OPRATIN management assignment ( uploaded all related chapters ) &


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Learning     Outcome: 

· Understand the concept of process selection, forecasting, capacity planning, production forecast methods and schedule operations.

· Apply knowledge and skills to optimize production objective of maximizing profits using qualitative and quantitative techniques in related areas of operations management.

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· Exhibit the knowledge of lean system, quality controls and green systems


Assignment Question(s):  (Marks 10)

Question 1:

Workers should be given more control over the inspection for their own work. Discuss the pros and cons of this situation? (Marks 2)

Question 2:

A. What are the advantages of Exponential smoothing over the Moving average and the Weighted moving average? (Marks 2)

B. Explain the aggregate planning strategy? (Marks 2)

Question 3:

Sequence the jobs shown below by using a Gantt chart. Sequence the jobs in priority order 1, 2, 3, 4.


Job Work Center/Machine Hours Due Date   (days)


A/3, B/2, C/2 


C/2, A/4 


B/6, A/1, C/3


C/4, A/1, B/2


a) Using finite capacity scheduling, draw a Gantt chart for the schedule (Marks 1)

b) What is the makespan? (Marks 0.5) 

c) How much machine idle time is there? (Marks 0.5)

d) How much idle time (waiting time) is there for each job? (Marks 0.5)

e) When is each job delivered? (Marks 0.5)

f) Which department is the bottleneck? (Marks 0.5)

g) Calculate the machine utilization? (Marks 0.5)

Operations Management in the
Supply Chain
Decisions and Cases
Seventh Edition

Chapter 13

Project Planning
and Scheduling

© McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

13-2© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
  • 13.1 Explain the nature of tradeoffs among the
    three objectives of project management

    13.2 Describe the four activities included in project

    13.3 Distinguish the advantages and
    disadvantages of a network over a Gantt
    chart for project scheduling

    13.4 Calculate the ES,EF, LS, LF for an example

    13-3© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
  • 13.5 Explain the significance of the critical path
    and slack.

    13.6 Calculate the cost of crashing a network by
    one or two days.

    13.7 Contrast and compare the use of constant-
    time and CPM networks.

    13-4© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • What is a Project?
  • • “A temporary endeavor undertaken to create
    a unique product/service/result.” – Project
    Mgmt Institute (PMI)

    • Unique item or event; often a single unit.

    • Begins and ends; not ongoing activity.

    • Work often done on-site.

    • Resources (materials, labor) are brought to
    the project.

    13-5© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Examples of Projects
  • • Building construction

    • Bridge construction

    • Aircraft carrier

    • R&D project

    • Audit

    • Equipment installation

    • New product introduction

    • Opening/closing a facility

    • Making a movie

    • Fund-raising campaign

    • Ad campaign

    • Software installation

    13-6© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Objectives and Tradeoffs
  • 13-7© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Project Management Activities &

    • Control

    – Planning

    – Scheduling

    – Closing

    13-8© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Planning Activities & Decisions
  • • Identify the project customer

    • Establish the end product/service

    • Set project objectives

    • Estimate total resources and time required

    • Decide on the form of project organization

    • Make key personnel appointments

    • Define major tasks required

    • Establish a budget

    13-9© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Scheduling Activities & Decisions
  • • Develop a detailed work-breakdown

    • Estimated time required for each task

    • Sequence tasks in proper order

    • Develop a start/stop time for each task

    • Develop detailed budget for each task

    • Assign tasks to people, subcontractors, etc.

    13-10© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Control Activities and Decisions
  • • Monitor actual time, cost, and performance

    • Compare planned to actual figures

    • Determine whether corrective action is

    • Evaluate alternative corrective actions

    • Take appropriate corrective actions

    13-11© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Closing Activities and Decisions
  • • Finish all work

    • Close contracts

    • Pay all accounts payable

    • Turn the project over to the owners

    • Reassign personnel and equipment

    13-12© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • PMI Body of Knowledge
  • • Integration

    • Scope

    • Time management

    • Costs

    • Quality management

    • Human resources

    • Communications

    • Risk

    • Procurement

    Project Management Institute’s required areas of
    knowledge for certification as a Project Manager.

