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Please use the file given. follow the specifications. you should do *PROMPT1. OPEN ASSIGNMENT ONLY Your work is on the painting : Mona Lisa.


Appreciation Instructor: Daniel Zentmeyer

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24531 – ARHS 03130 – 8

Fall 2019

Final Paper


· 1,000 words (4 pages)

· Double Spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font

· Prompt choice and thesis proposal due in class Wednesday, Nov. 20

· Rough Draft due in class (Hard Copy) Monday, Dec. 2

· Final Draft due Monday, Dec. 9 (printed copy in class and and PDF emailed to



Prompt #1:Open Assignment

The goal of this prompt is to critically reflect on a work of art. The definition of a work of art will be open for this assignment. You may choose to write about any works we have covered in class, or a “work of art” of your choice.

Start by choosing what you would like to reflect on.

You may choose to write about something traditionally considered an artwork or something less traditional. Examples from previous papers include: history of hip-hop, a recipe/dish, a movie, a memorial, a building, etc.

Spend the first page describing. Use as much detail as you can

Ex. If you choose a painting then describe the color, texture, images, but also describe the frame, the light in the room, its placement in relation to other things in the room, etc. If you choose a recipe the describe the ingredients, the amount of time it takes to prepare, what tools you need how it tastes/smells etc.

Use the next 2 pages describing the historical contexts, namely the when, where, by who, for whom, and why of your topic.

Ex. Say you’re describing a building, research and then write its historical context. Where was it built? Who designed it? Who built it and what materials did they use? Where did those materials come from? Etc.

Also describe the original intention behind the work. Why was this made?

After describing the original intention, describe how it functions now. Be sure to note why and how a change has occurred. Finally, contribute your opinion of what you think it could be or do. Speculate a little, could it be made anew or changed somehow?

Prompt #2: Non-Western

In our global culture today, it is increasingly important to understand cultures outside our own. To enhance your understanding of other cultures, this assignment is asking you to select a single non-western art object (from China, Japan, India, Africa, Pre-Columbian or Native America, the Islamic world, or from any place outside the traditions of Europe and America). Art works, we know, reflect the people who create them; therefore, the object you select will help you learn something about the culture that made it.

Write a paper approximately 1,000 words. To obtain full credit, be sure to address all the points below. Using a separate paragraph for each point will ensure that you provide all the information you need:

A. There should be an introductory paragraph where you introduce your reader to the subject. Some biographical material is a good idea. No need to cite general information of this type.

B. Discuss the style of the work. Rely on class notes and lectures for this.

C. Discuss the materials used to create this work. How do the materials influence the appearance of this work? Check the label at the museum carefully and look at the surface of the object from different angles.

D. Discuss the subject or meaning of the work of art. If class lectures do not cover this, do research to find the information needed.

E. Place the work in context, explaining how the object reflects the culture that produced it. What does the object tell us about the beliefs, the history, the environment or the values of the people who made it? How is this object a record of the culture that produced it?

F. Provide your personal interpretation of the artwork. What does it mean to you? Before research? After? Within contemporary society? Use the methods we have studied in class (formal analysis, content/contextual analysis, modern/postmodern analysis) to support your opinion.

G. Conclude with a brief reiteration of how you feel the piece if meaningful according to what you have learned.

H. Include a bibliography that lists ALL sources you have consulted, including museum signs and internet sites. If you fail to list your sources, points will be deducted from your paper. This is important. If you refer to outside sources, be sure to put everything into your own words. Remember that copying without citation is plagiarism, which results in a failing grade. If you need help writing your paper or bibliography, make an appointment at the Rowan Tutoring Services, which is here to help you succeed in your assignments.

Prompt # 3: Modern Art

Modern Art often challenges the viewer’s ideas of what art is or should be. Beginning with the Impressionists’ exhibition in 1863, the public has often been stunned by modern art. To help you understand modernism, select one work of art created after 1800 that you believe exemplifies modern art and use the following format to write about it.

Write a paper approximately 1,000 words in length that discusses the following. To obtain full credit, be sure to address all the points below. Using a separate paragraph for each point will ensure that you provide all the information you need:

A. There should be an introductory paragraph where you introduce your reader to the subject. Some biographical material is a good idea. No need to cite general information of this type.

B. Discuss the style of the work of art. Use your class notes and what you have learned in the lectures to help you with this requirement.

C. Discuss the materials used to create this work. How do the materials influence the appearance of this work? Take good notes from the museum label and look at the work’s surface. Consider if this is a non-traditional material.

D. Discuss the subject or meaning of the work of art. If there is no visible subject, describe the mood produced by the object, pointing out the elements of style which add to the mood.

E. Explain what makes this work modern. Describe how it is unlike the works of art that came before it, but also explain how it developed from past art styles. What stylistic movement is this object related to, and how did that movement emerge? Do you consider this a valid work of art? How does it reflect our 19th, 20th or 21st century culture?

F. Provide your personal interpretation of the artwork. What does it mean to you? Before research? After? Within contemporary society? Use the methods we have studied in class (formal analysis, content/contextual analysis, modern/postmodern analysis) to support your opinion.
G. Conclude with a brief reiteration of how you feel the piece if meaningful according to what you have learned.
H. Include a bibliography that lists ALL sources you have consulted, including museum signs and internet sites. If you fail to list your sources, points will be deducted from your paper. This is important. If you refer to outside sources, be sure to put everything into your own words. Remember that copying without citation is plagiarism, which results in a failing grade. If you need help writing your paper or bibliography, make an appointment at the Rowan Tutoring Services, which is here to help you succeed in your assignments.


