seek out a writing career for himself in those days. He uses this as an excuse for having the affair with Nina. Trigorin is not directly competitive with the jealous Treplev, but does not encourage him either. Trigorin often seems like a reluctant but acquiescing member of the clan.

Sorin – Sorin is the sixty-year-old landowner of the estate where the play takes place. He spent his life working for a government office and retired to his country farm. Sorin is the brother of Arkadina and the uncle to Treplev. His health deteriorates during the course of the play. Sorin is a patient listener, a confidant, and a compassionate admirer of both his nephew and sister’s talents. He is disappointed with his life’s decisions and its outcome; he once wished to find love and be a successful writer and never acquired either wish. Sorin sees himself in the young Treplev and asks his sister Arkadina to be easier on Treplev’s vulnerable confidence. Sorin can be wistful, nostalgic and wise.

Yevgeny Sergeyevich Dorn – Dorn is a local doctor who was once a popular and handsome ladies’ man. Dorn often provides an outsider’s perspective to the play for he functions almost as an audience member on stage. He is less vital to the desires and distresses on stage, but he is important as a fluid observer and commentator, confidant, and witness to the events. He has known Arkadina, Sorin, and the rest for many years. Dorn has affections for Paulina but does not seem to be in love with her. Like Sorin, Dorn is a compassionate presence who respects Treplev’s talent and attempts to soften the blow of Arkadina’s ego on her depressed son, Treplev, spirit.

Masha – Masha is the daughter of Paulina and Shamrayev, the managers of Sorin’s farm. She wears all black all of the time because she is depressed and hates her life. A heavy drinker and snuff addict, Masha’s repressed, unrequited feelings for Treplev torment her. She is pursued by the poor schoolteacher, Medvedenko, who has a mediocre, obsequious personality, which complicates the situation. Masha is critical and unsympathetic to her admirer, Medvedenko even though she herself is in his same, unrequited position in her love triangle with Treplev. She feels sorry for herself and her undramatic life. Masha marries Medvedenko but keeps her love for Treplev burning strong. Like many Chekhovian characters, Masha gives in to the disappointments in life and accepts them, surviving the unfulfilled dreams with the hope of change and renewal in moving and forgetting.

Ilya Afanasyevich Shamrayev – Shamrayev is father to Masha and husband to Paulina. He acts as the manager of Sorin’s farm and household year round. Shamrayev adores Arkadina’s fame and fortune and close ties to Russian artists. He flatters her and attentively listens to her boasts and the details of her life in the theatre. But when it comes to the horses and running the farm, Shamrayev is argumentative about his control. He is cruel and unsympathetic to his daughter’s admirer and later, husband, Medvedenko, and inattentive and embarrassing to his wife, Paulina.

Semyon Semyonovich Medvedenko – Medvedenko is a local schoolteacher who is poor and must support his family at home while later supporting his new family with Masha. He is a boring conversationalist because he spends most of his time complaining about his poverty. Medvedenko pursues the melancholy Masha, eventually winning her hand in marriage, out of convenience and a hope of change, not love.

Paulina Andryevna – Paulina is the mother of Masha and the wife of Shamrayev, who manages Sorin’s estate. Unhappy in her loveless marriage, she is often embarrassed by Shamrayev’s arguments with Arkadina, their employer’s famous sister. She loves Dorn but is jealous and unsatisfied by his aloof affection for her. Paulina sees her own misery in her daughter, Masha’s unrequited love for Treplev and compromising marriage to Medvedenko, that she encourages Treplev to pay attention to Masha out of pity.

Yakov – A hired workman.

The Cook – A worker on Sorin’s estate.

The Maid – A worker on Sorin’s estate.

The Watchman – A worker on Sorin’s estate who carries a warning stick at night.

Seagull Act 1 Part 2 Questions

Highlight your answers in purple

1. Who is 55-years-old?
a) Boris.
b) Dorn.
c) Masha
d) Peter.

2. What does Pauline say the men are ready to go down on their knees to?
a) An actress.
b) A statue.
c) A model.
d) A writer.

3. What is Dorn’s job?
a) A lawyer.
b) A doctor.
c) A priest.
d) A gigolo.

4. What 1973 play does Shamraeff mention?
a) Lover’s Circus.
b) People, People.
c) Poltava Fair.
d) The Lost Rubees.

5. What Shakespeare play does Arkandina quote from?
a) Midsummer Night’s Dream.
b) Macbeth.
c) The Merchant of Venice.
d) Hamlet.

