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Response: Week 8 Readings

Please choose ONE of the topics below. Express your opinion on the topic and explain the ethical system that leads you to your opinion and how it applies to the problem or question – utilitarianism, universalism, profit maximization, etc. Please be sure to put your name at the top of your response and indicate the question you are addressing. Minimum length — one double-spaced typed page/ approximately 250 words

Points Value: 10 points toward minor grade average

In the video clip in the CBS article “Dollar Stores and Food Deserts,” the Dollar Store employee points out healthy choices available in the store. In your opinion, is grocery shopping simply a matter of choice?

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Tulsa, Oklahoma, and other cities, towns, and counties have adopted ordinances limiting the number of dollar stores in their area and/or dictating the distance between stores. Is this government intervention an unjust infringement on our free-market economy?

In “How Amazon Took Seattle’s Soul,” Tim Egan says that Amazon created a future for his city that its citizens “never had any say over.” Do you agree or disagree with his statement? In your opinion, has Seattle handled Amazon’s presence in a way that considers all the stakeholders involved? Ethically speaking, could Seattle have done a better job?

In “Microsoft Cannot Fix Seattle’s Housing Crisis,” Tammy Kim suggests a head tax as a solution to Seattle’s problems. Briefly describe the problem and Amazon’s response to it. What would a fair solution to the problem be?

Possible Systems to Apply to the Questions

Profit Maximization/Individualism Approach

Utilitarian Approach

Universalist/Categorical Imperative Approach

Rights/Rule of Law Approach

Justice Approach

Golden Rule Approach

Might = Right Approach

Duty to Care Approach

Organization Ethic Approach

Intuition Approach

Revelation Approach

Hedonistic Approach

Virtue Approach



(Links to an external site.) 

Facing a ‘Food Desert,’ Oklahoma City Wants Dollar Stores to Sell Fresh Food (Links to an external site.)

The Dollar Store Backlash Has Begun (Links to an external site.)

Dollar Stores and Food Deserts (Links to an external site.)

Dollar General Isn’t Doing Enough to Bring Food to Low-Income Americans (Links to an external site.)

Dollar General Tries to Make Healthy Food More Accessible (Links to an external site.)

“How Amazon took Seattle’s soul” (Links to an external site.)

“Microsoft cannot fix Seattle’s housing crisis” (Links to an external site.)

“Firms learn that as they help charities”

How super rich companies harm us all — and try to cover it up | Anand Giridharadas (Links to an external site.)

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