Order 1063286: The Analysis of ″Remember the Titian″ using Social Penetration Cognitive Dissonance Theories


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  • Type of paperAssignment
  • SubjectCommunication Strategies
  • Number of pages7
  • Format of citationAPA
  • Number of cited resources3
  • Type of serviceWriting

Analyze the communication and interpersonal interaction in the movie one using two theories. Your analysis should include all of the following: Introduction – What will the reader find in your paper? Body – Concise and coherent application of chosen theory to the communication found in the film. Analysis 1 Brief summary of the chosen theory that includes theorist, year, and key points Analysis – Important tenets of the first theory applied appropriately with specific examples that may include quotes from the movie that are properly cited Analysis 2 Brief summary of the chosen theory that includes theorist, year, and key points Analysis – Important tenets of the second theory applied appropriately with specific examples that may include quotes from the movie that are properly cited Conclusion – Advocacy for your work Summary of your thoughts Support for the position created in your analysis Paper Specs (1800 – 2000 words). Include a subheading for each prompt. Use 12-point Times New Roman font. Use APA style to document references and in-text citations.

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