    13-13© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Scheduling Methods
  • • Gantt Chart

    – Bar charts

    – Does not show interdependencies of activities

    – Visual & easy to understand

    • Network Method

    – Graphs or networks

    – Shows precedence relations

    – More complex, difficult to understand, and
    costly than Gantt charts

    13-14© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Gantt Chart Project Example
    (Figure 13.2)

    13-15© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Constant-Time Networks
  • • Activity times assumed to be constant

    • Activities represented by nodes

    • Arrows show precedence relationships

    • Notation used to calculate start and finish times:

    – ES(a) = early start of activity A (constrained by

    – EF(a) = early finish of activity A (constrained by
    early start time)

    – LS(a) = late start of activity A (constrained by late
    finish time)

    – LF(a) = late finish of activity A (without delaying

    13-16© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Example: Write a Business Report
    (Table 13.4)

    Activity Description

    Duration in Days

    A Decide on topic None 1

    B Collect data A 2

    C Search the Internet A 3

    D Write the report B and C 5

    13-17© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Network Diagram: Write a Business
    Plan (Figure 13.3)

    13-18© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Forward Pass: Write a Business Plan
    (Figure 13.4)

    13-19© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Calculating ES, EF, LS, LF,
    Completion Time

    • Forward Pass:

    • ES (a) = 0 for the starting activities

    • EF (a) = ES(a) + t(a)*

    • ES (a) = Max [EF(all predecessors of a)]

    • Project completion time = Max [EF(all ending

    • Backward pass:

    • LF (a) = Min [LS(all successors of a)]

    • LS (a) = LF(a) – t(a)*

    • * t(a) denotes the duration of activity a

    13-20© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Forward and Backward Pass: Write a
    Business Plan (Figure 13.5)

    13-21© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Critical Path
  • • Critical Path = longest path in the network

    – All activities for which ES = LS and EF = LF

    – Length of critical path is equal to the project
    completion time

    – Any delay on critical path delays the project
    (unless ‘corrective actions’ are taken)

    – Critical path in example (above) is A-C-D

    13-22© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Slack
  • • Slack time is the time a path may be delayed
    without delaying the project.

    • Paths not on the critical path have slack.

    • Slack = LS – ES = LF – EF

    13-23© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Precedence and Times for Opening a
    New Office (Table 13.5)

    Activity Description




    1 Lease the site None 1 0

    2 Hire the workers 1 5 0

    3 Arrange the furnishings 1 1 1

    4 Install the furnishings 3 2 1

    5 Arrange for phones 1 1 3

    6 Install the phones 4, 5 1 1

    7 Move into the office 2, 6, 4 2 0

    13-24© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Network: Open a New Office
    (Figure 13.6)

    13-25© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Critical Path Method
  • • Critical Path Method (CPM)

    • Developed to start-up/shutdown plants

    • Activity times can be compressed by spending
    more $

    • Requires single time estimate for each activity

    • Looks at time/cost trade-offs

    – Normal activity time

    – Normal cost

    – Crash time

    – Crash cost

    13-26© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Time-Cost Relationship in CPM
    (Fig. 13.8)

    13-27© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Use of Project Management Concepts
  • • Scheduling is only part of a complete
    approach to project management

    • Trade-off between sophistication and cost of

    • Choice between constant-time, CPM or more
    advanced techniques

    • Choice of project management software

    – e.g., Microsoft Project

    13-28© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Summary (1 of 2)
  • 13.1 Explain the nature of tradeoffs among the
    three objectives of project management
    13.2 Describe the four activities included in project
    13.3 Distinguish the advantages and
    disadvantages of a network over a Gantt
    chart for project scheduling
    13.4 Calculate the ES,EF, LS, LF for an example

    13-29© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Summary (2 of 2)
  • 13.5 Explain the significance of the critical path
    and slack.
    13.6 Calculate the cost of crashing a network by
    one or two days.
    13.7 Contrast and compare the use of constant-
    time and CPM networks.

    © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
    reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.


