Once Upon A Quinceañera ” by Julia Alvarez 2pages ztn

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2020/9/22 Mc-H Chapter 6 Assignment

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Mc-H Chapter 6 Assignment

Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 5 Submitting a file upload
Available Sep 22 at 12am – Sep 25 at 11:59pm 4 days

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Your next timed, informal writing assignment will be from Chapter 6 from our textbook The Brief
McGraw-Hill Reader. You will be asked to write a 1-page summary and a 1-page analysis on a
selected essay from the list below. This is due by Friday at 11:59pm.

“An American Childhood” by Annie Dillard (214-19)

“Once Upon A Quinceañera ” by Julia Alvarez (223-26)

“Our Mutual Joy: The Religious Case for Gay Marriage'” by Lisa Miller (228-34)

Under Canvas Announcements by noon Tuesday, I will reveal who will be assigned any ONE of the
three essays from Chapter 6 in The Brief McGraw-Hill Reader. They will be randomly selected and
divided up into groups of 6-8 students. I will also notify the class via Zoom during our upcoming
meeting. Reminder that all our Zoom meetings will be recorded in case you cannot attend live.

Please send all writing assignments to Canvas–only if you are having problems with using Canvas
will I permit you to send this assignment to my school email address.

Please write both the summary and the analysis on the same document, and turn everything in at the
same time. The writing on this assigned essay should not take any longer than 30-45 minutes to
complete. I will trust that you will be honorable in your writing and inquisitive in your independent
learning for this class. Imagine that this is a timed examination and that your grade depended on it.

I also urge you to read all of the assigned essays simply for the pleasure and the acquisition of
knowledge. Remember that one of my goals in this class is for you to improve yourself as far as
writing, reading, and being a better human being. The more you read for yourself, the more you will
begin to think for yourself–and that will get you closer to achieving the ultimate goal for this class.

Finally, you will notice that many of the essays will have questions afterwards–you are not required to
answer any of those questions. You are simply required to:

read the essay.
write a full-page summary on what the essay is about.
write a full-page analysis going deeper into what the essay is about.
turn it in to Canvas Assignments on time.



2020/9/22 Mc-H Chapter 6 Assignment

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Total Points: 5.0

McGraw Hill Summary/Analysis

Criteria Ratings Pts

5.0 pts

of criterion

1 page
and 1 page

5.0 pts
Full Marks

Fully understood the assigned
essay. Wrote clearly and
effectively. Achieved 1 page
limits for both the summary and
analysis. Thought-provoking and
went beyond the basics and the
limitations of the assignment. On

3.0 pts
Partial Marks

Partially understood the assigned
essay. Could have been a lot clearer
and effective. Did not achieve 1
page limits for both the summary
and analysis. Wrote more by rote
and did not go beyond the basics
and the limitations of the
assignment. Late.

0.0 pts
No Marks

turned in.

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Pages (275 words)
Standard price: $0.00
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