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In the first chapter, Orwell described the meals provided by the Brookers to their lodgers. These meals were non-nutritious and in no way sated a man’s hunger. How is this nutritional issue and the role of the Brookers as caregivers to their renters symbolic of other themes in his book, such as how the intellectual class see the country’s need for Socialism to improve the life of the poor?

  • The Industrial Revolution is thought to have improved the material standard of living for most people in   Britain (by lowering the cost of basic staples like food and clothing) when compared to pre-industrial Britain when most people worked in agriculture and made the majority of the products they used themselves often at great cost in terms of time and labor.
  •         In lowering the cost of basic products through more efficient mass production, the Industrial Revolution also               created a life for workers both inside and outside the mills and factories that Orwell describes in his book as                 miserable.

           Given the tradeoffs inherent in industrial production, take a position where you argue either for or against (or             for a some balance between the two) economic development that raises material standard of living (by lowering cost of living) but does so through work that some find dehumanizing.

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    – The attached file have a table of how the essay is going to be graded – do them all as the exceed    expectation


    lars rubric draft

    Student Name: Student ID: SECTION# Semester:
    Civilization 1/2 Assessment Rubric: Critical Thinking, Writing, & Discipline-Specific Knowledge
    Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Not gradable Score
    4 3 2-1 0
    Thesis (solution / outcome) Appropriate, well developed, identifiable strong thesis makes a supportable statement, claim, conclusion or hypothesis about the prompt; thesis has a specific focus. Appropriate and clearly identifiable thesis makes a supportable statement, claim, conclusion or hypothesis about the prompt; thesis may lack development, focus and/or specificity. Topic sentence instead of thesis; or thesis lacks clarity in focus, development, or support, may be indirectly related–while still appropriate–to the prompt. No discernible thesis.
    Discipline-Specific Knowledge (data) Accurate supporting sources / examples (4 or more) provide persuasive support for the thesis. Use of support demonstrates a thorough familiarity with relevant history and/or literary source material covered in the course Accurate supporting examples (3-4) provide sufficient and specific support for the thesis. Use of support demonstrates an adequate knowledge of relevant history and/or literary source material covered in the course. Some relevant examples may be omitted. Accurate supporting examples (2-3) provide minimal support for the argument; examples may lack specificity. Use of support demonstrates only a basic knowledge of relevant history and/or literary source material covered in the course. Clearly relevant examples may be omitted. No attempt to use appropriate sources covered in the course to support argument.
    Data use & interpretation (ideas, connections, & logical relationships) Essay demonstrates a thorough grasp of the most important, relevant historical issues and contexts raised by prompt/topic. Essay makes persuasive connections between relevant historical issues/contexts and author’s analysis of the topic. Essay demonstrates a good grasp of some (but not most) of the important historical issues and contexts raised by prompt/topic. Essay makes reasonable connections between relevant historical issues/contexts and author’s analysis of the topic. Essay demonstrates partial but inadequate grasp of at least one historical issue and/or context raised by prompt/topic; some key issue /contexts omitted. Essay makes only vague connections betweeen historical issues/contexts and author’s analysis of the topic. Does not demonstrate historical comprehension.
    Analysis [of Prompt/Topic, Sources / Support] Persuasive analysis breaks prompt/topic into its most relevant questions/components with substantive discussion of each part; analysis uses multiple points of view demonstrating a multi-dimensional understanding of the prompt/topic. Description/ summary used only as support, not in place of analysis. Appropriate but uneven analysis breaks prompt/topic into some of its most relevant questions / components with adequate discussion of each part; analysis uses at least pro/con perspectives demonstrating a bi-dimensional understanding of the prompt/ topic. Minimal use of description/ summary in place of analysis. Appropriate analysis but flawed, uneven, and/or weak. Breaks prompt/topic into at least one relevant component and/or has inadequate discussion of any parts; evinces a uni-dimensional understanding of prompt/topic; tends to describe / summarize more than analyze. No analysis or prompt/topic; narrative is unrelated or only marginally to topic/prompt.
    Language Use / Communication Ability Well-written, organized and easily understandable essay conveys its meaning in appropriate and virtually error-free standard English. Adequate and accurate use of appropriate historical and literary terminology. Understandable, organized essay conveys its meaning in clearly written and appropriate standard English with few usage errors. Appropriate historical and literary terminology may be incomplete or inaccurate. Understandable essay conveys its meaning with some difficulty caused by unclear organization and/or frequent usage errors. Language use consistently impedes meaning due to significant usage errors and/or lack of organization.
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