  • End of Presentation
    • Operations Management in the Supply Chain�Decisions and Cases
    • Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
      Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
      What is a Project?
      Examples of Projects
      Objectives and Tradeoffs

    • Project Management Activities & Decisions
    • Planning Activities & Decisions
      Scheduling Activities & Decisions
      Control Activities and Decisions
      Closing Activities and Decisions
      PMI Body of Knowledge
      Scheduling Methods

    • Gantt Chart Project Example (Figure 13.2)
    • Constant-Time Networks

    • Example: Write a Business Report (Table 13.4)
    • Network Diagram: Write a Business Plan (Figure 13.3)
    • Forward Pass: Write a Business Plan (Figure 13.4)
    • Calculating ES, EF, LS, LF, Completion Time
    • Forward and Backward Pass: Write a Business Plan (Figure 13.5)
    • Critical Path

    • Precedence and Times for Opening a New Office (Table 13.5)
    • Network: Open a New Office (Figure 13.6)
    • Critical Path Method

    • Time-Cost Relationship in CPM (Fig. 13.8)
    • Use of Project Management Concepts
      Summary (1 of 2)
      Summary (2 of 2)
      End of Presentation

    Operations Management in the
    Supply Chain
    Decisions and Cases
    Seventh Edition

    Chapter 12


    © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
    reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

    12-2© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Learning Objectives
  • 12.1 Describe the concept of batch scheduling.

    12.2 Construct a Gantt chart.

    12.3 Create work schedules using forward and
    backward scheduling.

    12.4 Explain the implications of the theory of
    constraints for scheduling.

    12.5 Compare various dispatching rules.

    12.6 Describe the important factors to consider
    when designing a scheduling system.

    12-3© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Scheduling Operations
  • • Most detailed and most constrained decisions
    in capacity planning hierarchy

    • Results in a time-phased plan (by hour, week)

    • Allocation of resources (workers, machines)
    to tasks

    • Trade-offs (conflicting objectives)
    – High efficiency

    – Low inventories

    – Good customer service

    12-4© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Batch Scheduling
  • • Network of queues, as job moves from work
    station to work station

    – job = manufacturing parts, customer,

    – work station = machine, room, facility, worker

    • Customers or jobs spend most of their time at
    work stations waiting to be processed

    • Typical for actual work to be 5-20% of total
    throughput time

    12-5© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Batch Processing
  • move  queue  process  wait  move…

    WS = work station

    “move” = movement of work: parts, customers,
    paperwork, etc.

    12-6© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Challenges of Batch/Job Shop

    • Variety of jobs processed

    • Different routing and processing requirements
    of each job

    • Number of different job orders in the facility
    at any one time

    • Competition for common (constrained)

    12-7© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Gantt Charting
  • • Scheduling multiple jobs thru a set of work
    centers, minimizing completion time

    • Machine performance measures:

    – Makespan = total time to complete a set of

    – Machine utilization = percent of makespan
    time machine (or person) is used.

    • Used to monitor progress of jobs

    • Optimal schedule can be computationally
    intensive for multiple jobs/multiple machines

    12-8© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Job Data for

  • Scheduling Example
  • Job Work center / Machine hours Due date

    1 A/2, B/3, C/4 3

    2 C/6, A/4 2

    3 B/3, C/2, A/1 4

    4 C/4, B/3, A/3 4

    5 A/5, B/3 2

    12-9© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Scheduling Example

    In what sequence should the jobs be done?

    12-10© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Gantt Chart for Example (1 of 2)
  • 12-11© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Gantt Chart for Example (2 of 2)
  • Machine idle (hr)

    A 5

    B 8

    C 4


    Makespan = 20 hr

    Job Job waiting time (hr) Delivery time (hr)

    1 0 9

    2 9 19

    3 14 20

    4 1 11

    5 3 11

    12-12© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Shop Performance Measures
  • • Machine Efficiency: Makespan or machine

    • Customer: Delivery times of the jobs (minimizing
    job waiting time is complementary measure)

    Change the job sequence from 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 to
    improve efficiency and/or delivery times to the

    Machine(s) could be added to improve both
    efficiency and delivery times.

