Nutrition 228


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Introduction includes the:

· Purpose of the presentation

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· Age group

· Cultural focus

Current Menu Analysis

Analyze menus based on the following criteria & Provide rationales for your analysis.


· Healthy/unhealthy menu selections

· Appropriate for nutritional requirements of age group

· Influence of cultural and regional food practices


· Does the menu selected provide adequate amounts of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals?

· Over the course of a Lunch menu (Group Cronometer Report), are individuals provided with a balanced diet?

· Does this diet allow for differences in dietary patterns related to the culture or age group selected?

Create Sample Menu

Create a replacement menu providing healthier choices for each menu analyzed including the following:

· Age considerations

· Potential health concerns

· Cultural influences

· Regional patterns

· Nutritional components of your food choices

· Include two references that support your choices on the slides.







Nutrition Assessment Part One: Cronometer & Summary Report

Mayra Maldonado, Blaire Spula, Candice Schramm, Ridaul Hanafi

Chamberlain University: College of Nursing

NR 228: Nutrition Health & Wellness

January 2021

Cronometer Summary of Nutrient Report and Food Intake Day 1

Excess Nutrients

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (122%)

Vegetable Soup

Deficit Nutrients

Energy, Water, Fiber, Net Carbs, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B8, Vitamin B12, Folate, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Fat, Omega – 3, Omega – 6, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Selenium, Protein

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup

, White Bread Slice, Iced Tea

Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soup


Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soup

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup, Iced Tea

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup, Iced Tea

Vegetable Soup

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup, White Bread Slice

Energy (25%)

Baked Whitefish,

Vegetable Soup, White Bread Slice

, Iced Tea

Water (21%)

Fiber (28%)

Vegetable Soup, White Bread Slice

Net Carbs (29%)

Iced Tea, Vegetable Soup

Vitamin B1 (26%)

Vitamin B2 (12%)

Vitamin B3 (10%)

Vitamin B5 (14%)

Vitamin B8 (21%)

Vitamin B12 (0%)


Folate (14%)

Vitamin D (0%)

Vitamin E (6%)

Fat (14%)

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup

Omega – 3 (19%)

Vegetable Soup, Iced Tea

Omega – 6 (6%)

Calcium (44%)

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup, White Bread Slice

Copper (28%)

Baked Whitefish, Vegetable Soup, Iced Tea

Magnesium (41%)

Manganese (47%)

Potassium (28%)

Selenium (3%)

Protein (27%)

Cronometer Summary of Nutrient Report and Food Intake Day 2

Excess Nutrients

Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Iron, Manganese, Sodium

Peas, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, White Bread Slice, Salted Butter, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Fiber (104%)

Peas, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, White Bread Slice

Vitamin A (756%)

Peas, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Salted Butter, Chocolate Brownie

Vitamin K (125%)

Peas, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Salted Butter, Chocolate Brownie

Iron (123%)

Peas, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, White Bread Slice, Salted Butter

, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Manganese (120%)

Peas, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Sodium (159%)

Deficit Nutrients

Water, Omega – 3, Omega – 6, Protein, B5, B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc

Peas, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter

, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Peas, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Peas, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, White Bread Slice, Salted Butter

Peas, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Peas, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Water (34%)


Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Omega – 3 (45%)

Omega – 6 (33%)

Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter, Unsweetened Iced Tea

Protein (49%)

Peas, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, White Bread Slice, Salted Butter

B5 (44%)

B12 (15%)

Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter

Vitamin D (3%)

Roasted Turkey, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter

Vitamin E (13%)

Peas, Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Brownie, Salted Butter

Calcium (19%)

Magnesium (47%)

Zinc (48%)

Cronometer Summary of Nutrient Report and Food Intake Day 3

Excess Nutrients

B12, Copper, Vitamin A, Vitamin C

B12 (122%)

Meatloaf, Yogurt, Mashed Potatoes

Copper (131%)

V8 Vegetables Juice, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Meatloaf, Yogurt, Water

Vitamin A (292%)

Peas, V8 Vegetable Juice, Yogurt, Mashed Potatoes, Meatloaf

Vitamin C (140%)

V8 Vegetable Juice, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Meatloaf

Deficit Nutrients

Water, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Fat, Omega – 3, Omega – 6, Protein

Water (32%)

V8 Vegetable Juice, Yogurt, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Meatloaf, Water

Vitamin D (22%)

Yogurt, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes

Vitamin E (10%)

Mashed Potatoes, Meatloaf, V8 Vegetable Juice, peas, Yogurt

Calcium (35%)

Yogurt, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, V8 Vegetable Juice, Water

Magnesium (48%)

Peas, Mashed Potatoes, V8 Vegetable Juice, Yogurt, Meatloaf Water

Selenium (49%)

Meatloaf, Yogurt, Peas, V8 Vegetable Juice, Mashed Potatoes

Fat (46%)

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Yogurt, V8 Vegetable Juice

Omega – 3 (40%)

Mashed Potatoes, Meatloaf, Peas, Yogurt, V8 Vegetable Juice

Omega – 6 (24%)

Mashed Potatoes, Meatloaf, V8 Vegetable Juice, Yogurt

Protein (47%)

Meatloaf, Peas, Yogurt, Mashed Potatoes, V8 Vegetable Juice

Cronometer Summary of Nutrient Report and Food Intake Day 4

Excess Nutrients

Vitamin B2, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Copper, Sodium

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) (123%)

