Order 1095068: Japanese culture class

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  • Type of paperTerm Paper
  • SubjectAnthropology
  • Number of pages3
  • Format of citationAPA
  • Number of cited resources2
  • Type of serviceWriting

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The final exam consists of 
three essay questions
. One of essay question is on the final film of the course The Ballad of Naruyama.  It is worth 10 points total.  You are required to answer this question in essay format (meaning, you must have a thesis and supporting argument!) in 600-700 words.  The two remaining questions are on key themes we examined in the course focused on precarity and change. Please answer them in short answer format (400-500 words).

Specific Requirements:

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1. Type your name at the top of your essay.

2. Insert your essay under the question in this Word document.  At the end of your answer, provide me with a word count. (Example: 612 words)

3. Choose TWO additional questions (of the three options), and insert your short answer under the question.  At the end of your answer, provide me with a word count. 

4. You must reference the course readings, videos, and/or lectures using in-text citations to receive full points.  Lecture example (Daigle, Week 1, May 2018), Video example (Murakami 2005), Reading example (Tobin et. al. 2009:62).

5. Run spelling and grammar check!!!  I will deduct 1 point if there are obvious spelling and grammatical mistakes.

6. Upload your finished exam to Laulima.

I will not accept technological malfunctions as an excuse for a late submission.  Please plan accordingly, and do not wait until the last minute to upload your exam to Laulima.  

Essay Question (600-700 words) 

1. The Ballad of Naruyama is a retelling of a Japanese folklore about aging in Japan that has been the subject of kabuki performances as well as this 1983 retelling.  How does this film/folklore challenge the idea that Japanese families have always revered their elder members?  In what ways does it contradict or support Anne Allison’s interpretation of caregiving in Japan as a recent product of social precarity?

Short Answer Questions (400-500 words each) 

1. In Precarious Japan, Allison employs the concept of precarity to explore shifts in normative belonging and focuses on the affective (emotion and emotion generating forces) in Japan.  Define ‘social precarity.’ Based on the course, how is Japan attempting to mitigate social and economic precarity?  Consider changes in education (Tobin et al.), employment, and gender.

2. Gender performativity and gender roles are important social structures in Japan (and other societies).  How have gender roles changed in Japan’s liquid society?  Consider normative shifts in masculinity or femininity and how they relate to ‘reproductive futurism.’


The final exam consists of 
three essay questions
. One of essay question is on the final film of the course The Ballad of Naruyama.  It is worth 10 points total.  You are required to answer this question in essay format (meaning, you must have a thesis and supporting argument!) in 600-700 words.  The two remaining questions are on key themes we examined in the course focused on precarity and change. Please answer them in short answer format (400-500 words).

Specific Requirements:

1. Type your name at the top of your essay.

2. Insert your essay under the question in this Word document.  At the end of your answer, provide me with a word count. (Example: 612 words)

3. Choose TWO additional questions (of the three options), and insert your short answer under the question.  At the end of your answer, provide me with a word count. 

4. You must reference the course readings, videos, and/or lectures using in-text citations to receive full points.  Lecture example (Daigle, Week 1, May 2018), Video example (Murakami 2005), Reading example (Tobin et. al. 2009:62).

5. Run spelling and grammar check!!!  I will deduct 1 point if there are obvious spelling and grammatical mistakes.

6. Upload your finished exam to Laulima.

I will not accept technological malfunctions as an excuse for a late submission.  Please plan accordingly, and do not wait until the last minute to upload your exam to Laulima.  

Essay Question (600-700 words) 

1. The Ballad of Naruyama is a retelling of a Japanese folklore about aging in Japan that has been the subject of kabuki performances as well as this 1983 retelling.  How does this film/folklore challenge the idea that Japanese families have always revered their elder members?  In what ways does it contradict or support Anne Allison’s interpretation of caregiving in Japan as a recent product of social precarity?

Short Answer Questions (400-500 words each) 

1. In Precarious Japan, Allison employs the concept of precarity to explore shifts in normative belonging and focuses on the affective (emotion and emotion generating forces) in Japan.  Define ‘social precarity.’ Based on the course, how is Japan attempting to mitigate social and economic precarity?  Consider changes in education (Tobin et al.), employment, and gender.

2. Gender performativity and gender roles are important social structures in Japan (and other societies).  How have gender roles changed in Japan’s liquid society?  Consider normative shifts in masculinity or femininity and how they relate to ‘reproductive futurism.’

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