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Curriculum Implementation Philosophy


Leaders who have defined their personal philosophy on how curriculum should be implemented will be better prepared to make curriculum-related decisions for their school. Such a philosophy should guide the leader in implementing coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school, embody high expectations for student learning, align with academic standards, and are culturally inclusive.

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In a 750-word narrative, create a personal philosophy on how you expect curriculum to be implemented at your future school. Select a grade range for your future school, and address cultural inclusiveness, differentiating for learning needs, tiered intervention, incorporating technology to enhance instruction, and how the school’s vision and mission are related to curriculum.

Provide a minimum of five scholarly resources to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

This assignment uses a rubric.

10.0 Philosophy: Curriculum Implementation and Grade Personal philosophy comprehensively describes position regarding expectations of future school’s curriculum implementation. Grade range is provided.

20.0 Philosophy: Cultural Inclusiveness Personal philosophy thoroughly addresses cultural inclusiveness.

20.0 Philosophy: Differentiation for Learning Needs and Tiered Intervention Personal philosophy exceeds standards in addressing differentiating for learning needs and creatively discusses options for tiered intervention.

20.0 Philosophy: Technology Personal philosophy substantially describes position regarding incorporating technology to enhance instruction.

15.0 Philosophy: Vision and Mission Personal philosophy skillfully embeds how the school’s mission and vision are related to the curriculum.

15.0 Sources, APA, Mechanics, Organization



Personal Leadership Philosophy

Jolene Williams



Personal Leadership Philosophy


In the corporate world, leadership is defined as the ability to make defined and clear approaches while guiding people. Kuhnert & Lewis (1987) refer to this aspect as a leadership philosophy. A leadership philosophy is defined as a system of thought that decides the personal beliefs and foundation on leadership. Through this philosophy, great leaders have been able to guide principles on how they use their powers and make decisions. Commonly, the three types of leadership philosophies commonly seen in successful businesses include transactional, transformational and servant leadership (Anastasia, 2019). These three types of leadership come with their values, beliefs and styles that distinctly help in organizational operations. Out of the three leadership styles, I prefer the servant leadership philosophy because it comes with the right responses, benefits and decisions on most challenges. As an emerging leader in the field of education, my responsibility is to use this kind of leadership to serve the students.

Leadership Philosophies

1. Transactional

Riaz & Haider (2010) define transactional leadership as the type of leadership that is concerned with daily operations. This style of leadership is best described as “keeping the ship afloat.” These leaders use disciplinary power and incentives to motivate employees to work according to the set guidelines. Transactional leaders are given the mandate of motivating the subordinate through the exchanges that come with the reward for performance (Kuhnert & Lewis, 1987, p. 654). These leaders are not given strict responsibilities because they are only concerned with the smooth operation of daily activities. Mostly, this leadership style is only used in managing daily operations and is subject to many limitations because of the scope of power that comes with style.

2. Transformational

Transformational philosophy is the leadership style that goes beyond the management of daily operations. This leadership philosophy involves crafting strategies aimed at increasing the levels of success and performance. It is for this reason that this style of leadership involves team-building, collaboration and motivation (Kuhnert & Lewis, 1987, p. 648). Mainly, this style of leadership is used to influence the followers towards a change or transformation. These leaders are given the mandate of setting incentives and goals needed to improve on success and performance levels. This style provides opportunities for professional and personal growth (Riaz & Haider, 2010, p. 37). Mostly, the approach has been used in organizational settings that require a change in management, operation or organizational structure.

3. Servant

Northouse (2019) contends that servant leadership stands out to be the best type of leadership because it allows leaders to interact with others to achieve authority and not power. In this leadership philosophy, the organizational structure is defined by the decentralized system of governance. This is because the leaders using this leadership philosophy aim at promoting the well-being of those being served. It is for this reason that McGee-Cooper & Looper (2001) contend that servant leaders demonstrate the characteristics of listening, empathy, commitment and stewardship. This style of leadership was coined by Greenleaf who criticized the traditional leadership style by focusing on the authoritarian relationship (Northouse, 2019, p. 229). This stands out to be my leadership philosophy because it takes into consideration personal accountability in different situations (McGee-Cooper & Looper, 2001). This means that one is in a position of using the leadership skill to make commitments and take responsibility for the outcomes.

Personal Beliefs and Values

My values and beliefs are guided by the servant leadership style which seeks to improve management and personnel interaction by controlling activities. To begin with, this style of leadership drives my thinking because it guides me towards leadership qualities, which help in promoting the well-being of others. This approach has changed my decision-making process because it has changed the way people are ruled, from the ‘controlling strategies’ to the authoritarian style (Anastasia, 2019). The authoritarian style acknowledges the fact that there should be a synergistic relationship between the parties in the organizational setting. As an emerging leader in the field of education, this leadership style has helped in stressing the services to others. This holistic approach to work will help in promoting a sense of community because it creates a sense of community and power-sharing in decision making (Northouse, 2019, p. 229). Most importantly, this leadership style has greatly influenced the way I interact with people because it has expanded the platform to choose who to support.

Acting With Integrity and Fairness

Since servant leadership is oriented towards improving the well-being of the followers, I will use the principles of the style of leadership to act with integrity and fairness. For instance, I will first look at how my efforts can help in uplifting people and representing the underrepresented. This approach will help the weak to attain control and position in daily school responsibilities. During my leadership, I will maintain priorities and responsibilities that bring the utmost benefit to all the students regardless of the educational or racial background. Despite the challenge that comes with decision making, I will take advantage of the leadership style to act in ways that reflect a high level of fairness, integrity and ethical behavior. I will act with fairness and integrity by accepting responsibilities and using my position constructively and ethically on behalf of the school. To assure accountability in student’s academics and success, I will integrate social responsibility while at the same time being sensitive to the diversity of the students. Broadly, this involves acting ethically and responsibly when assigned tasks that encompass students from different backgrounds.

Conclusively, this Servant leadership can be considered as an emerging model of effective and inspired leadership because the style puts the interest of the people before other personal interests. Unlike the traditional leadership strategy which involved the accumulation and exercise of power, this type of leadership involves the sharing of power and putting the interests of the followers. This style is effective because it complements other important styles of leadership, for instance, democratic and transformational leadership. These leadership approaches are considered to be effective in managing most of the business operations. Just like any other leadership style, this type of leadership comes with the problem in hierarchical structures where the top-level leaders are expected to make the ultimate decision. Servant leadership has been identified to be effective because the approach comes with stewardship. Stewardship involves the ability to take responsibility for the decisions and actions of a team. Ultimately, the style leads to accountability on the task assigned and builds on a community of people who share the same interests. I prefer this style of leadership because it is a long-term approach of leadership and thus, it can be applied in long term strategic goals. Studies done by scholars in the field have indicated that servant leaders are more likely to engage their followers in decision making and putting the interest of each student.


Anastasia. (2019, September 24). How to Develop a Leadership Philosophy that Inspires. Retrieved from


Kuhnert, K. W., & Lewis, P. (1987). Transactional and transformational leadership: A constructive/developmental analysis. Academy of Management Review, 12(4), 648-657

McGee-Cooper, A., & Looper, G. (2001). The Essentials of Servant-Leadership: Principles in Practice. Dallas, TX: Pegasus.

Northouse, P. G. (2019). Chapter 10, “Servant Leadership.” In Leadership: Theory and Practice (p. 229). SAGE Publications, Inc.



Riaz, A., & Haider, M. H. (2010). Role of transformational and transactional leadership on job satisfaction and career satisfaction. Business and Economic Horizons, 1(1), 29-38.

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