Cheese Ravioli, Greek Yogurt, Mushrooms

, Low Sodium V8, Chocolate Pudding, Cabbage Soup, Green Peas, Marinara Sauce, Green Beans

Vitamin A (253%)

Low Sodium V8, Green Peas, Cabbage Soup, Marinara Sauce, Cheese Ravioli, Greek Yogurt, Green Beans, Chocolate Pudding

Vitamin C (129%)

Low Sodium V8, Cabbage Soup, Green Peas, Green Beans, Mushrooms, Marinara Sauce, Chocolate Pudding, Greek Yogurt, Cheese Ravioli

Vitamin K (105%)

Cabbage Soup, Green Beans, Green Peas, Low Sodium V8, Marinara Sauce, Greek Yogurt, Cheese Ravioli, Chocolate Pudding

Copper (139%)

Low Sodium V8, Mushrooms, Chocolate Pudding, Cabbage Soup, Cheese Ravioli, Marinara Sauce, Green Pease, Greek Yogurt, Green Beans

Sodium (145%)

Cheese Ravioli, Cabbage Soup, Marinara Sauce, Chocolate Pudding, Low Sodium V8, Greek Yogurt, Green Peas, Mushrooms, Green Beans

Deficit Nutrients

Water, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Omega – 3, Omega – 6, Magnesium, Protein

Magnesium (47%)

Cheese Ravioli, Cabbage Soup, Marinara Sauce, Chocolate Pudding, Low Sodium V8, Greek Yogurt, Green Peas, Mushrooms, Green Beans

Water (33%)

Low Sodium V8, Cabbage Soup, Greek Yogurt, Cheese Ravioli, Marinara Sauce, Chocolate Pudding, Green Beans, Mushrooms, Green Peas

Vitamin D (6%)

Cheese Ravioli, Greek Yogurt, Mushrooms

Vitamin E (23%)

Marinara Sauce, Cheese Ravioli, Chocolate Pudding, Cabbage Soup, Greek Yogurt, Low Sodium V8, Green Beans, Green Peas, Mushrooms

Omega – 3 (39%)

Greek Yogurt, Cabbage Soup, Marinara Sauce, Cheese Ravioli, Green Beans, Green Peas, Low Sodium V8, Chocolate Pudding, Mushrooms

Omega – 6 (18%)

Cheese Ravioli, Cabbage Soup, Marinara Sauce, Greek Yogurt, Mushrooms, Chocolate Pudding, Low Sodium V8

Low Sodium V8, Greek Yogurt, Cheese Ravioli, Cabbage Soup, Chocolate Pudding, Marinara Sauce, Green Peas, Green Beans, Mushrooms

Protein (36%)

Group Summary

Based on a kosher lunch menu, our group chose 4 lunch meals that a 60 year – old female, weighing 125 lbs, at 5’2” height consumed. The results of the cronometer show that vitamin A is the excess nutrient in the meals. Vitamin A helps the body enhance vision, immune growth, and reproductive health (Arnarson, 2017). However, an excess of vitamin A in the diet leads to a condition called hypervitaminosis, characterized by a change in vision and bone pain (Pietrangelo, 2018). Thus, it is necessary to maintain the nutrient at the recommended levels.

Obtained from the cronometer results, the nutrients that are deficient include energy, water, fiber, net carbs, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin D, vitamin E, fat, omega – 3, omega – 6, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and selenium. A nutritional deficiency occurs when the body cannot absorb the required amount of essential nutrients, leading to health complications (Olsen, 2019). Energy maintains a normal metabolism and enhances the growth of the body cells. Water is a critical component in the body, and it makes up 70% of blood. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body, while fiber is a critical element in the digestion process. Vitamins are essential to reduce susceptibility to diseases and enhance body processes like vision, nerve coordination and bone development. Fat helps in the building of tissues; both omega – 3 and omega – 6 are necessary for promoting mental health and the immune system. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium and selenium help the body to develop strong bones, and are critical for blood components, and in maintaining normal body metabolism processes. With this, it is essential to maintain them at optimum levels for the benefit of the body.


The 60 year – old female has more of a deficient in essential nutrients than excess. Maintaining optimum levels of vitamin A in our patients diet is vital to prevent the condition, hypervitaminosis. Additionally, she needs to consider increasing her levels of energy, water, vitamins, fat, and minerals. Considering that her body is beyond the active age, energy is essential to keep her metabolism regular. Vitamins are also important to prevent chronic disease development, as well as, overall supplementation. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and manganese play a key role in ensuring that our patients bones remain strong, despite her age. Therefore, it is crucial to have a well – planned and balanced diet that incorporates all essential nutrients and minerals at optimal levels to enhance her quality of life. Furthermore, it is important to understand that not every patient is traditional in following a Kosher diet. With keeping that in mind, it is important to note that some of our meals include meat and dairy products together based on the understanding that all patients may not strictly adhere to their traditional religious practice.


Arnarson, A. (2017). 20 foods that are high in vitamin A. Retrieved from

Olsen, N. (2019). Nutritional deficiencies (Malnutrition): Symptoms and treatment.

Retrieved from

Pietrangelo, A. (2018). Hypervitaminosis a: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis.

Retrieved from,their%20intake%20of%20vitamin%20A

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