    12-13© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Conclusions About Batch Scheduling
  • • Performance is highly sequence dependent.

    • Waiting time depends upon job interference
    in the schedule and available capacity.

    • Finding optimal schedules is challenging, but
    good heuristics are available.

    12-14© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Finite Capacity Scheduling
  • • Scheduling jobs onto workstations, but not
    exceeding the capacity of any given resource.

    • Used to identify bottlenecks.

    • Forward scheduling
    – To determine completion date for all orders.

    • Backward scheduling
    – Work backward from due date to determine

    start dates for orders.

    12-15© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Theory of Constraints (TOC) (1 of 3)
  • • Proposed by Goldratt in The Goal (1983)

    • Goal is to make money from operations

    • Production does not have value until it is sold!

    • Key elements:
    – Throughput = sales minus cost of raw


    – Inventory = raw materials value

    – Operating expenses = cost of labor and

    12-16© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Theory of Constraints (TOC) (2 of 3)
  • • Constraint is anything slowing down production …
    a bottleneck.
    – Machine or workstation

    – Market

    – Procurement system

    • The bottleneck determines the capacity of the

    • Implication: Operations manager should focus on
    bottleneck to increase capacity and throughput
    (and make more money).

    12-17© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Theory of Constraints (TOC) (3 of 3)
  • • The bottleneck should be scheduled to
    achieve maximum throughput.

    • Non-bottlenecks should be scheduled to keep
    the bottleneck busy.

    • A work-in-process queue should always be in
    front of the bottleneck.

    • Non-bottleneck resources may be idle.

    • Find ways to relieve or reduce the

    12-18© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Priority Dispatching Rules
  • • Which job should be processed next?

    – Rule for selecting the next job from the queue

    • Common in services:

    – First come, first served

    – Priority rule (first-class customers first)

    – Preemptive rule (most severe patient treated next)

    • Common in manufacturing:



    – Shortest processing time (quickest job)

    12-19© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Planning and Control Systems
  • • What delivery date should be promised?

    • Where is the bottleneck?

    • When should each activity or task be started?

    • How is on-time job completion ensured?

    • Sometimes referred to as:

    – Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS)

    12-20© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Summary
  • 12.1 Describe the concept of batch scheduling.
    12.2 Construct a Gantt chart.
    12.3 Create work schedules using forward and
    backward scheduling.
    12.4 Explain the implications of the theory of
    constraints for scheduling.
    12.5 Compare various dispatching rules.
    12.6 Describe the important factors to consider
    when designing a scheduling system.

    © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
    reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.


  • End of Presentation
    • Operations Management in the Supply Chain�Decisions and Cases
    • Learning Objectives
      Scheduling Operations
      Batch Scheduling
      Batch Processing

    • Challenges of Batch/Job Shop Scheduling
    • Gantt Charting

    • Job Data for Scheduling Example
    • Scheduling Example
      Gantt Chart for Example (1 of 2)
      Gantt Chart for Example (2 of 2)
      Shop Performance Measures
      Conclusions About Batch Scheduling
      Finite Capacity Scheduling
      Theory of Constraints (TOC) (1 of 3)
      Theory of Constraints (TOC) (2 of 3)
      Theory of Constraints (TOC) (3 of 3)
      Priority Dispatching Rules
      Planning and Control Systems
      End of Presentation

    Operations Management in the
    Supply Chain
    Decisions and Cases
    Seventh Edition

    Chapter 11

    Capacity Planning

    © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
    reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

    11-2© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Learning Objectives
  • 11.1 Define capacity and utilization

    11.2 Illustrate with an example a facilities strategy that
    considers: amount, size, timing, location and

    11.3 Explain how S&OP is done.

    11.4 Identify the demand and supply options that are
    available for S&OP

    11.5 Contrast and compare the chase and level

    11.6 Define the various costs associated with
    aggregate planning

    11.7 Create an alternative strategy for the Hefty Beer
    Company example

    11-3© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Hierarchy of Capacity Decisions
  • Months Planning Horizon

    11-4© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Definition of Capacity
  • Maximum output that can be produced
    over a given period of time.