Appreciation Instructor: Daniel Zentmeyer

24531 – ARHS 03130 – 8

Fall 2019

Final Paper


· 1,000 words (4 pages)

· Double Spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font

· Prompt choice and thesis proposal due in class Wednesday, Nov. 20

· Rough Draft due in class (Hard Copy) Monday, Dec. 2

· Final Draft due Monday, Dec. 9 (printed copy in class and and PDF emailed to



Prompt #1:Open Assignment

The goal of this prompt is to critically reflect on a work of art. The definition of a work of art will be open for this assignment. You may choose to write about any works we have covered in class, or a “work of art” of your choice.

Start by choosing what you would like to reflect on.

You may choose to write about something traditionally considered an artwork or something less traditional. Examples from previous papers include: history of hip-hop, a recipe/dish, a movie, a memorial, a building, etc.

Spend the first page describing. Use as much detail as you can

Ex. If you choose a painting then describe the color, texture, images, but also describe the frame, the light in the room, its placement in relation to other things in the room, etc. If you choose a recipe the describe the ingredients, the amount of time it takes to prepare, what tools you need how it tastes/smells etc.

Use the next 2 pages describing the historical contexts, namely the when, where, by who, for whom, and why of your topic.

Ex. Say you’re describing a building, research and then write its historical context. Where was it built? Who designed it? Who built it and what materials did they use? Where did those materials come from? Etc.

Also describe the original intention behind the work. Why was this made?

After describing the original intention, describe how it functions now. Be sure to note why and how a change has occurred. Finally, contribute your opinion of what you think it could be or do. Speculate a little, could it be made anew or changed somehow?

Prompt #2: Non-Western

In our global culture today, it is increasingly important to understand cultures outside our own. To enhance your understanding of other cultures, this assignment is asking you to select a single non-western art object (from China, Japan, India, Africa, Pre-Columbian or Native America, the Islamic world, or from any place outside the traditions of Europe and America). Art works, we know, reflect the people who create them; therefore, the object you select will help you learn something about the culture that made it.

Write a paper approximately 1,000 words. To obtain full credit, be sure to address all the points below. Using a separate paragraph for each point will ensure that you provide all the information you need:

A. There should be an introductory paragraph where you introduce your reader to the subject. Some biographical material is a good idea. No need to cite general information of this type.

B. Discuss the style of the work. Rely on class notes and lectures for this.

C. Discuss the materials used to create this work. How do the materials influence the appearance of this work? Check the label at the museum carefully and look at the surface of the object from different angles.

D. Discuss the subject or meaning of the work of art. If class lectures do not cover this, do research to find the information needed.

E. Place the work in context, explaining how the object reflects the culture that produced it. What does the object tell us about the beliefs, the history, the environment or the values of the people who made it? How is this object a record of the culture that produced it?

F. Provide your personal interpretation of the artwork. What does it mean to you? Before research? After? Within contemporary society? Use the methods we have studied in class (formal analysis, content/contextual analysis, modern/postmodern analysis) to support your opinion.

G. Conclude with a brief reiteration of how you feel the piece if meaningful according to what you have learned.

H. Include a bibliography that lists ALL sources you have consulted, including museum signs and internet sites. If you fail to list your sources, points will be deducted from your paper. This is important. If you refer to outside sources, be sure to put everything into your own words. Remember that copying without citation is plagiarism, which results in a failing grade. If you need help writing your paper or bibliography, make an appointment at the Rowan Tutoring Services, which is here to help you succeed in your assignments.

Prompt # 3: Modern Art

Modern Art often challenges the viewer’s ideas of what art is or should be. Beginning with the Impressionists’ exhibition in 1863, the public has often been stunned by modern art. To help you understand modernism, select one work of art created after 1800 that you believe exemplifies modern art and use the following format to write about it.

Write a paper approximately 1,000 words in length that discusses the following. To obtain full credit, be sure to address all the points below. Using a separate paragraph for each point will ensure that you provide all the information you need:

A. There should be an introductory paragraph where you introduce your reader to the subject. Some biographical material is a good idea. No need to cite general information of this type.

B. Discuss the style of the work of art. Use your class notes and what you have learned in the lectures to help you with this requirement.

C. Discuss the materials used to create this work. How do the materials influence the appearance of this work? Take good notes from the museum label and look at the work’s surface. Consider if this is a non-traditional material.

D. Discuss the subject or meaning of the work of art. If there is no visible subject, describe the mood produced by the object, pointing out the elements of style which add to the mood.

E. Explain what makes this work modern. Describe how it is unlike the works of art that came before it, but also explain how it developed from past art styles. What stylistic movement is this object related to, and how did that movement emerge? Do you consider this a valid work of art? How does it reflect our 19th, 20th or 21st century culture?

F. Provide your personal interpretation of the artwork. What does it mean to you? Before research? After? Within contemporary society? Use the methods we have studied in class (formal analysis, content/contextual analysis, modern/postmodern analysis) to support your opinion.
G. Conclude with a brief reiteration of how you feel the piece if meaningful according to what you have learned.
H. Include a bibliography that lists ALL sources you have consulted, including museum signs and internet sites. If you fail to list your sources, points will be deducted from your paper. This is important. If you refer to outside sources, be sure to put everything into your own words. Remember that copying without citation is plagiarism, which results in a failing grade. If you need help writing your paper or bibliography, make an appointment at the Rowan Tutoring Services, which is here to help you succeed in your assignments.

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