Observation Needed

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RES/724 v6

Observation Guide

RES/724 v6

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Observation Guide
Observation 1

Find a convenient place to sit where you are unobtrusive and can see all the activity. For the first 15 minutes of the observation, silently observe the activity. For the remaining 45 minutes of the observation document the following:

Day and Date

Specific Location

Start Time

Stop Time

Observation Setting

1. Notate the characteristics (demographics) of the individuals in your observation setting. Examples: # of men and women, age ranges, ethnicities, other.

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2. Provide a detailed description of the setting. Highlight areas such as space, organization of the space, temperature, furnishings, sensory experiences, odors, colors, and so forth. Include a picture (if possible) or diagram of the setting.

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Field Notes

Use the area below to record the actions, interactions, or relevant factors that take place during the observation period as well as your personal comments.

Note the following guidelines for this section:

· Record your observations and comments as jottings (i.e., brief notes written in shorthand). As a reminder, you will transcribe your field notes into a full written narrative as part of your write up.

· Document any relevant or noteworthy quotes.

· Notate the time of the activities that take place during the observation period. For example:

· 9:00 am – Introduction of participants

· 9:08 am – Agenda read

· 9:10 am – Additions to the agenda were approved

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Write Up and Reflection

1. Prepare a 350- to 500-word write-up of your field notes from Observation 1 by expanding your jottings into a detailed narrative passage.

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2. Provide a substantive reflective response to each of the following questions:

a. How would you characterize the interaction dynamics between individuals?

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b. How would you do an observation differently if you were going to use this method?

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c. How is this approach helpful within qualitative research?

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Observation 2
Find a convenient place to sit where you are unobtrusive and can see all the activity. For the first 15 minutes of the observation, silently observe the activity. For the remaining 45 minutes of the observation document the following:

Day and Date

Specific Location

Start Time

Stop Time

Observation Setting
1. Notate the characteristics (demographics) of the individuals in your observation setting. Examples: # of men and women, age ranges, ethnicities, other.
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2. Provide a detailed description of the setting. Highlight areas such as space, organization of the space, temperature, furnishings, sensory experiences, odors, colors, and so forth. Include a picture (if possible) or diagram of the setting.
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Observation Actions
Use the area below to record the actions, interactions, or relevant factors that take place during the observation period as well as your personal comments.

Note the following guidelines for this section:

· Record your observations and comments as jottings (i.e., brief notes written in shorthand). As a reminder, you will transcribe your field notes into a full written narrative as part of your write up.
· Document any relevant or noteworthy quotes.
· Notate the time of the activities that take place during the observation period. For example:
· 9:00 am – Introduction of participants
· 9:08 am – Agenda read
· 9:10 am – Additions to the agenda were approved
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Write Up and Reflection

1. Prepare a 350- to 500-word write-up of your field notes from Observation 2 by expanding your jottings into a detailed narrative passage.

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2. Provide a substantive reflective response to each of the following questions:
a. How would you characterize the interaction dynamics between individuals?
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b. How would you do an observation differently if you were going to use this method?
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c. How is this approach helpful within qualitative research?
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