    • Theoretical capacity

    – Labor availability and overtime

    – Physical assets, delayed maintenance, etc.

    – Can be used for short-term demand spikes

    • Effective capacity

    – Used for planning

    – Subtracts maintenance downtime, shift breaks,

    absenteeism, etc.

    11-5© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Capacity Utilization
  • 100%


    → Utilization is seldom 100%.

    → Estimates capacity usage and ‘busyness.’

    A production facility that builds 1000 cars during
    the time it can actually produce 1200 cars has
    utilization = 1000/1200 = 83%

    A doctor who is busy working for 6 hours during
    an 8 hour shift has utilization = 6/8 = 75%

    11-6© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Facilities Decisions
  • • How much capacity is needed?

    • How large should each facility be?

    • When is the capacity needed?

    • Where should the facilities be located?

    • What type of facilities/capacity are needed?

    11-7© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Facilities Strategy
  • • How much? Amount of capacity

    – Size of capacity cushion

    • How large? Size of facilities

    – Economies/diseconomies of scale

    • When? Timing of facility decisions

    – Preemptive, wait-and-see

    • Where? Location of facilities

    – Variety of factors to consider

    • What type? Types of facilities

    – Product-focused, market-focused, process-
    focused, general-purpose

    11-8© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Factors Affecting Facilities Strategy
  • • Predicted demand

    • Cost of facilities

    • Likely behavior of competitors

    • Business strategy

    • Global considerations

    11-9© McGraw-Hill Education.

    How Much? Strategies for Capacity

    • Capacity cushion = 100% – utilization

    • Three strategies:

    – Large cushion (e.g., make-to-order)

    – Moderate cushion (cost of running out

    balanced with cost of excess capacity)

    – Small cushion (e.g., make-to-stock)

    11-10© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • How Large? Selecting Facility Size
  • • Economies of scale

    – Production costs are not linear

    – Overhead costs spread over more units

    • Diseconomies of scale

    – Increased transportation costs

    – Cost of more bureaucracy

    – Increased organizational complexity

    11-11© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • When? Timing of Facility Additions
  • • Preemptive Strategy

    – Build capacity ahead of need

    – Positive capacity cushion

    • Wait-and-see Strategy

    – Small or negative capacity cushion

    – Lower-risk strategy

    11-12© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Where? Facility Location
  • • Quantitative Factors

    – ROI, NPV

    – Transportation, Taxes

    – Lead times

    • Qualitative Factors

    – Language, norms

    – Worker and customer attitudes

    – Proximity to customers, suppliers, competitors

    11-13© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • What Type? Types of Facilities
  • • Product-focused (55%)

    – One family of products/services (e.g.,

    • Market-focused (30%)

    – Located near sales (e.g., electricity, bakeries)

    • Process-focused (10%)

    – Few technologies (e.g., computer chips, MRI

    • General purpose (5%)

    – Several products/services (e.g., furniture,

    11-14© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)
  • • Matching supply & demand over a medium
    time range

    • Time horizon of about 12 months

    • Aggregated demand for one or few categories
    of product. Demand may fluctuate or be

    • Possible to change both supply and demand

    • Variety of management objectives

    • Facilities are fixed (cannot be expanded or
    reduced) during this timeframe

    11-15© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Cross-Functional Nature of S&OP
  • • Budgeting: closely tied to aggregate plan

    • HR: workforce availability

    • Operations: capacity/inventory planning

    • Accounting: cost analysis

    • Finance: capital investments

    • Marketing: sales plan

    11-16© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Demand Management
  • • Influence demand through:

    – Pricing

    – Advertising and promotion

    – Backlogs or reservations (shift demand)

    – Development of complementary offerings

     Seasonal products/service spread demand

    o Lawn mower, snow blower

    o Ski resort, mountain biking

    11-17© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Supply Management
  • • Influence (control) supply through:

    – Hiring and layoff of employees

    – Using overtime and undertime

    – Using part-time or temporary labor

    – Carrying inventory

    – Outsourcing/subcontracting

    – Cooperative arrangements

     Share capacity during demand peaks

     e.g., airlines, hotels, utilities

    11-18© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Aggregate Planning Strategies
  • • Level Strategy

