Order 1380792: Should African Americans receive reparations for America’s history of slavery?


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  • Type of paperResearch Paper
  • SubjectLaw and Legal Issues
  • Number of pages9
  • Format of citationMLA
  • Number of cited resources5
  • Type of serviceWriting

″For the Citations I need two books that are primary sources and three articles that are primary sources and they all can′t be older than 2010. All sources have to be between the years 2010-present.″ the research paper for this class is due on December 17. Doing your paper or taking quizes does not excuse excessive absences as noted in your syllabus. These are the Paper Requirements for Prof. Jordan′s Law and Social Change class. Though the syllabus indicates two five page papers, I have condensed these two into one eight page research paper that is required to complete the class. Plagiarism, buying of papers, or handing in old papers will result in an ″F″ for the class. Submitting a paper will not excuse absences from class, even if you hand in the paper if you have been absent more than five times (excused or unexcused) you fail the class. The paper is due on a week before the end of classes. No extensions and if not submitted you will receive an F for the paper. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PAPER INCLUDE: MLA style double spaced 12 font- Times New Roman 1 to 1.25″ margin at least two books and three articles or thirteen articles (no textbooks) the first page should be the cover page including name, Professor’s name, title, date, and class. Plagiarism will result in an F for the class Also attached is the format used at John Jay for writing papers you must use the same format for your paper. (See attachment) IMPORTANT PARTS OF YOUR PAPERS The following information is the criteria upon which your papers will be graded. 1. Choose a topic of interest to you and then narrow it so you can′t completely cover your subject within the page requirement of 8 pages. You must choose one of the topics listed. Other topics will not be read or graded. 2. You are responsible for knowing the accuracy and reliability of your sources this is true whether the information comes from a printed source, an interview or the internet. In other words, find out whether the author is qualified to write an accurate account. Whenever possible use primary sources – firsthand or eyewitness documents – rather than secondary sources – scholarly works written by reputable historians after the event. Regardless of whether it is a primary or secondary source you must evaluate the information and interpretations presented for veracity and appropriateness. 3. Use the Checklist 4. Do not make the mistake of assuming that something you read in three or four sources about your topic is ″common knowledge″ and that you do not have to put your sources for that information. If you did not know the information yourself before you began this 5. Develop a thesis (an idea you want to prove) for your paper in the first paragraph; prove it in the body of your paper by providing all the supporting evidence you can obtain; and draw your conclusions at the end. 6. Unless you are an experienced writer, choose chronological instead of topical organization for your paper and stick to it. By following the flow of time and providing dates often, you are helping yourself write the paper and your reader follow your ideas. 7. Do not make references to yourself in the paper. You are not the subject of your paper but its author. The opinions and conclusions are presumed to be yours unless they are properly cited 8. Avoid making the assumption that the reader knows anything about your topic. As you write, do so for your classmates or someone entirely ignorant about your subject but perfectly capable of understanding it if it is described and explained well. This helps you keep your information clear, concise, and logical. Make sure to define your terms. Terms like racism, sexism mean different things to different people. 9. Attempt to be objective about your subject and information. Strive to present a balanced account. Do not make your subject into a hero or heroine or present only one perspective about an event. Examine sources that present a variety of perspectives and draw your own conclusions. 10. Proof your paper carefully to correct organizational, grammatical, syntactical, spelling and/or typing errors before submitting it to the instructor. A large number of errors will lower your grade. Use your spell/grammar check 11. Do not use technical language or “jargon” in your paper. Use simple easily understood language that will not confuse your readers. If you are uncertain about how to use a particular word or phrase, find a substitute. 13. PROOFREAD your final draft before submission. Writing a research paper is a formal academic exercise; presentation and appearance form an integral part of the final product. Neatness counts. 14. You are responsible for knowing the accuracy and reliability of your sources this is true whether the information comes from a printed source, an interview or the internet. In other words, find out whether the author is qualified to write an accurate account. Whenever possible use primary sources – firsthand or eyewitness documents – rather than secondary sources – scholarly works written by reputable historians after the event. Regardless of whether it is a primary or secondary source you must evaluate the information and interpretations presented for veracity and appropriateness.

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