Order 1311705: The Implications of a Free Society Lester B. Pearson 9 MC 5.


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please review article and do a summary Please note my feed back from the presenter as you will have to formulate into ending of the summary. my notes are ; The presenter was clear in presenting what he believed was the main idea however the main idea was the middle way policies in multicultural societies. he believed the main idea was tolerance. He elaborated on his points . He maintained good eye contact. He used the phrase ″something like that ″ quite often which made it seem a bit unsure . instruction for writing summary are as follows: Submit the following written work about the pair of presenters you were assigned to evaluate. This is considered reflective practice because you are providing feedback to your peers. No hard copy required – format in Word and submit to our Dropbox by the due date. A paragraph of 8-10 sentences which summarizes the reading presented, makes note of the presenters’ strengths, and includes the presenters’ weaknesses as well. PLEASE NOTE Heading on paper should be ″peer evaluation summary″ and name of article bellow and author. please do not add anything else like date or surname etc only what i requested .

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