6. What blows behind the stage?
a) A cello.
b) A trumpet.
c) A horn.
d) A trombone.

7. What does Treplieff use to tap the door?
a) A stick.
b) His fingers.
c) A spoon.
d) His foot.

8. What is Nina seated upon?
a) A car.
b) A rock.
c) A table.
d) A bench.

9. Which of the following animals does Nina not mention in her monologue?
a) Snakes.
b) Stags.
c) Lions.
d) Geese.

10. What does Arkadina say she smells?
a) Smoke.
b) Sulphur.
c) Petrol.
d) Gas.

11. What does Paulina tell Dorn to put back on?
a) His pants.
b) His hat.
c) His shirt.
d) His shoes.

12. Why does Paulina want Dorn to put his hat back on?
a) He looks sophisticated.
b) He will catch a cold.
c) He looks handsome.
d) He can cover his bald patch.

13. Which character criticizes Treplieff’s play?
a) Arkadina.
b) Nina.
c) Alexander.
d) Slava.

14. What does Sorin say Arkadina should not handle so roughly?
a) Youthful egoism.
b) Youthful sensitivity.
c) Young love.
d) A masterpiece.

15. What does Arkadina want her son to spare her?
a) His hate.
b) His love.
c) His nonsense.
d) His pretentiousness.

16. Who does Arkadina say she is not?
a) Mary Magdalene.
b) The Virgin Mary.
c) Jove.
d) Peter.

17. What does Aradina smoke?
a) Weed.
b) Cigars.
c) A pipe.
d) Cigarettes.

18. What does Arkadina want to listen to?
a) The play.
b) The singing.
c) The television.
d) The radio.

19. What does Arkadina say it is a crime for Nina to do?
a) Hide herself in the countryside.
b) Marry young.
c) Marry a no good writer like her son.
d) Act in such an awful play.

20. What does Arkadina say it is Nina’s duty to do?
a) Marry her son.
b) Go on stage.
c) Start a family.
d) Direct a play.

21. Which character does Arkadina say is a celebrity?
a) Boris.
b) Simon.
c) Constantine.
d) Peter.

22. What does Shamraeff ask Jacob to do?
a) Go to the shop.
b) Raise the curtain.
c) Set the table.
d) Find a horse.

23. What does Boris say he loves doing?
a) Dressing up.
b) Eating out.
c) Fishing.
d) Running.

24. Where does Shamraeff remember Silva singing?
a) The Kew Gardens.
b) The Shakespeare Theater.
c) The Opera House.
d) The Pavillion.

Act 3 Seagull Questions

1. What meal is Trigorin eating?
a) Breakfast.
b) Lunch.
c) Dinner.
d) Tea.

2. What is Medviedenko’s job?
a) A lawyer.
b) A school teacher.
c) A musician.
d) A doctor.

3. Who says fiddlesticks?
a) Masha.
b) Dorn.
c) Arkadina.
d) Trigorin.

4. What does Masha say women do in secret?
a) Read.
b) Chop logs.
c) Drink.
d) Take drugs.

5. What has Treplieff challenged Trigorin to?
a) A duel.
b) A car race.
c) A card game.
d) A croquet game.

6. What is Jacob carrying?
a) A gun.
b) A trunk.
c) A spear.
d) A tray.

7. What positive thing does Masha say about the school teacher?
a) He is good looking.
b) He has money.
c) He is funny.
d) He is a good man.

8. What does Nina say she has in her hand?
a) A key.
b) A coin.
c) A pea.
d) An apple.

9. Which of Boris’ books does Nina mention?
a) Days and Nights.
b) Women and men.
c) Morning and evenings.
d) Pubs and clubs.

10. What does Nina give Trigorin to remember her by?
a) A trophy.
b) A necklace.
c) A photograph.
d) A medallion.

11. What does Jacob ask Trigorin if he should pack?
a) His boots.
b) His fishing rods.
c) His winter clothes.
d) His guns.

12. What does Trigorin tell Jacob to give away?
a) His wine.
b) His cigarettes.
c) His car.
d) His books.

13. Who does Arkadina tell Sorin to keep an eye on?
a) Treplieff.
b) Paulina.
c) Trigorin.
d) Masha.

14. Why does Arkadina think that Constantine shot himself?
a) Jealousy.
b) Lack of confidence.
c) Depression.
d) Unrequitted love.

15. Who dies Arkadina think that Constantine is jealous of?
a) Herself.
b) Nina.
c) Trigorin.
d) Masha.

16. What does Arkadina think that her son could join?
a) The army.
b) The scouts.
c) The writer’s circle.
d) The magic circle.