    – Constant workforce size

    – Inventory as buffer

    • Chase Strategy

    – Vary workforce size

    – Produce to meet demand

    – Typical for services

    11-19© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Aggregate Planning


    • Hiring and firing costs (Chase Strategy)

    • Overtime and undertime costs (Chase)

    • Subcontracting costs (Chase)

    • Part-time labor costs (Chase)

    • Inventory-carrying costs (Level Strategy)

    • Cost of stockout or back order (Level)

    11-20© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Aggregate Planning – Level Strategy
  • Aggregate Planning Costs
  • :

    Level Workforce

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total


    Regular workers 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

    Overtime (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Units Produced 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 5400

    Sales Forecast 300 300 350 400 450 500 650 600 475 475 450 450 5400

    (end of month)

    200 350 450 500 500 450 250 100 75 50 50 50


    Regular time $180 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### $2,160

    Overtime 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

    Hire/Layoff 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25


    24 42 54 60 60 54 30 12 9 6 6 6 363

    Total Cost $229 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### $2,548

    11-21© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Aggregate Planning – Chase Strategy
  • Aggregate Planning Costs:

    Chase Demand

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total

    Regular workers 30 30 35 40 45 50 65 60 48 47 45 45

    Overtime (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Units Produced 300 300 350 400 450 500 650 600 480 470 450 450 5400

    Sales Forecast 300 300 350 400 450 500 650 600 475 475 450 450 5400
    (end of month)

    50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 50 50 50


    Regular time $120 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### $2,160

    Overtime 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

    Hire/Layoff 40.0 0.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 75.0 20.0 48.0 4.0 8.0 0.0 295


    6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.0 6.0 6.0 72.60

    Total Cost $166 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### $2,527.60

    11-22© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Summary
  • 11.1 Define capacity and utilization
    11.2 Illustrate with an example a facilities strategy that
    considers: amount, size, timing, location and
    11.3 Explain how S&OP is done.
    11.4 Identify the demand and supply options that are
    available for S&OP
    11.5 Contrast and compare the chase and level
    11.6 Define the various costs associated with
    aggregate planning
    11.7 Create an alternative strategy for the Hefty Beer
    Company example

    © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
    reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.


  • End of Presentation
    • Operations Management in the Supply Chain�Decisions and Cases
    • Learning Objectives
      Hierarchy of Capacity Decisions
      Definition of Capacity
      Capacity Utilization
      Facilities Decisions
      Facilities Strategy
      Factors Affecting Facilities Strategy

    • How Much? Strategies for Capacity Cushion
    • How Large? Selecting Facility Size
      When? Timing of Facility Additions
      Where? Facility Location
      What Type? Types of Facilities
      Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)
      Cross-Functional Nature of S&OP
      Demand Management
      Supply Management
      Aggregate Planning Strategies
      Aggregate Planning Costs
      Aggregate Planning – Level Strategy
      Aggregate Planning – Chase Strategy
      End of Presentation

    Operations Management in th


    Supply Chai


    Decisions and Cases
    Seventh Edition

    Chapter 10


    © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
    reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

    10-2© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Learning Objectives
  • 10.1 Describe why forecasting is important.

    10.2 Describe the four common methods of qualitative

    10.3 Calculate a moving average and exponential
    smoothing forecast, and explain when they
    should be used.

    10.4 Evaluate forecast accuracy using a variety of

    10.5 Carry out causal forecasting.

    10.6 Evaluate factors that impact forecasting method

    10.7 Explain the benefits and costs of CPFR

    10-3© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Forecasting for Decision Making
  • • Forecasting demand for operations outpu


    – Forecasting: what we think demand will be

    – Planning: what we think demand should be

    – Demand: may differ from sales

    • Forecasts are used in all functional areas:
    marketing, finance, human resources, etc.

