NU500-8B discussion

 Unit 2 Discussion 

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Concept Analysis

It is anticipated that the initial discussion response should be in the range of 250-300 words and a minimum of 2 scholarly ressources.

Please complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:

  • Go to the library nursing database CINAHL and search for a “Concept Analysis” article on a concept of interest and discuss the following:

    Briefly, describe the method of Concept Analysis used for this article (ex. Walker and Avant, Rodgers, Meleis, etc.)
    Discuss the author’s aim and purpose for doing the concept analysis on this topic.
    Describe the defining attributes of the concept examined.

  • What are the benefits of completing a Concept Analysis for nursing theory development, research, and nursing practice?  How can defining nursing concepts strengthen nursing as a profession?
  • Attach the Concept Analysis article to your initial discussion post.

NU500 Unit 2 Discussion 1 – Concept Analysis Rubric

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Initial post addresses all of the required prompt elements in the discussion and demonstrates an exemplary understanding of course content and topic.

11 pts

Initial post addresses all of the required prompt elements in the discussion and demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of course content and topic.

10 pts

Initial post is missing one important prompt element and/or demonstrates a basic understanding of course content and topic.

9 pts

Initial post is missing more than one important prompt element and/or demonstrates a limited understanding of course content and topic.

8 pts

Initial post does not address discussion prompt elements, and/or does not demonstrate understanding of course content and topic and/or initial post is poorly paraphrased even if accompanied by in-text citations.

0 pts

Initial post was not submitted and/or not submitted on time and/or initial post demonstrates copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

12 pts

12 pts

12 pts

Posts in this discussion are well written and well organized demonstrating exemplary scholarly writing. Mechanics (spelling and punctuation) and grammar are excellent.

1.8 pts

Posts in this discussion are well written and well organized demonstrating comprehensive scholarly writing and/or have 1-2 errors in mechanics and/or grammar.

1.7 pts

Posts in this discussion are basic examples of scholarly writing and/or have 3 errors in mechanics and/or grammar.

1.5 pts

Posts in this discussion are not clear and/or lack organization and/or have 4 or more errors in mechanics and/or grammar.

1.3 pts

Posts in this discussion lack evidence of clear, organized scholarly writing. Errors interfere with reading and/or understanding of content.

0 pts

Posts were not submitted and/or one or more posts demonstrate copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

2 pts

2 pts

NU500 Unit 2 Discussion 1 – Concept Analysis Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

NU500-CO1; NU500-CO2; NU500-CO3; NU500-CO4; NU500-CO5; NU500-CO6;



2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

NU500-CO1; NU500-CO2; NU500-CO3; NU500-CO4; NU500-CO5; NU500-CO6; PRICE-I

12 pts

The analysis of the topic includes breadth and depth, is aligned to the unit topic, relates to the course content and personal analysis is supported by exemplary references and examples.

11 pts

The analysis of the topic is justified, and aligned to the unit topic, and personal analysis is supported by comprehensive references and/or examples.

10 pts

There is a basic analysis of the topic and personal analysis is supported by basic references and/or examples.

9 pts

There is minimal evidence of analysis of the topic and/or personal analysis is supported by limited references and/or examples.

8 pts

There is no evidence of analysis of the topic and/or personal analysis is not supported by references and/or examples.

0 pts

Initial post was not submitted and/or not submitted on time and/or analysis had no relationship to the topic and/or initial post demonstrates copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCollaboration


12 pts

Collaborates with fellow learners at an exemplary level relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the conversation with substantive content.

11 pts

Collaborates with fellow learners at a comprehensive level relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the conversation with substantive content.

10 pts

Collaborates with fellow learners at a basic level relating the discussion to some course concepts and extending the conversation with basic content and/or postings are not submitted on a minimum of 3 separate days.

9 pts

Limited collaboration with fellow learners and makes little connection to course content and/or does not extend the conversation.

8 pts

Collaborates with fellow learners but only one response post was submitted and/or response post(s) are poorly paraphrased even if accompanied by in-text citations.

0 pts

No response posts were submitted and/or not submitted on time and/or there is no relationship between the response posts and the discussion prompts and/or one or more response posts demonstrate copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA


2 pts

Posts in this discussion demonstrate in-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style and formatting.

1.8 pts

Posts in this discussion demonstrate in-text citations of sources and references but have 1-2 minor APA errors.

1.7 pts

Posts in this discussion demonstrate in-text citations of sources and references but have 3-4 APA errors.

1.5 pts

Posts in this discussion demonstrate in-text citations of sources and references but have 5-6 APA errors.

1.3 pts

Posts in this discussion do not provide sufficient in-text citations and/or references and/or have 7 or more APA errors.

0 pts

Posts were not submitted and/or one or more posts demonstrate copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

Total Points: 4

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