17. What does Arkadina say she has not got?
a) Religion.
b) Money.
c) Cigarettes.
d) Books.

18. What does Treplieff have around his head?
a) String.
b) A scarf.
c) A bandage.
d) A sweat band.

19. What does Sorin drink to make himself feel better?
a) Tea.
b) Vodka.
c) Water.
d) Coffee.

20. What does Treplieff tell his uncle to go and do?
a) Lie down.
b) Drink water.
c) Meditate.
d) Take his medication.

21. What city does Sorin say he is going to?
a) Moscow.
b) Kiev.
c) Odessa.
d) St. Petersburg.

22. What does Treplieff say his mother should untie?
a) Her tongue.
b) Her hair.
c) Her toes.
d) Her purse-strings.

23. Where could Sorin spend a whole year if Arkadina gave him 1000 rubles?
a) In St. Petersburg.
b) In the village.
c) In town.
d) In Moscow.

24. What does Arkadina say she is not?
a) A comedian.
b) A martyr.
c) An actress.
d) A banker.

25. What does Treplieff ask his mother to change for him?
a) His shoes.
b) His pants.
c) His socks.
d) His bandage.

26. Who does Arkadina say is late?
a) The nurse.
b) Nina.
c) Trigorin.
d) The doctor.

27. What does Arkadina say it looks like Treplieff has on his head?
a) A helmet.
b) Snow.
c) A hat.
d) A turban.

ACT 2 of the Seagull Part 1 Questions

1. Who does Arkadina ask the doctor to compare her looks to?
a) Nina.
b) Paulina.
c) Masha.
d) Fanny.

2. Why does Aradina say she looks so young?
a) She loves men.
b) She loves life.
c) She eats good food.
d) She is always busy.

3. What does Akadina say she never likes to look into?
a) A book.
b) Someone’s bedroom.
c) The past.
d) The future.

4. What is the title of the book Arkadina is reading?
a) The Idiot.
b) Under the Bridge.
c) The Golden Arm.
d) On the Water.

5. Who does Arkadina say she is uneasy about?
a) Masha.
b) Nina.
c) Constantine.
d) Boris.

6. What does Dorn say destroys the individual?
a) Tea and coffee.
b) Wine and tobacco.
c) Cocaine and coffee.
d) Beer and cheese.

7. Where did Sorin serve for 28 years?
a) The Police Department.
b) The Department of Secrets.
c) The Fire Department.
d) The Department of Justice.

8. What does Sorin drink with his dinner?
a) Wine.
b) Beer.
c) Water.
d) Coffee.

9. What does Masha say has gone to sleep?
a) Her arm.
b) Her foot.
c) Her shoulder.
d) Her head.

10. Where does Sorin say it is pleasanter to live?
a) The city.
b) The mountains.
c) The town.
d) The countryside.

11. What does Shamraeff say Arkadina does not know?
a) How to fall in love.
b) How to run a farm.
c) How to ride a horse.
d) How to act.

12. What city does Aradina want to travel to?
a) Odessa.
b) St. Petersburg.
c) Perm.
d) Moscow.

13. What does Arkadina want Sahmraeff to order for her?
a) A horse.
b) A bicycle.
c) A carriage.
d) A book.

14. What is Dorn’s first name?
a) Eugene.
b) Constance.
c) Ivan.
d) Alexander.

15. What does Pauline say she is tortured by?
a) Her husband.
b) The devil.
c) Jealousy.
d) Love.

16. What is Sorin having an attack of?
a) Epilepsy.
b) Asthma.
c) Jaundice.
d) Measles.

17. What does Nina give Dorn?
a) Flowers.
b) Keys.
c) Money.
d) Tea.

18. What does Treplieff lay by Nina’s feet?
a) A dead fish.
b) A dead snake.
c) A dead sparrow.
d) A dead seagull.

19. What does Treplieff threaten to do?
a) Kill himself.
b) Run away.
c) Marry Masha.
d) Burn his manuscripts.

20. Why does Nina say she cannot understand Treplieff?
a) He does not want to be understood.
b) She does not want to understand him.
c) She is too simple.
d) He is too different to her.

21. What does Treplieff say a woman can never forgive?
a) Failure
b) A lie
c) Adultery
d) Stupidity

22. Who does Nina call a genius?
a) Trigorin.
b) Sorin.
c) Dorn.
d) Treplieff.

23. What does Trigorin say makes him happy?
a) Critics praising him.
b) Children singing.
c) His mother phoning him.
d) Finishing a novel.

24. What does Trigorin have to leave to do?
a) Sing.
b) Write.
c) Fish.
d) Paint.

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