NSG 6435 Pediatric week 4 Discussion 1


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NSG 6435 Week 1 knowledge check 5

(Solved) Week 1 knowledge check  100%  correct answers

Question 1 (1 point)

What should a cultural assessment of the family and child include?

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An assessment of a patient’s dominant culture including the accompanying health beliefs, and beliefs about birth, illness, and deaths.

An assessment of potential biologic variations that occur in people of a particular


An assessment of whether the child and family have sought care from a traditional healer, and advise them to avoid such healers

Question 2 (1 point)

What is an example of a question regarding internal structure of the family?

Has anyone recently moved in or out? If so, how has this move affected the family?

Do both parents of the family live at home? If not, where do they live?

How often do the children have contact with the parent or parents who do not live at home?

How often is there contact with the extended family (e.g. aunts, uncles)?

Question 3 (1 point)

“Culture is a social construction of the relationships within and among groups of human beings. . .” Which of the following is not a  part of the products of culture?





none of the above

Question 4 (1 point)

Exposure to which of the following during childhood can be associated with increased aggressive behavior, emotional problems such as depression and anxiety, and poorer school performance?


second-hand smoke

domestic violence



Question 5 (1 point)

Which of the following delineates the role of the APN in Health Care most accurately?

code all of the primary and differential diagnoses

order labs and diagnostics for every patient

provide continuity of care for underserved populations at greater risk for ambulatory care

make sure that every chart has a growth chart

Whatever the doctor tells her/him to do

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