    • Forecasts are necessary for operations
    decision areas: process design, capacity
    planning, inventory management, scheduling

    10-4© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Use of Forecasting: Operations



    Number of



    Process design

    Long Medium
    Single or

    or causal


    Long Medium
    Single or
    or causal


    Medium High Few Middle
    Causal and
    time series


    Short Highest Many Lower Time series


    Short Highest Many Lower Time series

    10-5© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Use of Forecasting: Marketing,
    Finance, & HR

    Number of


    Long Medium
    Single or

    Top Qualitative

    Pricing decisions Short High Many Middle Time series

    New product

    Medium Medium Single Top
    and causal

    Cost estimating Short High Many Lower Time series

    Capital budgeting Medium Highest Few Top
    Causal and
    time series

    Labor planning Medium Medium Few Lower
    and time

    10-6© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • ‘Qualitative’ Forecasting Methods
  • • Based on managerial judgment when there is
    a lack of data available. No specific model.

    • Major methods:

    – Delphi technique

    – Market surveys

    – Life-cycles analogy

    – Informed judgment (naïve models)

    10-7© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Time-Series Forecasting
  • • Components of data:

    – Level – average

    – Trend – general direction (increasing/descreasing)

    – Seasonality – short term recurring cycles

    – Cycle – long term business cycle

    – Error – random or irregular component

    10-8© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Moving Average
  • • Assumes no trend, seasonality, or cycle

    • Simple moving average:
















    11 ……

    • Weighted moving average:

    11211 …… +−−+ ++== NtNtttt DWDWDWAF

    10-9© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Moving Average Example
  • Period Actual Demand Forecast

    1 10

    2 18

    3 29

    4 – 19

    • Compute three period moving average for
    Period 4 (number of periods is forecaster’s

    ( )
    ( ) 318294F








    10-10© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Time-Series Data (Figure 10.2)
  • Note: The forecast is smoother as the number of periods
    in the moving average increases.

    10-11© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Exponential Smoothing
  • • The new average is computed from the old

    ( ) 11 -tt AA ααDt


    • The value of the smoothing constant (α) is a
    choice. It determines the extent to which the
    new forecast weights recent demand (smooths
    random variation).

    ( ) 0.2.-0.1usuallyisand1,and0betweenrangesAlpha α

    10-12© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Simple Exponential Smoothing
  • • Forecast:

    ( )ttt FDαF −+=+1tF

    F = forecast of demand

    D = actual demand

    t = time period

    • Assumes no trend, seasonality, or cycle

    • Note: we are adjusting 1tt FgettoF +

    10-13© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Exponential Smoothing Example
  • • The Sept. forecast was 15, but Sept. actual
    sales were 13. ( ) 0.2.ofalphaUse α
    – What is the October forecast?

    ( )
    ( )












    10-14© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Time-Series Data (Figure 10.3)
  • ( ) reduced.isalphaofvalue


    10-15© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Forecast Accuracy
  • In addition to the forecast, firms should
    estimate forecast accuracy:

    • To monitor erratic demand observations or

    • To determine when the forecasting method is
    no longer tracking actual demand

    • To determine the parameter values that
    provide the forecast with the least error

    10-16© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Measures of Forecast Accuracy
  • • Cumulative sum of forecast errors (CFE)

    • Mean square error (MSE)

    • Mean absolute deviation (MAD)

    • Mean absolute percentage errors (MAPE)

    • Tracking Signal (TS)

    10-17© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Forecast Accuracy: Formulas
  • t

    t t













    10-18© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Advanced Time-Series Forecasting
  • • Adaptive exponential smoothing

    – ( ) variedistcoefficienSmoothing α

    • Mathematical models

    – Linear or nonlinear

    • Box-Jenkins method

    – Requires about 60 periods of past data

    10-19© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Causal Forecasting Methods
  • • Cause-and-effect model, using a data set of
    other variables to predict demand (forecast).

    • Examples:

    – Use population and location characteristics to
    forecast restaurant sales.

    – Use supply chain data on inventory levels to
    forecast sales of new generation products such
    as cell phones.

