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  • Type of paperArgumentative Essay
  • SubjectEnglish
  • Number of pages3
  • Format of citationOther
  • Number of cited resources0
  • Type of serviceWriting

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* * * * *
In your essay, you will take a POSITION on a controversial  issue, provide ARGUMENTS that support your position, consider possible COUNTER-ARGUMENTS or OBJECTIONS to your arguments, and REPLY to the objections.  Please write 3-4 pages, and be sure to include at least two supporting arguments and two counter-arguments.  
For your topic, please choose from the list of questions below (OR e-mail me for approval of an alternative question or issue.  I would prefer that you do not use sources for this essay (as you can see, some of the topics below would not require research but your own reasoning, based on your experience and observations); however, if you do decide to make minimal use of sources for evidence (statistics or quotations from authorities in the field), be sure to include correct citations using MLA or APA format.
• Should high school students be required to study a foreign language?

• Should elementary schools continue to teach cursive writing, or is cursive writing obsolete in today’s world?

• Should our country reinstate the draft to make service mandatory for all citizens?  
• Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

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• Should voting be mandatory in the United States, as it is in some other countries?

· Should the United States consider stricter gun control laws?

• Again, if you have an idea that you would like to pursue, that’s great – but please e-mail me for approval (I don’t want you to have to do a lot of research!)
Here’s a possible outline for your essay:
1.  Your introduction should make clear the issue or question or problem your paper will address.  Often, an example or anecdote is a good strategy for showing the controversial aspects of the issue.  (As you read the essays for this unit, think about what strategies the writers use to explain why the issue calls for our attention.)
2.  State your position on the issue.  
3.  In the following paragraphs, present arguments in support of your position or solution, that is, reasons why your position or solution is a reasonable one.  As you raise each argument for your position, you should consider possible objections to that argument.  Keep in mind that you should treat the objecting arguments with respect.  When you reply to the objections, acknowledge their good points; concede that the other arguments have some validity, if you believe that they do.  Then you can go on to explain why, in spite of the objection’s good points, your arguments are worthy of consideration.  Aim for at least two (and preferably three) arguments for your position, accompanying objections, and replies to the objections.
4.  After you’ve presented your arguments, objections, and replies, you should conclude in a way that goes beyond merely summarizing your paper’s main points.  Think of the conclusion as a place to make an emotional appeal, if that’s appropriate for this topic, to give another example that allows you to revisit your position or the problem, make a call to action, or emphasize the importance of your position.  Good conclusions are hard to write — you don’t want to bring up something totally new, and you don’t want to repeat what you’ve already said — but we’ll target that area in revision.
Finally, please think of this essay as a true “final exam,” where you will demonstrate, one last time, that you are skilled in the rhetorical task of developing an argument. Along with demonstrating your ability to develop and support an argument, you should also dazzle me with your writing style one final time.  If you hope to receive an A on the assignment, please include at least one correct use of a semi-colon or a colon!  And spend some time on proofreading and editing; make your final assignment error-free!

This final essay assignment is due Thursday, May 10th at midnight.  Please submit through the assignment link.   And please, do think of it as a final exam…  This assignment is intended as one last chance for you to show me the skills you’ve developed this semester.

* * * * *
In your essay, you will take a POSITION on a controversial  issue, provide ARGUMENTS that support your position, consider possible COUNTER-ARGUMENTS or OBJECTIONS to your arguments, and REPLY to the objections.  Please write 3-4 pages, and be sure to include at least two supporting arguments and two counter-arguments.  
For your topic, please choose from the list of questions below (OR e-mail me for approval of an alternative question or issue.  I would prefer that you do not use sources for this essay (as you can see, some of the topics below would not require research but your own reasoning, based on your experience and observations); however, if you do decide to make minimal use of sources for evidence (statistics or quotations from authorities in the field), be sure to include correct citations using MLA or APA format.
• Should high school students be required to study a foreign language?

• Should elementary schools continue to teach cursive writing, or is cursive writing obsolete in today’s world?

• Should our country reinstate the draft to make service mandatory for all citizens?  
• Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

• Should voting be mandatory in the United States, as it is in some other countries?

· Should the United States consider stricter gun control laws?

• Again, if you have an idea that you would like to pursue, that’s great – but please e-mail me for approval (I don’t want you to have to do a lot of research!)
Here’s a possible outline for your essay:
1.  Your introduction should make clear the issue or question or problem your paper will address.  Often, an example or anecdote is a good strategy for showing the controversial aspects of the issue.  (As you read the essays for this unit, think about what strategies the writers use to explain why the issue calls for our attention.)
2.  State your position on the issue.  
3.  In the following paragraphs, present arguments in support of your position or solution, that is, reasons why your position or solution is a reasonable one.  As you raise each argument for your position, you should consider possible objections to that argument.  Keep in mind that you should treat the objecting arguments with respect.  When you reply to the objections, acknowledge their good points; concede that the other arguments have some validity, if you believe that they do.  Then you can go on to explain why, in spite of the objection’s good points, your arguments are worthy of consideration.  Aim for at least two (and preferably three) arguments for your position, accompanying objections, and replies to the objections.
4.  After you’ve presented your arguments, objections, and replies, you should conclude in a way that goes beyond merely summarizing your paper’s main points.  Think of the conclusion as a place to make an emotional appeal, if that’s appropriate for this topic, to give another example that allows you to revisit your position or the problem, make a call to action, or emphasize the importance of your position.  Good conclusions are hard to write — you don’t want to bring up something totally new, and you don’t want to repeat what you’ve already said — but we’ll target that area in revision.
Finally, please think of this essay as a true “final exam,” where you will demonstrate, one last time, that you are skilled in the rhetorical task of developing an argument. Along with demonstrating your ability to develop and support an argument, you should also dazzle me with your writing style one final time.  If you hope to receive an A on the assignment, please include at least one correct use of a semi-colon or a colon!  And spend some time on proofreading and editing; make your final assignment error-free!

This final essay assignment is due Thursday, May 10th at midnight.  Please submit through the assignment link.   And please, do think of it as a final exam…  This assignment is intended as one last chance for you to show me the skills you’ve developed this semester.

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