
An older adult couple recently sold their home and relocated to a continuing care retirement community (CCRC). The husband, who is 77 years old, was a history professor who retired from the university 2 years ago. His wife, who is 75 years old, was a nursery school teacher who became a stay-at-home mom when their first child was born then worked as a part-time substitute teacher.

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They have 3 children and 10 grandchildren. The husband, a decorated veteran from the Korean War, has always had a dream of writing a book about the Korean War. He was an attentive father to his children and was actively involved in family activities, but he did not have many friends. He has always been an avid reader. His wife has always been a very social person. She was very active in the parent–teacher association and in local church and civic groups. She has a wide circle of friends.

Since their move to the CCRC, she has become very involved in the many activities in the community. She attends a daily aerobics class, plays bridge weekly, and is a consistent member of the knitting circle and book club. She has made friends with her next-door neighbor.

Her husband is reluctant to get involved in activities and has not made any close friends in the community. He was very anxious until his computer was installed. He gets up daily and after breakfast and a short walk retires to his study and works on his computer, preparing the manuscript for his book or reading. Their daughter expresses concern that her father is not acclimating to the community.

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1. Using the continuity theory, evaluate the couple’s acclimation to their new community.



2. Using the continuity theory, what recommendations would you make for the couple in order to maximize healthy aging?

3. Using the activity theory, evaluate the couple’s acclimation to their new community.


4. Using the activity theory, what recommendations would you make for the couple in order to maximize healthy aging?

5. Applying the continuity theory and the activity theory, evaluate an older adult and describe whether or not he or she has aged successfully.


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