    10-20© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Causal Forecasting Models
  • • The general regression model:

    bxay +=

    • Other forms of causal model:

    – Econometric

    – Input-output

    – Simulation models

    10-21© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Example of Causal Model
  • ( )

    ( )
    ( )

    ( )
    ( ) 7Periodforforecast128.3472.39738.23F


















    ttt FDI

    10-22© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Selecting a Forecasting Method
  • • Use or decision characteristics

    – Scheduling decision? Facility expansion?

    – Short range? Long range?

    • Data availability

    – Quantity and quality

    • Data pattern

    – Level? Unstable?

    10-23© McGraw-Hill Education.

    Collaborative Planning, Forecasting,
    and Replenishment (CPFR)

    • Aim is to achieve more accurate forecasts

    • Share information across supply chain with
    customers and suppliers

    • Compare forecasts

    – If discrepancy, look for reason

    – Reach a consensus forecast

    • Works best in B2B with few customers (e.g., a
    small number of large retailers)

    10-24© McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Summary
  • 10.1 Describe why forecasting is important.
    10.2 Describe the four common methods of qualitative
    10.3 Calculate a moving average and exponential
    smoothing forecast, and explain when they
    should be used.
    10.4 Evaluate forecast accuracy using a variety of
    10.5 Carry out causal forecasting.
    10.6 Evaluate factors that impact forecasting method
    10.7 Explain the benefits and costs of CPFR

    © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No
    reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.


  • End of Presentation
    • Operations Management in the Supply Chain�Decisions and Cases
    • Learning Objectives
      Forecasting for Decision Making

    • Use of Forecasting: Operations Decisions
    • Use of Forecasting: Marketing, Finance, & HR
    • ‘Qualitative’ Forecasting Methods
      Time-Series Forecasting
      Moving Average
      Moving Average Example
      Time-Series Data (Figure 10.2)
      Exponential Smoothing
      Simple Exponential Smoothing
      Exponential Smoothing Example
      Time-Series Data (Figure 10.3)
      Forecast Accuracy
      Measures of Forecast Accuracy
      Forecast Accuracy: Formulas
      Advanced Time-Series Forecasting
      Causal Forecasting Methods
      Causal Forecasting Models
      Example of Causal Model
      Selecting a Forecasting Method

    • Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR)
    • Summary
      End of Presentation


    College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

    Assignment 2

    Deadline: 04/12/2020 @ 23:59

    Course Name:

    Student’s Name:

    Course Code:

    Student’s ID Number:

    Semester: I


    Academic Year: 1440/1441 H

    For Instructor’s Use only

    Instructor’s Name: Dr Ganesh Dash

    Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained/Out of

    Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low

    · The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
    · Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
    · Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    · Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    · Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    · Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    · All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    · Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

    Deadline: 04/12/2020 @ 23:59

    Learning Outcome:

    · Understand the concept of process selection, forecasting, capacity planning, production forecast methods and schedule operations.
    · Apply knowledge and skills to optimize production objective of maximizing profits using qualitative and quantitative techniques in related areas of operations management.
    · Exhibit the knowledge of lean system, quality controls and green systems

    Assignment Question(s): (Marks 10)

    Question 1:

    Workers should be given more control over the inspection for their own work. Discuss the pros and cons of this situation? (Marks 2)

    Question 2:

    A. What are the advantages of Exponential smoothing over the Moving average and the Weighted moving average? (Marks 2)
    B. Explain the aggregate planning strategy? (Marks 2)

    Question 3:

    Sequence the jobs shown below by using a Gantt chart. Sequence the jobs in priority order 1, 2, 3, 4.

    Job Work Center/Machine Hours Due Date (days)


    A/3, B/2, C/2



    C/2, A/4



    B/6, A/1, C/3



    C/4, A/1, B/2


    a) Using finite capacity scheduling, draw a Gantt chart for the schedule (Marks 1)
    b) What is the makespan? (Marks 0.5)
    c) How much machine idle time is there? (Marks 0.5)
    d) How much idle time (waiting time) is there for each job? (Marks 0.5)
    e) When is each job delivered? (Marks 0.5)
    f) Which department is the bottleneck? (Marks 0.5)
    g) Calculate the machine utilization? (Marks 0.5)


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